Module FormalML.ProbTheory.FunctionsToReal

Require Import Reals utils.RealAdd.
Require Import Coquelicot.Hierarchy.
Require Import Morphisms Equivalence.
Require Import Lra.
Require Import utils.Utils.
Require Import List.
Require Export Program.Basics.
Require Import Coquelicot.Coquelicot.

Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".

Local Open Scope R.
Section rels.
  Context {Ts:Type}.

  Definition rv_le :=
    pointwise_relation Ts Rle.

  Global Instance rv_le_pre : PreOrder rv_le.
    unfold rv_le.
    constructor; intros.
    - intros ??; lra.
    - intros ??????.
      eapply Rle_trans; eauto.

  Global Instance rv_le_part : PartialOrder rv_eq rv_le.
    intros ??.
    split; intros eqq.
    - repeat red.
      repeat red in eqq.
      split; intros ?; rewrite eqq; lra.
    - destruct eqq as [le1 le2].
      intros y.
      specialize (le1 y).
      specialize (le2 y).

  Definition Rbar_rv_le := pointwise_relation Ts Rbar_le.

  Global Instance Rbar_rv_le_pre : PreOrder Rbar_rv_le.
    unfold Rbar_rv_le.
    constructor; intros.
    - intros ??; apply Rbar_le_refl.
    - intros ??????.
      eapply Rbar_le_trans; eauto.

  Global Instance Rbar_rv_le_part : PartialOrder rv_eq Rbar_rv_le.
    intros ??.
    split; intros eqq.
    - repeat red.
      repeat red in eqq.
      split; intros ?; rewrite eqq; apply Rbar_le_refl.
    - destruct eqq as [le1 le2].
      intros y.
      specialize (le1 y).
      specialize (le2 y).
      now apply Rbar_le_antisym.

End rels.

Section defs.
  Context {Ts:Type}.

  Section funs.

    Definition EventIndicator {P : Ts->Prop} (dec:forall x, {P x} + {~ P x}) : Ts -> R
      := fun omega => if dec omega then 1 else 0.

    Definition rvplus (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> R) :=
      (fun omega => (rv_X1 omega) + (rv_X2 omega)).

    Definition rvsum (Xn : nat -> Ts -> R) (n : nat) :=
      (fun omega => sum_n (fun n0 => Xn n0 omega) n).

    Definition rvscale (c:R) (rv_X : Ts -> R) :=
      fun omega => c * (rv_X omega).

    Definition rvopp (rv_X : Ts -> R) := rvscale (-1) rv_X.

    Definition rvminus (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> R) :=
      rvplus rv_X1 (rvopp rv_X2).

    Definition rvmult (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> R) :=
      fun omega => (rv_X1 omega) * (rv_X2 omega).

    Definition rvsqr (rv_X : Ts -> R) := fun omega => Rsqr (rv_X omega).
    Definition rvsqrt (rv_X : Ts -> R) := fun omega => sqrt (rv_X omega).

    Definition rvpow (rv_X : Ts -> R) (n:nat) := fun omega => pow (rv_X omega) n.

    Definition rvpower (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> R) := fun omega => power (rv_X1 omega) (rv_X2 omega).

    Definition rvabs (rv_X : Ts -> R) := fun omega => Rabs (rv_X omega).

    Definition rvsign (rv_X : Ts -> R) := fun omega => sign(rv_X omega).

    Lemma rvabs_pos (rv_X : Ts -> R) :
      rv_le (const 0) (rvabs rv_X).
      intro x.
      unfold const, rvabs.
      apply Rabs_pos.

    Definition rvchoice (c:Ts -> bool) (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> R)
      := fun omega => if c omega then rv_X1 omega else rv_X2 omega.

    Definition Rbar_rvchoice (c:Ts -> bool) (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
      := fun omega => if c omega then rv_X1 omega else rv_X2 omega.

    Definition bvmin_choice (rv_X1 rv_X2:Ts -> R) : Ts -> bool
      := fun omega => if Rle_dec (rv_X1 omega) (rv_X2 omega) then true else false.

    Definition Rbar_bvmin_choice (rv_X1 rv_X2:Ts -> Rbar) : Ts -> bool
      := fun omega => if Rbar_le_dec (rv_X1 omega) (rv_X2 omega) then true else false.

    Definition bvmax_choice (rv_X1 rv_X2:Ts -> R) : Ts -> bool
      := fun omega => if Rle_dec (rv_X1 omega) (rv_X2 omega) then false else true.

    Definition Rbar_bvmax_choice (rv_X1 rv_X2:Ts -> Rbar) : Ts -> bool
      := fun omega => if Rbar_le_dec (rv_X1 omega) (rv_X2 omega) then false else true.

    Definition rvmax (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> R)
      := fun omega => Rmax (rv_X1 omega) (rv_X2 omega).

    Definition Rbar_rvmax (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
      := fun omega => Rbar_max (rv_X1 omega) (rv_X2 omega).

    Definition rvmin (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> R)
      := fun omega => Rmin (rv_X1 omega) (rv_X2 omega).

    Definition Rbar_rvmin (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
      := fun omega => Rbar_min (rv_X1 omega) (rv_X2 omega).

    Program Definition pos_fun_part {Ts:Type} (f : Ts -> R) : (Ts -> nonnegreal) :=
      fun x => mknonnegreal (Rmax (f x) 0) _.
    Next Obligation.
      apply Rmax_r.
    Program Definition neg_fun_part {Ts:Type} (f : Ts -> R) : (Ts -> nonnegreal) :=
      fun x => mknonnegreal (Rmax (- f x) 0) _.
    Next Obligation.
      apply Rmax_r.

    Definition rvclip {Ts:Type} (f : Ts -> R) (c : nonnegreal) : Ts -> R
      := fun x => if Rgt_dec (f x) c then c else
                    (if Rlt_dec (f x) (-c) then (-c) else f x).

    Lemma rvclip_le_c (rv_X : Ts -> R) (c : nonnegreal) :
      rv_le (rvclip rv_X c) (const c).
      intro x0.
      unfold rvclip, const.
      assert (0 <= c) by apply (cond_nonneg c).
      match_destr; [lra |].
      match_destr; lra.
    Lemma rvclip_negc_le (rv_X : Ts -> R) (c : nonnegreal) :
      rv_le (const (-c)) (rvclip rv_X c).
      intro x0.
      unfold rvclip, const.
      assert (0 <= c) by apply (cond_nonneg c).
      match_destr; [lra |].
      match_destr; lra.

    Lemma rvclip_abs_bounded rv_X c :
      forall omega : Ts, Rabs ((rvclip rv_X c) omega) <= c.
      assert (0 <= c) by apply (cond_nonneg c).
      unfold rvclip.
      rewrite Rabs_pos_eq; lra.
      rewrite Rabs_Ropp.
      rewrite Rabs_pos_eq; lra.
      apply Rabs_le.

    Lemma rvclip_abs_le_c (rv_X : Ts -> R) (c : nonnegreal) :
      rv_le (rvabs (rvclip rv_X c)) (const c).
      intro x.
      unfold rvabs, const.
      apply rvclip_abs_bounded.

  End funs.

  Section eqs.
    Existing Instance rv_eq_equiv.

    Global Instance rvplus_proper : Proper (rv_eq ==> rv_eq ==> rv_eq) rvplus.
      unfold rv_eq, rvplus, pointwise_relation.
      intros ???????.
      now rewrite H, H0.

    Global Instance rvscale_proper : Proper (eq ==> rv_eq ==> rv_eq ) rvscale.
      unfold rv_eq, rvopp, Proper, rvscale, respectful, pointwise_relation.
      intros ??? x y eqq z.
      now rewrite eqq.

    Global Instance rvopp_proper : Proper (rv_eq ==> rv_eq ) rvopp.
      unfold rv_eq, rvopp, Proper, rvscale, respectful, pointwise_relation.
      intros x y eqq z.
      now rewrite eqq.

    Global Instance rvminus_proper : Proper (rv_eq ==> rv_eq ==> rv_eq) rvminus.
      unfold rv_eq, rvminus, rvplus, rvopp, rvscale, pointwise_relation.
      intros ???????.
      now rewrite H, H0.
    Global Instance rvmult_proper : Proper (rv_eq ==> rv_eq ==> rv_eq) rvmult.
      unfold rv_eq, rvmult.
      intros ???????.
      now rewrite H, H0.

    Global Instance rvsqr_proper : Proper (rv_eq ==> rv_eq) rvsqr.
      unfold rv_eq, rvsqr, Proper, respectful, pointwise_relation.
      intros x y eqq z.
      unfold Rsqr.
      rewrite eqq.

    Global Instance rvpow_proper : Proper (rv_eq ==> eq ==> rv_eq) rvpow.
      unfold rv_eq, rvpow, Proper, respectful, pointwise_relation.
      intros x y eqq z ???.
      rewrite eqq.

    Global Instance rvpower_proper : Proper (rv_eq ==> rv_eq ==> rv_eq) rvpower.
      unfold rv_eq, rvpower, Proper, respectful, pointwise_relation.
      intros x y eqq1 z ? eqq2 ?.
      now rewrite eqq1, eqq2.

    Global Instance rvabs_proper : Proper (rv_eq ==> rv_eq) rvabs.
      unfold rv_eq, rvabs, Proper, respectful, pointwise_relation.
      intros x y eqq z.
      unfold Rabs.
      rewrite eqq.

    Global Instance rvmax_proper : Proper (rv_eq ==> rv_eq ==> rv_eq) rvmax.
      unfold rv_eq, rvmax.
      intros ???????.
      now rewrite H, H0.

    Global Instance rvmin_proper : Proper (rv_eq ==> rv_eq ==> rv_eq) rvmin.
      unfold rv_eq, rvmin.
      intros ???????.
      now rewrite H, H0.

    Global Instance Rbar_rvmax_proper : Proper (rv_eq ==> rv_eq ==> rv_eq) Rbar_rvmax.
      unfold rv_eq, Rbar_rvmax.
      intros ???????.
      now rewrite H, H0.

    Global Instance Rbar_rvmin_proper : Proper (rv_eq ==> rv_eq ==> rv_eq) Rbar_rvmin.
      unfold rv_eq, Rbar_rvmin.
      intros ???????.
      now rewrite H, H0.

    Global Instance rvsign_proper : Proper (rv_eq ==> rv_eq) rvsign.
      unfold rvsign.
      intros ????.
      now rewrite H.

    Local Open Scope equiv_scope.
    Lemma rv_pos_neg_id (rv_X:Ts->R) : rv_X === rvplus (pos_fun_part rv_X) (rvopp (neg_fun_part rv_X)).
      intros x.
      unfold rvplus, rvopp, pos_fun_part, neg_fun_part, rvscale; simpl.
      unfold Rmax, Rmin.
      repeat match_destr; lra.

    Lemma rv_pos_neg_abs (rv_X:Ts->R) : rvabs rv_X === rvplus (pos_fun_part rv_X) (neg_fun_part rv_X).
      intros x.
      unfold rvplus, rvabs, pos_fun_part, neg_fun_part; simpl.
      unfold Rabs, Rmax, Rmin.
      repeat match_destr; lra.

    Lemma rvmult_assoc
          (rv_X1 rv_X2 rv_X3 : Ts -> R) :
      (rvmult (rvmult rv_X1 rv_X2) rv_X3) === (rvmult rv_X1 (rvmult rv_X2 rv_X3)).
      intros x.
      unfold rvmult.

    Lemma rvmult_comm
          (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> R) :
      (rvmult rv_X1 rv_X2) === (rvmult rv_X2 rv_X1).
      intros x.
      unfold rvmult.

    Lemma rvmult_rvadd_distr
          (rv_X1 rv_X2 rv_X3 : Ts -> R) :
      (rvmult rv_X1 (rvplus rv_X2 rv_X3)) ===
                                          (rvplus (rvmult rv_X1 rv_X2) (rvmult rv_X1 rv_X3)).
      intros x.
      unfold rvmult, rvplus.

    Lemma pos_fun_part_le rv_X : rv_le (fun x : Ts => pos_fun_part rv_X x) (rvabs rv_X).
      intros ?.
      unfold rvabs, pos_fun_part, Rabs, Rmax; simpl.
      repeat match_destr; lra.

    Lemma neg_fun_part_le rv_X : rv_le (fun x : Ts => (neg_fun_part rv_X x)) (rvabs rv_X).
      intros ?.
      unfold rvabs, rvopp, rvscale, neg_fun_part, Rabs, Rmax; simpl.
      repeat match_destr; lra.

    Lemma rv_le_pos_fun_part rv_X1 rv_X2 :
      rv_le rv_X1 rv_X2 ->
      rv_le (fun x : Ts => pos_fun_part rv_X1 x) (fun x : Ts => pos_fun_part rv_X2 x).
      intros le12 a.
      now apply Rle_max_compat_r.

    Lemma rv_le_neg_fun_part rv_X1 rv_X2 :
      rv_le rv_X1 rv_X2 ->
      rv_le (fun x : Ts => neg_fun_part rv_X2 x) (fun x : Ts => neg_fun_part rv_X1 x).
      intros le12 a.
      replace 0 with (- 0) by lra.
      repeat rewrite Rcomplements.Rmax_opp_Rmin.
      apply Ropp_le_contravar.
      now apply Rle_min_compat_r.
    Lemma rvmax_unfold (f g:Ts->R) :
      rvmax f g === rvscale (/2) (rvplus (rvplus f g) (rvabs (rvminus f g))).
      intro x.
      unfold rvmax, rvminus, rvscale, rvabs, rvopp, rvscale, rvplus.
      unfold Rmax, Rabs.
      repeat match_destr; lra.

    Lemma rvmin_unfold (f g:Ts->R) :
      rvmin f g === rvscale (/2) (rvminus (rvplus f g) (rvabs (rvminus f g))).
      intro x.
      unfold rvmin, rvminus, rvscale, rvabs, rvopp, rvscale, rvplus.
      unfold Rmin, Rabs.
      repeat match_destr; try lra.

    Lemma rvmult_unfold (f g:Ts->R) :
      rvmult f g === rvscale (1/4) (rvminus (rvsqr (rvplus f g))
                                            (rvsqr (rvminus f g))).
      intros x.
      unfold rvmult, rvminus, rvplus,rvsqr, rvopp, rvscale.
      replace (1 / 4 * ((f x + g x)² + -1 * (f x + -1 * g x)²)) with ((f x)*(g x)) by (unfold Rsqr; lra).

    Lemma rvsqr_unfold (f:Ts->R) :
      rvsqr f === rvpow f 2.
      intros x.
      unfold rvpow, rvsqr, Rsqr; simpl.

    Lemma rvsqr_rvsign_nonzero (f : Ts -> R):
      (forall omega, 0 <> f omega) -> rvsqr (rvsign f) === const 1.
      intros H omega.
      unfold rvsqr,rvsign,const.
      destruct (Rle_dec (f omega) 0).
      + destruct r as [H1 | H2].
        -- generalize (sign_eq_m1 _ H1); intros; (rewrite H0).
           unfold Rsqr; lra.
        -- rewrite H2. specialize (H omega). congruence.
      + apply Rnot_le_gt in n.
        generalize (sign_eq_1 _ n); intros; rewrite H0.
        unfold Rsqr; lra.

    Lemma rvpower_abs2_unfold (f:Ts->R) :
      rvpower (rvabs f) (const 2) === rvsqr f.
      intros x.
      apply power_abs2_sqr.

    Lemma rvpower_abs_scale c (X:Ts->R) n :
      rvpower (rvscale (Rabs c) (rvabs X)) (const n) === rvscale (power (Rabs c) n) (rvpower (rvabs X) (const n)).
      intros x.
      unfold rvpower, rvscale.
      rewrite power_mult_distr; trivial.
      - apply Rabs_pos.
      - apply rvabs_pos.

    Lemma rv_abs_abs (rv_X:Ts->R) :
      rv_eq (rvabs (rvabs rv_X)) (rvabs rv_X).
      intros a.
      unfold rvabs.
      now rewrite Rabs_Rabsolu.
    Lemma rvpowabs_choice_le c (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> R) p :
      rv_le (rvpower (rvabs (rvchoice c rv_X1 rv_X2)) (const p))
            (rvplus (rvpower (rvabs rv_X1) (const p)) (rvpower (rvabs rv_X2) (const p))).
      intros a.
      unfold rvpower, rvabs, rvchoice, rvplus, const; simpl.
      - assert (0 <= power (Rabs (rv_X2 a)) p) by apply power_nonneg.
      - assert (0 <= power (Rabs (rv_X1 a)) p) by apply power_nonneg.
    Lemma pos_fun_part_unfold (f : Ts->R) :
      (fun x => nonneg (pos_fun_part f x)) === rvmax f (const 0).
      intros x.

    Lemma neg_fun_part_unfold (f : Ts->R) :
      (fun x => nonneg (neg_fun_part f x)) === rvmax (rvopp f) (const 0).
      intros x.
      unfold neg_fun_part, rvopp, const, rvscale, rvmax; simpl.

    Lemma rvmin_choice (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> R)
      : rvmin rv_X1 rv_X2 === rvchoice (bvmin_choice rv_X1 rv_X2) rv_X1 rv_X2.
      intros a.
      unfold rvmin, rvchoice, bvmin_choice, Rmin.

    Lemma Rbar_rvmin_choice (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
      : Rbar_rvmin rv_X1 rv_X2 === Rbar_rvchoice (Rbar_bvmin_choice rv_X1 rv_X2) rv_X1 rv_X2.
      intros a.
      unfold Rbar_rvmin, Rbar_rvchoice, Rbar_bvmin_choice, Rbar_min, Rmin.
      destruct (Rbar_le_dec (rv_X1 a) (rv_X2 a))
      ; destruct (rv_X1 a)
      ; destruct (rv_X2 a)
      ; simpl; repeat match_destr; simpl in *; trivial; try lra.

    Lemma rvmax_choice (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> R)
      : rvmax rv_X1 rv_X2 === rvchoice (bvmax_choice rv_X1 rv_X2) rv_X1 rv_X2.
      intros a.
      unfold rvmax, rvchoice, bvmax_choice, Rmax.

    Lemma Rbar_rvmax_choice (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
      : Rbar_rvmax rv_X1 rv_X2 === Rbar_rvchoice (Rbar_bvmax_choice rv_X1 rv_X2) rv_X1 rv_X2.
      intros a.
      unfold Rbar_rvmax, Rbar_rvchoice, Rbar_bvmax_choice, Rbar_max, Rmax.
      destruct (Rbar_le_dec (rv_X1 a) (rv_X2 a))
      ; destruct (rv_X1 a)
      ; destruct (rv_X2 a)
      ; simpl; repeat match_destr; simpl in *; trivial; try lra.

    Lemma rvchoice_le_max (c:Ts->bool) (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> R)
      : rv_le (rvchoice c rv_X1 rv_X2) (rvmax rv_X1 rv_X2).
      intros a.
      unfold rvchoice, rvmax, Rmax.
      repeat match_destr; lra.

    Lemma Rbar_rvchoice_le_max (c:Ts->bool) (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
      : Rbar_rv_le (Rbar_rvchoice c rv_X1 rv_X2) (Rbar_rvmax rv_X1 rv_X2).
      intros a.
      unfold Rbar_rvchoice, Rbar_rvmax, Rbar_max, Rmax.
      repeat match_destr; trivial; try lra
      ; try apply Rbar_le_refl.
      apply Rbar_not_le_lt in n.
      now apply Rbar_lt_le.

    Lemma rvchoice_le_min (c:Ts->bool) (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> R)
      : rv_le (rvmin rv_X1 rv_X2) (rvchoice c rv_X1 rv_X2).
      intros a.
      unfold rvchoice, rvmin, Rmin.
      repeat match_destr; lra.

    Lemma Rbar_rvchoice_le_min (c:Ts->bool) (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> Rbar)
      : Rbar_rv_le (Rbar_rvmin rv_X1 rv_X2) (Rbar_rvchoice c rv_X1 rv_X2).
      intros a.
      unfold Rbar_rvchoice, Rbar_rvmin, Rbar_min, Rmin.
      repeat match_destr; simpl in *; trivial; try lra
      ; try apply Rbar_le_refl.

    Lemma rvminus_self (x:Ts->R) : rv_eq (rvminus x x) (const 0).
      intros a.
      unfold rvminus, rvplus, rvopp, rvscale, const.

    Lemma rvminus_unfold (x y : Ts -> R)
      : rv_eq (rvminus x y) (fun a => x a - y a).
      unfold rvminus, rvplus, rvopp, rvscale.
      intros a.

    Lemma rvabs_rvminus_sym (x y : Ts -> R) :
      rv_eq (rvabs (rvminus x y)) (rvabs (rvminus y x)).
      repeat rewrite rvminus_unfold.
      unfold rvabs.
      intros a.
      apply Rabs_minus_sym.

    Lemma rvabs_pow1 (x:Ts->R) : rv_eq (rvpower (rvabs x) (const 1)) (rvabs x).
      intros a.
      unfold rvpower, rvabs, const.
      apply power_1.
      apply Rabs_pos.

    Lemma rv_abs_scale_eq (c:R) (rv_X:Ts->R) :
      rv_eq (rvabs (rvscale c rv_X)) (rvscale (Rabs c) (rvabs rv_X)).
      intros a.
      unfold rvabs, rvscale.
      apply Rabs_mult.
    Lemma rv_abs_const_eq (c:R) :
      rv_eq (Ts:=Ts) (rvabs (const c)) (const (Rabs c)).
      intros a.
    Lemma rvpow_mult_distr (x y:Ts->R) n :
      rv_eq (rvpow (rvmult x y) n) (rvmult (rvpow x n) (rvpow y n)).
      intros a.
      unfold rvpow, rvmult.
      apply Rpow_mult_distr.

    Lemma rvpow_scale c (X:Ts->R) n :
      rv_eq (rvpow (rvscale c X) n) (rvscale (pow c n) (rvpow X n)).
      intros x.
      unfold rvpow, rvscale.
      apply Rpow_mult_distr.

    Lemma rvpow_const c n :
      rv_eq (Ts:=Ts) (rvpow (const c) n) (const (pow c n)).
      intros x.

    Lemma rvpower_const b e :
      rv_eq (Ts:=Ts) (rvpower (const b) (const e)) (const (power b e)).

    Lemma fold_right_rvplus c (l:list (Ts->R)) (a:Ts) :
      fold_right rvplus (const c) l a =
      fold_right Rplus c (map (fun x => x a) l).
      unfold rvplus, const.
      induction l; simpl; trivial.
      now rewrite IHl.

      Lemma rvabs_bound (rv_X : Ts -> R) :
    rv_le (rvabs rv_X) (rvplus (rvsqr rv_X) (const 1)).
    assert (forall x, 0 <= (rvsqr (rvplus (rvabs rv_X) (const (-1)))) x) by (intros; apply Rle_0_sqr).

    assert (rv_eq (rvsqr (rvplus (rvabs rv_X) (const (-1))))
                     (rvplus (rvsqr (rvabs rv_X)) (rvscale (-2) (rvabs rv_X)))
                     (const 1))).
      intro x.
      unfold rvsqr, rvplus, rvscale, rvabs, const, Rsqr.
      now ring_simplify.
    intros x.
    specialize (H x).
    rewrite H0 in H.
    unfold rvsqr, rvminus, rvplus, rvmult, rvopp, rvscale, rvabs, const in *.
    rewrite Rsqr_abs.
    unfold Rsqr in *.
    apply Rplus_le_compat_l with (r := 2 * Rabs (rv_X x)) in H.
    ring_simplify in H.
    generalize (Rabs_pos (rv_X x)); intros.

  Lemma rvabs_sqr (rv_X : Ts -> R) :
    rv_eq (rvabs (rvsqr rv_X)) (rvsqr rv_X).
      intro x.
      unfold rvabs, rvsqr.
      apply Rabs_pos_eq.
      apply Rle_0_sqr.
  Lemma rvsqr_abs (rv_X : Ts -> R) :
    rv_eq (rvsqr (rvabs rv_X)) (rvsqr rv_X).
      intro x.
      unfold rvabs, rvsqr.
      now rewrite <- Rsqr_abs.

    Lemma rvmult_abs (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts -> R):
      rv_eq (rvabs (rvmult rv_X1 rv_X2)) (rvmult (rvabs rv_X1) (rvabs rv_X2)).
      intro x.
      unfold rvmult, rvabs.
      apply Rabs_mult.
    Lemma rvprod_bound (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts->R) :
      rv_le (rvscale 2 (rvmult rv_X1 rv_X2))
            (rvplus (rvsqr rv_X1) (rvsqr rv_X2)).
      assert (forall x, 0 <= (rvsqr (rvminus rv_X1 rv_X2)) x) by (intros; apply Rle_0_sqr).
      assert (rv_eq (rvsqr (rvminus rv_X1 rv_X2))
                  (rvplus (rvplus (rvsqr rv_X1) (rvopp (rvscale 2 (rvmult rv_X1 rv_X2))))
                          (rvsqr rv_X2))).
      intro x.
      unfold rvsqr, rvminus, rvplus, rvmult, rvopp, rvscale, Rsqr.
      now ring_simplify.
    intros x; specialize (H x).
    rewrite H0 in H; clear H0.
    unfold rvsqr, rvminus, rvplus, rvmult, rvopp, rvscale, Rsqr in *.
  Lemma rvprod_abs_bound (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts->R) :
    rv_le (rvscale 2 (rvabs (rvmult rv_X1 rv_X2)))
                          (rvplus (rvsqr rv_X1) (rvsqr rv_X2)).
    generalize (rvprod_bound (rvabs rv_X1) (rvabs rv_X2)); intros.
    do 2 rewrite rvsqr_abs in H.
    now rewrite rvmult_abs.

  Lemma rvsum_sqr_bound (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts->R) :
    rv_le (rvsqr (rvplus rv_X1 rv_X2))
                          (rvscale 2 (rvplus (rvsqr rv_X1) (rvsqr rv_X2))).
    assert (forall x, 0 <= (rvsqr (rvminus rv_X1 rv_X2)) x) by (intros; apply Rle_0_sqr).
    assert (rv_eq (rvsqr (rvminus rv_X1 rv_X2))
                  (rvplus (rvplus (rvsqr rv_X1) (rvopp (rvscale 2 (rvmult rv_X1 rv_X2))))
                          (rvsqr rv_X2))).
      intro x.
      unfold rvsqr, rvminus, rvplus, rvmult, rvopp, rvscale, Rsqr.
      now ring_simplify.
    intros x; specialize (H x).
    rewrite H0 in H; clear H0.
    unfold rvsqr, rvminus, rvplus, rvmult, rvopp, rvscale, Rsqr in *.
    apply Rplus_le_compat_l with (r:= ((rv_X1 x + rv_X2 x) * (rv_X1 x + rv_X2 x))) in H.
    ring_simplify in H.
    apply H.

  Lemma rvsqr_eq (x:Ts->R): rv_eq (rvsqr x) (rvmult x x).
    intros ?.

  Lemma rvprod_abs1_bound (rv_X1 rv_X2 : Ts->R) :
    rv_le (rvabs (rvmult rv_X1 rv_X2))
                          (rvplus (rvsqr rv_X1) (rvsqr rv_X2)).
    generalize (rvprod_abs_bound rv_X1 rv_X2).
    unfold rv_le, rvscale, rvabs, rvmult, rvsqr, Rsqr; intros H x.
    specialize (H x).
    assert (Rabs (rv_X1 x * rv_X2 x) <= 2 * Rabs (rv_X1 x * rv_X2 x)).
    apply Rplus_le_reg_l with (r := - Rabs(rv_X1 x * rv_X2 x)).
    apply Rabs_pos.

    Lemma Rbar_Rabs_lim_sum_le0 (f : nat -> Ts -> R) (x : Ts) :
    is_finite (Lim_seq (sum_n (fun n=> Rabs (f n x)))) ->
      (Rbar_abs (Lim_seq (fun n => (rvsum f) n x)))
      (Rbar_abs (Lim_seq (fun n => (rvsum (fun n0 => (rvabs (f n0))) n x)))).
    apply series_abs_bounded in H.
    generalize H; intros HH.
    generalize (ex_series_Rabs (fun n => (f n x)) H); intros.
    generalize (Series_Rabs (fun n => (f n x)) H); intros.
    unfold rvsum, rvabs.
    apply ex_series_Lim_seq in H.
    apply ex_series_Lim_seq in H0.
    replace (Lim_seq
               (fun n : nat => sum_n (fun n0 : nat => f n0 x) n))
      with (Finite ( Series (fun n : nat => f n x))).
    replace (Lim_seq
          (fun n : nat =>
             sum_n (fun n0 : nat => Rabs (f n0 x)) n))
      with (Finite (Series (fun n : nat => Rabs (f n x)))).
    apply Rge_le.
    rewrite Rabs_right.
    apply Rle_ge, H1.
    apply Rle_ge, Series_nonneg; trivial.
    apply Rabs_pos.

  Lemma Rabs_lim_sum_le0 (f : nat -> Ts -> R) (x : Ts) :
    is_finite (Lim_seq (sum_n (fun n=> Rabs (f n x)))) ->
      (Rbar_abs (Finite (real (Lim_seq (fun n => (rvsum f) n x)))))
      (Rbar_abs (Lim_seq (fun n => (rvsum (fun n0 => (rvabs (f n0))) n x)))).
    apply series_abs_bounded in H.
    generalize H; intros HH.
    generalize (ex_series_Rabs (fun n => (f n x)) H); intros.
    generalize (Series_Rabs (fun n => (f n x)) H); intros.
    unfold rvsum, rvabs.
    apply ex_series_Lim_seq in H.
    apply ex_series_Lim_seq in H0.
    replace (Lim_seq
               (fun n : nat => sum_n (fun n0 : nat => f n0 x) n))
      with (Finite ( Series (fun n : nat => f n x))).
    replace (Lim_seq
          (fun n : nat =>
             sum_n (fun n0 : nat => Rabs (f n0 x)) n))
      with (Finite (Series (fun n : nat => Rabs (f n x)))).
    apply Rge_le.
    rewrite Rabs_right.
    apply Rle_ge, H1.
    apply Rle_ge, Series_nonneg; trivial.
    apply Rabs_pos.

    Lemma Rbar_Rabs_lim_sum_le (f : nat -> Ts -> R) (x : Ts) :
      (Rbar_abs (Lim_seq (fun n => (rvsum f) n x)))
      (Rbar_abs (Lim_seq (fun n => (rvsum (fun n0 => (rvabs (f n0))) n x)))).
    case_eq (Lim_seq
          (fun n : nat =>
           rvsum (fun n0 : nat => rvabs (f n0)) n x)); intros.
    - rewrite <- H.
      apply Rbar_Rabs_lim_sum_le0.
      unfold rvsum, rvabs in H.
      replace (Lim_seq (sum_n (fun n : nat => Rabs (f n x))))
              (fun n : nat =>
                 sum_n (fun n0 : nat => Rabs (f n0 x)) n)).
      now rewrite H.
      apply Lim_seq_ext.
      intros; trivial.
    - destruct (Lim_seq (fun n : nat => rvsum f n x)); now simpl.
    - assert (Rbar_le 0 (Lim_seq
        (fun n : nat =>
         rvsum (fun n0 : nat => rvabs (f n0)) n x))).
      + apply Lim_seq_pos.
        unfold rvsum, rvabs.
        apply sum_n_nneg.
        apply Rabs_pos.
      + rewrite H in H0.
        now simpl in H0.

  Lemma Rabs_lim_sum_le (f : nat -> Ts -> R) (x : Ts) :
      (Rbar_abs (Finite (real (Lim_seq (fun n => (rvsum f) n x)))))
      (Rbar_abs (Lim_seq (fun n => (rvsum (fun n0 => (rvabs (f n0))) n x)))).
    case_eq (Lim_seq
          (fun n : nat =>
           rvsum (fun n0 : nat => rvabs (f n0)) n x)); intros.
    - rewrite <- H.
      apply Rabs_lim_sum_le0.
      unfold rvsum, rvabs in H.
      replace (Lim_seq (sum_n (fun n : nat => Rabs (f n x))))
              (fun n : nat =>
                 sum_n (fun n0 : nat => Rabs (f n0 x)) n)).
      now rewrite H.
      apply Lim_seq_ext.
      intros; trivial.
    - destruct (Lim_seq (fun n : nat => rvsum f n x)); now simpl.
    - assert (Rbar_le 0 (Lim_seq
        (fun n : nat =>
         rvsum (fun n0 : nat => rvabs (f n0)) n x))).
      + apply Lim_seq_pos.
        unfold rvsum, rvabs.
        apply sum_n_nneg.
        apply Rabs_pos.
      + rewrite H in H0.
        now simpl in H0.

  End eqs.
End defs.

Ltac rv_unfold := unfold
                  rvmult in *.