Module FormalML.ProbTheory.RbarExpectation

Require Import Reals.

Require Import Lra Lia.
Require Import List Permutation.
Require Import Morphisms EquivDec Program.
Require Import Coquelicot.Coquelicot.
Require Import Classical_Prop.
Require Import Classical.
Require Import RealRandomVariable.

Require Import Utils.
Require Export SimpleExpectation Expectation.
Require Import Almost.
Import ListNotations.

Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".

Local Open Scope R.

Require Import RandomVariableFinite.

Section RbarExpectation.
    {dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts}
    {Prts: ProbSpace dom}.

  Local Open Scope prob.

  Definition Rbar_NonnegExpectation
             (rv_X : Ts -> Rbar)
             {pofrf:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X} : Rbar :=
           (rvx2: Ts -> R)
           (rv2 : RandomVariable dom borel_sa rvx2)
           (frf2: FiniteRangeFunction rvx2) =>
           NonnegativeFunction rvx2 /\
           (Rbar_rv_le rvx2 rv_X))).

  Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext
        {rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar}
        (nnf1:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X1)
        (nnf2:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X2):
    rv_eq rv_X1 rv_X2 ->
    Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X1 = Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X2.
    intros eqq.
    unfold Rbar_NonnegExpectation, SimpleExpectationSup.
    apply Lub_Rbar_eqset; intros x.
    split; intros [y [ yrv [yfrf [??]]]].
    - exists y; exists yrv; exists yfrf.
      rewrite <- eqq.
    - exists y; exists yrv; exists yfrf.
      rewrite eqq.

  Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pf_irrel
        {rv_X: Ts -> R}
        (nnf1 nnf2:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X) :
    Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X (pofrf:=nnf1) = Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X (pofrf:=nnf2).
    apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext.

  Definition Rbar_pos_fun_part (f : Ts -> Rbar) : (Ts -> Rbar) :=
    fun x => Rbar_max (f x) 0.
  Definition Rbar_neg_fun_part (f : Ts -> Rbar) : (Ts -> Rbar) :=
    fun x => Rbar_max (Rbar_opp (f x)) 0.

  Program Definition Rbar_neg_fun_part_alt (f : Ts -> Rbar) : (Ts -> Rbar) :=
    Rbar_pos_fun_part (fun x => Rbar_opp (f x)).

  Lemma Rbar_neg_fun_part_alt_rveq (f : Ts -> Rbar) :
    rv_eq (Rbar_neg_fun_part f) (Rbar_neg_fun_part_alt f).

  Instance Rbar_opp_measurable (f : Ts -> Rbar) :
    RbarMeasurable f ->
    RbarMeasurable (fun x => Rbar_opp (f x)).
    unfold RbarMeasurable; intros.
    assert (pre_event_equiv
              (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_le (Rbar_opp (f omega)) r)
              (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_ge (f omega) (Rbar_opp r))).
      intro x.
      unfold Rbar_ge.
      rewrite <- Rbar_opp_le.
      now rewrite Rbar_opp_involutive.
    rewrite H0.
    now apply Rbar_sa_le_ge.

  Global Instance Rbar_pos_fun_part_measurable (f : Ts -> Rbar) :
    RbarMeasurable f ->
    RbarMeasurable (Rbar_pos_fun_part f).
    unfold RbarMeasurable, Rbar_pos_fun_part; intros.
    assert (pre_event_equiv
              (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_le (Rbar_max (f omega) 0) r)
                    (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_ge (f omega) 0 )
                    (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_le (f omega) r))
                    (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_le (f omega) 0)
                    (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_le 0 r)))).
      intro x.
      unfold pre_event_union, pre_event_inter.
      unfold Rbar_max.
      - split; intros.
        + tauto.
        + destruct H0.
          * destruct H0.
            unfold Rbar_ge in H0.
            generalize (Rbar_le_antisym _ _ r0 H0); intros.
            now rewrite H2 in H1.
          * tauto.
      - split; intros.
        + apply Rbar_not_le_lt in n.
          assert (Rbar_ge (f x) 0) by now apply Rbar_lt_le.
        + destruct H0.
          * tauto.
          * destruct H0.
            eapply Rbar_le_trans.
            apply H0.
            apply H1.
    rewrite H0.
    apply sa_union.
    - apply sa_inter; trivial.
      now apply Rbar_sa_le_ge.
    - apply sa_inter; trivial.
      destruct (Rbar_le_dec 0 r).
      + assert (pre_event_equiv
                  (fun _ : Ts => Rbar_le 0 r)
                  (fun _ => True)) by easy.
        rewrite H1.
        apply sa_all.
      + assert (pre_event_equiv
                  (fun _ : Ts => Rbar_le 0 r)
                  (fun _ => False)) by easy.
        rewrite H1.
        apply sa_none.

  Instance Rbar_neg_fun_part_measurable (f : Ts -> Rbar) :
      RbarMeasurable f ->
      RbarMeasurable (Rbar_neg_fun_part f).
      unfold RbarMeasurable; intros.
      assert (pre_event_equiv
                (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_le (Rbar_neg_fun_part f omega) r)
                (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_le (Rbar_pos_fun_part
                                              (fun x => Rbar_opp (f x)) omega) r)).
        intro x.
        now rewrite Rbar_neg_fun_part_alt_rveq.
      rewrite H0.
      apply Rbar_pos_fun_part_measurable.
      now apply Rbar_opp_measurable.

  Global Instance Rbar_pos_fun_part_rv (f : Ts -> Rbar)
         (rv : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa f) :
    RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Rbar_pos_fun_part f).
    apply Rbar_measurable_rv.
    apply rv_Rbar_measurable in rv.
    typeclasses eauto.

  Global Instance Rbar_neg_fun_part_rv (f : Ts -> Rbar)
         (rv : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa f) :
    RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Rbar_neg_fun_part f).
    apply Rbar_measurable_rv.
    apply rv_Rbar_measurable in rv.
    typeclasses eauto.

  Global Instance Rbar_pos_fun_pos (f : Ts -> Rbar) :
    Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Rbar_pos_fun_part f).
    unfold Rbar_NonnegativeFunction, Rbar_pos_fun_part, Rbar_max.
    - simpl; lra.
    - destruct (f x).
      + simpl in *; lra.
      + now simpl.
      + now simpl in n.

  Global Instance Rbar_neg_fun_pos (f : Ts -> Rbar) :
    Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Rbar_neg_fun_part f).
    unfold Rbar_NonnegativeFunction, Rbar_neg_fun_part, Rbar_max.
    - simpl; lra.
    - destruct (f x).
      + simpl in *; lra.
      + now simpl in n.
      + now simpl.

  Definition Rbar_Expectation (rv_X : Ts -> Rbar) : option Rbar :=
    Rbar_minus' (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X))
                (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X)).

  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_ext {rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar} :
    rv_eq rv_X1 rv_X2 ->
    Rbar_Expectation rv_X1 = Rbar_Expectation rv_X2.
    intros eqq.
    unfold Rbar_Expectation.
    - apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext.
      intros x; simpl.
      unfold Rbar_pos_fun_part.
      now rewrite eqq.
    - f_equal.
      apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext.
      intros x; simpl.
      unfold Rbar_neg_fun_part.
      now rewrite eqq.

  Global Instance Rbar_Expectation_proper : Proper (rv_eq ==> eq) Rbar_Expectation.
    intros ???.
    now apply Rbar_Expectation_ext.

  Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le
        (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
        {nnf1 : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X1}
        {nnf2 : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X2} :
    Rbar_rv_le rv_X1 rv_X2 ->
    Rbar_le (Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X1) (Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X2).
    unfold Rbar_NonnegExpectation, SimpleExpectationSup.
    unfold Lub_Rbar.
    repeat match goal with
             [|- context [proj1_sig ?x]] => destruct x; simpl
    refine (is_lub_Rbar_subset _ _ _ _ _ i0 i); intros.
    destruct H0 as [rvx [? [? [? ?]]]].
    exists rvx; exists x2; exists x3.
    split; trivial.
    destruct H0.
    split; trivial.
    intros ?.
    specialize (H a); specialize (H2 a).
    now apply Rbar_le_trans with (y := rv_X1 a).

  Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_const (c : R) (nnc : 0 <= c) :
    (@Rbar_NonnegExpectation (const c) (nnfconst _ nnc)) = c.
    unfold Rbar_NonnegExpectation, SimpleExpectationSup.
    unfold Lub_Rbar.
    repeat match goal with
             [|- context [proj1_sig ?x]] => destruct x; simpl
    simpl in *.
    unfold is_lub_Rbar in i.
    unfold is_ub_Rbar in i.
    destruct i.
    specialize (H c).
    specialize (H0 c).
    cut_to H.
    cut_to H0.
    - apply Rbar_le_antisym; trivial.
    - intros.
      destruct H1 as [? [? [? [? ?]]]].
      destruct H1.
      generalize (SimpleExpectation_le x1 (const c) H3); intros.
      rewrite H2 in H4.
      rewrite SimpleExpectation_const in H4.
      now simpl.
    - exists (const c).
      exists (rvconst _ _ c).
      exists (frfconst c).
      split; trivial; [| apply SimpleExpectation_const].
      split; [ apply (nnfconst c nnc) |].
      unfold rv_le, const; intros ?.

  Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_const0 :
    (@Rbar_NonnegExpectation (const 0) (nnfconst _ z_le_z)) = 0.
    apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_const.

  Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos
        (rv_X : Ts -> Rbar)
        {nnf : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X} :
    Rbar_le 0 (Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X).
    rewrite <- Rbar_NonnegExpectation_const0.
    apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le; trivial.

  Lemma is_finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le
        (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
        {nnf1 : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X1}
        {nnf2 : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X2} :
    Rbar_rv_le rv_X1 rv_X2 ->
    is_finite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X2) ->
    is_finite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X1).
    eapply bounded_is_finite with (b := (Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X2)).
    apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos.
    rewrite H0.
    now apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le.

  Lemma NNExpectation_Rbar_NNExpectation
        (rv_X : Ts -> R)
        (xpos : NonnegativeFunction rv_X) :
    NonnegExpectation rv_X = Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X.
    unfold NonnegExpectation, Rbar_NonnegExpectation.
    unfold SimpleExpectationSup, Lub_Rbar.
    repeat match goal with
             [|- context [proj1_sig ?x]] => destruct x; simpl
    destruct i; destruct i0.
    apply Rbar_le_antisym.
    - apply H0, H1.
    - apply H2, H.
  Lemma NNExpectation_Rbar_NNExpectation'
        (rv_X : Ts -> R)
        (xpos : NonnegativeFunction rv_X)
        (xpos' : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X) :
    NonnegExpectation rv_X = Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X.
    unfold NonnegExpectation, Rbar_NonnegExpectation.
    unfold SimpleExpectationSup, Lub_Rbar.
    repeat match goal with
             [|- context [proj1_sig ?x]] => destruct x; simpl
    destruct i; destruct i0.
    apply Rbar_le_antisym.
    - apply H0, H1.
    - apply H2, H.
  Lemma simple_Rbar_NonnegExpectation (rv_X : Ts -> R)
        {rv : RandomVariable dom borel_sa rv_X}
        {rv' : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X}
        {nnf : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X}
        {frf : FiniteRangeFunction rv_X} :
    Finite (SimpleExpectation rv_X) = Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X.
    rewrite <- (NNExpectation_Rbar_NNExpectation') with (xpos:=nnf).
    now erewrite <- simple_NonnegExpectation.
  Lemma Rbar_pos_fun_pos_fun (rv_X : Ts -> R) :
    rv_eq (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X) (pos_fun_part rv_X).
    intro x.
    unfold Rbar_pos_fun_part, pos_fun_part.
    unfold Rbar_max; simpl.
    unfold Rmax.
    repeat match_destr; simpl in *; lra.
  Lemma Rbar_neg_fun_neg_fun (rv_X : Ts -> R) :
    rv_eq (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X) (neg_fun_part rv_X).
    intro x.
    unfold Rbar_neg_fun_part, neg_fun_part.
    unfold Rbar_max; simpl.
    unfold Rmax.
    repeat match_destr; simpl in *; lra.

  Lemma Expectation_Rbar_Expectation
        (rv_X : Ts -> R) :
    Expectation rv_X = Rbar_Expectation rv_X.
    unfold Expectation, Rbar_Expectation.
    - rewrite NNExpectation_Rbar_NNExpectation.
      apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext.
      intro x.
      now rewrite Rbar_pos_fun_pos_fun.
    - rewrite NNExpectation_Rbar_NNExpectation.
      apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext.
      intro x.
      now rewrite Rbar_neg_fun_neg_fun.

    Lemma Expectation_rvlim_ge
        (Xn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar)
        (Xn_pos : forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Xn n)) :
      (forall (n:nat), Rbar_rv_le (Xn n) (Xn (S n))) ->
      forall n, Rbar_le (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Xn n)) (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_rvlim Xn)).
    unfold Rbar_NonnegExpectation.
    unfold SimpleExpectationSup, Lub_Rbar.
    repeat match goal with
             [|- context [proj1_sig ?x]] => destruct x; simpl
    refine (is_lub_Rbar_subset _ _ _ _ _ i0 i); intros.
    destruct H0 as [rvx [? [? [? ?]]]].
    exists rvx; exists x2; exists x3.
    split; trivial.
    destruct H0.
    split; trivial.
    intros ?.
    specialize (H2 a).
    simpl in H2.
    apply Rbar_le_trans with (y := (Xn n a)); trivial.
    apply Rbar_rvlim_pos_ge; trivial.

  Lemma sigma_f_Rbar_ge_g (f g : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rvf:RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa f}
        {rvg:RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa g} :
    sa_sigma (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_ge (f omega) (g omega)).
    assert (pre_event_equiv (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_ge (f omega) (g omega))
                            (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_le ((Rbar_rvminus g f) omega) 0)).
      intros ?.
      unfold Rbar_rvminus, Rbar_rvplus, Rbar_rvopp.
      destruct (f x); destruct (g x); simpl; try tauto; try lra.
    rewrite H.
    now apply Rbar_minus_measurable; apply rv_Rbar_measurable.

  Lemma ELim_seq_NonnegExpectation_pos
        (rvxn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar)
        (posvn: forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (rvxn n)) :
    Rbar_le 0 (ELim_seq (fun n : nat => Rbar_NonnegExpectation (rvxn n))).
    replace (Finite 0) with (ELim_seq (fun _ => 0)) by apply ELim_seq_const.
    apply ELim_seq_le_loc.
    apply filter_forall; intros n.
    apply (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos (rvxn n)); intros.

  Lemma ELim_seq_Expectation_m_infty
        (rvxn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar)
        (posvn: forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (rvxn n)) :
    ELim_seq (fun n : nat => Rbar_NonnegExpectation (rvxn n)) = m_infty -> False.
    generalize (ELim_seq_NonnegExpectation_pos rvxn posvn); intros.
    rewrite H0 in H.
    now simpl in H.

  Lemma Rbar_abs_left1 (a : Rbar) : Rbar_le a 0 -> Rbar_abs a = Rbar_opp a.
    unfold Rbar_abs.
    destruct a; simpl; try tauto; intros.
    rewrite Rabs_left1; trivial.

  Lemma monotone_convergence_Ec2_Rbar_rvlim
        (Xn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar)
        (cphi : Ts -> R)

        (Xn_rv : forall n, RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Xn n))
        (sphi : FiniteRangeFunction cphi)
        (phi_rv : RandomVariable dom borel_sa cphi)

        (posphi: NonnegativeFunction cphi)
        (Xn_pos : forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Xn n))
      (forall (n:nat), Rbar_rv_le (Xn n) (Xn (S n))) ->
      (forall (omega:Ts), cphi omega = 0 \/ Rbar_lt (cphi omega) ((Rbar_rvlim Xn) omega)) ->
      (forall (n:nat), sa_sigma (fun (omega:Ts) => Rbar_ge (Xn n omega) (cphi omega))) /\
      pre_event_equiv (pre_union_of_collection (fun n => fun (omega:Ts) => (Rbar_ge (Xn n omega) (cphi omega))))
    - intros x.
      apply sigma_f_Rbar_ge_g; trivial.
      now apply Real_Rbar_rv.
    - assert (pre_event_equiv (pre_event_union (fun (omega : Ts) => Rbar_lt (cphi omega) ((Rbar_rvlim Xn) omega))
                                       (fun (omega : Ts) => cphi omega = 0))
      + intros x.
        unfold pre_Ω, pre_event_union.
        specialize (H0 x).
      + rewrite <- H1.
        intros x.
        specialize (H1 x).
        unfold pre_Ω in H1.
        split; [tauto | ].
        unfold pre_union_of_collection; intros.
        unfold Rbar_rvlim in H2.
        specialize (H0 x).
        destruct H0.
        * rewrite H0.
          exists (0%nat).
          apply Xn_pos.
        * unfold Rbar_rvlim in H0.
          generalize (ex_Elim_seq_incr (fun n => Xn n x)); intros.
          apply ELim_seq_correct in H3; [| intros; apply H].
          generalize (H3); intros.
          rewrite <- is_Elim_seq_spec in H3.
          unfold is_Elim_seq' in H3.
          match_case_in H3; intros.
          -- rewrite H5 in H3.
             specialize (posphi x).
             rewrite H5 in H0; simpl in H0.
             assert (0 < r - cphi x) by lra.
             specialize (H3 (mkposreal _ H6)).
             destruct H3.
             exists x0.
             specialize (H3 x0).
             simpl in H3.
             cut_to H3; [|lia].
             { rewrite Rbar_abs_left1 in H3.
               - destruct (Xn x0 x); simpl in *; try tauto.
               - rewrite H5 in H4.
                 generalize (is_Elim_seq_incr_compare _ _ H4 (fun n => H n x) x0); intros HH.
                 destruct (Xn x0 x); simpl in *; try tauto; lra.
          -- rewrite H5 in H3.
             specialize (H3 (cphi x)).
             destruct H3.
             exists x0.
             specialize (H3 x0).
             apply Rbar_lt_le.
             apply H3; lia.
         -- rewrite H5 in H0.
            simpl in H0.
            specialize (posphi x).
  Lemma monotone_convergence_E_phi_lim2_Rbar_rvlim
        (Xn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar)
        (cphi : Ts -> R)

        (Xn_rv : forall n, RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Xn n))
        (sphi : FiniteRangeFunction cphi)
        (phi_rv : RandomVariable dom borel_sa cphi)

        (posphi: NonnegativeFunction cphi)
        (Xn_pos : forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Xn n))

      (forall (n:nat), Rbar_rv_le (Xn n) (Xn (S n))) ->
      (forall (omega:Ts), cphi omega = 0 \/ Rbar_lt (cphi omega) ((Rbar_rvlim Xn) omega)) ->
      is_lim_seq (fun n => NonnegExpectation
                          (rvmult cphi
                                     (fun omega => Rbar_ge_dec (Xn n omega) (cphi omega)))))
                 (NonnegExpectation cphi).
    rewrite <- (simple_NonnegExpectation cphi).
    assert (sa1:forall n, sa_sigma (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_ge (Xn n omega) (cphi omega))).
      apply sigma_f_Rbar_ge_g; trivial.
      now apply Real_Rbar_rv.
    assert (rv1:forall n, RandomVariable dom borel_sa (rvmult cphi (EventIndicator (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_ge_dec (Xn n omega) (cphi omega))))).
      apply rvmult_rv; trivial.
      apply EventIndicator_pre_rv.
      apply sa1.
    apply (is_lim_seq_ext
             (fun n => SimpleExpectation
                      (rv:=rv1 n) (rvmult cphi (EventIndicator (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_ge_dec (Xn n omega) (cphi omega)))))).
    - intros.
      rewrite <- simple_NonnegExpectation with (rv:=rv1 n) (frf := (frfmult cphi (EventIndicator (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_ge_dec (Xn n omega) (cphi omega))))); trivial.
    - apply (is_lim_seq_ext
               (fun (n:nat) =>
                  (list_sum (map (fun v => v * (ps_P (event_inter
                                                     (preimage_singleton cphi v)
                                                     (exist _ (fun omega => Rbar_ge (Xn n omega) (cphi omega)) (sa1 n)))))
                                 (nodup Req_EM_T frf_vals))))).
      + intros.
        erewrite <- simpleFunEventIndicator.
        eapply SimpleExpectation_pf_irrel.
      + unfold SimpleExpectation.
        generalize (is_lim_seq_list_sum
                         (fun v : R => fun n =>
                                      v *
                                        (event_inter (preimage_singleton cphi v)
                                                   (exist _ (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_ge (Xn n omega) (cphi omega)) (sa1 n))))
                       (nodup Req_EM_T frf_vals))
                    (map (fun v : R => v * ps_P (preimage_singleton cphi v))
                         (nodup Req_EM_T frf_vals)))
      ; intros HH.
      cut_to HH.
      * eapply is_lim_seq_ext; try eapply HH.
        intros; simpl.
        now rewrite map_map.
      * clear HH.
        rewrite map_map.
        rewrite <- Forall2_map.
        apply Forall2_refl_in.
        rewrite Forall_forall; intros.
        replace (Finite (x * ps_P (preimage_singleton cphi x))) with
            (Rbar_mult x (ps_P (preimage_singleton cphi x)))
          by reflexivity.
        apply is_lim_seq_scal_l.
        apply lim_prob.
        -- intros.
          apply event_inter_sub_proper; [reflexivity | ].
          intros xx.
          unfold rv_le in H.
          specialize (H n xx).
          repeat match_destr; try tauto.
          simpl in *.
        -- rewrite <- event_inter_countable_union_distr.
          assert (event_equiv (union_of_collection (fun (n : nat) => exist _ (fun (omega : Ts) => Rbar_ge (Xn n omega) (cphi omega)) (sa1 n))) Ω).
           ++ apply monotone_convergence_Ec2_Rbar_rvlim; trivial.
           ++ rewrite H2.
              apply event_inter_true_r.

  Lemma monotone_convergence0_cphi2_Rbar_rvlim
        (Xn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar)
        (cphi : Ts -> R)

        (Xn_rv : forall n, RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Xn n))
        (sphi : FiniteRangeFunction cphi)
        (phi_rv : RandomVariable dom borel_sa cphi)

        (posphi: NonnegativeFunction cphi)
        (Xn_pos : forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Xn n))

      (forall (n:nat), Rbar_rv_le (Xn n) (Xn (S n))) ->
      (forall (omega:Ts), cphi omega = 0 \/ Rbar_lt (cphi omega) ((Rbar_rvlim Xn) omega)) ->
      Rbar_le (NonnegExpectation cphi)
              (ELim_seq (fun n => Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Xn n))).
    generalize (monotone_convergence_E_phi_lim2_Rbar_rvlim Xn cphi Xn_rv sphi phi_rv posphi Xn_pos H H0); intros.
    apply is_lim_seq_unique in H1.
    rewrite <- H1.
    rewrite <- Elim_seq_fin.
    apply ELim_seq_le_loc.
    apply filter_forall; intros n.
    assert (NonnegativeFunction
              (rvmult cphi (EventIndicator (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_ge_dec (Xn n omega) (cphi omega)))))
      by now apply indicator_prod_pos.
    assert (RandomVariable _ borel_sa (rvmult cphi
                                                  (EventIndicator (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_ge_dec (Xn n omega) (cphi omega))))).
    - apply rvmult_rv; trivial.
       apply EventIndicator_pre_rv.
       apply (sigma_f_Rbar_ge_g (Xn n) cphi).
    - generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le
                    (rvmult cphi (EventIndicator (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_ge_dec (Xn n omega) (cphi omega))))
                    (Xn n)); intros.
      cut_to H4.
      + rewrite <- NNExpectation_Rbar_NNExpectation in H4.
        assert (is_finite (NonnegExpectation
                             (rvmult cphi
                                     (EventIndicator (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_ge_dec (Xn n omega) (cphi omega)))))).
          assert (frf1:FiniteRangeFunction (rvmult cphi (EventIndicator (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_ge_dec (Xn n omega) (cphi omega))))).
            apply frfmult; trivial.
            apply EventIndicator_pre_frf.
          rewrite <- simple_NonnegExpectation with (rv := H3) (frf := frf1).
          now unfold is_finite.
        now rewrite H5.
      + unfold rv_le; intros x.
        unfold rvmult, EventIndicator.
        destruct (Rbar_ge_dec (Xn n x) (cphi x)).
        * now rewrite Rmult_1_r.
        * rewrite Rmult_0_r.
          apply Xn_pos.

  Lemma monotone_convergence0_Rbar_rvlim (c:R)
        (Xn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar)
        (phi : Ts -> R)

        (Xn_rv : forall n, RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Xn n))
        (sphi : FiniteRangeFunction phi)
        (phi_rv : RandomVariable dom borel_sa phi)

        (posphi: NonnegativeFunction phi)
        (Xn_pos : forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Xn n))

      (forall (n:nat), Rbar_rv_le (Xn n) (Xn (S n))) ->
      Rbar_rv_le phi (Rbar_rvlim Xn) ->
      0 < c < 1 ->
      Rbar_le (Rbar_mult c (NonnegExpectation phi))
              (ELim_seq (fun n => Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Xn n))).
    intros leS lephi cbound.
    pose (cphi := rvscale c phi).
    assert (cphi_pos:NonnegativeFunction cphi).
      unfold NonnegativeFunction, cphi, rvscale.
      unfold NonnegativeFunction in posphi.
      destruct cbound.
      apply Rmult_le_pos; trivial.
    generalize (monotone_convergence0_cphi2_Rbar_rvlim Xn cphi Xn_rv
                                                       (frfscale c phi) (rvscale_rv _ c phi phi_rv) cphi_pos Xn_pos); intros HH.
    destruct cbound as [cpos csmall].
    cut_to HH; trivial.
    - rewrite <- (NonnegExpectation_scale (mkposreal c cpos)); apply HH.
    - intros.
      unfold cphi, rvscale.
      specialize (lephi omega).
      specialize (posphi omega).
      destruct posphi.
      * right.
        assert (c * phi omega < phi omega).
        -- apply Rplus_lt_reg_l with (x := - (c * phi omega)).
             replace (- c * phi omega + phi omega) with ((1-c)*phi omega) by lra.
             apply Rmult_lt_0_compat; [lra | trivial].
        -- now apply Rbar_lt_le_trans with (y := phi omega).
      * left.
        rewrite <- H.

  Lemma monotone_convergence00_Rbar_rvlim
        (Xn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar)
        (phi : Ts -> R)

        (Xn_rv : forall n, RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Xn n))
        (sphi : FiniteRangeFunction phi)
        (phi_rv : RandomVariable dom borel_sa phi)

        (posphi: NonnegativeFunction phi)
        (Xn_pos : forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Xn n)) :

    (forall (n:nat), Rbar_rv_le (Xn n) (Xn (S n))) ->
    Rbar_rv_le phi (Rbar_rvlim Xn) ->
      (NonnegExpectation phi)
      (ELim_seq (fun n => (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Xn n)))).
    assert (isl1:is_Elim_seq (fun n => Rbar_mult (1-/(2+INR n)) (NonnegExpectation phi))
                       (NonnegExpectation phi)).
      generalize (is_Elim_seq_scal_r (fun n => 1 - / (2 + INR n)) (NonnegExpectation phi) (Finite 1))
      ; intros HH.
      rewrite Rbar_mult_1_l in HH.
      apply HH.
      - apply is_Elim_seq_fin.
        replace (Finite 1) with (Rbar_minus (Finite 1) (Finite 0)) by
            (simpl; rewrite Rbar_finite_eq; lra).
        apply is_lim_seq_minus'.
        * apply is_lim_seq_const.
        * replace (Finite 0) with (Rbar_inv p_infty).
          -- apply is_lim_seq_inv.
             ++ apply is_lim_seq_plus with (l1 := 2) (l2 := p_infty).
                apply is_lim_seq_const.
                apply is_lim_seq_INR.
                unfold is_Rbar_plus.
                now simpl.
             ++ discriminate.
          -- now simpl.
      - unfold ex_Rbar_mult.
        match_destr; lra.
      - apply filter_forall; intros.
        unfold ex_Rbar_mult.
        assert (1 - / (2 + INR x) <> 0).
          generalize (pos_INR x); intros posx.
          intros eqq.
          field_simplify in eqq; try lra.
          assert (INR x + 2 <> 0) by lra.
          apply (f_equal (Rmult (INR x + 2))) in eqq.
          field_simplify in eqq; try lra.
    case_eq (ELim_seq (fun n : nat => Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Xn n))); intros.
    - apply is_Elim_seq_le with
          (u:= (fun n => Rbar_mult (1-/(2+INR n)) (NonnegExpectation phi)))
          (v:= (fun _ : nat => r)).
      + intros.
        assert (0< 1 - /(2+INR n)).
        * apply Rplus_lt_reg_l with (x := /(2+INR n)).
           apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with (r := (2 + INR n)).
           -- generalize (pos_INR n); lra.
           -- rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym.
              ++ generalize (pos_INR n); lra.
              ++ apply Rgt_not_eq.
                 generalize (pos_INR n); lra.

        * generalize (monotone_convergence0_Rbar_rvlim (mkposreal _ H2) Xn phi Xn_rv sphi phi_rv posphi Xn_pos); simpl; intros HH2.
          -- cut_to HH2; trivial.
             ++ congruence.
             ++ split; [trivial | simpl].
                apply Rplus_lt_reg_l with (x := -1).
                apply Ropp_lt_gt_0_contravar.
                apply Rinv_0_lt_compat.
                generalize (pos_INR n); lra.
      + trivial.
      + apply is_Elim_seq_const.
    - now destruct (NonnegExpectation phi).
    - now apply ELim_seq_Expectation_m_infty in H1.

  Lemma Rbar_monotone_convergence
        (X : Ts -> Rbar)
        (Xn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar)
        (rvx : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa X)
        (posX: Rbar_NonnegativeFunction X)
        (Xn_rv : forall n, RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Xn n))
        (Xn_pos : forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Xn n)) :
    (forall (n:nat), Rbar_rv_le (Xn n) X) ->
    (forall (n:nat), Rbar_rv_le (Xn n) (Xn (S n))) ->
    (forall (omega:Ts), is_Elim_seq (fun n => Xn n omega) (X omega)) ->
    ELim_seq (fun n => Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Xn n)) = (Rbar_NonnegExpectation X).
    intros leX leS limX.
    assert (le1:forall (n:nat), (Rbar_le (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Xn n)) (Rbar_NonnegExpectation X))).
      now apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le.
    assert (le2:forall (n:nat), (Rbar_le (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Xn n)) (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Xn (S n))))).
      now apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le.
    pose (a := (ELim_seq (fun n : nat => Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Xn n)))).
    generalize (ELim_seq_le_loc (fun n => Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Xn n))
                                (fun _ => Rbar_NonnegExpectation X)); intros HH1.
    rewrite ELim_seq_const in HH1.
    assert (le3:Rbar_le (Rbar_NonnegExpectation X) (ELim_seq (fun n : nat => Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Xn n)))).
      unfold Rbar_NonnegExpectation.
      unfold SimpleExpectationSup.
      unfold Lub_Rbar at 1.
      match goal with
        [|- context [proj1_sig ?x]] => destruct x
      end; simpl.
      destruct i as [i0 i1].
      apply i1.
      red; intros y [? [?[?[HH2 HH3]]]].
      unfold BoundedNonnegativeFunction in HH2.
      destruct HH2 as [HH2 HH3].
      rewrite simple_NonnegExpectation with (nnf := HH2); trivial.
      eapply monotone_convergence00_Rbar_rvlim; trivial.
      - etransitivity; try eapply HH3.
        intros ?.
        unfold Rbar_rvlim.
        rewrite (is_Elim_seq_unique _ _ (limX _)).
        apply Rbar_le_refl.
    apply Rbar_le_antisym; trivial.
    destruct (Rbar_NonnegExpectation X) as [r| |] eqn:eqq1.
    - apply HH1.
      apply filter_forall; trivial.
    - unfold Rbar_le; match_destr.
    - generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos X); intros HH3.
      now rewrite eqq1 in HH3.

  Lemma monotone_convergence_Rbar_rvlim
        (Xn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar)
        (Xn_rv : forall n, RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Xn n))
        (Xn_pos : forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Xn n)) :
    (forall (n:nat), Rbar_rv_le (Xn n) (Xn (S n))) ->
    ELim_seq (fun n => Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Xn n)) = Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_rvlim Xn).
    apply Rbar_monotone_convergence; trivial.
    - apply Rbar_rvlim_rv; trivial.
    - intros ??.
      now apply Rbar_rvlim_pos_ge.
    - intros.
      apply ELim_seq_correct.
      apply ex_Elim_seq_incr; intros.
      apply H.

  Lemma monotone_convergence_Rbar_rvlim_fin
        (Xn : nat -> Ts -> R)
        (Xn_rv : forall n, RandomVariable dom borel_sa (Xn n))
        (Xn_pos : forall n, NonnegativeFunction (Xn n)) :
    (forall (n:nat), rv_le (Xn n) (Xn (S n))) ->
    ELim_seq (fun n => NonnegExpectation (Xn n)) = Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_rvlim Xn).
    rewrite <- monotone_convergence_Rbar_rvlim.
    - apply ELim_seq_ext; intros.
      apply NNExpectation_Rbar_NNExpectation.
    - intros.
      now apply Real_Rbar_rv.
    - intros ??; simpl.
      apply H.

  Global Instance Rbar_NonnegativeFunction_const_posreal (c: posreal) :
    Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (const (B:=Ts) c).
    destruct c.
    apply nnfconst.
  Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_scale (c: posreal)
        (rv_X : Ts -> Rbar)
        {pofrf:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X} :
    Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_rvmult (const c) rv_X) =
    Rbar_mult c (Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X).
    destruct c as [c cpos].
    unfold Rbar_rvmult, const.
    unfold Rbar_NonnegExpectation.
    unfold SimpleExpectationSup.
    rewrite <- lub_rbar_scale.
    apply Lub_Rbar_eqset; intros.
    split; intros [? [? [? [[??]?]]]].
    - exists (rvscale (/ c) x0).
      exists (rvscale_rv _ _ _ _).
      exists (frfscale _ _).
      split; [split |].
      + assert (0 < / c).
          now apply Rinv_0_lt_compat.
        apply (positive_scale_nnf (mkposreal _ H2) x0).
      + unfold rv_le, rvscale in *.
        intros y.
        specialize (H0 y).
        simpl in H0.
        destruct (rv_X y); simpl in *; try tauto
        ; [|
           destruct (Rle_dec 0 c); try lra
           ; destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 c r); try lra
        apply (Rmult_le_compat_l (/ c)) in H0.
        * rewrite <- Rmult_assoc in H0.
          rewrite Rinv_l in H0; lra.
        * left.
          now apply Rinv_0_lt_compat.
      + rewrite <- scaleSimpleExpectation.
        rewrite H1; simpl.
    - exists (rvscale c x0).
      exists (rvscale_rv _ _ _ _).
      exists (frfscale c x0).
      split; [split |].
      + now apply (rvscale_nnf (mkposreal c cpos)).
      + intros a.
        specialize (H0 a).
        simpl in *.
        destruct (rv_X a); simpl in *; try tauto.
        * unfold rvscale.
          apply Rmult_le_compat_l; lra.
        * destruct (Rle_dec 0 c); try lra
          ; destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 c r); try lra.
      + rewrite <- scaleSimpleExpectation.
        rewrite H1; simpl.
        field; trivial.

  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_scale_pos (c:posreal) (rv_X : Ts -> Rbar) :
    Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part (Rbar_rvmult (const c) rv_X)) =
    Rbar_mult c (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X)).
    rewrite <- Rbar_NonnegExpectation_scale.
    apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext.
    intros x.
    unfold Rbar_pos_fun_part, Rbar_rvmult, const.
    now rewrite scale_Rbar_max0.
  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_scale_neg (c:posreal) (rv_X : Ts -> Rbar) :
    Rbar_NonnegExpectation (fun x : Ts => Rbar_neg_fun_part (Rbar_rvmult (const c) rv_X) x) =
    Rbar_mult c (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X)).
    rewrite <- Rbar_NonnegExpectation_scale.
    apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext.
    intros x.
    unfold Rbar_neg_fun_part, Rbar_rvmult, const.
    rewrite <- Rbar_mult_opp_r.
    now rewrite scale_Rbar_max0.

  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_scale_posreal (c: posreal)
        (rv_X : Ts -> Rbar) :
    let Ex_rv := Rbar_Expectation rv_X in
    let Ex_c_rv := Rbar_Expectation (Rbar_rvmult (const c) rv_X) in
    Ex_c_rv =
    match Ex_rv with
    | Some x => Some (Rbar_mult c x)
    | None => None
    unfold Rbar_Expectation.
    rewrite Rbar_Expectation_scale_pos; trivial.
    rewrite Rbar_Expectation_scale_neg; trivial.
    apply scale_Rbar_diff.

  Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_plus
        (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rv1 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1}
        {rv2 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X2}
        {nnf1:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X1}
        {nnf2:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X2} :
    Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2) =
    Rbar_plus (Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X1) (Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X2).
    generalize (simple_approx_lim_seq rv_X1 nnf1); intros.
    generalize (simple_approx_lim_seq rv_X2 nnf2); intros.
    generalize (simple_approx_rv rv_X1); intro apx_rv1.
    generalize (simple_approx_rv rv_X2); intro apx_rv2.
    generalize (simple_approx_pofrf rv_X1); intro apx_nnf1.
    generalize (simple_approx_pofrf rv_X2); intro apx_nnf2.
    generalize (simple_approx_frf rv_X1); intro apx_frf1.
    generalize (simple_approx_frf rv_X2); intro apx_frf2.
    generalize (simple_approx_le rv_X1 nnf1); intro apx_le1.
    generalize (simple_approx_le rv_X2 nnf2); intro apx_le2.
    generalize (simple_approx_increasing rv_X1 nnf1); intro apx_inc1.
    generalize (simple_approx_increasing rv_X2 nnf2); intro apx_inc2.
    generalize (Rbar_monotone_convergence rv_X1 (simple_approx rv_X1) rv1 nnf1 (fun n => Real_Rbar_rv _ (rv:=apx_rv1 n)) apx_nnf1 apx_le1 apx_inc1); intros.
    generalize (Rbar_monotone_convergence rv_X2 (simple_approx rv_X2) rv2 nnf2 (fun n => Real_Rbar_rv _ (rv:=apx_rv2 n)) apx_nnf2 apx_le2 apx_inc2); intros.
    cut_to H1; trivial; [| intros; now apply is_Elim_seq_fin].
    cut_to H2; trivial; [| intros; now apply is_Elim_seq_fin].
    generalize (fun n => rvplus_rv _ (simple_approx rv_X1 n) (simple_approx rv_X2 n)); intros.
    generalize (fun n => rvplus_nnf (simple_approx rv_X1 n) (simple_approx rv_X2 n)); intros.
    generalize (fun n => simple_expectation_real (simple_approx rv_X1 n)); intros apx_fin1.
    generalize (fun n => simple_expectation_real (simple_approx rv_X2 n)); intros apx_fin2.
    generalize (Rbar_monotone_convergence (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2)
                                     (fun n => rvplus (simple_approx rv_X1 n)
                                                   (simple_approx rv_X2 n))
                                         (Rbar_rvplus_rv rv_X1 rv_X2)
                                         (pos_Rbar_plus rv_X1 rv_X2) (fun n => Real_Rbar_rv _ (rv:=H3 n)) H4); intros.
    cut_to H5; trivial.
    - rewrite ELim_seq_ext with (v := fun n => Rbar_plus
                                              (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (simple_approx rv_X1 n))
                                              (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (simple_approx rv_X2 n)))
        in H5.
      + rewrite ELim_seq_plus in H5.
        * unfold positive_Rbar_positive in H5.
          rewrite H1 in H5.
          rewrite H2 in H5.
          now symmetry.
        * apply ex_Elim_seq_incr.
          apply (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le (simple_approx rv_X1 n) (simple_approx rv_X1 (S n)) (apx_inc1 n)); intros.
        * apply ex_Elim_seq_incr.
          apply (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le (simple_approx rv_X2 n) (simple_approx rv_X2 (S n)) (apx_inc2 n)); intros.
        * unfold ex_Rbar_plus, Rbar_plus'.
          match_case; intros.
          match_case_in H6; intros.
          -- rewrite H7 in H6.
             match_case_in H6; intros.
             ++ rewrite H8 in H6; congruence.
             ++ rewrite H8 in H6; congruence.
             ++ now apply ELim_seq_Expectation_m_infty in H8.
          -- rewrite H7 in H6.
             match_case_in H6; intros.
             ++ rewrite H8 in H6; congruence.
             ++ rewrite H8 in H6; congruence.
             ++ now apply ELim_seq_Expectation_m_infty in H8.
          -- rewrite H7 in H6.
             now apply ELim_seq_Expectation_m_infty in H7.
      + intros.
        repeat rewrite <- NNExpectation_Rbar_NNExpectation.
        erewrite <- (NNExpectation_Rbar_NNExpectation' _).
        rewrite <- simple_NonnegExpectation with (rv:=rvplus_rv _ _ _) (frf := frfplus (simple_approx rv_X1 n) (simple_approx rv_X2 n)); trivial.
        rewrite <- sumSimpleExpectation; trivial.
        rewrite <- simple_NonnegExpectation with (rv:=apx_rv1 n) (frf := apx_frf1 n); trivial.
        rewrite <- simple_NonnegExpectation with (rv:=apx_rv2 n) (frf := apx_frf2 n); trivial.
    - unfold rv_le, rvplus.
      intros n x.
      specialize (apx_le1 n x).
      specialize (apx_le2 n x).
      replace (Finite (simple_approx rv_X1 n x + simple_approx rv_X2 n x)) with
          (Rbar_plus (simple_approx rv_X1 n x) (simple_approx rv_X2 n x)) by now simpl.
      now apply Rbar_plus_le_compat.
    - unfold rv_le, rvplus.
      intros n x.
      specialize (apx_inc1 n x).
      specialize (apx_inc2 n x).
    - intros.
      apply is_Elim_seq_fin.
      apply is_lim_seq_plus with (l1 := rv_X1 omega) (l2 := rv_X2 omega); trivial.
      apply Rbar_plus_correct.
      generalize (nnf1 omega); intros.
      generalize (nnf2 omega); intros.
      now apply ex_Rbar_plus_pos.

  Lemma Rbar_pos_fun_part_pos (rv_X : Ts -> Rbar)
        {nnf : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X} :
    rv_eq rv_X (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X).
    unfold Rbar_pos_fun_part, Rbar_max.
    intro x.
    match_case; intros.
    now apply Rbar_le_antisym.

  Lemma Rbar_neg_fun_part_pos (rv_X : Ts -> Rbar)
        {nnf : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X} :
    rv_eq (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X) (fun x => (const 0) x).
    unfold Rbar_neg_fun_part, const, Rbar_max.
    intro x.
    specialize (nnf x).
    rewrite <- Rbar_opp_le in nnf.
    replace (Rbar_opp 0) with (Finite 0) in nnf by (simpl; apply Rbar_finite_eq; lra).
    match_case; intros.
    now apply Rbar_le_antisym.

  Instance nnf_0 :
    (@Rbar_NonnegativeFunction Ts (fun x => const 0 x)).
    unfold Rbar_NonnegativeFunction.
    unfold const.

  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_pos_pofrf (rv_X : Ts -> Rbar)
        {nnf : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X} :
    Rbar_Expectation rv_X = Some (Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X).
    unfold Rbar_Expectation.
    rewrite <- (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext _ _ (Rbar_pos_fun_part_pos rv_X)).
    rewrite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext _ _ (Rbar_neg_fun_part_pos rv_X)).
    replace (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (const 0)) with (Finite 0).
    - unfold Rbar_minus'.
      rewrite Ropp_0.
      unfold Rbar_plus'.
      match_case; intros.
      + f_equal.
        apply Rbar_finite_eq.
    - generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_const (Finite 0)); intros.
      assert (0 <= 0) by lra.
      apply (H H0).

  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_zero_pos
        (X : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rv : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa X}
        {pofrf : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction X} :
    Rbar_Expectation X = Some (Finite 0) ->
    ps_P (preimage_singleton (has_pre := Rbar_borel_has_preimages) X (Finite 0)) = 1.
    rewrite Rbar_Expectation_pos_pofrf with (nnf := pofrf); intros.
    inversion H.

    generalize (simple_approx_lim_seq X pofrf); intros.
    generalize (simple_approx_rv X); intro apx_rv1.
    generalize (simple_approx_pofrf X); intro apx_nnf1.
    generalize (simple_approx_frf X); intro apx_frf1.
    generalize (simple_approx_le X pofrf); intro apx_le1.
    generalize (simple_approx_increasing X pofrf); intro apx_inc1.
    generalize (Rbar_monotone_convergence X (simple_approx X) rv pofrf (fun n => Real_Rbar_rv _ (rv:=apx_rv1 n)) apx_nnf1 apx_le1 apx_inc1); intros.
    cut_to H2; [| intros; now apply is_Elim_seq_fin].
    assert (forall n:nat, NonnegExpectation (simple_approx X n) = 0).
    generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le (simple_approx X n) X (apx_le1 n)); intros.
    rewrite H1 in H3.
    generalize (NonnegExpectation_pos (simple_approx X n)); intros.
    apply Rbar_le_antisym; trivial.

    assert (forall n:nat, ps_P (preimage_singleton (simple_approx X n) 0) = 1).
    apply SimplePosExpectation_zero_pos with (frf := apx_frf1 n); trivial.
    generalize (frf_NonnegExpectation (simple_approx X n)); intros.
    rewrite H3 in H4; symmetry in H4.
    now apply Rbar_finite_eq in H4.

    assert (forall n:nat, ps_P (event_complement (preimage_singleton (has_pre := borel_has_preimages) (simple_approx X n) 0)) = 0).
      rewrite ps_complement.
      rewrite H4; lra.
    generalize (lim_prob (fun n => (event_complement (preimage_singleton (has_pre := borel_has_preimages) (simple_approx X n) 0)))
                         (event_complement (preimage_singleton (has_pre := Rbar_borel_has_preimages) X 0))
               ); trivial; intros HH.
    cut_to HH; trivial.
    - apply is_lim_seq_ext with (v := (fun n => 0)) in HH.
      + apply is_lim_seq_unique in HH.
        rewrite Lim_seq_const in HH.
        rewrite ps_complement in HH.
        apply Rbar_finite_eq in HH.
        rewrite H1; lra.
      + trivial.
      unfold event_sub, pre_event_sub, event_complement, pre_event_complement; simpl; intros.
      unfold NonnegativeFunction in apx_nnf1.
      apply Rgt_not_eq.
      apply Rdichotomy in H6.
      destruct H6.
      + generalize (apx_nnf1 n); intros.
        specialize (H7 x); lra.
      + specialize (apx_inc1 n x).
    - unfold event_complement, pre_event_complement.
      intro x; simpl.
      split; intros.
      + destruct H6.
        unfold pre_event_preimage, pre_event_singleton.
        apply Rdichotomy in H6.
        destruct H6.
        generalize (apx_nnf1 x0 x); intros; lra.
        specialize (apx_le1 x0 x); simpl in apx_le1.
        destruct (X x).
        * apply Rbar_finite_neq.
          apply Rgt_not_eq; lra.
        * discriminate.
        * discriminate.
      + specialize (H0 x).
        clear H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 HH.
        unfold pre_event_preimage, pre_event_singleton in *.
        assert (Rbar_gt (X x) 0).
          specialize (pofrf x).
          destruct (X x).
          - apply Rbar_finite_neq in H6.
            apply Rdichotomy in H6.
            destruct H6.
            + simpl in pofrf; lra.
            + now simpl.
          - now simpl.
          - tauto.
        apply is_lim_seq_spec in H0.
        unfold is_lim_seq' in H0.
        case_eq (X x)
        ; [intros ? eqq1 | intros eqq1..]
        ; rewrite eqq1 in *.
        * specialize (H0 (mkposreal _ H)).
          destruct H0.
          specialize (H0 x0).
          exists x0.
          apply Rgt_not_eq.
          cut_to H0; [|lia].
          simpl in H0.
          specialize (apx_le1 x0 x).
          rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp in H0.
          replace (Rabs (-(simple_approx X x0 x - r))) with (r - simple_approx X x0 x) in H0
          ; try lra.
          simpl in apx_le1.
          rewrite Rabs_pos_eq; try lra.
          rewrite eqq1 in apx_le1.
         * exists (1%nat).
           unfold simple_approx.
           -- apply not_0_INR.
           -- rewrite eqq1 in n.
         * tauto.

  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_nonneg_zero_almost_zero
        (X : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rv : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa X}
        {pofrf :Rbar_NonnegativeFunction X} :
    Rbar_Expectation X = Some (Finite 0) ->
    almostR2 Prts eq X (const (Finite 0)).
    exists (preimage_singleton (has_pre := Rbar_borel_has_preimages) X 0).
    - now apply Rbar_Expectation_zero_pos.
    - intros.
      apply H0.

    Global Instance Rbar_nnfabs
           (rv_X : Ts -> Rbar) :
      Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Rbar_rvabs rv_X).
      unfold Rbar_NonnegativeFunction, Rbar_rvabs.
      intros; apply Rbar_abs_nneg.

    Lemma Rbar_pos_fun_part_le rv_X :
      Rbar_rv_le (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X) (Rbar_rvabs rv_X).
      intros ?.
      unfold Rbar_rvabs, Rbar_pos_fun_part, Rbar_abs, Rbar_max; simpl.
      repeat match_destr; try simpl; try easy.
      - apply Rabs_pos.
      - apply Rle_abs.

    Lemma Rbar_neg_fun_part_le rv_X :
      Rbar_rv_le (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X) (Rbar_rvabs rv_X).
      intros ?.
      unfold Rbar_rvabs, Rbar_rvopp, Rbar_neg_fun_part, Rbar_abs, Rbar_max; simpl.
      repeat match_destr; try simpl; try easy.
      - apply Rabs_pos.
      - apply Rabs_maj2.

  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_abs_then_finite (rv_X:Ts->Rbar)
    : match Rbar_Expectation (Rbar_rvabs rv_X) with
       | Some (Finite _) => True
       | _ => False
       end ->
       match Rbar_Expectation rv_X with
       | Some (Finite _) => True
       | _ => False
    rewrite Rbar_Expectation_pos_pofrf with (nnf := Rbar_nnfabs _).
    unfold Rbar_Expectation.
    intros HH.
    match_case_in HH
    ; [intros r eqq | intros eqq | intros eqq]
    ; rewrite eqq in HH
    ; try contradiction.

    unfold Rbar_minus', Rbar_plus'.
    assert (fin:is_finite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_rvabs rv_X)))
      by (rewrite eqq; reflexivity).
    generalize (Rbar_pos_fun_part_le rv_X); intros le1.
    generalize (is_finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le _ _ le1 fin)
    ; intros fin1.
    generalize (Rbar_neg_fun_part_le rv_X); intros le2.
    generalize (is_finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le _ _ le2 fin)
    ; intros fin2.
    rewrite <- fin1.
    rewrite <- fin2.
    simpl; trivial.

    Lemma Rbar_rv_pos_neg_id (rv_X:Ts->Rbar) :
      rv_eq (rv_X) (Rbar_rvplus (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X) (Rbar_rvopp (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X))).
      intros x.
      unfold Rbar_rvplus, Rbar_rvopp, Rbar_pos_fun_part, Rbar_neg_fun_part; simpl.
      assert (Rbar_opp 0 = 0).
        unfold Rbar_opp.
        rewrite Rbar_finite_eq.
      unfold Rbar_max; repeat match_destr.
      - rewrite H.
        rewrite <- H in r0.
        rewrite Rbar_opp_le in r0.
        rewrite Rbar_plus_0_r.
        apply Rbar_le_antisym; eauto.
      - rewrite Rbar_opp_involutive.
        now rewrite Rbar_plus_0_l.
      - rewrite H.
        now rewrite Rbar_plus_0_r.
      - rewrite Rbar_opp_involutive.
        rewrite <- H in n0.
        rewrite Rbar_opp_le in n0.
        apply Rbar_not_le_lt in n0.
        apply Rbar_not_le_lt in n.
        generalize (Rbar_lt_trans _ _ _ n n0); intros.
        simpl in H0; lra.

  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_opp
        (rv_X : Ts -> Rbar) :
    let Ex_rv := Rbar_Expectation rv_X in
    let Ex_o_rv := Rbar_Expectation (Rbar_rvopp rv_X) in
    Ex_o_rv =
    match Ex_rv with
    | Some x => Some (Rbar_opp x)
    | None => None
    unfold Rbar_Expectation.
    rewrite Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext with (nnf2 := Rbar_neg_fun_pos rv_X).
    - replace (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part (Rbar_rvopp rv_X) )) with
          (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X)).
      + unfold Rbar_minus'.
        case_eq (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X)); intros.
        * case_eq (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X)); intros; simpl; f_equal.
          rewrite Rbar_finite_eq; lra.
        * case_eq (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X)); intros; simpl; f_equal.
        * case_eq (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X)); intros; simpl; f_equal.
      + symmetry.
        rewrite Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext with (nnf2 := Rbar_pos_fun_pos rv_X).
        * reflexivity.
        * intro x.
          unfold Rbar_neg_fun_part, Rbar_rvopp, Rbar_pos_fun_part; simpl.
          now rewrite Rbar_opp_involutive.
    - intro x.
      now unfold Rbar_neg_fun_part, Rbar_rvopp, Rbar_pos_fun_part; simpl.

  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_scale (c: R)
        (rv_X : Ts -> Rbar) :
    c <> 0 ->
    let Ex_rv := Rbar_Expectation rv_X in
    let Ex_c_rv := Rbar_Expectation (Rbar_rvmult (const c) rv_X) in
    Ex_c_rv =
    match Ex_rv with
    | Some x => Some (Rbar_mult c x)
    | None => None
    destruct (Rlt_dec 0 c).
    apply (Rbar_Expectation_scale_posreal (mkposreal c r)).
    destruct (Rlt_dec 0 (- c)).
    - unfold Ex_c_rv.
      rewrite (@Rbar_Expectation_ext _ (Rbar_rvopp (Rbar_rvmult (const (- c)) rv_X))).
      + rewrite Rbar_Expectation_opp.
        rewrite (Rbar_Expectation_scale_posreal (mkposreal (-c) r)).
        unfold Ex_rv.
        case_eq (Rbar_Expectation rv_X); intros; trivial.
        f_equal; simpl.
        rewrite <- Rbar_mult_opp_l.
        now replace (- - c) with (c) by lra.
      + intro x.
        unfold Rbar_rvmult, Rbar_rvopp, const.
        rewrite <- Rbar_mult_opp_l; simpl.
        now replace (- - c) with (c) by lra.
    - unfold Ex_c_rv, Ex_rv.

  Global Instance Rbar_ELimInf_seq_pos
         (Xn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar)
         (Xn_pos : forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Xn n)) :
      (fun omega : Ts => (ELimInf_seq (fun n : nat => Xn n omega))).
    intro x.
    generalize (ELimInf_le (fun n : nat => 0) (fun n : nat => Xn n x)); intros.
    cut_to H.
    - now rewrite ELimInf_seq_const in H.
    - apply filter_forall; intros n.
      apply Xn_pos.

  Definition EFatou_Y (Xn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar) (n:nat) :=
    fun (omega : Ts) => Inf_seq (fun (k:nat) => Xn (k+n)%nat omega).

  Instance EFatou_Y_pos
         (Xn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar)
         (Xn_pos : forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Xn n)) :
    forall (n:nat), Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (EFatou_Y Xn n).
    intros n x.
    unfold EFatou_Y.
    rewrite <- (Inf_seq_const 0).
    apply Inf_seq_le; intros.
    apply Xn_pos.

  Lemma EFatou_Y_incr_Rbar (Xn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar) n omega :
    Rbar_le (EFatou_Y Xn n omega) (EFatou_Y Xn (S n) omega).
    unfold EFatou_Y.
    repeat rewrite Inf_eq_glb.
    apply Rbar_glb_subset.
    intros x [??]; subst.
    exists (S x0).
    now replace (x0 + S n)%nat with (S x0 + n)%nat by lia.
  Instance EFatou_Y_meas
           (Xn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar)
           (Xn_pos : forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Xn n))
           (Xn_rv : forall n, RbarMeasurable (Xn n)) :
    forall (n:nat), RbarMeasurable (EFatou_Y Xn n).
    intros; red.
    apply Rbar_sa_ge_le.
    assert (pre_event_equiv
              (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_ge (Inf_seq (fun k : nat => Xn (k + n)%nat omega)) r)
              (pre_inter_of_collection (fun k:nat => (fun omega : Ts => Rbar_ge (Xn (k + n)%nat omega) r)))).
    - unfold pre_inter_of_collection.
      intros omega.
      rewrite Inf_eq_glb.
      unfold Rbar_glb.
      match goal with
        [|- context [proj1_sig ?x]] => destruct x
      end; simpl.
      destruct r0 as [lb glb].
      split; intros HH.
      + red in lb.
        eapply Rbar_le_trans; try eapply HH.
        specialize (lb (Xn (n0 + n)%nat omega)).
        apply lb; eauto.
      + generalize (glb r); intros HH2.
        apply HH2.
        intros ? [??]; subst.
        apply HH.
    - rewrite H.
      apply sa_pre_countable_inter; intros.
      clear H.
      revert r.
      apply Rbar_sa_le_ge.
      apply Xn_rv.
    Instance EFatou_Y_rv
         (Xn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar)
         (Xn_rv : forall n, RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Xn n))
         (Xn_pos : forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Xn n))
    forall (n:nat), RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (EFatou_Y Xn n).
      apply Rbar_measurable_rv.
      apply EFatou_Y_meas; intros; trivial.
      now apply rv_Rbar_measurable.

  Lemma ElimInf_increasing
        (f : nat -> Rbar) :
    (forall (n:nat), Rbar_le (f n) (f (S n))) ->
    ELim_seq f = ELimInf_seq f.
    generalize (ex_Elim_seq_incr f H); intros.
    rewrite ex_Elim_LimSup_LimInf_seq in H0.
    unfold ELim_seq.
    rewrite H0.
    now rewrite x_plus_x_div_2.

  Lemma inf_ElimInf
        (f : nat -> Rbar) (n:nat) :
    Rbar_le (Inf_seq (fun k : nat => f (k + n)%nat))
            (ELimInf_seq f).
    rewrite ELimInf_SupInf_seq.
    rewrite Rbar_sup_eq_lub.
    unfold Rbar_lub.
    match goal with
      [|- context [proj1_sig ?x ]] => destruct x; simpl
    destruct r as [ub lub].
    apply ub; eauto.

  Lemma ElimInf_increasing2
        (f : nat -> Rbar) :
    (forall (n:nat), Rbar_le (f n) (f (S n))) ->
    forall (l:Rbar),
      is_Elim_seq f l <-> is_ELimInf_seq f l.
    generalize (ex_Elim_seq_incr f H); intros.
    generalize (ElimInf_increasing f H); intros.
    split; intros.
    now apply is_Elim_LimInf_seq.
    apply ELim_seq_correct in H0.
    apply is_ELimInf_seq_unique in H2.
    rewrite H2 in H1.
    now rewrite <- H1.

  Lemma incr_Rbar_le_strong f
        (incr:forall (n:nat), Rbar_le (f n) (f (S n))) a b :
    le a b -> Rbar_le (f a) (f b).
    revert a.
    induction b; intros.
    - assert (a = 0%nat) by lia.
      apply Rbar_le_refl.
    - apply Nat.le_succ_r in H.
      destruct H.
      + eapply Rbar_le_trans; [| eapply incr].
      + subst.
        apply Rbar_le_refl.

  Lemma is_ELimInf_Sup_Seq (f: nat -> Rbar)
        (incr:forall (n:nat), Rbar_le (f n) (f (S n))) :
    is_ELimInf_seq f (Sup_seq f).
    unfold Sup_seq.
    match goal with
      [|- context [proj1_sig ?x ]] => destruct x; simpl
    destruct x; simpl in *.
    - intros eps.
      split; intros.
      + exists N.
        split; try lia.
        destruct (i eps) as [HH _].
      + destruct (i eps) as [_ [N HH]].
        exists N.
        eapply incr_Rbar_le_strong in incr; try eapply H.
        destruct (f N); try tauto
        ; destruct (f n); simpl in *; try tauto.
        eapply Rlt_le_trans; try eapply HH.
        apply incr.
    - intros.
      destruct (i M) as [N HH].
      exists N.
        eapply incr_Rbar_le_strong in incr; try eapply H.
        destruct (f N); try tauto
        ; destruct (f n); simpl in *; try tauto.
        eapply Rlt_le_trans; try eapply HH.
        apply incr.
    - intros.

  Lemma Elim_seq_Inf_seq
        (f : nat -> Rbar)
        (incr:forall (n:nat),
            Rbar_le (Inf_seq (fun k : nat => f (k + n)%nat))
                    (Inf_seq (fun k : nat => f (k + (S n))%nat))) :
      (fun n : nat => Inf_seq (fun k : nat => f (k + n)%nat))
      (ELimInf_seq f).
    generalize (ex_Elim_seq_incr (fun n : nat => Inf_seq (fun k : nat => f (k + n)%nat)) incr); intros.
    rewrite ElimInf_increasing2; trivial.
    rewrite ELimInf_SupInf_seq.
    now apply is_ELimInf_Sup_Seq.

  Lemma Rbar_NN_Fatou
        (Xn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar)
        (Xn_pos : forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Xn n))
        (Xn_rv : forall n, RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Xn n))
        (lim_rv : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa
                                 (fun omega => ELimInf_seq (fun n => Xn n omega))) :
    Rbar_le (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (fun omega => ELimInf_seq (fun n => Xn n omega)))
            (ELimInf_seq (fun n => Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Xn n))).
    generalize (EFatou_Y_pos Xn Xn_pos); intros Ypos.
    assert (Yle:forall n, Rbar_rv_le (fun omega : Ts => EFatou_Y Xn n omega) (Xn n)).
      intros; intro x.
      unfold EFatou_Y.
      generalize (Inf_seq_correct (fun k : nat => Xn (k + n)%nat x)); intros HH.
      apply is_inf_seq_glb in HH.
      destruct HH as [lb glb].
      apply lb.
      now exists 0%nat; simpl.
    assert (eqq1:ELim_seq (fun n => Rbar_NonnegExpectation (EFatou_Y Xn n)) =
            (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (fun omega => ELimInf_seq (fun n => Xn n omega)))).
      apply Rbar_monotone_convergence; trivial.
      - typeclasses eauto.
      - intros n x.
        apply (inf_ElimInf (fun k => Xn k x) n).
      - intros n x.
        apply EFatou_Y_incr_Rbar.
      - intros x.
        apply (Elim_seq_Inf_seq (fun k => Xn k x)); trivial; intros.
        apply EFatou_Y_incr_Rbar.
    rewrite <- eqq1.
    replace (ELim_seq
       (fun n : nat => Rbar_NonnegExpectation (fun omega : Ts => EFatou_Y Xn n omega))) with
           (fun n : nat => Rbar_NonnegExpectation (fun omega : Ts => EFatou_Y Xn n omega))).
    - apply ELimInf_le.
      apply filter_forall; intros n.
      now apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le.
    - rewrite ElimInf_increasing; trivial.
      apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le.
      intros ?.
      apply EFatou_Y_incr_Rbar.

End RbarExpectation.

Section EventRestricted.
    Context {Ts:Type}
          {dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts}
          (prts: ProbSpace dom).

  Lemma event_restricted_Rbar_NonnegExpectation P (pf1 : ps_P P = 1) pf (f : Ts -> Rbar)
        (nnf : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction f) :
    @Rbar_NonnegExpectation Ts dom prts f nnf =
    @Rbar_NonnegExpectation _ _ (event_restricted_prob_space prts P pf)
                       (event_restricted_function P f) _.
    unfold Rbar_NonnegExpectation.
    unfold SimpleExpectationSup.
    unfold Lub_Rbar.
       (fun x : R =>
          (rvx : Ts -> R) (rv : RandomVariable dom borel_sa rvx)
        (frf : FiniteRangeFunction rvx),
          (NonnegativeFunction rvx /\ Rbar_rv_le (fun x0 : Ts => rvx x0) f) /\
          SimpleExpectation rvx = x)).
       (fun x0 : R =>
          (rvx : event_restricted_domain P -> R) (rv :
                                                    (event_restricted_sigma P)
                                                    borel_sa rvx)
        (frf : FiniteRangeFunction rvx),
          (NonnegativeFunction rvx /\
           Rbar_rv_le (fun x1 : event_restricted_domain P => rvx x1)
             (event_restricted_function P f)) /\ SimpleExpectation rvx = x0)).
    unfold is_lub_Rbar in *.
    destruct i; destruct i0.
    apply Rbar_le_antisym.
    - apply H0.
      unfold is_ub_Rbar.
      destruct H3 as [? [? [? [? ?]]]].
      destruct H3.
      unfold is_ub_Rbar in H1.
      unfold is_ub_Rbar in H.
      apply H1.
      exists (event_restricted_function P x2).
      exists (Restricted_RandomVariable P x2 x3).
      exists (Restricted_FiniteRangeFunction P x2 x4).
      + split.
        * now apply Restricted_NonnegativeFunction.
        * etransitivity; [| apply event_restricted_Rbar_rv_le; eapply H5].
          intros ?; simpl.
          now right.
      + now rewrite <- event_restricted_SimpleExpectation.
    - apply H2.
      unfold is_ub_Rbar.
      destruct H3 as [? [? [? [? ?]]]].
      destruct H3.
      unfold is_ub_Rbar in H1.
      unfold is_ub_Rbar in H.
      apply H.
      exists (lift_event_restricted_domain_fun 0 x2).
      do 2 eexists.
      split; [split |].
      + typeclasses eauto.
      + intro z.
        unfold lift_event_restricted_domain_fun.
        apply H5.
      + subst.
        erewrite event_restricted_SimpleExpectation; eauto.
        apply SimpleExpectation_ext.
        apply restrict_lift.

  Lemma event_restricted_Rbar_Expectation P (pf1 : ps_P P = 1) pf (f : Ts -> Rbar) :
    @Rbar_Expectation Ts dom prts f =
    @Rbar_Expectation _ _ (event_restricted_prob_space prts P pf)
                       (event_restricted_function P f).
    unfold Rbar_Expectation.
    generalize (event_restricted_Rbar_NonnegExpectation
                  P pf1 pf (Rbar_pos_fun_part f) _); intros.
    rewrite H.
    generalize (event_restricted_Rbar_NonnegExpectation
                  P pf1 pf (Rbar_neg_fun_part f) _); intros.
    now rewrite H0.

End EventRestricted.

Section almost.

    Context {Ts:Type}
          {dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts}.

  Context (prts: ProbSpace dom).

  Instance Rbar_pos_fun_part_proper_almostR2 : Proper (almostR2 prts eq ==> almostR2 prts eq)
                                            (fun x x0 => Rbar_pos_fun_part x x0).
    intros x1 x2 eqq1.
    apply (almostR2_sub prts eq (fun x x0 => Rbar_pos_fun_part x x0)); trivial.
    unfold Rbar_pos_fun_part; simpl.
    now rewrite H.

  Instance Rbar_neg_fun_part_proper_almostR2 : Proper (almostR2 prts eq ==> almostR2 prts eq)
                                            (fun x x0 => Rbar_neg_fun_part x x0).
    intros x1 x2 eqq1.
    apply (almostR2_sub prts eq (fun x x0 => Rbar_neg_fun_part x x0)); trivial.
    unfold Rbar_neg_fun_part; simpl.
    now rewrite H.

  Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_almostR2_0 x
        {nnf:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction x} :
    almostR2 prts eq x (const 0) ->
    Rbar_NonnegExpectation x = 0.
    unfold Rbar_NonnegExpectation, SimpleExpectationSup.
    unfold Lub_Rbar.
    repeat match goal with
             [|- context [proj1_sig ?x]] => destruct x; simpl
    destruct i as [xub xlub].
    unfold is_ub_Rbar in xub.
    specialize (xub 0).
    specialize (xlub 0).
    unfold is_ub_Rbar in xlub.
    cut_to xub.
    - cut_to xlub.
      + now apply Rbar_le_antisym.
      + intros.
        unfold BoundedNonnegativeFunction in H0.
        destruct H0 as [? [? [? [[? ?] ?]]]].
        assert (almostR2 prts eq x2 (const 0)).
        * destruct H as [P [Pall eq_on]].
          exists P.
          split; trivial.
          intros a ?.
          specialize (H1 a).
          rewrite eq_on in H1; trivial.
          unfold const in *.
          specialize (H0 a).
          simpl in H1.
        * generalize (SimplePosExpectation_pos_zero x2 H3); intros.
          rewrite H4 in H2.
          rewrite <- H2.
          simpl; lra.
    - exists (const 0); exists (rvconst _ _ 0); exists (frfconst 0).
      + unfold BoundedNonnegativeFunction.
        * apply nnfconst; lra.
        * apply nnf.
      + apply SimpleExpectation_const.

  Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_EventIndicator_as x {P} (dec:dec_event P)
        {xrv:RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa x}
        {xnnf:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction x}
      ps_P P = 1 ->
    Rbar_NonnegExpectation x = Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_rvmult x (EventIndicator dec)).
    intros pone.
    assert (eqq1:rv_eq x
                  (Rbar_rvplus (Rbar_rvmult x (EventIndicator dec))
                          (Rbar_rvmult x (EventIndicator (classic_dec (pre_event_complement P)))))).
      intros ?.
      unfold EventIndicator, Rbar_rvmult, Rbar_rvplus, pre_event_complement.
      repeat match_destr; try tauto.
      - now rewrite Rbar_mult_1_r, Rbar_mult_0_r, Rbar_plus_0_r.
      - now rewrite Rbar_mult_1_r, Rbar_mult_0_r, Rbar_plus_0_l.

    rewrite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext _ _ eqq1).
    rewrite Rbar_NonnegExpectation_plus.
    - assert (eqq2:almostR2 prts eq (Rbar_rvmult x (EventIndicator (classic_dec (pre_event_complement P)))) (const 0)).
        exists P.
        split; trivial.
        unfold EventIndicator, pre_event_complement, Rbar_rvmult.
        match_destr; try tauto.
        now rewrite Rbar_mult_0_r.
      rewrite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_almostR2_0 _ eqq2).
      now rewrite Rbar_plus_0_r.
    - apply Rbar_rvmult_rv; trivial.
      apply Real_Rbar_rv.
      typeclasses eauto.
    - apply Rbar_rvmult_rv; trivial.
      apply Real_Rbar_rv.
      apply EventIndicator_pre_rv.
      apply sa_complement.
      destruct P; trivial.

  Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_almostR2_proper x y
        {xrv:RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa x}
        {yrv:RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa y}
        {xnnf:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction x}
        {ynnf:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction y} :
    almostR2 prts eq x y ->
    Rbar_NonnegExpectation x = Rbar_NonnegExpectation y.
    intros [P [Pone Peqq]].
    rewrite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_EventIndicator_as x (classic_dec P) Pone).
    rewrite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_EventIndicator_as y (classic_dec P) Pone).
    apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext.
    intros ?.
    unfold Rbar_rvmult, EventIndicator.
    - repeat rewrite Rbar_mult_1_r.
      now rewrite Peqq.
    - now repeat rewrite Rbar_mult_0_r.

  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_almostR2_proper x y
        {xrv:RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa x}
        {yrv:RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa y} :
    almostR2 prts eq x y ->
    Rbar_Expectation x = Rbar_Expectation y.
    intros eqq.
    unfold Rbar_Expectation.
    rewrite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_almostR2_proper (fun x0 : Ts => Rbar_pos_fun_part x x0) (fun x0 : Ts => Rbar_pos_fun_part y x0))
      by now apply Rbar_pos_fun_part_proper_almostR2.
    rewrite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_almostR2_proper (fun x0 : Ts => Rbar_neg_fun_part x x0) (fun x0 : Ts => Rbar_neg_fun_part y x0))
      by now apply Rbar_neg_fun_part_proper_almostR2.

  Lemma Rbar_pos_neg_id (x:Rbar) :
    x = Rbar_plus (Rbar_max x 0) (Rbar_opp (Rbar_max (Rbar_opp x) 0)).
    assert (Rbar_opp 0 = 0).
      unfold Rbar_opp.
      rewrite Rbar_finite_eq.
    unfold Rbar_max; repeat match_destr.
    - rewrite H.
      rewrite <- H in r0.
      rewrite Rbar_opp_le in r0.
      rewrite Rbar_plus_0_r.
      apply Rbar_le_antisym; eauto.
    - rewrite Rbar_opp_involutive.
      now rewrite Rbar_plus_0_l.
    - rewrite H.
      now rewrite Rbar_plus_0_r.
    - rewrite Rbar_opp_involutive.
      rewrite <- H in n0.
      rewrite Rbar_opp_le in n0.
      apply Rbar_not_le_lt in n0.
      apply Rbar_not_le_lt in n.
      generalize (Rbar_lt_trans _ _ _ n n0); intros.
      simpl in H0; lra.

  Lemma Rbar_max_minus_nneg (x y : Rbar) :
    Rbar_le 0 x ->
    Rbar_le 0 y ->
    (x = 0 \/ y = 0) ->
    Rbar_max (Rbar_minus x y) 0 = x.
    unfold Rbar_max, Rbar_minus.
    destruct x; destruct y; try tauto.
    simpl in H; simpl in H0.
    - match_destr.
      + simpl in r1.
        destruct H1; apply Rbar_finite_eq in H1; apply Rbar_finite_eq; lra.
      + apply Rbar_not_le_lt in n.
        simpl; simpl in n.
        destruct H1; apply Rbar_finite_eq in H1; apply Rbar_finite_eq; lra.
    - match_destr; destruct H1; try congruence.
      rewrite H1 in n.
      now simpl in n.
    - destruct H1; try congruence.
      rewrite H1; simpl.
      match_destr; try congruence.
      now simpl in r0.
    - destruct H1; congruence.

    Program Definition pinf_Indicator
          (f : Ts -> Rbar) :=
    EventIndicator (P := (fun x => (f x) = p_infty)) _.
  Next Obligation.
    apply ClassicalDescription.excluded_middle_informative.

  Instance Rbar_positive_indicator_prod (f : Ts -> Rbar) (c : posreal) :
    Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (rvscale c (pinf_Indicator f)).
    unfold pinf_Indicator.
    apply rvscale_nnf.
    typeclasses eauto.

  Lemma finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le_inf
        (f : Ts -> Rbar)
        (fpos : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction f)
        (c : posreal) :
    is_finite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation f) ->
    Rbar_le (NonnegExpectation (rvscale c (pinf_Indicator f)))
            (Rbar_NonnegExpectation f).
    generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le (rvscale c (pinf_Indicator f)) f); intros.
    apply H.
    intro x.
    unfold rvscale, pinf_Indicator.
    unfold EventIndicator.
    - rewrite Rmult_1_r.
      rewrite e.
      now simpl.
    - rewrite Rmult_0_r.
      apply fpos.
  Lemma finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le_inf2
        (f : Ts -> Rbar)
        (rv : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa f)
        (fpos : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction f) :
    is_finite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation f) ->
    forall (c:posreal), Rbar_le (c * (ps_P (exist _ _ (sa_pinf_Rbar f rv))))
            (Rbar_NonnegExpectation f).
    generalize (finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le_inf f fpos c H); intros.
    rewrite NonnegExpectation_scale in H0.
    unfold pinf_Indicator in H0.
    assert (FiniteRangeFunction (EventIndicator (fun x : Ts => pinf_Indicator_obligation_1 f x))) by typeclasses eauto.
    assert (RandomVariable dom borel_sa (EventIndicator (fun x : Ts => pinf_Indicator_obligation_1 f x))).
    apply EventIndicator_pre_rv.
    now apply sa_pinf_Rbar.
    generalize (frf_NonnegExpectation (EventIndicator (fun x : Ts => pinf_Indicator_obligation_1 f x))); intros.
    rewrite H2 in H0.
    generalize (SimpleExpectation_pre_EventIndicator
                  (P := (fun x => f x = p_infty)) (sa_pinf_Rbar f rv)
                  (fun x : Ts => pinf_Indicator_obligation_1 f x)); intros.
    replace (@SimpleExpectation Ts dom prts
                  (@EventIndicator Ts (fun x : Ts => @eq Rbar (f x) p_infty)
                                   (fun x : Ts => pinf_Indicator_obligation_1 f x)) H1 X)
        (ps_P (exist sa_sigma (fun x : Ts => f x = p_infty) (sa_pinf_Rbar f rv))) in H0.
    apply H0.
    rewrite SimpleExpectation_pf_irrel with (frf2 := X) in H3.
    apply H3.

   Lemma finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_never_inf
        (f : Ts -> Rbar)
        (rv : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa f)
        (fpos : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction f) :
    is_finite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation f) ->
    ps_P (exist sa_sigma _ (sa_pinf_Rbar f rv)) = 0.
       generalize (finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le_inf2 f rv fpos H); intros.
       rewrite <- H in H0.
       simpl in H0.
       destruct (Rlt_dec
                   (ps_P (exist sa_sigma (fun x : Ts => f x = p_infty) (sa_pinf_Rbar f rv)))).
       - assert (0 <
                 ((real (Rbar_NonnegExpectation f))+1)
                   (ps_P (exist sa_sigma (fun x : Ts => f x = p_infty) (sa_pinf_Rbar f rv)))).
         + unfold Rdiv.
           apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
           generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos f); intros.
           rewrite <- H in H1; simpl in H1.
           now apply Rinv_0_lt_compat.
         + specialize (H0 (mkposreal _ H1)).
           simpl in H0.
           unfold Rdiv in H0.
           rewrite Rmult_assoc in H0.
           rewrite Rinv_l in H0.
           now apply Rgt_not_eq.
       - generalize (ps_pos (exist sa_sigma (fun x : Ts => f x = p_infty) (sa_pinf_Rbar f rv))); intros.
         assert (0 >= ps_P (exist sa_sigma (fun x : Ts => f x = p_infty) (sa_pinf_Rbar f rv))) by lra.

  Lemma finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_almostR2_finite
        (f : Ts -> Rbar)
        (rv : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa f)
        (fpos : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction f) :
    is_finite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation f) ->
    ps_P (exist sa_sigma _ (sa_finite_Rbar f rv)) = 1.
    generalize (finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_never_inf f rv fpos H); intros.
    assert (event_equiv
              (exist sa_sigma (fun x : Ts => is_finite (f x)) (sa_finite_Rbar f rv))
                 (exist sa_sigma (fun x : Ts => f x = p_infty) (sa_pinf_Rbar f rv)))).
    - intro x.
      unfold pre_event_complement.
      generalize (fpos x); intros.
      destruct (f x); unfold is_finite.
      + simpl in H1.
        split; intros.
        * discriminate.
        * reflexivity.
      + simpl.
        split; intros.
        * discriminate.
        * tauto.
      + now simpl in H1.
    - rewrite H1.
      rewrite ps_complement.
      rewrite H0.

  Lemma finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_almost_finite
        (f : Ts -> Rbar)
        (rv : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa f)
        (fpos : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction f) :
    is_finite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation f) ->
    almost prts (fun x => is_finite (f x)).
    generalize (finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_almostR2_finite f rv fpos H); intros.
    exists (exist sa_sigma (fun x : Ts => is_finite (f x)) (sa_finite_Rbar f rv)).
    split; trivial.

  Class Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (rv_X:Ts->Rbar)
    := Rbar_is_finite_expectation :
         match Rbar_Expectation rv_X with
         | Some (Finite _) => True
         | _ => False

  Lemma Rbar_rvabs_plus_posfun_negfun
        (f : Ts -> Rbar ) :
    rv_eq (Rbar_rvabs f)
          (Rbar_rvplus (Rbar_pos_fun_part f) (Rbar_neg_fun_part f)).
    intro x.
    unfold Rbar_rvabs, Rbar_rvplus, Rbar_pos_fun_part, Rbar_neg_fun_part.
    destruct (f x).
    - simpl.
      unfold Rbar_max, Rabs, Rbar_plus, Rbar_plus'.
      match_destr; simpl.
      + destruct (Rbar_le_dec r 0); destruct (Rbar_le_dec (-r) 0); unfold Rbar_le in *
        ; try lra.
        now rewrite Rplus_0_l.
      + destruct (Rbar_le_dec r 0); destruct (Rbar_le_dec (-r) 0); unfold Rbar_le in *
        ; try lra.
        * assert (r = 0) by lra; subst.
          now rewrite Rplus_0_r.
        * now rewrite Rplus_0_r.
    - simpl.
      unfold Rbar_max, Rabs, Rbar_plus, Rbar_plus'.
      destruct (Rbar_le_dec p_infty 0); destruct (Rbar_le_dec m_infty 0); unfold Rbar_le in *; tauto.
    - simpl.
      unfold Rbar_max, Rabs, Rbar_plus, Rbar_plus'.
      destruct (Rbar_le_dec p_infty 0); destruct (Rbar_le_dec m_infty 0); unfold Rbar_le in *; tauto.
  Instance IsFiniteExpectation_Rbar f : IsFiniteExpectation prts f -> Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation f.
    unfold IsFiniteExpectation, Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation.
    now rewrite Expectation_Rbar_Expectation.

  Lemma finiteExp_Rbar_rvabs
        (f : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rv : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa f}:
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation f <->
    is_finite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_rvabs f)).
    unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation, Rbar_Expectation.
    generalize (Rbar_rvabs_plus_posfun_negfun f); intros.
    rewrite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext _ _ H).
    unfold Rbar_minus'.
    unfold Rbar_plus', Rbar_opp.
    rewrite Rbar_NonnegExpectation_plus.
    generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos (Rbar_pos_fun_part f)); intros.
    generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos (Rbar_neg_fun_part f)); intros.
    destruct (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part f)); unfold is_finite.
    - destruct (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part f)); simpl; intuition discriminate.
    - destruct (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part f)); simpl; intuition discriminate.
    - now simpl in H0.
    - now apply Rbar_pos_fun_part_rv.
    - now apply Rbar_neg_fun_part_rv.

  Lemma finite_Rbar_Expectation_almostR2_finite
        (f : Ts -> Rbar)
        (rv : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa f) :
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation f ->
    ps_P (exist sa_sigma _ (sa_finite_Rbar f rv)) = 1.
    generalize (finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_almostR2_finite (Rbar_rvabs f) (Rbar_rvabs_rv f) (Rbar_rvabs_nnf f)); intros.
    assert (pre_event_equiv
              (fun x : Ts => is_finite (Rbar_rvabs f x))
              (fun x : Ts => is_finite (f x))).
      intro x.
      now unfold Rbar_rvabs, is_finite; destruct (f x); simpl.
    assert (event_equiv
              (exist sa_sigma (fun x : Ts => is_finite (Rbar_rvabs f x))
                     (sa_finite_Rbar (Rbar_rvabs f) (Rbar_rvabs_rv f)))
              (exist sa_sigma (fun x : Ts => is_finite (f x)) (sa_finite_Rbar f rv))).
    erewrite <- ps_proper; try eapply H2.
    apply H0.
    now apply finiteExp_Rbar_rvabs.

  Lemma IsFiniteExpectation_nneg_is_almost_finite (f : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rv : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa f}
        {nnf : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction f} :
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation f ->
    almost prts (fun x => is_finite (f x)).
    intros isfe.
    generalize (finite_Rbar_Expectation_almostR2_finite f rv isfe)
    ; intros HH.
    split; try eapply HH.
    now simpl.

  Lemma Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_proper_almostR2 rv_X1 rv_X2
        {rv1:RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1}
        {rv2:RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X2} :
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X1 ->
    almostR2 prts eq rv_X1 rv_X2 ->
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X2.
    unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation.
    now rewrite <- (Rbar_Expectation_almostR2_proper _ _ H0).

    Lemma Rbar_rv_le_pos_fun_part (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar) :
      Rbar_rv_le rv_X1 rv_X2 ->
      Rbar_rv_le (fun x : Ts => Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X1 x)
                 (fun x : Ts => Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X2 x).
      intros le12 a.
      unfold Rbar_pos_fun_part, Rbar_max.
      match_destr; match_destr; trivial.
      - simpl; lra.
      - unfold Rbar_le in *.
        + lra.
        + easy.
      - specialize (le12 a).
        unfold Rbar_le in *.
        match_destr; match_destr_in le12; lra.

    Lemma Rbar_rv_le_neg_fun_part (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar) :
      Rbar_rv_le rv_X1 rv_X2 ->
      Rbar_rv_le (fun x : Ts => Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X2 x)
                 (fun x : Ts => Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X1 x).
      intros le12 a.
      unfold Rbar_neg_fun_part, Rbar_max; simpl.
      specialize (le12 a).
      rewrite <- Rbar_opp_le in le12.
      match_destr; match_destr; trivial.
      - simpl; lra.
      - unfold Rbar_le in *.
        + lra.
        + easy.
      - unfold Rbar_le in *.
        match_destr; match_destr_in le12; lra.

  Lemma Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_bounded (rv_X1 rv_X2 rv_X3 : Ts -> Rbar)
        {isfe1:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X1}
        {isfe2:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X3}
      Rbar_rv_le rv_X1 rv_X2 ->
      Rbar_rv_le rv_X2 rv_X3 ->
      Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X2.
    unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation in *.
    unfold Rbar_Expectation in *.
    unfold Rbar_minus' in *.
    match_case_in isfe1
    ; [ intros ? eqq1 | intros eqq1]
    ; rewrite eqq1 in isfe1
    ; try contradiction.
    match_case_in isfe2
    ; [ intros ? eqq2 | intros eqq2]
    ; rewrite eqq2 in isfe2
    ; try contradiction.
    match_destr_in isfe1; try contradiction.
    match_destr_in isfe2; try contradiction.
    apply Finite_Rbar_plus' in eqq1.
    apply Finite_Rbar_plus' in eqq2.
    destruct eqq1 as [eqq1pos eqq1neg].
    destruct eqq2 as [eqq2pos eqq2neg].
    generalize (Rbar_rv_le_pos_fun_part _ _ H0).
    generalize (Rbar_rv_le_neg_fun_part _ _ H).
    rewrite Finite_Rbar_opp in eqq1neg.
    rewrite <- (is_finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le _ _ H1); trivial.
    rewrite <- (is_finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le _ _ H2); simpl; trivial.

  Lemma Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_parts f :
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation f ->
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part f) /\
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part f).
    unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation; intros.
    unfold Rbar_Expectation, Rbar_minus' in H.
    do 2 erewrite Rbar_Expectation_pos_pofrf.
    destruct (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part f));
      destruct (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part f)); try now simpl in H.

  Lemma Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_from_fin_parts (f:Ts->Rbar) :
    Rbar_lt (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part f)) p_infty ->
    Rbar_lt (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part f)) p_infty ->
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation f.
    unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation.
    unfold Rbar_Expectation; intros.
    generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos (fun x : Ts => Rbar_pos_fun_part f x)); intros.
    generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos (fun x : Ts => Rbar_neg_fun_part f x)); intros.
    destruct (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (fun x : Ts => Rbar_pos_fun_part f x))
    ; destruct (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (fun x : Ts => Rbar_neg_fun_part f x))
    ; simpl in *; try tauto.

  Lemma finexp_almost_finite rv_X
        {rv : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X} :
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X ->
    almost prts (fun x => is_finite (rv_X x)).
    destruct (Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_parts rv_X H).
    generalize (IsFiniteExpectation_nneg_is_almost_finite (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X) H0); intros.
    generalize (IsFiniteExpectation_nneg_is_almost_finite (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X) H1); intros.
    generalize (Rbar_rv_pos_neg_id rv_X); intros.
    destruct H2 as [? [? ?]].
    destruct H3 as [? [? ?]].
    exists (event_inter x x0).
    - rewrite <- H3.
      now apply ps_inter_l1.
    - intros ? [??].
      rewrite H4.
      unfold Rbar_rvplus, Rbar_rvopp.
      specialize (H5 x1).
      specialize (H6 x1).
      cut_to H5; trivial; try now apply (event_inter_sub_l x x0 x1).
      cut_to H6; try now apply (event_inter_sub_r x x0 x1).
      rewrite <- H5, <- H6.
      now simpl.

  Lemma finexp_almost_finite_part rv_X
        {rv : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X} :
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X ->
    almostR2 prts eq rv_X (Rbar_finite_part rv_X).
    destruct (finexp_almost_finite rv_X H) as [? [? ?]].
    exists x.
    split; trivial.
    unfold Rbar_finite_part.
    now rewrite <- H1.

  Global Instance finite_part_rv rv_X
         {rv : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X} :
    RandomVariable dom borel_sa (Rbar_finite_part rv_X).
    apply measurable_rv.
    now apply Rbar_finite_part_meas.

  Lemma finexp_Rbar_exp_finpart rv_X
        {rv : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X} :
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X ->
    Rbar_Expectation rv_X = Expectation (Rbar_finite_part rv_X).
    rewrite Expectation_Rbar_Expectation.
    apply Rbar_Expectation_almostR2_proper; trivial.
    - typeclasses eauto.
    - now apply finexp_almost_finite_part.
  Lemma Rbar_finexp_finexp rv_X
        {rv : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X} :
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X ->
    IsFiniteExpectation prts (Rbar_finite_part rv_X).
    unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation, IsFiniteExpectation; intros.
    now rewrite <- finexp_Rbar_exp_finpart.

  Global Instance Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_const (c:R) : Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (const c).
    rewrite <- Expectation_Rbar_Expectation.
    now rewrite Expectation_const.

  Lemma Rbar_finexp_almost_plus rv_X1 rv_X2
        {rv1 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1}
        {rv2 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X2} :
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X1 ->
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X2 ->
    almostR2 prts eq (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2) (rvplus (Rbar_finite_part rv_X1) (Rbar_finite_part rv_X2)).
    destruct (finexp_almost_finite_part rv_X1 H) as [? [? ?]].
    destruct (finexp_almost_finite_part rv_X2 H0) as [? [? ?]].
    exists (event_inter x x0).
    - rewrite <- H3.
      now apply ps_inter_l1.
    - intros ? [??].
      specialize (H2 x1).
      specialize (H4 x1).
      cut_to H2; trivial; try now apply (event_inter_sub_l x x0 x1).
      cut_to H4; try now apply (event_inter_sub_r x x0 x1).
      unfold Rbar_rvplus.
      rewrite H2, H4.
      now unfold rvplus.

  Global Instance Rbar_is_finite_expectation_isfe_plus
         (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
         {rv1 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1}
         {rv2 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X2}
         {isfe1: Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X1}
         {isfe2: Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X2} :
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2).
    generalize (Rbar_finexp_finexp rv_X1 isfe1); intros.
    generalize (Rbar_finexp_finexp rv_X2 isfe2); intros.
    generalize (Rbar_finexp_almost_plus rv_X1 rv_X2 isfe1 isfe2); intros.
    assert (RandomVariable dom borel_sa (Rbar_finite_part rv_X1)) by typeclasses eauto.
    assert (RandomVariable dom borel_sa (Rbar_finite_part rv_X2)) by typeclasses eauto.
    generalize (IsFiniteExpectation_plus prts (Rbar_finite_part rv_X1) (Rbar_finite_part rv_X2) ); intros.
    unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation.
    assert (RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (rvplus (Rbar_finite_part rv_X1) (Rbar_finite_part rv_X2))) by (apply Real_Rbar_rv; typeclasses eauto).
    generalize (Rbar_Expectation_almostR2_proper (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2)); intros.
    specialize (H6 (rvplus (Rbar_finite_part rv_X1) (Rbar_finite_part rv_X2))).
    cut_to H6; trivial.
    - rewrite H6.
      rewrite <- Expectation_Rbar_Expectation.
      apply H4.
    - apply Rbar_rvplus_rv; trivial.

  Global Instance Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_proper :
    Proper (rv_eq ==> iff) Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation.
    intros ???.
    unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation.
    now rewrite H.

  Global Instance Rbar_mult_eq_proper
          : Proper (rv_eq ==> rv_eq ==> rv_eq) (@Rbar_rvmult Ts).
    intros ???????.
    unfold Rbar_rvmult.
    now rewrite H, H0.

  Global Instance Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_min
         (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
         {rv1 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1}
         {rv2 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X2}
         {isfe1:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X1}
         {isfe2:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X2} :
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (Rbar_rvmin rv_X1 rv_X2).
    assert (isfep:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2)) by typeclasses eauto.
    unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation in *.
    unfold Rbar_Expectation in *.
    unfold Rbar_minus' in *.
    match_case_in isfe1
    ; [ intros ? eqq1 | intros eqq1]
    ; rewrite eqq1 in isfe1
    ; try contradiction.
    match_case_in isfe2
    ; [ intros ? eqq2 | intros eqq2]
    ; rewrite eqq2 in isfe2
    ; try contradiction.
    match_destr_in isfe1; try contradiction.
    match_destr_in isfe2; try contradiction.
    apply Finite_Rbar_plus' in eqq1.
    apply Finite_Rbar_plus' in eqq2.
    destruct eqq1 as [eqq1pos eqq1neg].
    destruct eqq2 as [eqq2pos eqq2neg].
    rewrite <- (is_finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le
                 ((fun x : Ts => Rbar_pos_fun_part (Rbar_rvmin rv_X1 rv_X2) x))
                 ((fun x : Ts => Rbar_pos_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2) x))).
      rewrite <- (is_finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le
                   ((fun x : Ts => Rbar_neg_fun_part (Rbar_rvmin rv_X1 rv_X2) x))
                   (Rbar_rvplus (fun x : Ts => Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X1 x) (fun x : Ts => Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X2 x))).
      + now simpl.
      + intros a.
        unfold Rbar_rvmin, Rbar_neg_fun_part, Rbar_rvplus, Rbar_min, Rbar_opp, Rbar_max, Rmin.
        destruct (rv_X1 a); destruct (rv_X2 a); rbar_prover
        ; repeat match_destr; simpl in *; try lra.
      + rewrite Rbar_NonnegExpectation_plus; try typeclasses eauto.
        apply -> Finite_Rbar_opp in eqq1neg.
        apply -> Finite_Rbar_opp in eqq2neg.
        rewrite <- eqq1neg, <- eqq2neg.
    - intros a.
      unfold Rbar_rvmin, Rbar_pos_fun_part, Rbar_rvplus, Rbar_min, Rbar_opp, Rbar_max, Rmin.
        destruct (rv_X1 a); destruct (rv_X2 a); rbar_prover
        ; repeat match_destr; simpl in *; try lra.
    - match_case_in isfep
      ; [ intros ? eqqp | intros eqqp]
      ; rewrite eqqp in isfep
      ; try contradiction.
      match_destr_in isfep; try contradiction.
      apply Finite_Rbar_plus' in eqqp.
      destruct eqqp as [eqqppos eqqpneg].

  Global Instance Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_max
         (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
         {rv1 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1}
         {rv2 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X2}
         {isfe1:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X1}
         {isfe2:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X2} :
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (Rbar_rvmax rv_X1 rv_X2).
    assert (isfep:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2)) by typeclasses eauto.
    unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation in *.
    unfold Rbar_Expectation in *.
    unfold Rbar_minus' in *.
    match_case_in isfe1
    ; [ intros ? eqq1 | intros eqq1]
    ; rewrite eqq1 in isfe1
    ; try contradiction.
    match_case_in isfe2
    ; [ intros ? eqq2 | intros eqq2]
    ; rewrite eqq2 in isfe2
    ; try contradiction.
    match_destr_in isfe1; try contradiction.
    match_destr_in isfe2; try contradiction.
    apply Finite_Rbar_plus' in eqq1.
    apply Finite_Rbar_plus' in eqq2.
    destruct eqq1 as [eqq1pos eqq1neg].
    destruct eqq2 as [eqq2pos eqq2neg].
    rewrite <- (is_finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le
                 ((fun x : Ts => Rbar_pos_fun_part (Rbar_rvmax rv_X1 rv_X2) x))
                 (Rbar_rvplus (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X1) (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X2))).
      rewrite <- (is_finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le
                   ((fun x : Ts => Rbar_neg_fun_part (Rbar_rvmax rv_X1 rv_X2) x))
                   (Rbar_rvplus (fun x : Ts => Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X1 x) (fun x : Ts => Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X2 x))).
      + now simpl.
      + intros a.
        unfold Rbar_rvmax, Rbar_neg_fun_part, Rbar_rvplus, Rbar_min, Rbar_opp, Rbar_max, Rmin.
        destruct (rv_X1 a); destruct (rv_X2 a); rbar_prover
        ; simpl in *; try lra
        ; repeat destruct (Rbar_le_dec _ _ )
        ; simpl in *; lra.
      + rewrite Rbar_NonnegExpectation_plus; try typeclasses eauto.
        apply -> Finite_Rbar_opp in eqq1neg.
        apply -> Finite_Rbar_opp in eqq2neg.
        rewrite <- eqq1neg, <- eqq2neg.
    - intros a.
      unfold Rbar_rvmax, Rbar_pos_fun_part, Rbar_rvplus, Rbar_min, Rbar_opp, Rbar_max, Rmin.
        destruct (rv_X1 a); destruct (rv_X2 a); rbar_prover
        ; repeat match_destr; simpl in *; try lra.
    - rewrite Rbar_NonnegExpectation_plus; try typeclasses eauto.
      rewrite <- eqq1pos, <- eqq2pos.

  Global Instance Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_choice
         (c: Ts -> bool) (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
         {rv1 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1}
         {rv2 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X2}
         {isfe1:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X1}
         {isfe2:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X2} :
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (Rbar_rvchoice c rv_X1 rv_X2).
    eapply Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_bounded
    ; try eapply Rbar_rvchoice_le_min
    ; try eapply Rbar_rvchoice_le_max
    ; typeclasses eauto.

  Global Instance Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_scale c f :
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation f ->
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (Rbar_rvmult (const (Finite c)) f).
    intros isfe.
    destruct (Req_EM_T c 0) as [e|ne].
    - subst.
      generalize (Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_const 0).
      apply Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_proper; intros ?.
      unfold Rbar_rvmult, const.
      now rewrite Rbar_mult_0_l.
    - generalize (Rbar_Expectation_scale (Finite c) f ne)
      ; simpl; intros HH.
      unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation, const in *.
      rewrite HH.
      match_option_in isfe.
      match_destr_in isfe; simpl; rbar_prover.

  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_const (c:R) :
    Rbar_Expectation (const c) = Some (Finite c).
    unfold const.
    rewrite <- Expectation_Rbar_Expectation.
    apply Expectation_const.

  Global Instance Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_indicator f {P} (dec:dec_pre_event P)
       {rv : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa f}:
  sa_sigma P ->
  Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation f ->
  Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (Rbar_rvmult f (EventIndicator dec)).
  unfold EventIndicator.
  assert (rv_eq (Rbar_rvmult f (fun x : Ts => EventIndicator dec x))
                (Rbar_rvchoice (fun x => if dec x then true else false) f (const 0))).
    intros ?.
    unfold EventIndicator, Rbar_rvmult, Rbar_rvchoice.
    destruct (dec a).
    - now rewrite Rbar_mult_1_r.
    - now rewrite Rbar_mult_0_r.
  apply (Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_proper _ _ H1).
  apply Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_choice; trivial.
  - apply Real_Rbar_rv.
    apply rvconst.
  - red.
    now rewrite Rbar_Expectation_const.

  Lemma Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_Finite (rv_X:Ts->Rbar)
        {isfe:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X} :
    { x : R | Rbar_Expectation rv_X = Some (Finite x)}.
    red in isfe.
    match_destr_in isfe; try contradiction.
    destruct r; try contradiction.

  Definition Rbar_FiniteExpectation (rv_X:Ts->Rbar)
             {isfe:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X} : R
    := proj1_sig (Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_Finite rv_X).

  Ltac Rbar_simpl_finite
    := repeat match goal with
              | [|- context [proj1_sig ?x]] => destruct x; simpl
              | [H: context [proj1_sig ?x] |- _] => destruct x; simpl in H

  Lemma FinExp_Rbar_FinExp (f:Ts->R)
        {rv:RandomVariable dom borel_sa f}
        {isfe:IsFiniteExpectation prts f}:
    Rbar_FiniteExpectation f =
    FiniteExpectation prts f.
    unfold FiniteExpectation, Rbar_FiniteExpectation.
    destruct IsFiniteExpectation_Finite.
    destruct Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_Finite.
    unfold proj1_sig.
    rewrite Expectation_Rbar_Expectation in e.
    rewrite e in e0.
    now invcs e0.

  Lemma Rbar_FiniteExpectation_const (c:R) : Rbar_FiniteExpectation (const c) = c.
    unfold Rbar_FiniteExpectation; Rbar_simpl_finite.
    rewrite Rbar_Expectation_const in e.

  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_sum_finite
        (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rv1 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1}
        {rv2 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X2} :
    forall (e1 e2:R),
      Rbar_Expectation rv_X1 = Some (Finite e1) ->
      Rbar_Expectation rv_X2 = Some (Finite e2) ->
      Rbar_Expectation (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2) = Some (Finite (e1 + e2)).
    assert (isfe1: Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X1).
      unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation.
      now rewrite H.
    assert (isfe2: Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X2).
      unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation.
      now rewrite H0.
    generalize (Rbar_finexp_finexp rv_X1 isfe1); intros.
    generalize (Rbar_finexp_finexp rv_X2 isfe2); intros.
    assert (RandomVariable dom borel_sa (Rbar_finite_part rv_X1)) by typeclasses eauto.
    assert (RandomVariable dom borel_sa (Rbar_finite_part rv_X2)) by typeclasses eauto.
    generalize (Expectation_sum_finite (Rbar_finite_part rv_X1)(Rbar_finite_part rv_X2) e1 e2); intros.
    generalize (Rbar_Expectation_almostR2_proper (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2)); intros.
    specialize (H6 (rvplus (Rbar_finite_part rv_X1) (Rbar_finite_part rv_X2))).
    rewrite H6.
    - rewrite <- Expectation_Rbar_Expectation.
      apply H5.
      + rewrite Expectation_Rbar_Expectation.
        generalize (Rbar_Expectation_almostR2_proper rv_X1 (Rbar_finite_part rv_X1)); intros.
        rewrite <- H7.
        apply H.
        now apply finexp_almost_finite_part.
      + rewrite Expectation_Rbar_Expectation.
        generalize (Rbar_Expectation_almostR2_proper rv_X2 (Rbar_finite_part rv_X2)); intros.
        rewrite <- H7.
        apply H0.
        now apply finexp_almost_finite_part.
    - now apply Rbar_rvplus_rv.
    - typeclasses eauto.
    - now apply Rbar_finexp_almost_plus.

  Lemma pos_part_neg_part_rvplus (f g : Ts -> R) :
         (pos_fun_part (rvplus f g))
            (neg_fun_part f)
            (neg_fun_part g)))
         (neg_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus f g))
            (pos_fun_part f)
            (pos_fun_part g))).
      intro x.
      rv_unfold; simpl.
      unfold Rmax.
      repeat match_destr; lra.

  Lemma pos_part_neg_part_Rbar_rvplus (f g : Ts -> Rbar) :
    (forall x, ex_Rbar_plus (f x) (g x)) ->
         (Rbar_pos_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus f g))
            (Rbar_neg_fun_part f)
            (Rbar_neg_fun_part g)))
         (Rbar_neg_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus f g))
            (Rbar_pos_fun_part f)
            (Rbar_pos_fun_part g))).
      intros explus x.
      unfold Rbar_rvplus, Rbar_pos_fun_part, Rbar_neg_fun_part, Rbar_rvopp.
      unfold Rbar_max.
      specialize (explus x).
      destruct (f x); destruct (g x); simpl; repeat match_destr; simpl in *; apply Rbar_finite_eq; try lra.

  Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos_part_neg_part_Rbar_rvplus (f g : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rvf : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa f}
        {rvg : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa g} :
    (forall x, ex_Rbar_plus (f x) (g x)) ->
      (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus f g)))
          (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part f))
          (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part g))) =
      (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus f g)))
         (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part f))
         (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part g))).
     generalize (pos_part_neg_part_Rbar_rvplus f g H); intros.
          (Rbar_rvplus (Rbar_pos_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus f g))
                       (Rbar_rvplus (Rbar_neg_fun_part f) (Rbar_neg_fun_part g))) =
          (Rbar_rvplus (Rbar_neg_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus f g))
                       (Rbar_rvplus (Rbar_pos_fun_part f) (Rbar_pos_fun_part g)))).
       now apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext.
     assert (RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Rbar_rvplus f g)).
       now apply Rbar_rvplus_rv.
     rewrite Rbar_NonnegExpectation_plus in H1.
     rewrite Rbar_NonnegExpectation_plus in H1.
     rewrite Rbar_NonnegExpectation_plus in H1.
     rewrite Rbar_NonnegExpectation_plus in H1.
     - apply H1.
     - now apply Rbar_pos_fun_part_rv.
     - now apply Rbar_pos_fun_part_rv.
     - now apply Rbar_neg_fun_part_rv.
     - apply Rbar_rvplus_rv; now apply Rbar_pos_fun_part_rv.
     - now apply Rbar_neg_fun_part_rv.
     - now apply Rbar_neg_fun_part_rv.
     - now apply Rbar_pos_fun_part_rv.
     - apply Rbar_rvplus_rv; now apply Rbar_neg_fun_part_rv.

    Lemma Rbar_IsFiniteNonnegExpectation (X:Ts->Rbar)
          {posX: Rbar_NonnegativeFunction X}
          {isfeX: Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation X} :
      is_finite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation X).
      red in isfeX.
      rewrite Rbar_Expectation_pos_pofrf with (nnf:=posX) in isfeX.
      match_destr_in isfeX; try tauto.

    Lemma Rbar_pos_sum_bound (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar) :
      (forall x, ex_Rbar_plus (rv_X1 x) (rv_X2 x)) ->
      Rbar_rv_le (Rbar_pos_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2))
                 (Rbar_rvplus (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X1)
                              (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X2)).
      intros explus x.
      unfold Rbar_pos_fun_part, Rbar_rvplus.
      unfold Rbar_max.
      destruct (rv_X1 x); destruct (rv_X2 x); simpl; repeat match_destr; simpl in *; try lra.

    Lemma Rbar_neg_sum_bound (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar) :
      (forall x, ex_Rbar_plus (rv_X1 x) (rv_X2 x)) ->
      Rbar_rv_le (Rbar_neg_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2))
                 (Rbar_rvplus (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X1)
                              (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X2)).
      intros explus x.
      unfold Rbar_neg_fun_part, Rbar_rvplus.
      unfold Rbar_max.
      destruct (rv_X1 x); destruct (rv_X2 x); simpl; repeat match_destr; simpl in *; try lra.

  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_finite
        (rv_X1 : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rv1 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1} :
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X1 ->
    is_finite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X1)) /\
    is_finite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X1)).
    destruct (Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_parts rv_X1 H).
    split; now apply Rbar_IsFiniteNonnegExpectation.

  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_pinf
        (rv_X1 : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rv1 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1} :
    Rbar_Expectation rv_X1 = Some p_infty ->
    Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X1) = p_infty /\
    is_finite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X1)).
    unfold Rbar_Expectation in H.
    generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X1)); intros.
    generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X1)); intros.
    assert (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X1) = p_infty).
      case_eq (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X1)); intros;
        case_eq (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X1));
        intros; rewrite H2,H3 in H; simpl in H; try easy.
      now rewrite H3 in H1.
    split; trivial.
    rewrite H2 in H.
    case_eq (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X1)); intros.
    - now simpl.
    - rewrite H3 in H; simpl in H; congruence.
    - rewrite H3 in H1.
      now simpl in H1.

  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_minf
        (rv_X1 : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rv1 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1} :
    Rbar_Expectation rv_X1 = Some m_infty ->
    is_finite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X1)) /\
    Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X1) = p_infty.
    unfold Rbar_Expectation in H.
    generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X1)); intros.
    generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X1)); intros.
    assert (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X1) = p_infty).
      case_eq (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X1)); intros;
        case_eq (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part rv_X1));
        intros; rewrite H2,H3 in H; simpl in H; try easy.
      now rewrite H2 in H0.
    split; trivial.
    rewrite H2 in H.
    case_eq (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part rv_X1)); intros.
    - now simpl.
    - rewrite H3 in H; simpl in H; congruence.
    - rewrite H3 in H0.
      now simpl in H0.

  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_sum_finite_left
        (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rv1 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1}
        {rv2 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X2} :
    (forall x, ex_Rbar_plus (rv_X1 x) (rv_X2 x)) ->
    forall (e1:R) (e2:Rbar),
      Rbar_Expectation rv_X1 = Some (Finite e1) ->
      Rbar_Expectation rv_X2 = Some e2 ->
      Rbar_Expectation (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2) = Some (Rbar_plus e1 e2).
     assert (Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X1).
       unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation.
       now rewrite H0.
     destruct (Rbar_Expectation_finite rv_X1 H2).
     case_eq e2; intros; rewrite H5 in H1.
     - now apply Rbar_Expectation_sum_finite.
     - simpl.
       destruct (Rbar_Expectation_pinf rv_X2 H1).
       unfold Rbar_Expectation.
       assert (is_finite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2)))).
         generalize (Rbar_neg_sum_bound rv_X1 rv_X2 H); intros.
         apply (is_finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le _ _ H8).
         rewrite Rbar_NonnegExpectation_plus.
         - rewrite <- H4.
           rewrite <- H7.
           unfold is_finite.
           now simpl.
        - now apply Rbar_neg_fun_part_rv.
        - now apply Rbar_neg_fun_part_rv.
      rewrite <- H8.
      assert (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2)) = p_infty).
        generalize ( Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos_part_neg_part_Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2 H); intros.
        rewrite H6 in H9.
        rewrite <- H3 in H9.
        rewrite <- H4 in H9.
        rewrite <- H7 in H9.
        rewrite <- H8 in H9.
        simpl in H9.
        destruct (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2))).
        - discriminate H9.
        - tauto.
        - discriminate H9.
      rewrite H9.
      now simpl.
    - simpl.
      destruct (Rbar_Expectation_minf rv_X2 H1).
      unfold Rbar_Expectation.
      assert (is_finite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2)))).
        generalize (Rbar_pos_sum_bound rv_X1 rv_X2 H); intros.
        apply (is_finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le _ _ H8).
        rewrite Rbar_NonnegExpectation_plus.
        - rewrite <- H3.
          rewrite <- H6.
          unfold is_finite.
          now simpl.
        - now apply Rbar_pos_fun_part_rv.
        - now apply Rbar_pos_fun_part_rv.
      rewrite <- H8.
      assert (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2)) = p_infty).
        generalize ( Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos_part_neg_part_Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2 H); intros.
        rewrite H7 in H9.
        rewrite <- H3 in H9.
        rewrite <- H4 in H9.
        rewrite <- H6 in H9.
        rewrite <- H8 in H9.
        simpl in H9.
        destruct (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2))).
        - discriminate H9.
        - tauto.
        - discriminate H9.
      rewrite H9.
      now simpl.

  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_sum_finite_right
        (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rv1 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1}
        {rv2 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X2} :
    (forall x, ex_Rbar_plus (rv_X1 x) (rv_X2 x)) ->
    forall (e1:Rbar) (e2:R),
      Rbar_Expectation rv_X1 = Some e1 ->
      Rbar_Expectation rv_X2 = Some (Finite e2) ->
      Rbar_Expectation (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2) = Some (Rbar_plus e1 e2).
    rewrite Rbar_plus_comm.
    assert (rv_eq (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2) (Rbar_rvplus rv_X2 rv_X1)).
      intro x.
      unfold Rbar_rvplus.
      now rewrite Rbar_plus_comm.
    rewrite (Rbar_Expectation_ext H2).
    apply Rbar_Expectation_sum_finite_left; trivial.
    now apply ex_Rbar_plus_comm.

  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_sum
        (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rv1 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1}
        {rv2 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X2} :
    (forall x, ex_Rbar_plus (rv_X1 x) (rv_X2 x)) ->
    forall (e1 e2:Rbar),
      Rbar_Expectation rv_X1 = Some e1 ->
      Rbar_Expectation rv_X2 = Some e2 ->
      ex_Rbar_plus e1 e2 ->
      Rbar_Expectation (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2) = Some (Rbar_plus e1 e2).
     generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos_part_neg_part_Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2 H); intros.
     destruct e1.
     - now apply Rbar_Expectation_sum_finite_left.
     - destruct e2.
       + now apply Rbar_Expectation_sum_finite_right.
       + destruct (Rbar_Expectation_pinf rv_X1 H0).
         destruct (Rbar_Expectation_pinf rv_X2 H1).
         rewrite H4, H6 in H3.
         rewrite <- H5, <- H7 in H3.
         simpl in H3.
         assert (is_finite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2)))).
           generalize (Rbar_neg_sum_bound rv_X1 rv_X2 H); intros.
           apply (is_finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le _ _ H8).
           rewrite Rbar_NonnegExpectation_plus.
           - rewrite <- H5, <- H7.
             now simpl.
           - now apply Rbar_neg_fun_part_rv.
           - now apply Rbar_neg_fun_part_rv.
         rewrite <- H8 in H3.
         simpl in H3.
         assert (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2)) = p_infty).
            destruct (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2))).
            - discriminate H3.
            - tauto.
            - discriminate H3.
         unfold Rbar_Expectation.
         rewrite H9.
         rewrite <- H8.
         now simpl.
       + now simpl in H2.
     - destruct e2.
       + now apply Rbar_Expectation_sum_finite_right.
       + now simpl in H2.
       + destruct (Rbar_Expectation_minf rv_X1 H0).
         destruct (Rbar_Expectation_minf rv_X2 H1).
         rewrite H5, H7 in H3.
         rewrite <- H4, <- H6 in H3.
         simpl in H3.
         assert (is_finite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_pos_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2)))).
           generalize (Rbar_pos_sum_bound rv_X1 rv_X2 H); intros.
           apply (is_finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le _ _ H8).
           rewrite Rbar_NonnegExpectation_plus.
           - rewrite <- H4, <- H6.
             now simpl.
           - now apply Rbar_pos_fun_part_rv.
           - now apply Rbar_pos_fun_part_rv.
         rewrite <- H8 in H3.
         simpl in H3.
         assert (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2)) = p_infty).
            destruct (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_neg_fun_part (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2))).
            - discriminate H3.
            - tauto.
            - discriminate H3.
         unfold Rbar_Expectation.
         rewrite H9.
         rewrite <- H8.
         now simpl.
  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_minus_finite
        (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rv1 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1}
        {rv2 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X2} :
    forall (e1 e2:R),
      Rbar_Expectation rv_X1 = Some (Finite e1) ->
      Rbar_Expectation rv_X2 = Some (Finite e2) ->
      Rbar_Expectation (Rbar_rvminus rv_X1 rv_X2) = Some (Finite (e1 - e2)).
    unfold Rbar_rvminus.
    apply Rbar_Expectation_sum_finite; trivial.
    - typeclasses eauto.
    - generalize (Rbar_Expectation_opp rv_X2); intros.
      simpl in H1.
      rewrite H1.
      rewrite H0.
      now simpl.

  Lemma Rbar_FiniteExpectation_Rbar_Expectation (rv_X:Ts->Rbar)
        {isfe:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X} :
    Rbar_Expectation rv_X = Some (Finite (Rbar_FiniteExpectation rv_X)).
    unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation in isfe.
    unfold Rbar_FiniteExpectation.
    unfold Rbar_Expectation.
    now Rbar_simpl_finite.

  Lemma Rbar_FiniteExpectation_Rbar_NonnegExpectation (rv_X:Ts->Rbar)
        {nnf:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X}
        {isfe:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X} :
    Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X = Finite (Rbar_FiniteExpectation rv_X).
    generalize (Rbar_Expectation_pos_pofrf rv_X).
    rewrite (Rbar_FiniteExpectation_Rbar_Expectation _).

  Lemma Rbar_FiniteExpectation_proper_almostR2 (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rrv1:RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1}
        {rrv2:RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X2}
        {isfe1:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X1}
        {isfe2:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X2}
      almostR2 prts eq rv_X1 rv_X2 ->
      Rbar_FiniteExpectation rv_X1 = Rbar_FiniteExpectation rv_X2.
    generalize (Rbar_FiniteExpectation_Rbar_Expectation rv_X1).
    generalize (Rbar_FiniteExpectation_Rbar_Expectation rv_X2).
    rewrite (Rbar_Expectation_almostR2_proper _ _ H).

  Lemma Rbar_FiniteExpectation_plus
        (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rv1 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1}
        {rv2 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X2}
        {isfe1:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X1}
        {isfe2:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X2} :
    Rbar_FiniteExpectation (Rbar_rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2) =
    Rbar_FiniteExpectation rv_X1 + Rbar_FiniteExpectation rv_X2.
    destruct (Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_Finite rv_X1) as [r1 e1].
    destruct (Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_Finite rv_X2) as [r2 e2].
    generalize (Rbar_Expectation_sum_finite rv_X1 rv_X2 r1 r2 e1 e2); trivial
    ; intros HH.
    erewrite Rbar_FiniteExpectation_Rbar_Expectation in e1,e2,HH.
    invcs HH.
    invcs e1.
    invcs e2.
    rewrite H0, H1, H2.

  Lemma Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_opp (rv_X : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rv : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X}
        {isfe: Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X} :
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (Rbar_rvopp rv_X).
    generalize (Rbar_Expectation_opp rv_X); intros.
    simpl in H.
    unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation.
    rewrite H.
    unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation in isfe.
    match_destr_in isfe.
    destruct r; tauto.

  Global Instance Rbar_is_finite_expectation_isfe_minus
         (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
         {rv1 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1}
         {rv2 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X2}
         {isfe1: Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X1}
         {isfe2: Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X2} :
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (Rbar_rvminus rv_X1 rv_X2).
    unfold Rbar_rvminus.
    apply Rbar_is_finite_expectation_isfe_plus; trivial.
    - typeclasses eauto.
    - now apply Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_opp.
  Lemma Rbar_FiniteExpectation_minus
        (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rv1 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1}
        {rv2 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X2}
        {isfe1:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X1}
        {isfe2:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X2} :
    Rbar_FiniteExpectation (Rbar_rvminus rv_X1 rv_X2) =
    Rbar_FiniteExpectation rv_X1 - Rbar_FiniteExpectation rv_X2.
    destruct (Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_Finite rv_X1) as [r1 e1].
    destruct (Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_Finite rv_X2) as [r2 e2].
    generalize (Rbar_Expectation_minus_finite rv_X1 rv_X2 r1 r2 e1 e2); trivial
    ; intros HH.
    erewrite Rbar_FiniteExpectation_Rbar_Expectation in e1,e2,HH.
    invcs HH.
    invcs e1.
    invcs e2.
    rewrite H0, H1, H2.

  Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_minus_bounded2
        (rv_X1 : Ts -> Rbar)
        (rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rv1 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1}
        {rv2 : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X2}
        {nnf1:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X1}
        (cpos:0 <= c)
        (bounded2: Rbar_rv_le rv_X2 (const c))
        {nnf2:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X2}
        {nnf12:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Rbar_rvminus rv_X1 rv_X2)} :
    Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_rvminus rv_X1 rv_X2) =
    Rbar_minus (Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X1) (Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X2).
    assert (isf:forall omega, is_finite (rv_X2 omega)).
      intros omega.
      specialize (bounded2 omega).
      simpl in bounded2.
      eapply bounded_is_finite; eauto.
    assert (isfe:is_finite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X2)).
      eapply (is_finite_Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le _ (const c)).
      - intros ?.
        unfold const.
        apply bounded2.
      - erewrite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pf_irrel _ (nnfconst _ _)).
        rewrite Rbar_NonnegExpectation_const.
        now trivial.

    assert (minus_rv:RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Rbar_rvminus rv_X1 rv_X2)).
      apply Rbar_rvplus_rv; trivial.
      typeclasses eauto.
    generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_plus (Rbar_rvminus rv_X1 rv_X2) rv_X2)
    ; intros eqq1.
    assert (eqq2:rv_eq (Rbar_rvplus (Rbar_rvminus rv_X1 rv_X2) rv_X2) rv_X1).
      intros a.
      unfold Rbar_rvminus, Rbar_rvopp, Rbar_rvplus in *.
      rewrite <- isf.
      clear eqq1 isf isfe.
      specialize (nnf12 a).
      specialize (nnf1 a).
      specialize (nnf2 a).
      simpl in *.
      destruct (rv_X1 a); simpl in *; try tauto.
      f_equal; lra.
    rewrite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext _ _ eqq2) in eqq1.
    rewrite eqq1.
    generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos _ (nnf:=nnf12))
    ; intros nneg12.
    clear eqq1 eqq2.

    now rewrite <- isfe, Rbar_minus_plus_fin.
    - intros ?; simpl.
      now unfold const.
    - trivial.

  Lemma Rbar_FiniteExpectation_ext rv_X1 rv_X2
        {isfe1:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X1}
        {isfe2:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X2}
        (eqq: rv_eq rv_X1 rv_X2)
    Rbar_FiniteExpectation rv_X1 = Rbar_FiniteExpectation rv_X2.
    unfold Rbar_FiniteExpectation, proj1_sig.
    repeat match_destr.
    rewrite eqq in e.
  Lemma Rbar_FiniteExpectation_ext_alt {rv_X1 rv_X2}
        {isfe1:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation rv_X1}
        (eqq: rv_eq rv_X1 rv_X2)
      Rbar_FiniteExpectation rv_X1 =
      Rbar_FiniteExpectation rv_X2 (isfe:=proj1 (Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_proper _ _ eqq) isfe1).
    now apply Rbar_FiniteExpectation_ext.

Theorem Dominated_convergence
          (fn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar)
          (f : Ts -> Rbar) (g : Ts -> R)
          {rvn : forall n, RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (fn n)}
          {rvf : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa f}
          {rvg : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa g}
          {isfefn : forall n, Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (fn n)}
          {isfef: Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation f}
          {isfeg: Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation g} :
    (forall n, Rbar_rv_le (Rbar_rvabs (fn n)) g) ->
    (forall x, is_Elim_seq (fun n => fn n x) (f x)) ->
    is_lim_seq (fun n => Rbar_FiniteExpectation (fn n)) (Rbar_FiniteExpectation f).
    intros le1 lim1.
    assert (forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Rbar_rvplus g (fn n))).
      intros n x.
      specialize (le1 n x).
      unfold Rbar_rvplus, Rbar_rvabs in *.
      destruct (fn n x); simpl in *; trivial; try lra.
      unfold Rabs in le1.
      match_destr_in le1; lra.

    assert (forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Rbar_rvminus g (fn n))).
      intros n x.
      specialize (le1 n x).
      unfold Rbar_rvminus, Rbar_rvopp, Rbar_rvplus, Rbar_rvabs in *.
      destruct (fn n x); simpl in *; trivial; try lra.
      unfold Rabs in le1.
      match_destr_in le1; lra.

    assert (forall n : nat, RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Rbar_rvplus g (fn n))).
      now apply Rbar_rvplus_rv.
    assert (forall n : nat, RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Rbar_rvminus g (fn n))).
      now apply Rbar_rvminus_rv.

    assert (RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa
                           (fun omega : Ts => ELimInf_seq (fun n : nat => Rbar_rvplus g (fn n) omega)))
    by now apply Rbar_lim_inf_rv.

    assert (RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa
                           (fun omega : Ts => ELimInf_seq (fun n : nat => Rbar_rvminus g (fn n) omega)))
    by now apply Rbar_lim_inf_rv.

    generalize (Rbar_NN_Fatou (fun n => Rbar_rvplus g (fn n)) _ _ _); intros le2.
    generalize (Rbar_NN_Fatou (fun n => Rbar_rvminus g (fn n)) _ _ _); intros le3.

    assert (forall n, Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (Rbar_rvplus g (fn n))).
      intro n.
      now apply Rbar_is_finite_expectation_isfe_plus.
    assert (forall n, Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (Rbar_rvminus g (fn n))).
      intro n.
      now apply Rbar_is_finite_expectation_isfe_minus.
    - assert (rv_eq (fun omega : Ts => ELimInf_seq (fun n : nat => Rbar_rvplus g (fn n) omega))
                    (Rbar_rvplus g f)).
        intro x.
        unfold Rbar_rvplus.
        rewrite ELimInf_seq_const_plus.
        rewrite is_ELimInf_seq_unique with (l := f x); trivial.
        now apply is_Elim_LimInf_seq.

      assert (rv_eq (fun omega : Ts => ELimInf_seq (fun n : nat => Rbar_rvminus g (fn n) omega))
                    (Rbar_rvminus g f)).
        intro x.
        unfold Rbar_rvminus, Rbar_rvplus, Rbar_rvopp.
        rewrite ELimInf_seq_const_plus.
        rewrite ELimInf_seq_opp.
        rewrite is_ELimSup_seq_unique with (l:=(f x)); trivial.
        now apply is_Elim_LimSup_seq.
      erewrite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext _ _ H7) in le2.
      erewrite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext _ _ H8) in le3.

      rewrite (Rbar_FiniteExpectation_Rbar_NonnegExpectation _) in le2.
      rewrite (Rbar_FiniteExpectation_Rbar_NonnegExpectation _) in le3.

      rewrite (ELimInf_proper _ (fun n => (Rbar_FiniteExpectation g) +
                                        (Rbar_FiniteExpectation (fn n)))) in le2.
      2: {
        intros ?.
        erewrite <- (Rbar_FiniteExpectation_plus _ _).
        rewrite (Rbar_FiniteExpectation_Rbar_NonnegExpectation _).
        apply Rbar_FiniteExpectation_ext.
      rewrite (ELimInf_proper _ (fun n => (Rbar_FiniteExpectation g) -
                                       (Rbar_FiniteExpectation (fn n)))) in le3.
      2: {
        intros ?.
        erewrite <- (Rbar_FiniteExpectation_minus _ _).
        rewrite (Rbar_FiniteExpectation_Rbar_NonnegExpectation _).
        apply Rbar_FiniteExpectation_ext.

      rewrite ELimInf_seq_fin in le2.
      rewrite ELimInf_seq_fin in le3.

      rewrite LimInf_seq_const_plus in le2.
      rewrite LimInf_seq_const_minus in le3.

      erewrite Rbar_FiniteExpectation_plus in le2.
      erewrite Rbar_FiniteExpectation_minus in le3.

      assert (Rbar_le (Rbar_FiniteExpectation f)
                      (LimInf_seq (fun n => Rbar_FiniteExpectation (fn n)))).
        case_eq (LimInf_seq (fun n => Rbar_FiniteExpectation (fn n))); intros.
        - rewrite H9 in le2; simpl in le2.
          apply Rplus_le_reg_l in le2.
          apply le2.
        - now simpl.
        - rewrite H9 in le2; now simpl in le2.

      assert (Rbar_le (LimSup_seq (fun n => Rbar_FiniteExpectation (fn n)))
                      (Rbar_FiniteExpectation f)).
        case_eq (LimSup_seq (fun n => Rbar_FiniteExpectation (fn n))); intros.
        - rewrite H10 in le3; simpl in le3.
          apply Rplus_le_reg_l in le3.
          apply Ropp_le_cancel.
          apply le3.
        - rewrite H10 in le3; now simpl in le3.
        - now simpl.

      generalize (Rbar_le_trans _ _ _ H10 H9); intros.
      generalize (LimSup_LimInf_seq_le (fun n => Rbar_FiniteExpectation (fn n))); intros.
      generalize (Rbar_le_antisym _ _ H11 H12); intros.
      rewrite H13 in H10.
      generalize (Rbar_le_antisym _ _ H10 H9); intros.

      assert (Lim_seq (fun n => Rbar_FiniteExpectation (fn n)) = Rbar_FiniteExpectation f).
        unfold Lim_seq.
        rewrite H13, H14.
        now rewrite x_plus_x_div_2.
      rewrite <- H15.
      apply Lim_seq_correct.
      now apply ex_lim_LimSup_LimInf_seq.
      + intro x.
        generalize (is_Elim_seq_le (fun n => 0) (fun n => Rbar_minus (g x) (fn n x)) 0 (Rbar_minus (g x) (f x))); intros.
        unfold Rbar_rvminus, Rbar_rvplus, Rbar_rvopp.
        apply H9.
        * intros.
          apply H0.
        * apply is_Elim_seq_const.
        * eapply is_Elim_seq_minus.
          -- apply is_Elim_seq_const.
          -- apply lim1.
          -- destruct (f x); reflexivity.
      + intro x.
        generalize (is_Elim_seq_le (fun n => 0) (fun n => Rbar_plus (g x) (fn n x)) 0 (Rbar_plus (g x) (f x))); intros.
        unfold Rbar_rvplus.
        apply H9.
        * intros.
          apply H.
        * apply is_Elim_seq_const.
        * eapply is_Elim_seq_plus.
          -- apply is_Elim_seq_const.
          -- apply lim1.
          -- destruct (f x); reflexivity.

  Theorem Dominated_convergence_almost
          (fn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar)
          (f g : Ts -> Rbar)
          {rvn : forall n, RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (fn n)}
          {rvf : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa f}
          {rvg : RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa g}
          {isfefn : forall n, Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (fn n)}
          {isfe: Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation f} :
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation g ->
    (forall n, almostR2 prts Rbar_le (Rbar_rvabs (fn n)) g) ->
    (almost prts (fun x => is_Elim_seq (fun n => fn n x) (f x))) ->
    is_lim_seq (fun n => Rbar_FiniteExpectation (fn n)) (Rbar_FiniteExpectation f).
    intros isfeg ale islim.

    generalize (finexp_almost_finite_part g isfeg); intros almostg.
    assert (fing':Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (Rbar_finite_part g)).
      generalize (Rbar_finexp_finexp g isfeg); intros HH.
      unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation.
      rewrite <- Expectation_Rbar_Expectation.
      apply HH.

    assert (ale'': forall n : nat, almostR2 prts Rbar_le (Rbar_rvabs (fn n)) (Rbar_finite_part g)).
      eapply almost_impl; [| apply almost_and; [apply ale | apply almostg]].
      apply all_almost; intros ?[??].
      rewrite <- H0.
      apply H.

    assert (ale':forall n, almostR2 prts (fun x y => (fun x y => Rbar_le (Rbar_abs x) y) x (Finite y)) (fn n) (Rbar_finite_part g)).
      intros n; generalize (ale'' n).
      apply almost_impl; apply all_almost; intros ??.
      apply H.

    destruct (almostR2_Rbar_R_le_forall_l_split prts _ _ ale' (RR:=(fun x y => Rbar_le (Rbar_abs x) y)))
      as [fn' [g' [eqqfn [eqqg [le' [rvf' rvg']]]]]].

    assert (rvfn':forall n, RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (fn' n)) by eauto.

    assert (isfefn':forall n, Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (fn' n)).
      intros n.
      eapply (Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_proper_almostR2 (fn n)); trivial; typeclasses eauto.
    cut (is_lim_seq (fun n : nat => Rbar_FiniteExpectation (fn' n)) (Rbar_FiniteExpectation f)).
    - apply is_lim_seq_ext; intros.
      now apply Rbar_FiniteExpectation_proper_almostR2.
    - destruct (almost_and prts (almost_forall _ eqqfn) islim) as [p [pone ph]].
      unfold pre_inter_of_collection, pre_event_inter in ph.

      assert (rvfne:(forall n : nat, RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Rbar_rvmult (fn n) (EventIndicator (classic_dec p))))).
        apply Rbar_rvmult_rv; trivial.
        apply Real_Rbar_rv.
        apply EventIndicator_rv.

      assert (rvfe:RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Rbar_rvmult f (EventIndicator (classic_dec p)))).
        apply Rbar_rvmult_rv; trivial.
        apply Real_Rbar_rv.
        apply EventIndicator_rv.

      assert (isfen : forall n : nat, Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (Rbar_rvmult (fn n) (EventIndicator (classic_dec p)))).
        apply Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_indicator; trivial.
        now destruct p.
      assert (isfe0 : Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (Rbar_rvmult f (EventIndicator (classic_dec p)))).
        apply Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_indicator; trivial.
        now destruct p.

      assert (Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (fun x : Ts => g' x)).
        unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation.
        rewrite <- Expectation_Rbar_Expectation.
        rewrite <- (Expectation_almostR2_proper _ _ _ eqqg).
        rewrite Expectation_Rbar_Expectation.
        apply fing'.
      generalize (Dominated_convergence
                    (fun n => Rbar_rvmult (fn n) (EventIndicator (classic_dec p)))
                    (Rbar_rvmult f (EventIndicator (classic_dec p)))
                 ); intros HH.
      cut_to HH.
      + assert (eqq1:Rbar_FiniteExpectation f =
                     Rbar_FiniteExpectation (Rbar_rvmult f (EventIndicator (classic_dec p)))).
          apply Rbar_FiniteExpectation_proper_almostR2; trivial.
          exists p; split; trivial; intros.
          unfold Rbar_rvmult, EventIndicator.
          - now rewrite Rbar_mult_1_r.
          - now rewrite Rbar_mult_0_r.
        rewrite eqq1.
        revert HH.
        apply is_lim_seq_ext; intros.
        apply Rbar_FiniteExpectation_proper_almostR2; trivial.
        exists p; split; trivial; intros.
        unfold Rbar_rvmult, EventIndicator.
        match_destr; try tauto.
        rewrite Rbar_mult_1_r.
        now rewrite (proj1 (ph x e)).
      + intros ??.
        apply (Rbar_le_trans _ (Rbar_rvabs (fn' n) a)).
        * unfold Rbar_rvabs, Rbar_rvmult, EventIndicator.
          -- rewrite Rbar_mult_1_r.
             rewrite (proj1 (ph a e)).
             apply Rbar_le_refl.
          -- rewrite Rbar_mult_0_r.
             unfold Rbar_abs.
             rewrite Rabs_R0.
             match_destr; simpl; trivial.
             apply Rabs_pos.
          apply le'.
      + intros.
        unfold Rbar_rvmult, EventIndicator.
        destruct (classic_dec p x).
        * rewrite Rbar_mult_1_r.
          destruct (ph x e) as [_ islim'].
          revert islim'.
          apply is_Elim_seq_ext; intros.
          now rewrite Rbar_mult_1_r.
        * rewrite Rbar_mult_0_r.
          generalize (is_Elim_seq_const 0).
          apply is_Elim_seq_ext; intros.
          now rewrite Rbar_mult_0_r.

End almost.

Section sa_sub.

  Context {Ts:Type}
          {dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts}
          (prts:ProbSpace dom)
          {dom2 : SigmaAlgebra Ts}
          (sub : sa_sub dom2 dom).

  Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_prob_space_sa_sub
        {pofrf:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction x}
        {rv:RandomVariable dom2 Rbar_borel_sa x}
      @Rbar_NonnegExpectation Ts dom2 (prob_space_sa_sub prts sub) x pofrf =
      @Rbar_NonnegExpectation Ts dom prts x pofrf.
    generalize ((RandomVariable_sa_sub sub x (rv_x:=rv)))
    ; intros rv1.

    assert (forall n, RandomVariable dom borel_sa (simple_approx (fun x0 : Ts => x x0) n)).
      apply simple_approx_rv; trivial.

    assert (forall n, RandomVariable dom2 borel_sa (simple_approx (fun x0 : Ts => x x0) n)).
      apply simple_approx_rv; trivial.

    rewrite <- (Rbar_monotone_convergence x (simple_approx x)
                                         rv1 pofrf
                                         (fun n => Real_Rbar_rv _ (rv:=simple_approx_rv _ _))
                                         (fun n => simple_approx_pofrf _ _)).
    rewrite <- (Rbar_monotone_convergence x (simple_approx x)
                                         rv pofrf
                                         (fun n => Real_Rbar_rv _ (rv:=simple_approx_rv _ _))
                                         (fun n => simple_approx_pofrf _ _)).
    - apply ELim_seq_ext; intros n.
      repeat rewrite <- (simple_Rbar_NonnegExpectation _ (frf:=simple_approx_frf _ _)).
      apply SimpleExpectation_prob_space_sa_sub.
    - intros n a.
      apply (simple_approx_le x pofrf n a).
    - intros n a.
      apply (simple_approx_increasing x pofrf n a).
    - intros.
      apply is_Elim_seq_fin.
      apply (simple_approx_lim_seq x); trivial.
    - intros n a.
      apply (simple_approx_le x pofrf n a).
    - intros n a.
      apply (simple_approx_increasing x pofrf n a).
    - intros.
      apply is_Elim_seq_fin.
      apply (simple_approx_lim_seq x); trivial.

  Lemma Rbar_Expectation_prob_space_sa_sub
        {rv:RandomVariable dom2 Rbar_borel_sa x} :
    @Rbar_Expectation Ts dom2 (prob_space_sa_sub prts sub) x =
    @Rbar_Expectation Ts dom prts x.
    generalize ((RandomVariable_sa_sub sub x (rv_x:=rv)))
    ; intros rv1.

    unfold Rbar_Expectation.
    repeat rewrite Rbar_NonnegExpectation_prob_space_sa_sub by typeclasses eauto.

  Lemma Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_prob_space_sa_sub
        {rv:RandomVariable dom2 Rbar_borel_sa x}
        {isfe:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (prob_space_sa_sub prts sub) x} :
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation prts x.
    unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation in *.
    now rewrite Rbar_Expectation_prob_space_sa_sub in isfe by trivial.

  Lemma Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_prob_space_sa_sub_f
        {rv:RandomVariable dom2 Rbar_borel_sa x}
        {isfe:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation prts x} :
    Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation (prob_space_sa_sub prts sub) x.
    unfold Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation in *.
    now erewrite Rbar_Expectation_prob_space_sa_sub.
End sa_sub.

Section more_stuff.

    Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_const_pinfty {Ts} {dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts} (prts:ProbSpace dom)
        (pf:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (const (B:=Ts) p_infty)) :
    Rbar_NonnegExpectation (const p_infty) = p_infty.
    generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos (const p_infty)); intros HH.
    unfold Rbar_NonnegExpectation, SimpleExpectationSup in *.
    unfold Lub_Rbar in *.
    repeat match goal with
             [|- context [proj1_sig ?x]] => destruct x; simpl
    simpl in *.
    unfold is_lub_Rbar in *.
    unfold is_ub_Rbar in *.
    destruct i.
    destruct x; simpl; try tauto.
    specialize (H (r+1)).
    simpl in H.
    cut_to H; try lra.
    exists (const (r+1)).
    exists (rvconst _ _ _).
    exists (frfconst _).
    repeat split.
    - apply nnfconst; lra.
    - now rewrite SimpleExpectation_const.

  Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_const' {Ts} {dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts} (prts:ProbSpace dom)
        (c : Rbar) (nneg:Rbar_le 0 c) (nnf:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (const (B:=Ts) c)) :
    Rbar_NonnegExpectation (const c) = c.
    generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos (const c)); intros HH.
    destruct c; simpl in *; try lra.
    - eapply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_const.
    - apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_const_pinfty.

  Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_inf_mult_indicator {Ts} {dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts} (prts:ProbSpace dom)
        {P : event dom}
        (dec : dec_event P)
        {pofrf:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Rbar_rvmult (const p_infty) (EventIndicator dec))} :
    ps_P P <> 0 ->
    Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_rvmult (const p_infty) (EventIndicator dec)) = p_infty.
    generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos (Rbar_rvmult (const p_infty) (EventIndicator dec))); intros HH.
    unfold Rbar_NonnegExpectation, SimpleExpectationSup in *.
    unfold Lub_Rbar in *.
    repeat match goal with
             [|- context [proj1_sig ?x]] => destruct x; simpl
    simpl in *.
    unfold is_lub_Rbar in *.
    unfold is_ub_Rbar in *.
    destruct i.
    destruct x; simpl; try tauto.
    specialize (H0 (r+1)).
    simpl in H0.
    cut_to H0; try lra.
    exists (rvscale ((r+1)/(ps_P P)) (EventIndicator dec)).
    exists _.
    exists _.
    repeat split.
    - intro x.
      unfold rvscale, EventIndicator.
      match_destr; try lra.
      rewrite Rmult_1_r.
      apply Rdiv_le_0_compat; try lra.
      generalize (ps_pos P); intros.
    - intro x.
      unfold rvscale, const, Rbar_rvmult, EventIndicator.
      + rewrite Rbar_mult_1_r.
        now simpl.
      + rewrite Rbar_mult_0_r.
        rewrite Rmult_0_r.
        now simpl.
    - rewrite <- scaleSimpleExpectation.
      rewrite (SimpleExpectation_EventIndicator dec).
      unfold Rdiv.
      rewrite Rmult_assoc.
      rewrite Rinv_l; lra.
  Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pinfty_prob {Ts} {dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts} (prts:ProbSpace dom)
        {rv:RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X}
        {pofrf:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X} :
    ps_P (exist _ _ (sa_pinf_Rbar rv_X rv)) <> 0 ->
    Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X = p_infty.
  assert (Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_rvmult rv_X
                                              (EventIndicator (classic_dec (fun x => rv_X x = p_infty)))) = p_infty).
    assert (rv_eq
               (Rbar_rvmult rv_X
                            (EventIndicator (classic_dec (proj1_sig (exist _ _ (sa_pinf_Rbar rv_X rv))))))
               (Rbar_rvmult (const p_infty)
                            (EventIndicator (classic_dec (proj1_sig (exist _ _ (sa_pinf_Rbar rv_X rv))))))).
      intro x.
      unfold Rbar_rvmult, EventIndicator, proj1_sig.
      - now rewrite e.
      - now do 2 rewrite Rbar_mult_0_r.
    erewrite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext _ _ H0).
    erewrite (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_inf_mult_indicator
                  (classic_dec (proj1_sig (exist _ _ (sa_pinf_Rbar rv_X rv))))); trivial.
    intros ?.
    apply Rbar_rvmult_nnf.
    - now unfold const; intros ?; simpl.
    - typeclasses eauto.
  assert (Rbar_rv_le
                (fun x : Ts =>
                   EventIndicator (classic_dec (fun x0 : Ts => rv_X x0 = p_infty)) x))
    intro x.
    unfold Rbar_rvmult, EventIndicator.
    - rewrite Rbar_mult_1_r.
      apply Rbar_le_refl.
    - rewrite Rbar_mult_0_r.
      apply pofrf.
  generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le _ _ H1); intros.
  rewrite H0 in H2.
  destruct (Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X); tauto.

  Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_scale' {Ts} {dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts} (prts:ProbSpace dom) c
        (rv_X : Ts -> Rbar)
        {rv:RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X}
        {pofrf:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X}
        {pofrf2:Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Rbar_rvmult (const c) rv_X)} :
    Rbar_le 0 c ->
    Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Rbar_rvmult (const c) rv_X) =
    Rbar_mult c (Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X).
    destruct c; simpl in H; try lra.
    - destruct H.
      + apply (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_scale (mkposreal _ H)).
      + subst.
        rewrite Rbar_mult_0_l.
        rewrite <- Rbar_NonnegExpectation_const0.
        apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext; intros ?.
        unfold const; simpl.
        unfold Rbar_rvmult.
        now rewrite Rbar_mult_0_l.
    - destruct (Rbar_eq_dec (Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X) 0).
      + rewrite e.
        apply (f_equal Some) in e.
        rewrite <- Rbar_Expectation_pos_pofrf in e.
        apply Rbar_Expectation_nonneg_zero_almost_zero in e; trivial.
        rewrite Rbar_mult_0_r.
        rewrite <- (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_const 0 (reflexivity _)).
        apply (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_almostR2_proper).
        * apply Rbar_rvmult_rv; typeclasses eauto.
        * typeclasses eauto.
        * revert e.
          apply almost_impl, all_almost; intros ??.
          unfold Rbar_rvmult, const in *.
          rewrite H0.
          now rewrite Rbar_mult_0_r.
      + transitivity p_infty.
        * assert (rvm:RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Rbar_rvmult (const p_infty) rv_X))
            by (apply Rbar_rvmult_rv; typeclasses eauto).
          apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pinfty_prob with (rv0 := rvm).
          assert (pre_event_equiv
                    (fun x : Ts => Rbar_rvmult (const p_infty) rv_X x = p_infty)
                    (pre_event_complement (fun x : Ts => rv_X x = 0))).
            intro x.
            unfold Rbar_rvmult, const, pre_event_complement.
            generalize (pofrf x); simpl; intros HH.
            destruct (rv_X x); simpl; rbar_prover; intuition (try invcs H1; subst; try lra; try congruence).
          assert (sa2:sa_sigma (pre_event_complement (fun x : Ts => rv_X x = 0))).
            rewrite <- H0.
            apply (sa_pinf_Rbar (Rbar_rvmult (const p_infty) rv_X) rvm).
          rewrite (ps_proper _ (exist _ _ sa2)); [| apply H0].
          intros ps0.

          apply n.
          apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_almostR2_0.
          apply almost_alt_eq.
          split; [apply ps0 |].
          now unfold const, pre_event_complement; simpl.
        * unfold Rbar_mult; simpl.
          generalize (Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos rv_X); intros.
          destruct ( Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X ); simpl in *; rbar_prover.

  Lemma sum_Rbar_n_rv {Ts} {dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts}
        (Xn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar)
        (Xn_rv : forall n, RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Xn n)) :
    forall n,
      RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (fun a : Ts => sum_Rbar_n (fun n=> Xn n a) n).
    unfold sum_Rbar_n.
    intros n.
    generalize 0%nat.
    induction n; intros.
    - apply rvconst.
    - apply Rbar_rvplus_rv; trivial.

  Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_sum {Ts} {dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts} (prts:ProbSpace dom)
        (Xn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar)
        (Xn_rv : forall n, RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Xn n))
        (Xn_pos : forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Xn n))
        (Xlim_pos : forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (fun omega : Ts => sum_Rbar_n (fun n : nat => Xn n omega) n))
    : forall n,
    sum_Rbar_n (fun n => Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Xn n)) n =
      Rbar_NonnegExpectation (fun omega => sum_Rbar_n (fun n => (Xn n omega)) n).
    unfold sum_Rbar_n.
    induction n.
    - simpl.
      erewrite <- Rbar_NonnegExpectation_const0 at 1; reflexivity.
    - symmetry.
        assert (Rbar_NonnegativeFunction
                  (fun a : Ts =>
                     Rbar_plus (list_Rbar_sum (map (fun n0 : nat => Xn n0 a) (seq 0 n)))
                               (list_Rbar_sum (map (fun n0 : nat => Xn n0 a) [(0 + n)%nat])))).
          intros ?.
          apply Rbar_plus_nneg_compat; apply list_Rbar_sum_nneg_nneg; intros
          ; apply in_map_iff in H
          ; destruct H as [?[??]]; subst; apply Xn_pos.

      transitivity (Rbar_NonnegExpectation
                      (fun a => (Rbar_plus (list_Rbar_sum (map (fun n0 : nat => Xn n0 a) (seq 0 n)))
                                 (list_Rbar_sum (map (fun n0 : nat => Xn n0 a) [(0 + n)%nat]))))).
      + apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext; intros ?.
        rewrite seq_Sn.
        rewrite map_app.
        rewrite list_Rbar_sum_nneg_plus.
        * reflexivity.
        * apply Forall_map; apply Forall_forall; intros; apply Xn_pos.
        * apply Forall_map; apply Forall_forall; intros; apply Xn_pos.
      + setoid_rewrite Rbar_NonnegExpectation_plus.
        * rewrite seq_Sn.
          rewrite map_app.
          rewrite list_Rbar_sum_nneg_plus.
          -- rewrite IHn.
             rewrite Rbar_plus_0_r.
             apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_ext.
             intros ?.
             now rewrite Rbar_plus_0_r.
          -- apply Forall_map; apply Forall_forall; intros; apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos.
          -- apply Forall_map; apply Forall_forall; intros; apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_pos.
        * apply sum_Rbar_n_rv; trivial.
        * simpl.
          apply Rbar_rvplus_rv; trivial.
          apply rvconst.
          intros ?.
          rewrite Rbar_plus_0_r.
          apply Xn_pos.

  Lemma Rbar_series_expectation {Ts} {dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts} (prts:ProbSpace dom)
        (Xn : nat -> Ts -> Rbar)
        (Xn_rv : forall n, RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Xn n))
        (Xn_pos : forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (Xn n))
        (Xlim_pos : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (fun omega : Ts => ELim_seq (sum_Rbar_n (fun n : nat => Xn n omega))))
         (fun n : nat =>
            Rbar_NonnegExpectation (Xn n))) =
      Rbar_NonnegExpectation (fun omega => ELim_seq (sum_Rbar_n (fun n => (Xn n omega)))).
    assert (forall n, Rbar_NonnegativeFunction (fun omega : Ts => sum_Rbar_n (fun i : nat => Xn i omega) n)).
      intros ??.
      apply sum_Rbar_n_nneg_nneg; intros.
      apply Xn_pos.

    transitivity (ELim_seq (fun n => Rbar_NonnegExpectation (fun omega => (sum_Rbar_n (fun i => Xn i omega) n)))).
      apply ELim_seq_ext; intros.
      now apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_sum.
    rewrite monotone_convergence_Rbar_rvlim; trivial.
    - intros.
      now apply sum_Rbar_n_rv.
    - intros ??.
      apply sum_Rbar_n_pos_incr; intros.
      apply Xn_pos.

  Lemma Rbar_is_finite_expectation_isfe_minus1
        {Ts} {dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts} (prts:ProbSpace dom)
          (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
          {rv1:RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1}
          {rv2:RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X2}
          {isfe1:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation prts rv_X2}
          {isfe2:Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation prts (Rbar_rvminus rv_X1 rv_X2)} :
      Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation prts rv_X1.
      assert (rv3: RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa (Rbar_rvminus rv_X1 rv_X2))
        by (apply Rbar_rvminus_rv; trivial).

      cut (Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation prts (Rbar_rvplus (Rbar_rvminus rv_X1 rv_X2) rv_X2)).
      - intros HH.
        eapply Rbar_IsFiniteExpectation_proper_almostR2; try eapply HH; trivial.
        + apply Rbar_rvplus_rv; trivial.
        + apply finexp_almost_finite in isfe1; trivial.
          apply finexp_almost_finite in isfe2; trivial.
          unfold Rbar_rvminus, Rbar_rvplus, Rbar_rvopp in *.
          revert isfe1; apply almost_impl.
          revert isfe2; apply almost_impl.
          apply all_almost; intros ???.
          destruct (rv_X2 x); try congruence.
          destruct (rv_X1 x); simpl in *; try congruence.
          f_equal; lra.
      - apply Rbar_is_finite_expectation_isfe_plus; trivial.

    Local Existing Instance Rbar_le_pre.

    Lemma Rbar_NonnegExpectation_almostR2_le
          {Ts} {dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts} (prts:ProbSpace dom)
          (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
          {rv1:RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X1}
          {rv2:RandomVariable dom Rbar_borel_sa rv_X2}
          {nnf1 : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X1}
          {nnf2 : Rbar_NonnegativeFunction rv_X2} :
      almostR2 _ Rbar_le rv_X1 rv_X2 ->
      Rbar_le (Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X1) (Rbar_NonnegExpectation rv_X2).
    destruct (almostR2_map_Rbar_split_l_const_bounded _ 0 nnf2 H)
      as [f1 [? [? [??]]]].
    specialize (H2 rv1).
    assert (nnf1':Rbar_NonnegativeFunction f1).
      intros x.
      destruct (H3 x); subst; rewrite H4; trivial.
    apply (Rbar_le_trans _ (Rbar_NonnegExpectation f1)).
    - apply refl_refl.
      now apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_almostR2_proper.
    - now apply Rbar_NonnegExpectation_le.
  Lemma ELimInf_seq_pos_fun_part {Ts} f :
      (fun x : Ts => Rbar_pos_fun_part (fun omega : Ts => ELimInf_seq (fun n : nat => f n omega)) x)
      (fun x : Ts => (fun omega : Ts => ELimInf_seq (fun n : nat => (Rbar_pos_fun_part (f n)) omega)) x).
    intros ?.
    unfold Rbar_pos_fun_part; simpl.

    unfold Rbar_max at 1.
    - cut (Rbar_le (ELimInf_seq (fun _ => 0)) (ELimInf_seq (fun n : nat => Rbar_max (f n a) 0))).
        rewrite ELimInf_seq_const; simpl.
        match_destr; simpl; try tauto.
      apply ELimInf_le.
      exists 0%nat; intros.
      unfold Rbar_max.
      match_destr; [reflexivity |].
      simpl; match_destr; simpl in *; lra.
    - apply ELimInf_le.
      exists 0%nat.
      intros; simpl.
      unfold Rbar_max.
  Lemma ELimInf_seq_sup_neg_fun_part {Ts} f :
      (Rbar_neg_fun_part (fun omega : Ts => ELimSup_seq (fun n : nat => f n omega)))
      (fun omega : Ts =>
         ELimInf_seq (fun n : nat => Rbar_neg_fun_part (fun x : Ts => f n x) omega)).
    intros ts.
    generalize (ELimInf_seq_pos_fun_part (fun n => Rbar_rvopp (f n)) ts); intros.
    etransitivity; [etransitivity |]; [| apply H |]
    ; apply refl_refl
    ; unfold Rbar_neg_fun_part, Rbar_pos_fun_part.
    - f_equal.
      rewrite <- ELimInf_seq_opp.
      apply ELimInf_seq_ext_loc.
      exists 0%nat; intros.
      unfold Rbar_opp, Rbar_rvopp.
    - apply ELimInf_seq_ext_loc.
      exists 0%nat; intros.
      unfold Rbar_opp, Rbar_rvopp.

  Lemma ELimInf_seq_neg_fun_part {Ts} f ts :
    ex_Elim_seq (fun n => f n ts) ->
      ((Rbar_neg_fun_part (fun omega : Ts => ELimInf_seq (fun n : nat => f n omega))) ts)
      (ELimInf_seq (fun n : nat => Rbar_neg_fun_part (fun x : Ts => f n x) ts)).
    rewrite <- (ELimInf_seq_sup_neg_fun_part f ts).
    unfold Rbar_neg_fun_part.
    rewrite <- Rbar_opp0.
    repeat rewrite <- Rbar_opp_min_max.
    apply ex_Elim_LimSup_LimInf_seq in H.
    now rewrite H.

End more_stuff.