Module FormalML.lib_utils.LibUtilsCoqLibAdd

This module contains additional definitions and lemmas on strings, including a total order relation.

Require Import Bool.
Require Import List.
Require Import String.
Require Import Sumbool.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Permutation.
Require Import Morphisms.
Require Import Setoid.
Require Import RelationClasses.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Equivalence.
Require Import Peano_dec.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Zdigits.
Require Import Znat.
Require Import Recdef.
Require Import Compare_dec.

Create HintDb fml.

Ltac qauto := auto with fml.
Ltac qeauto := eauto with fml.
Ltac qtrivial := trivial with fml.

Section CoqLibAdd.

Properties of Booleans

  Section Booleans.
    Lemma andb_true_inversion:
      forall b1 b2 : bool,
        andb b1 b2 = true <-> b1 = true /\ b2 = true.
      - case_eq b1; case_eq b2; auto.
      - apply andb_true_intro.

    Lemma four_cases {A:Type} :
      forall (p1 p2: A -> bool) (a:A),
        ((((p1 a) = true) /\ ((p2 a) = true)) \/
         (((p1 a) = true) /\ ((p2 a) = false))) \/
        ((((p1 a) = false) /\ ((p2 a) = true)) \/
         (((p1 a) = false) /\ ((p2 a) = false))).
      case (p1 a); case (p2 a); auto.

    Lemma two_cases {A:Type} :
      forall (p: A -> bool) (a:A),
        ((p a) = true) \/ ((p a) = false).
      case (p a); auto.

    Lemma notand p q:
      ~(p \/ q) -> ~p /\ ~q.
      unfold not in *.
      split; intro. elim H. left. assumption. elim H. right. assumption.

    Lemma eq_implies_pred {A:Type} :
      forall (p:A -> bool), forall (x1 x2:A),
          x1 = x2 -> (p x1) = (p x2).
      rewrite H; reflexivity.
    Lemma not_pred_implies_neq {A:Type}:
      forall (p:A -> bool), forall (x1 x2:A),
          (p x1) <> (p x2) -> x1 <> x2.
      unfold not in *; intro.
      apply H; apply eq_implies_pred; assumption.

  End Booleans.

Properties of In

  Section In.
    Context {A:Type}.

    Lemma In_app (x:A) (l1 l2:list A):
      In x (l1 ++ l2) -> In x l1 \/ In x l2.
      intros. induction l1; simpl in *.
      right; assumption.
      elim H; intros; clear H.
      left; left; assumption.
      elim (IHl1 H0); intros; clear IHl1 H0.
      left; right; assumption.
      right; assumption.

    Lemma In_app_comm (v:A) (l1 l2:list A) :
      In v (l1++l2) -> In v (l2++l1).
      apply Permutation_in.
      apply Permutation_app_comm.
    Lemma In_app_iff (v:A) (l1 l2:list A) :
      In v (l1++l2) <-> In v (l2++l1).
      split; apply In_app_comm.
    Lemma find_In {f l} {b:A} : find f l = Some b -> In b l.
      revert b; induction l; simpl; try discriminate.
      destruct (f a); auto.
      inversion 1; auto.

    Lemma find_correct {f l} {b:A} : find f l = Some b -> f b = true.
      revert b; induction l; simpl; try discriminate.
      case_eq (f a); auto.
      inversion 2; subst; auto.
    Lemma app_or_in (x:A) (l1 l2: list A) :
      In x (l1 ++ l2) -> In x l1 \/ In x l2.
      induction l1.
      simpl in *; right; assumption.
      simpl in *.
      elim H; clear H; intros.
      left; left; assumption.
      elim (IHl1 H); intros.
      left; right; assumption.
      right; assumption.
    Lemma app_or_in_iff (x:A) (l1 l2: list A) :
      In x (l1 ++ l2) <-> In x l1 \/ In x l2.
      apply app_or_in.
      apply in_or_app.

    Lemma in_or_not (eqd:forall a a':A, {a=a'} + {a<>a'}) (l:list A) a:
      (In a l) \/ ~(In a l).
      induction l; simpl.
      right; intro; assumption.
      elim (eqd a0 a); intros.
      rewrite a1 in *; left; left; reflexivity.
      elim IHl; intros.
      - left; right; assumption.
      - right; unfold not in *; intros.
        elim H0; intro.
        elim b; assumption.
        elim H; assumption.

    Lemma nin_app_or (x:A) a b :
      (~ In x (a ++ b)) <-> (~ In x a /\ ~ In x b).
      intuition. apply in_app_or in H0; intuition.

    Lemma in_in_app_false {l l1 l2} :
      (forall x:A,
          In x l ->
          In x (l1 ++ l2) -> False) ->
      ((forall x,
           In x l ->
           In x l1 -> False) /\
       (forall x,
           In x l ->
           In x l2 -> False)).
      split; intuition; eapply H; eauto; apply in_app_iff; auto.

    Lemma in_in_cons_app_false {v l l1 l2} :
      (forall x:A,
          In x l ->
          v = x \/ In x (l1 ++ l2) -> False) ->
      ((forall x,
           In x l ->
           In x (l1) -> False) /\
       (forall x,
           In x l ->
           In x (l2) -> False) /\
       ~ (In v l)).
      split; intuition; try solve[eapply H; eauto; repeat rewrite in_app_iff; auto].

    Lemma in_in_cons_cons_app_app_false {v v0 l l1 l2 l3} :
      (forall x:A,
          In x l ->
          v = x \/ v0 = x \/ In x (l1 ++ l2 ++ l3) -> False) ->
      ((forall x,
           In x l ->
           In x l1 -> False) /\
       (forall x,
           In x l ->
           In x l2 -> False) /\
       (forall x,
           In x l ->
           In x l3 -> False) /\
       ~ (In v l) /\
       ~ (In v0 l)).
      split; intuition; try solve[eapply H; eauto; repeat rewrite in_app_iff; auto].

    Lemma forall_in_dec P (l:list A)
          (dec:forall x, In x l -> {P x} + {~ P x}):
      {forall x, In x l -> P x} + {~ forall x, In x l -> P x}.
      induction l; simpl.
      - left; intuition.
      - simpl in dec.
        destruct (dec a); [intuition | | ].
        + destruct IHl.
          * simpl in dec; intuition.
          * left; intuition. subst; intuition.
          * right. intuition.
        + right. intuition.

    Lemma exists_in_dec P (l:list A)
          (dec:forall x, In x l -> {P x} + {~ P x}):
      {exists x, In x l /\ P x} + {~ exists x, In x l /\ P x}.
      induction l; simpl.
      - right. intros [??]; intuition.
      - simpl in dec.
        destruct (dec a); [intuition | | ].
        + left; eauto.
        + destruct IHl.
          * simpl in dec; intuition.
          * left. destruct e as [?[??]]; eauto.
          * right. intros [?[[?|?]?]]; subst; intuition; eauto.

    Lemma exists_nforall_in_dec P (l:list A)
          (dec:forall x, In x l -> {P x} + {~ P x}):
      {exists x, In x l /\ P x} + {forall x, In x l -> ~P x}.
      induction l; simpl.
      - right. intuition.
      - simpl in dec.
        destruct (dec a); [intuition | | ].
        + left; eauto.
        + destruct IHl.
          * simpl in dec; intuition.
          * left. destruct e as [?[??]]; eauto.
          * right. intros ? [?|?]; subst; intuition; eauto.

    Lemma existsb_ex (f : A -> bool) (l : list A) :
      existsb f l = true -> {x : A | In x l /\ f x = true}.
      induction l; simpl; intros.
      - discriminate.
      - case_eq (existsb f l); intros exx.
        + destruct (IHl exx) as [?[??]].
          exists x; intuition.
        + case_eq (f a); intros faa.
          * exists a; intuition.
          * rewrite exx, faa in H. discriminate.
    Lemma forall_in_weaken (P Q:A -> Prop) l:
      (forall x : A, P x \/ In x l -> Q x)
      -> (forall x : A, In x l -> Q x).
      induction l.
      simpl in H; contradiction.
      simpl in *.
      specialize (H x). elim H0; intros; clear H0; apply H.
      right; left; assumption.
      right; right; assumption.
  End In.

Properties of Forallt

  Section Forallt.
    Inductive Forallt {A : Type} (P : A -> Type) : list A -> Type :=
      Forallt_nil : Forallt P nil
    | Forallt_cons : forall (x : A) (l : list A),
        P x -> Forallt P l -> Forallt P (x :: l).

    Hint Constructors Forallt : fml.

    Lemma list_Forallt_eq_dec {A:Type}:
      forall (c l: list A),
        Forallt (fun x : A => forall y : A, {x = y} + {x <> y}) c -> {c = l} + {c <> l}.
      intros; revert l; induction c; intros l.
      destruct l.
      - left; trivial.
      - right; inversion 1.
      - destruct l.
        + right;inversion 1.
        + inversion X; subst.
          destruct (X0 a0).
          * destruct (IHc X1 l);subst; intuition.
            right; inversion 1; auto.
          * right; inversion 1; auto.

    Lemma forallt_impl {A} {P1 P2:A->Type} {l:list A} :
      Forallt P1 l -> Forallt (fun x => P1 x -> P2 x) l -> Forallt P2 l.
      induction l; trivial with fml.
      inversion 1; inversion 1; subst.
      auto with fml.

    Lemma forallt_weaken {A} P : (forall x:A, P x) -> forall l, Forallt P l.
      induction l.
      - apply Forallt_nil.
      - apply Forallt_cons.
        + apply (X a).
        + trivial.

    Lemma Forallt_inv: forall A P (a:A) l, Forallt P (a :: l) -> P a.
      intros; inversion X; assumption.
    Lemma Forallt_inv2: forall A P (a:A) l, Forallt P (a :: l) -> Forallt P l.
      intros; inversion X; assumption.

    Lemma Forallt_In {A:Type} {P:A->Type} {r} {eq:EqDec A eq}:
      Forallt P r -> forall a, In a r -> P a.
      induction 1; simpl; intuition.
      (* Since equality is decidable, we can "rediscover" the components of the 
      In relation (the â€Œ\/ lives in Prop) *)

      destruct (x==a); unfold equiv, complement in *; subst; auto.
      destruct (In_dec eq a l); unfold equiv, complement in *; subst; auto.
      assert False; intuition.
    Lemma Forall_app {A} (P:A->Prop) (l1 l2:list A):
      Forall P l1 -> Forall P l2 ->
      Forall P (l1 ++ l2).
      rewrite Forall_forall in *; intros.
      assert (In x l1 \/ In x l2)
        by (apply In_app; assumption).
      elim H2; intros; clear H2.
      - apply H; assumption.
      - apply H0; assumption.

    Lemma Forall_app_inv {A : Type} {P : A -> Prop} (l1 l2 : list A) :
      Forall P (l1 ++ l2) -> Forall P l1 /\ Forall P l2.
      repeat rewrite Forall_forall.
      intros Finn; split; intros ? inn
      ; apply Finn; rewrite in_app_iff; tauto.

    Lemma Forall_map {A B} P (f:A->B) l:
      Forall P (map f l) <->
      Forall (fun x => P (f x)) l.
      repeat rewrite Forall_forall.
      - apply H.
        rewrite in_map_iff.
      - rewrite in_map_iff in H0.
        destruct H0 as [? [??]].

    Lemma Forall_impl_in {A} {P Q : A -> Prop} {l} :
      (forall a, In a l -> P a -> Q a) ->
      Forall P l -> Forall Q l.
      induction l; trivial; simpl; inversion 2; subst; auto.
    Lemma Forallt_Forall {A:Prop} (P:A->Prop) (l:list A) :
      Forallt P l -> Forall P l.
      induction l; eauto.
      induction 1; eauto.

  End Forallt.

Properties of forallb

  Section forallb.

    Lemma forallb_ext {A} f1 f2 (l:list A) :
      (forall x, In x l -> f1 x = f2 x) ->
      forallb f1 l = forallb f2 l.
      induction l; simpl; trivial; intros.
      rewrite IHl.
      - f_equal.
      - intuition.

    Lemma forallb_incl {A} f (l1 l2 : list A) :
      incl l1 l2 ->
      forallb f l2 = true ->
      forallb f l1 = true.
      unfold incl.
      repeat rewrite forallb_forall.

    Lemma forallb_app {A} (f:A->bool) l1 l2 :
      forallb f (l1 ++ l2) = true <->
      (forallb f l1 = true /\ forallb f l2 = true).
      repeat rewrite forallb_forall.
      intuition; rewrite in_app_iff in *; intuition.
    Lemma forallb_map {A B} f (mf:A->B) m : forallb f (map mf m) = forallb ((fun x => f (mf x))) m.
      induction m; simpl; auto.
      f_equal; auto.

    Lemma existsb_not_forallb {A} f (l:list A)
      : existsb f l = negb (forallb (fun x => negb (f x)) l).
      induction l; simpl; trivial.
      destruct (f a); simpl in *; intuition.

    Lemma forallb_not_existb {A} f (l:list A)
      : forallb f l = negb (existsb (fun x => negb (f x)) l).
      induction l; simpl; trivial.
      destruct (f a); simpl in *; intuition.

    Lemma map_eq {A B} {f g:A->B} {l} :
      Forall (fun x => f x = g x) l ->
      map f l = map g l.
      induction l; trivial.
      inversion 1; simpl; subst.
      f_equal; auto.

    Lemma map_id {A} (c:list A) :
      map id c = c.
      induction c; try reflexivity.
      rewrite IHc; reflexivity.

    Lemma map_eq_id {A} {f:A->A} {l} :
      Forall (fun x => f x = x) l ->
      map f l = l.
      rewrite <- (map_id l) at 2.
      assert (Forall (fun x : A => f x = id x) l) by auto; clear H.
      now rewrite (map_eq H0).
    Lemma map_cons {A B:Type} (f:A->B) (l:list A) (a:A) :
      map f (a::l) = (f a)::map f l.

    Lemma map_eq_cons {A B} (f : A -> B) (l:list A) b l' :
      map f l = b::l' ->
      {a : A & {ls:list A | l = a::ls /\f a = b /\ map f ls = l'}}.
      destruct l; simpl; intros; try discriminate.
      inversion H; subst.

  End forallb.

Properties of pairs

  Section Pairs.

    Lemma pair_eq_dec {A B:Type} (a1:A) (b1:B) (a2:A) (b2:B) :
      {a1 = a2} + {a1 <> a2} ->
      {b1 = b2} + {b1 <> b2} ->
      {(a1, b1) = (a2, b2)} + {(a1, b1) <> (a2, b2)}.
      destruct 1; subst.
      - destruct 1; subst; auto.
        right; inversion 1; auto.
      - right; inversion 1; auto.

    Global Instance string_eqdec : EqDec String.string eq := String.string_dec.
    Global Instance pair_eqdec {A B} `{EqDec A eq} `{EqDec B eq} : EqDec (prod A B) eq.
      red; intros. unfold complement, equiv.
      destruct x; destruct y; simpl.
      apply pair_eq_dec; eauto.

    Global Instance option_eqdec {A:Type} `{EqDec A eq}: EqDec (option A) eq.
      red; unfold equiv, complement; intros x y.
      destruct x; destruct y; try intuition congruence.
      destruct (a == a0); intuition congruence.

  End Pairs.


Natural numbers

  Section Nutil.
    Lemma min_zero:
      forall (n1 n2:nat), min n1 (S n2) = 0 -> n1 = 0.
      induction n1.
      assert (exists (n3:nat), min (S n1) (S n2) = (S n3)).
      exists (min n1 n2).
      rewrite Min.succ_min_distr; reflexivity.
      elim H0; intros.

    Lemma min_against_one:
      forall (n:nat), min n 1 = 0 \/ min n 1 = 1.
      induction n; simpl.
      left; reflexivity.
      elim IHn; intro; clear IHn; auto with arith.

    Lemma compare_either (n1 n2:nat):
      (n1 <= n2) \/ (n2 <= n1).
    Lemma min_one_yields_one:
      forall n:nat, min n 1 = 1 -> 1 <= n.
      induction n; simpl in *.
      auto with arith.

    Lemma fold_left_arith_dist1 {A} (x0:nat) (l:list A) (f:A -> nat):
      fold_left (fun (x:nat) (y:A) => (f y) + x) l x0 =
      (fold_left (fun (x:nat) (y:A) => (f y) + x) l 0) + x0.
      revert x0; simpl; induction l; [reflexivity|idtac]; intros.
      simpl in *.
      rewrite (IHl (f a + 0)); simpl.
      rewrite (IHl (f a + x0)); simpl.
    Lemma fold_left_arith_dist2 {A} (x0 n0:nat) (l:list A) (f:A -> nat):
      fold_left (fun (x:nat) (y:A) => n0 * (f y) + x) l x0 =
      n0 * (fold_left (fun (x:nat) (y:A) => (f y) + x) l 0) + x0.
      revert x0; induction l; simpl; intros; try lia.
      rewrite (IHl (n0 * f a + x0)); simpl.
      rewrite (fold_left_arith_dist1 (f a + 0)).
      rewrite mult_plus_distr_l.
      rewrite mult_plus_distr_l.

    Lemma fold_left_arith_dist3 {A} (x0 n0:nat) (l:list A) (f:A -> nat):
      n0 * (fold_left (fun (x:nat) (y:A) => (f y) + x) l 0) + x0 =
      n0 * (fold_left (fun (x:nat) (y:A) => x + (f y)) l 0) + x0.
      generalize 0.
      revert x0; induction l; simpl; intros; try lia.
      assert (f a + n = n + f a) by apply plus_comm.
      rewrite H; clear H.
      rewrite (IHl x0 (n + f a)); reflexivity.

    Lemma fold_left_arith_dist4 {A} (x0 n0:nat) (l:list A) (f:A -> nat):
      fold_left (fun (x:nat) (y:A) => n0 * (f y) + x) l x0 =
      n0 * (fold_left (fun (x:nat) (y:A) => x + (f y)) l 0) + x0.
      rewrite <- fold_left_arith_dist3.
      apply fold_left_arith_dist2.

  End Nutil.


  Section Zutil.
    Open Scope Z_scope.
    Definition ZToSignedNat (z:Z) : (bool*nat) :=
      match (Z.sgn z) with
      | -1 => (false,(Z.to_nat z))
      | _ => (true, (Z.to_nat z))
    Lemma pos_succ_inv (n1 n2:positive):
      (Pos.succ n1 = Pos.succ n2 -> n1 = n2).
      apply Pos.succ_inj.
    Lemma Pos_of_nat_inv (n1 n2:nat) :
      Pos.of_nat (S n1) = Pos.of_nat (S n2) -> n1 = n2.
      simpl in H; repeat rewrite of_nat_succ in H.
      revert n2 H; induction n1; intros.
      destruct n2; try congruence.
      simpl in H.
      induction n2.
      simpl in H; congruence.
      simpl in *.
      assert False.
      generalize Pos.succ_not_1; intros.
      unfold not in H0.
      apply (H0 (Pos.succ
                   match n2 with
                   | 0%nat => 1
                   | S _ => Pos.succ (Pos.of_nat n2)
                   end)). rewrite <- H; reflexivity.
      simpl in H.
      specialize (IHn1 (pred n2)).
      destruct n2; simpl in *.
      destruct n1; try congruence.
      simpl in H. congruence.
      simpl in H.
      assert False.
      generalize Pos.succ_not_1; intros.
      unfold not in H0.
      apply (H0 (Pos.succ
                   match n1 with
                   | 0%nat => 1
                   | S _ => Pos.succ (Pos.of_nat n1)
                   end)). rewrite H; reflexivity.
      apply f_equal.
      apply IHn1.
      apply pos_succ_inv; assumption.
    Lemma of_nat_inv (n1 n2:nat) :
      Z.of_nat n1 = Z.of_nat n2 -> n1 = n2.
      unfold Z.of_nat in H.
      destruct n1; destruct n2; try congruence.
      inversion H.
      rewrite Pos.of_nat_succ in H1.
      rewrite Pos.of_nat_succ in H1.
      inversion H1.
      rewrite (Pos_of_nat_inv n1 n2 H1); reflexivity.
    Lemma pos_succ_nat_inv (n1 n2:nat) :
      Pos.of_succ_nat n1 = Pos.of_succ_nat n2 -> n1 = n2.
      repeat rewrite Pos.of_nat_succ in H.
      apply Pos_of_nat_inv; assumption.

    Global Instance Z_eqdec : EqDec Z eq.
      apply Z.eq_dec.

  End Zutil.

Iterator on lists

  Section Iter.
    Lemma repeat_plus {A} (x:A) (n1 n2:nat) :
      repeat x (n1+n2) = repeat x n1 ++ repeat x n2.
      induction n1; simpl; congruence.

    Fixpoint iter {A} (f:A->A) (iterations:nat) (a:A)
      := match iterations with
         | 0 => a
         | S n => iter f n (f a)

    Lemma iter_fold_left_list {A B} (f:A->A) (l:list B) (a:A)
      : iter f (List.length l) a = fold_left (fun x y => f x) l a.
      revert a.
      induction l; simpl; trivial.

    Lemma iter_fold_left_repeat {A} (f:A->A) (iterations:nat) (a:A)
      : iter f iterations a = fold_left (fun x y => f x) (repeat 0 iterations) a.
      rewrite <- iter_fold_left_list.
      rewrite repeat_length.

    Lemma iter_fold_right_list {A B} (f:A->A) (l:list B) (a:A)
      : iter f (List.length l) a = fold_right (fun x y => f y) a l.
      rewrite <- (rev_involutive l).
      rewrite fold_left_rev_right.
      rewrite rev_length.
      apply iter_fold_left_list.

    Lemma iter_plus {A} (f:A->A) (iterations1 iterations2:nat) (a:A) :
      iter f (iterations1+iterations2) a = iter f iterations2 (iter f iterations1 a).
      repeat rewrite iter_fold_left_repeat.
      rewrite repeat_plus.
      rewrite fold_left_app.

    Lemma iter_trans {A} (R:relation A) {pre:PreOrder R} f
          (pf:forall x, R x (f x)) (iterations:nat) a :
      R a (iter f iterations a).
      revert a.
      induction iterations; simpl; intros.
      - reflexivity.
      - etransitivity; eauto.

  End Iter.

Iterator with a cost functions

  Section Cost.

    Context {A:Type}.
    Function iter_cost (optim: A -> A) (cost: A -> nat) (p: A) { measure cost p } :=
      let p' := optim p in
      if lt_dec (cost p') (cost p)
      then iter_cost optim cost p'
      else p.
      intros optim cost p Hcmp; trivial.

    Lemma iter_cost_trans (R:relation A) {pre:PreOrder R} f
          (pf:forall x, R x (f x)) (cost:A->nat) a :
      R a (iter_cost f cost a).
      apply iter_cost_ind; intros.
      - etransitivity; eauto.
      - reflexivity.

  End Cost.


  Section Holds.
This is defined using vm_compute for efficiency when doing testing.
    Definition is_true {A B} (x:{A}+{B}) : bool :=
      Eval vm_compute in (if x then true else false).

    Definition holds {A B} (x:{A}+{B}) : Prop :=
      is_true x = true.
  End Holds.

  Lemma compose_inj {A B C} (f:B->C) (g:A->B) :
    (forall x y, f x = f y -> x = y) ->
    (forall x y, g x = g y -> x = y) ->
    (forall x y, f (g x) = f (g y) -> x = y).

  Lemma sumbool_and {P Q} : {P} + {~ P} -> {Q} + {~ Q} -> {P /\ Q} + {~ (P /\ Q)}.
    do 2 destruct 1; tauto.

  Lemma eqdec_neq {A} `{EqDec A eq} (x y:A) : {x <> y} + {~ x <> y}.
    destruct (x == y).
    - red in e.
      right; congruence.
    - left; congruence.

  Section equiv.
    Lemma Equivalence_by_iff {A} (R1 R2:A->A->Prop):
      (forall a b, R1 a b <-> R2 a b) ->
      Equivalence R1 <-> Equivalence R2.
      revert R1 R2.
      cut (forall R1 R2, (forall a b : A, R1 a b <-> R2 a b) -> Equivalence R1 -> Equivalence R2).
      - intros HH R1 R2 H; split.
        + apply HH; trivial.
        + apply HH. split; apply H.
      - intros R1 R2 H ?.
        constructor; red; intros.
        + apply H; reflexivity.
        + apply H; symmetry; apply H; trivial.
        + apply H; etransitivity; apply H; eauto.

    Lemma EqDec_by_iff {A} (R1 R2:A->A->Prop)
          {equiv1:Equivalence R1} {equiv2:Equivalence R2} :
      (forall a b, R1 a b <-> R2 a b) ->
      EqDec A R1 -> EqDec A R2.
      intros eqs dec; intros.
      destruct (x == y).
      - left. apply eqs; trivial.
      - right. intro eq1; apply eqs in eq1. apply (c eq1).

    Lemma EqDec_by_iff' {A} (R1 R2:A->A->Prop)
          {equiv1:Equivalence R1} {equiv2:Equivalence R2} :
      (forall a b, R1 a b <-> R2 a b) ->
      EqDec A R2 -> EqDec A R1.
      intros eqs dec; intros.
      destruct (x == y).
      - left. apply eqs; trivial.
      - right. intro eq1; apply eqs in eq1. apply (c eq1).

    Lemma Equivalence_pullback {A B} (R:B->B->Prop) (f:A->B):
      Equivalence R ->
      Equivalence (fun x y => R (f x) (f y)).
      constructor; red; intros.
      - reflexivity.
      - symmetry; trivial.
      - etransitivity; eauto.
  End equiv.
End CoqLibAdd.


Ltac dest_eqdec :=
  match goal with
  | [|- context [eq_nat_dec ?x ?y]] => destruct (eq_nat_dec x y)
  | [H: context [eq_nat_dec ?x ?y] |- _] => destruct (eq_nat_dec x y)
  | [|- context [@equiv_dec ?a ?b ?c ?d ?x ?y]] => destruct (@equiv_dec a b c d x y)
  | [H: context [@equiv_dec ?a ?b ?c ?d ?x ?y] |- _] => destruct (@equiv_dec a b c d x y)
  end; unfold Equivalence.equiv, RelationClasses.complement in *; try subst.

Ltac move_to_top x :=
  match reverse goal with
  | H : _ |- _ => try move x after H

Tactic Notation "assert_eq" ident(x) constr(v) :=
  let H := fresh in
  assert (x = v) as H by reflexivity;
  clear H.

Tactic Notation "Case_aux" ident(x) constr(name) :=
  first [
      set (x := name); move_to_top x
    | assert_eq x name; move_to_top x
    | fail 1 "because we are working on a different case" ].

Tactic Notation "Case" constr(name) := Case_aux Case name.
Tactic Notation "SCase" constr(name) := Case_aux SCase name.
Tactic Notation "SSCase" constr(name) := Case_aux SSCase name.
Tactic Notation "SSSCase" constr(name) := Case_aux SSSCase name.
Tactic Notation "SSSSCase" constr(name) := Case_aux SSSSCase name.
Tactic Notation "SSSSSCase" constr(name) := Case_aux SSSSSCase name.
Tactic Notation "SSSSSSCase" constr(name) := Case_aux SSSSSSCase name.
Tactic Notation "SSSSSSSCase" constr(name) := Case_aux SSSSSSSCase name.

Ltac notHyp P :=
  match goal with
  | [ _ : P |- _ ] => fail 1
  | _ => idtac

Ltac extend P :=
  let t := type of P in
  notHyp t; generalize P; intro.

Ltac match_destr
  := match goal with [|- context [match ?x with _ => _ end]] => destruct x end; trivial; try discriminate.

Ltac match_destr_in H
  := match type of H with context [match ?x with _ => _ end] => destruct x end; trivial; try discriminate.

Ltac match_case
  := match goal with [|- context [match ?x with _ => _ end]] => case_eq x end; trivial; try discriminate.

Ltac match_case_in H
  := match type of H with context [match ?x with _ => _ end] => case_eq x end; trivial; try discriminate.

Ltac match_option
  := let eqq := fresh "eqq" in
     match goal with
       [|- context [match ?x with | Some _ => _ | None => _ end]] =>
       case_eq x end; [ intros ? eqq | intros eqq]; try rewrite eqq;
     trivial; try discriminate.

Ltac match_option_in H
  := let eqq := fresh "eqq" in
     match type of H with
       context [match ?x with | Some _ => _ | None => _ end] =>
       case_eq x end; [ intros ? eqq | intros eqq]; rewrite eqq in H;
     trivial; try discriminate.

Ltac cut_to H :=
  match type of H with
  | _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> ?b => cut (b); [clear H; intros H|apply H]
  | _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> ?b => cut (b); [clear H; intros H|apply H]
  | _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> ?b => cut (b); [clear H; intros H|apply H]
  | _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> ?b => cut (b); [clear H; intros H|apply H]
  | _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> ?b => cut (b); [clear H; intros H|apply H]
  | _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> ?b => cut (b); [clear H; intros H|apply H]
  | _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> ?b => cut (b); [clear H; intros H|apply H]
  | _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> ?b => cut (b); [clear H; intros H|apply H]
  | _ -> _ -> _ -> ?b => cut (b); [clear H; intros H|apply H]
  | _ -> _ -> ?b => cut (b); [clear H; intros H|apply H]
  | _ -> ?b => cut (b); [clear H; intros H|apply H]

Ltac invcs H := inversion H; clear H; try subst.

Class ToString (A:Type)
  := {
      toString (a:A) : string

Ltac string_eqdec_to_equiv :=
  replace string_eqdec with (equiv_dec (EqDec:=string_eqdec)) in * by trivial.

Ltac string_dec_to_equiv :=
  replace string_dec with (equiv_dec (EqDec:=string_dec)) in * by trivial.