Module FormalML.utils.RealAdd

Require Import Qreals.
Require Import Program.Basics.
Require Import Classical.
Require Import QArith Coq.Reals.Rbase Coq.Reals.RList.
Require Import Coq.Reals.Rfunctions.
Require Import Coq.Reals.Rprod Coq.Reals.ROrderedType.
Require Import Ranalysis_reg utils.Finite.
Require Import Coquelicot.Coquelicot.
Require Import Lia Lra.
Require Import Reals.Integration.
Require Import Coq.Reals.SeqProp.
Require Import Rtrigo_def.
Require Import List.
Require Finite.
Require Import Morphisms Permutation.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import PushNeg.

Require Import LibUtils ListAdd.
Require Import Relation_Definitions Sorted.

Require Import Isomorphism NumberIso.

Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".

Import ListNotations.

Local Open Scope R.

Global Instance EqDecR : EqDec R eq := Req_EM_T.

Global Instance Rle_pre : PreOrder Rle.
  - intros ?. apply Rle_refl.
  - intros ???. apply Rle_trans.

Local Instance Rge_pre : PreOrder Rge.
  - intros ?. apply Rge_refl.
  - intros ???. apply Rge_trans.

Global Instance Rle_part : PartialOrder eq Rle.
  split; intros; repeat red; unfold flip.
  - subst. split; reflexivity.
  - destruct H.
    apply Rle_antisym; trivial.

Local Instance Rge_part : PartialOrder eq Rge.
  split; intros; repeat red; unfold flip.
  - subst. split; reflexivity.
  - destruct H.
    apply Rge_antisym; trivial.

Global Instance Rlt_strict : StrictOrder Rlt.
  - intros ?.
    apply Rlt_irrefl.
  - intros ???.
    apply Rlt_trans.

Global Instance Rgt_strict : StrictOrder Rgt.
  - intros ?.
    apply Rgt_irrefl.
  - intros ???.
    apply Rgt_trans.

Global Instance Rlt_le_subr : subrelation Rlt Rle.
  intros ???.
  now apply Rlt_le.

Global Instance Rgt_ge_subr : subrelation Rgt Rge.
  intros ???.
  now apply Rgt_ge.

Local Instance Rbar_le_pre : PreOrder Rbar_le.
  - intros ?. apply Rbar_le_refl.
  - intros ???. apply Rbar_le_trans.

Local Instance Rbar_le_part : PartialOrder eq Rbar_le.
  split; intros; repeat red; unfold flip.
  - subst. split; reflexivity.
  - destruct H.
    apply Rbar_le_antisym; trivial.

Local Instance Rbar_lt_strict : StrictOrder Rbar_lt.
  - intros ?.
    destruct x; simpl; trivial.
    apply Rlt_irrefl.
  - intros ???.
    apply Rbar_lt_trans.

Local Instance Rbar_lt_le_subr : subrelation Rbar_lt Rbar_le.
  intros ???.
  now apply Rbar_lt_le.

Global Instance Rbar_eqdec : EqDec Rbar eq := Rbar_eq_dec.

Lemma rbar_nneg_nneg x :
  Rbar_le 0 x ->
  0 <= x.
  destruct x; simpl; try lra.

Lemma INR_nzero {n} :
  (n > 0)%nat -> INR n <> 0.
  destruct n.
  - lia.
  - rewrite S_INR.
    generalize (pos_INR n); intros.

Lemma INR_nzero_eq {n} :
  (~ n = 0)%nat -> INR n <> 0.
  destruct n.
  - lia.
  - rewrite S_INR.
    generalize (pos_INR n); intros.

Lemma INR_zero_lt {n} :
  (n > 0)%nat -> 0 < INR n.
  destruct n.
  - lia.
  - rewrite S_INR.
    generalize (pos_INR n); intros.

Lemma Rinv_pos n :
  0 < n ->
  0 < / n.
  rewrite <- (Rmult_1_l ( / n)).
  apply Rdiv_lt_0_compat; lra.

Lemma pos_Rl_nth (l:list R) n : pos_Rl l n = nth n l 0.
  revert n.
  induction l; destruct n; simpl in *; trivial.

Hint Rewrite pos_Rl_nth : R_iso.

Lemma Rlt_le_sub : subrelation Rlt Rle.
  repeat red; intuition.

Lemma find_bucket_nth_finds_Rle needle l idx d1 d2:
  StronglySorted Rle l ->
  (S idx < length l)%nat ->
  nth idx l d1 < needle ->
  needle <= nth (S idx) l d2 ->
  find_bucket Rle_dec needle l = Some (nth idx l d1, nth (S idx) l d2).
  apply find_bucket_nth_finds; trivial
  ; repeat red; intros; lra.

Lemma find_bucket_bounded_Rle_exists {a b needle} :
  a <= needle <= b ->
  forall l,
  exists lower upper,
    find_bucket Rle_dec needle (a::l++[b]) = Some (lower, upper).
  apply find_bucket_bounded_le_exists; intros; lra.

Lemma telescope_plus_fold_right_sub_seq f s n :
  fold_right Rplus 0 (map (fun x => (f (INR x)) - (f (INR (x+1)))) (seq s n)) = (f (INR s)) - (f (INR (s+n))).
  Opaque INR.
  revert s.
  induction n; simpl; intros s.
  - replace (s+0)%nat with s by lia.
  - specialize (IHn (S s)).
    unfold Rminus in *.
    rewrite Rplus_assoc in *.
    simpl in IHn.
    replace (S (s + n))%nat with (s + (S n))%nat in IHn by lia.
    rewrite IHn.
    replace (s+1)%nat with (S s) by lia.
    Transparent INR.

Lemma fold_right_Rplus_mult_const {A:Type} (f:A->R) c l :
  fold_right Rplus 0 (map (fun x : A => f x * c) l) =
  (fold_right Rplus 0 (map (fun x : A => f x) l))*c.
  induction l; simpl; lra.

Lemma bounded_dist_le x lower upper :
  lower <= x <= upper ->
  R_dist x upper <= R_dist lower upper.
  rewrite (R_dist_sym x).
  rewrite (R_dist_sym lower).
  unfold R_dist.
  repeat rewrite Rabs_pos_eq by lra.

Lemma bounded_dist_le_P2 x lower upper :
  lower <= x <= upper ->
  R_dist x lower <= R_dist upper lower.
  unfold R_dist.
  repeat rewrite Rabs_pos_eq by lra.

Definition interval_increasing f (a b:R) : Prop :=
  forall x y :R, a <= x -> y <= b -> x<=y -> f x <= f y.

Definition interval_decreasing f (a b:R) : Prop :=
  forall x y :R, a <= x -> y <= b -> x<=y -> f y <= f x.

Lemma bounded_increasing_dist_le (f : R -> R) x lower upper :
  interval_increasing f lower upper ->
  lower <= x <= upper ->
  R_dist (f x) (f upper) <= R_dist (f lower) (f upper).
  intros df xin.
  apply bounded_dist_le.
  destruct xin as [ltx gtx].
  red in df.
  split; apply df; trivial.
  apply Rle_refl.
  apply Rle_refl.

Lemma bounded_decreasing_dist_le (f : R -> R) x lower upper :
  interval_decreasing f lower upper ->
  lower <= x <= upper ->
  R_dist (f x) (f upper) <= R_dist (f lower) (f upper).
  intros df xin.
  apply bounded_dist_le_P2.
  destruct xin as [ltx gtx].
  red in df.
  split; apply df; trivial.
  apply Rle_refl.
  apply Rle_refl.

Lemma subinterval_increasing (f : R -> R) (a b x y : R) :
  a <= x -> x <= y -> y <= b -> interval_increasing f a b -> interval_increasing f x y.
  red in H2.
  cut (y0 <= b).
  cut (a <= x0).

Lemma subinterval_decreasing (f : R -> R) (a b x y : R) :
  a <= x -> x <= y -> y <= b -> interval_decreasing f a b -> interval_decreasing f x y.
  red in H2.
  cut (y0 <= b).
  cut (a <= x0).

Lemma increasing_decreasing_opp (f : R -> R) (a b:R) :
  a <= b -> interval_increasing f a b -> interval_decreasing (fun x => -f x) a b.
  unfold interval_increasing.
  unfold interval_decreasing.
  apply Ropp_le_contravar.
  apply H0.

Definition Int_SF_alt l k
  := fold_right Rplus 0
                (map (fun '(x,y) => x * y)
                     (combine l
                              (map (fun '(x,y) => y - x) (adjacent_pairs k)))).

Lemma Int_SF_alt_eq l k :
  Int_SF l k = Int_SF_alt l k.
  unfold Int_SF_alt.
  revert k.
  induction l; simpl; trivial.
  destruct k; simpl; trivial.
  destruct k; simpl; trivial.
  rewrite IHl; trivial.

Lemma up_IZR n : up (IZR n) = (Z.succ n)%Z.
  apply tech_up; try rewrite succ_IZR; lra.

Lemma up0 : up 0 = 1%Z.
  apply up_IZR.

Lemma up_pos (r:R) :
  r>0 -> ((up r) > 0)%Z.
  destruct (archimed r) as [lb ub].
  assert (IZR (up r) > 0) by lra.
  apply lt_IZR in H0.

Lemma up_nonneg (r:R) :
  r>=0 -> ((up r) >= 0)%Z.
  inversion 1.
  - unfold; rewrite up_pos; congruence.
  - subst. rewrite up0.

Lemma INR_up_pos r :
  r >= 0 -> INR (Z.to_nat (up r)) = IZR (up r).
  rewrite INR_IZR_INZ.
  rewrite; trivial.
  generalize (up_nonneg _ H).

Section extra.

  Lemma Rmult_four_assoc (a b c d : R) : a * b * (c * d) = a * (b*c) * d.

   Lemma Radd_minus (r1 r2 r3 : R) :
     r1 = r2 + r3 <-> r1 - r2 = r3.
     split; intros; try lra.

  Lemma Radd_radd_minus (r1 r2 r3 r4 : R):
    r1 + r2 = r3 + r4 <-> r3 - r1 = r2 - r4.
    split; intros; try lra.

    Lemma Rmult_bigpos_le_l a b :
    0 <= a ->
    1 <= b ->
    a <= b * a.
    rewrite <- (Rmult_1_l a) at 1.
    now apply Rmult_le_compat_r.

 Lemma Rmult_le_compat2 (r1 r2 r3 r4 : R) :
    0 <= r1 -> 0 <= r2 -> 0 <= r4 ->
    r1 <= r2 -> r3 <= r4 ->
    r1 * r3 <= r2 * r4.
    destruct (Rle_dec 0 r3).
    - now apply Rmult_le_compat.
    - apply Rle_trans with (r2 := 0).
      + rewrite Rmult_comm.
        apply Rmult_le_0_r; lra.
      + now apply Rmult_le_pos.

Lemma Rmult_lt_1 (a b :R) :
  0 <= a <= 1 ->
  b < 1 ->
  a*b < 1.
  destruct H.
  destruct (Rlt_dec 0 a).
  - apply Rmult_lt_compat_l with (r := a) in H0; trivial.
    rewrite Rmult_1_r in H0.
    now generalize (Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ H0 H1).
  - assert (a = 0) by lra.

Lemma Rmult_le_1 (a b :R) :
  0 <= a <= 1 ->
  0 <= b <= 1 ->
  0 <= a*b <= 1.
  now apply Rmult_le_pos.
  replace (1) with (1 * 1) by lra.
  now apply Rmult_le_compat.

Lemma Rplus_minus_cancel1 : forall a b, a + b - a = b.
intros; ring. Qed.

Lemma Rplus_le_pos_l (f g : R) :
  0 <= g ->
  f <= f + g.
  rewrite <- Rplus_0_r at 1.
  now apply Rplus_le_compat_l.

Lemma Rsqrt_ext x y : nonneg x = nonneg y -> Rsqrt x = Rsqrt y.
  destruct x; destruct y; simpl in *.
  unfold Rsqrt.
  repeat match_destr.
  simpl in *.
  destruct a as [??].
  destruct a0 as [??].
  apply Rsqr_eq_abs_0 in H2.
  now repeat rewrite Rabs_pos_eq in H2 by trivial.

Lemma Rabs_sqr (x : R) : x² = Rabs (x²).
  rewrite Rabs_pos_eq; trivial.
  apply Rle_0_sqr.

Lemma Rsqrt_le_to_Rsqr: forall r x : nonnegreal, x <= r² <-> Rsqrt x <= r.
  unfold Rsqrt.
  destruct a as [? eqq].
  rewrite eqq.
  split; intros HH.
  - apply Rsqr_le_abs_0 in HH.
    destruct r; destruct x; simpl in *.
    now repeat (rewrite Rabs_pos_eq in HH by lra).
  - apply Rsqr_le_abs_1.
    destruct r; destruct x; simpl in *.
    now repeat (rewrite Rabs_pos_eq by lra).

Lemma Rsqrt_lt_to_Rsqr: forall r x : nonnegreal, x < r² <-> Rsqrt x < r.
  unfold Rsqrt.
  destruct a as [? eqq].
  rewrite eqq.
  split; intros HH.
  - apply Rsqr_lt_abs_0 in HH.
    destruct r; destruct x; simpl in *.
    now repeat (rewrite Rabs_pos_eq in HH by lra).
  - apply Rsqr_lt_abs_1.
    destruct r; destruct x; simpl in *.
    now repeat (rewrite Rabs_pos_eq by lra).

Lemma Rsqr_pos (a : posreal) :
  0 < Rsqr a.
  generalize (Rle_0_sqr a); intros.
  destruct H; trivial.
  generalize (cond_pos a); intros.
  symmetry in H; apply Rsqr_eq_0 in H.

Lemma mkpos_Rsqr (a : posreal) :
  Rsqr a = mkposreal _ (Rsqr_pos a).
  now simpl.

Lemma Rplus_le_compat1_l (a b : R) :
  0 <= b -> a <= a + b.
  replace (a) with (a + 0) at 1 by lra.
  now apply Rplus_le_compat_l.

Lemma Rmult_pos_parts {x y}: (0 < x * y) ->
                             (0 < x /\ 0 < y) \/ (x < 0 /\ y < 0).
  intros HH.
  destruct (Rlt_dec 0 x)
  ; destruct (Rlt_dec 0 y).
  - lra.
  - apply Rnot_lt_le in n.
    destruct n; [| subst; lra].
    apply Rlt_not_le in HH.
    elim HH.
    apply Rmult_le_0_l; lra.
  - apply Rnot_lt_le in n.
    destruct n; [| subst; lra].
    apply Rlt_not_le in HH.
    elim HH.
    apply Rmult_le_0_r; lra.
  - apply Rnot_lt_le in n.
    apply Rnot_lt_le in n0.
    destruct n; [| subst; lra].
    destruct n0; [| subst; lra].

Lemma Rmult_le_pos_from_neg: forall r1 r2 : R, r1 <= 0 -> r2 <= 0 -> 0 <= r1 * r2.
  assert (0 <= (- r1) * (- r2)).
    apply Rmult_le_pos; lra.

Lemma Rmult_nnneg_neg {x y:R} :
  (~ 0 <= x * y) -> x < 0 \/ y < 0.
  intros HH.
  apply Rnot_le_lt in HH.
  destruct (Rle_dec 0 x); [| lra].
  destruct (Rle_dec 0 y); [| lra].
  generalize (Rmult_le_pos _ _ r r0)
  ; lra.

End extra.

Section list_sum.

  Fixpoint list_sum (l : list R) : R :=
    match l with
    | nil => 0
    | x :: xs => x + list_sum xs

  Lemma list_sum_cat (l1 l2 : list R) :
    list_sum (l1 ++ l2) = (list_sum l1) + (list_sum l2).
    induction l1.
    * simpl ; nra.
    * simpl. nra.

  Lemma list_sum_map_concat (l : list(list R)) :
    list_sum (concat l) = list_sum (map list_sum l).
    induction l.
    - simpl ; reflexivity.
    - simpl ; rewrite list_sum_cat. now rewrite IHl.

  Global Instance list_sum_Proper : Proper (@Permutation R ==> eq) list_sum.
    unfold Proper. intros x y H.
    apply (@Permutation_ind_bis R (fun a b => list_sum a = list_sum b)).
    - simpl ; lra.
    - intros x0 l l' Hpll' Hll'. simpl ; f_equal. assumption.
    - intros x0 y0 l l' H0 H1. simpl. rewrite H1 ; lra.
    - intros l l' l'' H0 H1 H2 H3. rewrite H1. rewrite <-H3. reflexivity.
    - assumption.

  Lemma list_sum_perm_eq (l1 l2 : list R) : Permutation l1 l2 -> list_sum l1 = list_sum l2.
    intro H.
    now rewrite H.

  Lemma list_sum_map_ext {A : Type} (f g : A -> R) (l : list A):
    (forall x, f x = g x) -> list_sum (map f l) = list_sum (map g l).
    intros Hfg.
    f_equal. now apply List.map_ext.

  Lemma list_sum_const_mul {A : Type} f (l : list A) :
    forall r, list_sum (map (fun x => r*f x) l) =
              r* list_sum (map (fun x => f x) l).
    intro r.
    induction l.
    simpl; lra.
    simpl. rewrite IHl ; lra.

  Lemma list_sum_map_const {A} (l : list A) (a : A) (f : A -> R) :
    list_sum (map (fun x => f a) l) = INR(length l)* (f a).
    induction l.
    - simpl ; lra.
    - simpl. rewrite IHl.
      enough (match length l with
              | 0%nat => 1
              | S _ => INR (length l) + 1
              end = INR(length l) + 1).
      rewrite H ; lra.
      generalize (length l) as n.
      intro n. induction n.
      + simpl ; lra.
      + lra.

  Lemma list_sum_map_zero {A} (s : list A) :
    list_sum ( (fun _ => 0) s) = 0.
    induction s.
    - simpl; reflexivity.
    - simpl. rewrite IHs ; lra.

  Lemma list_sum_le {A} (l : list A) (f g : A -> R) :
    (forall a, f a <= g a) ->
    list_sum ( f l) <= list_sum ( g l).
    intros Hfg.
    induction l.
    - simpl ; right ; trivial.
    - simpl. specialize (Hfg a).
      apply Rplus_le_compat ; trivial.

  Lemma list_sum_mult_const (c : R) (l : list R) :
    list_sum ( (fun z => c*z) l) = c*list_sum ( (fun z => z) l).
    induction l.
    simpl; lra.
    simpl in *. rewrite IHl.

  Lemma list_sum_const_mult_le {x y : R} (l : list R) (hl : list_sum l = R1) (hxy : x <= y) :
    list_sum ( (fun z => x*z) l) <= y.
    rewrite list_sum_mult_const. rewrite map_id.
    rewrite hl. lra.

  Lemma list_sum_fun_mult_le {x y D : R} {f g : R -> R}(l : list R)(hf : forall z, f z <= D) (hg : forall z , 0 <= g z) :
    list_sum ( (fun z => (f z)*(g z)) l) <= D*list_sum ( (fun z => g z) l).
    induction l.
    simpl. lra.
    simpl. rewrite Rmult_plus_distr_l.
    assert (f a * g a <= D * g a). apply Rmult_le_compat_r. exact (hg a). exact (hf a).
    exact (Rplus_le_compat _ _ _ _ H IHl).

  Lemma list_sum_map_add {A:Type} (f g : A -> R) (l : list A) :
    list_sum (map (fun x => f x + g x) l) =
    list_sum (map f l) + list_sum (map g l).
    induction l; simpl; lra.

  Lemma list_sum_map_sub {A:Type} (f g : A -> R) (l : list A) :
    list_sum (map (fun x => f x - g x) l) =
    list_sum (map f l) - list_sum (map g l).
    induction l; simpl; lra.

  Lemma list_sum_fold_right l : list_sum l = fold_right Rplus 0 l.
    induction l; firstorder.

  Lemma list_sum_pos_pos l :
    Forall (fun x => x >= 0) l ->
    list_sum l >= 0.
    induction l; simpl; try lra.
    intros HH; invcs HH.
    specialize (IHl H2).

  Lemma list_sum_pos_pos' l :
    Forall (fun x => 0 <= x) l ->
    0 <= list_sum l.
    induction l; simpl; try lra.
    intros HH; invcs HH.
    specialize (IHl H2).

  Lemma list_sum_all_pos_zero_all_zero l : list_sum l = 0 ->
                                           Forall (fun x => x >= 0) l ->
                                           Forall (fun x => x = 0) l.
    induction l; intros.
    - constructor.
    - invcs H0.
      simpl in H.
      generalize (list_sum_pos_pos _ H4); intros HH.
      assert (a = 0) by lra.
      field_simplify in H.

End list_sum.

Lemma Rsqrt_le (x y : nonnegreal) :
  x <= y <-> Rsqrt x <= Rsqrt y.
  split; intros.
  - apply Rsqr_incr_0; try apply Rsqrt_positivity.
    unfold Rsqr.
    now repeat rewrite Rsqrt_Rsqrt.
  - rewrite <- (Rsqrt_Rsqrt x).
    rewrite <- (Rsqrt_Rsqrt y).
    apply Rsqr_incr_1; try apply Rsqrt_positivity.

Lemma Rsqrt_lt (x y : nonnegreal) :
  x < y <-> Rsqrt x < Rsqrt y.
  - generalize (Rsqr_incrst_0 (Rsqrt x) (Rsqrt y)); intros.
    apply H.
    unfold Rsqr.
    now repeat rewrite Rsqrt_Rsqrt.
    apply Rsqrt_positivity.
    apply Rsqrt_positivity.
  - rewrite <- (Rsqrt_Rsqrt x).
    rewrite <- (Rsqrt_Rsqrt y).
    generalize (Rsqr_incrst_1 (Rsqrt x) (Rsqrt y)); unfold Rsqr; intros.
    apply H; trivial.
    apply Rsqrt_positivity.
    apply Rsqrt_positivity.

Lemma Rsqrt_sqr (x:nonnegreal) :
  Rsqrt {| nonneg := x²; cond_nonneg := Rle_0_sqr x |} = x.
  unfold Rsqr.
  apply Rsqr_inj.
  - apply Rsqrt_positivity.
  - apply cond_nonneg.
  - unfold Rsqr. rewrite Rsqrt_Rsqrt.

Lemma Rsqr_lt_to_Rsqrt (x r:nonnegreal) :
  r < x² <-> Rsqrt r < x.
  - eapply (Rsqrt_lt r (mknonnegreal _ (Rle_0_sqr x))).
  - rewrite Rsqrt_sqr.

Lemma Rsqr_le_to_Rsqrt (r x:nonnegreal):
  x² <= r <-> x <= Rsqrt r.
  - eapply (Rsqrt_le (mknonnegreal _ (Rle_0_sqr x)) r).
  - rewrite Rsqrt_sqr.

Lemma Rsqr_continuous :
  continuity Rsqr.
  apply derivable_continuous.
  apply derivable_Rsqr.

Section sum_n.

  Lemma sum_n_pos {a : nat -> R} (N:nat) :
    (forall n, (n <= N)%nat -> 0 < a n) ->
    0 < sum_n a N.
    induction N.
    - unfold sum_n.
      rewrite sum_n_n.
      apply H; lia.
    - rewrite sum_Sn.
      apply Rplus_lt_0_compat.
      apply IHN.
      apply H; lia.
      apply H; lia.

  Lemma sum_n_nneg {a : nat -> R} (N:nat) :
    (forall n, (n <= N)%nat -> 0 <= a n) ->
    0 <= sum_n a N.
    induction N.
    - unfold sum_n.
      rewrite sum_n_n.
      apply H; lia.
    - rewrite sum_Sn.
      apply Rplus_le_le_0_compat.
      apply IHN.
      apply H; lia.
      apply H; lia.

  Lemma sum_n_zero (n : nat): sum_n (fun _ => 0) n = 0.
    induction n.
    + unfold sum_n. now rewrite sum_n_n.
    + unfold sum_n. rewrite sum_n_Sm.
      unfold sum_n in IHn. rewrite IHn.
      unfold plus. simpl ; lra.

  Lemma pos_ind_sum (gamma : nat -> R) (N : nat) :
    0 < sum_n gamma N ->
    exists M : nat, 0 < gamma M.
    induction N.
    + rewrite sum_O; eauto.
    + rewrite sum_Sn; intros Hpos.
      destruct (Rlt_dec 0 (sum_n gamma N)); [eauto|].
      destruct (Rlt_dec 0 (gamma (S N))); [eauto|].
      unfold plus in *; simpl in *; lra.
  Lemma Series_nonneg {a : nat -> R} : (forall n, 0 <= a n) -> 0 <= Series a.
    intros Hnneg.
    unfold Series.
    generalize (Lim_seq_le_loc (fun _ => 0) (sum_n a)).
    rewrite Lim_seq_const; intros.
    cut_to H.
    - destruct (Lim_seq (sum_n a)); simpl in *; trivial; lra.
    - exists 0%nat; intros.
      apply sum_n_nneg; intros; trivial.

  Lemma Series_pos {a : nat -> R} : ex_series a -> (forall n, 0 < a n) -> 0 < Series a.
    intros Ha Hpos.
    rewrite Series_incr_1 ; trivial.
    apply Rplus_lt_le_0_compat ; trivial.
    apply Series_nonneg.
    intros n. left. apply (Hpos (S n)).

End sum_n.

Section expprops.

  Lemma ex_series_exp_even (x:R): ex_series (fun k :nat => /INR(fact(2*k))*(x^2)^k).
    generalize (ex_series_le (fun k : nat => /INR(fact (2*k))*(x^2)^k) (fun k : nat => (x^2)^k /INR(fact k)));intros.
    apply H. unfold norm. simpl.
    intros n. replace (n+(n+0))%nat with (2*n)%nat by lia.
    replace (x*1) with x by lra.
    replace ((x*x)^n) with (x^(2*n)).
    rewrite Rabs_mult. rewrite Rmult_comm.
    replace (Rabs (x^(2*n))) with (x^(2*n)).
    apply Rmult_le_compat_l.
    rewrite pow_mult. apply pow_le.
    apply Ratan.pow2_ge_0.
    generalize Rprod.INR_fact_lt_0;intros.
    rewrite Rabs_right.
    apply Rinv_le_contravar ; trivial.
    apply le_INR.
    apply fact_le ; lia.
    left. apply Rlt_gt.
    apply Rinv_0_lt_compat ; trivial.
    symmetry. apply Rabs_right.
    rewrite pow_mult. apply Rle_ge.
    apply pow_le. apply Ratan.pow2_ge_0.
    rewrite pow_mult. f_equal ; lra.
    exists (exp (x^2)).
    generalize (x^2) as y. intro y.
    apply is_exp_Reals.

  Lemma ex_series_exp_odd (x:R): ex_series (fun k :nat => /INR(fact(2*k + 1)) * (x^2)^k).
    generalize (ex_series_le (fun k : nat => (/INR(fact (2*k + 1))*(x^2)^k)) (fun k : nat => (x^2)^k /INR(fact k)));intros.
    apply H ; intros.
    unfold norm ; simpl.
    replace (n+(n+0))%nat with (2*n)%nat by lia.
    replace (x*1) with x by lra.
    replace ((x*x)^n) with (x^(2*n)) by (rewrite pow_mult ; f_equal ; lra).
    rewrite Rabs_mult.
    replace (Rabs (x^(2*n))) with (x^(2*n)).
    rewrite Rmult_comm. unfold Rdiv.
    apply Rmult_le_compat_l.
    rewrite pow_mult ; apply pow_le ;apply Ratan.pow2_ge_0.
    generalize Rprod.INR_fact_lt_0;intros.
    rewrite Rabs_right.
    apply Rinv_le_contravar ; trivial.
    apply le_INR.
    apply fact_le ; lia.
    left. apply Rlt_gt.
    apply Rinv_0_lt_compat ; trivial.
    symmetry. apply Rabs_right.
    rewrite pow_mult. apply Rle_ge.
    apply pow_le. apply Ratan.pow2_ge_0.
    exists (exp (x^2)).
    generalize (x^2) as y. intro y.
    apply is_exp_Reals.

  Lemma exp_even_odd (x : R) :
    exp x = (Series (fun n => (x^(2*n)/INR(fact (2*n)) + x^(2*n + 1)/INR(fact (2*n + 1))))).
    rewrite exp_Reals.
    rewrite PSeries_odd_even ;
      try (rewrite ex_pseries_R ; apply ex_series_exp_even) ;
      try (rewrite ex_pseries_R ; apply ex_series_exp_odd).
    unfold PSeries.
    rewrite <-Series_scal_l.
    rewrite <-Series_plus ; try (apply ex_series_exp_even).
    -- apply Series_ext ; intros. f_equal.
       rewrite pow_mult.
       now rewrite Rmult_comm.
       rewrite Rmult_comm. rewrite <-pow_mult.
       rewrite Rmult_assoc.
       replace (x^(2*n)*x) with (x^(2*n +1)) by (rewrite pow_add ; f_equal ; lra).
       now rewrite Rmult_comm.
    -- generalize (ex_series_scal x (fun n => (/ INR (fact (2 * n + 1)) * (x ^ 2) ^ n)))
        apply H.
        apply ex_series_exp_odd.

  Lemma ex_series_even_odd (x:R) :
    ex_series (fun n : nat => x ^ (2 * n) / INR (fact (2 * n)) + x ^ (2 * n + 1) / INR (fact (2 * n + 1))).
    generalize ex_series_exp_odd ; intros Hodd.
    generalize ex_series_exp_even ; intros Heven.
    specialize (Hodd x).
    specialize (Heven x).
    assert (Heven' : ex_series (fun n => x^(2*n)/INR (fact (2*n)))).
      eapply (ex_series_ext); intros.
      assert (/INR(fact(2*n))*(x^2)^n = x^(2*n)/INR(fact (2*n)))
        by (rewrite pow_mult; apply Rmult_comm).
      apply H.
      apply Heven.
    assert (Hodd' : ex_series (fun n => x^(2*n + 1)/INR (fact (2*n + 1)))).
      eapply (ex_series_ext); intros.
      assert (x*(/INR(fact(2*n + 1))*(x^2)^n) = x^(2*n + 1)/INR(fact (2*n + 1))).
      rewrite Rmult_comm. rewrite <-pow_mult.
      rewrite pow_add. rewrite pow_1. rewrite Rmult_assoc.
      now rewrite Rmult_comm at 1.
      apply H.
      generalize (ex_series_scal x (fun n => (/ INR (fact (2 * n + 1)) * (x ^ 2) ^ n)))
      apply H. apply Hodd.
    generalize (ex_series_plus _ _ Heven' Hodd') ; intros.
    exact H.

  Lemma exp_even_odd_incr_1 (x : R) :
    exp x = (1 + x) + (Series (fun n =>
                                 (x^(2*(S n)))/INR(fact (2*(S n)))
                                 + x^(2*(S n) + 1)/INR(fact (2*(S n) + 1)))).
    rewrite exp_even_odd.
    rewrite Series_incr_1 at 1.
    + simpl.
    + apply ex_series_even_odd.

  Lemma exp_ineq2 : forall x : R, x <= -1 -> (1 + x < exp x).
    intros x Hx.
    eapply Rle_lt_trans with 0.
    - lra.
    - apply exp_pos.

  Lemma exp_ineq3_aux (n : nat) {x : R}:
    (-1 < x < 0) -> 0 < (x^(2*n)/INR(fact (2*n)) + x^(2*n + 1)/INR(fact (2*n + 1))).
    intros Hx.
    replace (x^(2*n + 1)) with (x^(2*n) * x) by (rewrite pow_add ; ring).
    unfold Rdiv.
    rewrite Rmult_assoc.
    rewrite <-Rmult_plus_distr_l.
    apply Rmult_gt_0_compat.
    -- rewrite pow_mult.
       apply Rgt_lt. apply pow_lt.
       apply Rcomplements.pow2_gt_0 ; lra.
    -- replace (/INR(fact (2*n))) with (1 / INR(fact (2*n))) by lra.
       replace (x*/INR(fact(2*n+1))) with (x/INR(fact(2*n + 1))) by trivial.
       rewrite Rcomplements.Rdiv_plus.
       2,3 : (apply (not_0_INR _ (fact_neq_0 _))).
       rewrite <-mult_INR. unfold Rdiv.
       apply Rmult_gt_0_compat.
       2: apply Rinv_pos ; rewrite mult_INR ;
         apply Rmult_gt_0_compat ; apply Rprod.INR_fact_lt_0.
       eapply Rlt_le_trans with (INR(fact(2*n)) + x*INR(fact(2*n))).
       --- replace (INR(fact(2*n)) + x*INR(fact(2*n)))
             with (1*INR(fact(2*n)) + x* INR(fact(2*n))) by (f_equal ; now rewrite Rmult_1_l).
           rewrite <-Rmult_plus_distr_r.
           apply Rmult_lt_0_compat ; try lra ; try (apply Rprod.INR_fact_lt_0).
       --- rewrite Rmult_1_l.
           apply Rplus_le_compat_r. apply le_INR.
           apply fact_le ; lia.

  Lemma exp_ineq3 {x : R} : -1 < x < 0 -> 1+x < exp x.
    intro Hx.
    rewrite exp_even_odd.
    rewrite Series_incr_1. 2 : apply ex_series_even_odd.
    replace (1+x) with (1+x+ 0) by ring.
    replace (2*0) with 0 by lra.
    replace (fact(2*0)) with 1%nat by (simpl;trivial).
    replace (fact(2*0 + 1)) with 1%nat by (simpl;trivial).
    replace (x^(2*0)) with 1 by (simpl;trivial).
    replace (x^(2*0 + 1)) with x by (simpl;trivial;ring).
    replace (INR 1) with 1 by (simpl;trivial).
    replace (1/1 + x/1) with (1+x) by field.
    apply Rplus_lt_compat_l.
    apply Series_pos.
    + generalize (ex_series_even_odd x) ;intros.
      now rewrite ex_series_incr_1 in H.
    + intro n. now apply exp_ineq3_aux.

  Lemma exp_ineq (x : R) : 1+x <= exp x.
    destruct (Rlt_or_le (-1) x).
    + destruct (Rlt_or_le x 0).
      -- left. apply exp_ineq3. lra.
      -- destruct H0.
         ++ left.
            apply exp_ineq1; lra.
         ++ right. subst ; simpl.
            rewrite exp_0 ; lra.
    + left. now apply exp_ineq2.

  Lemma exp_increasing_le (x y : R) :
    x <= y ->
    exp x <= exp y.
    destruct (Rlt_dec x y).
    - left.
      now apply exp_increasing.
    - assert (x = y) by lra.
      rewrite H0.
      now right.

Lemma exp_ineq1 : forall x : R, x <> 0 -> 1 + x < exp x.
  assert (Hd : forall c : R,
             derivable_pt_lim (fun x : R => exp x - (x + 1)) c (exp c - 1)).
  apply derivable_pt_lim_minus; [apply derivable_pt_lim_exp | ].
  replace (1) with (1 + 0) at 1 by lra.
  apply derivable_pt_lim_plus;
    [apply derivable_pt_lim_id | apply derivable_pt_lim_const].
  intros x xdz; destruct (Rtotal_order x 0) as [xlz|[xez|xgz]].
  - destruct (MVT_cor2 _ _ x 0 xlz (fun c _ => Hd c)) as [c [HH1 HH2]].
    rewrite exp_0 in HH1.
    assert (H1 : 0 < x * exp c - x); [| lra].
    assert (H2 : x * exp 0 < x * exp c); [| rewrite exp_0 in H2; lra].
    apply Rmult_lt_gt_compat_neg_l; auto.
    now apply exp_increasing.
  - now case xdz.
  - destruct (MVT_cor2 _ _ 0 x xgz (fun c _ => Hd c)) as [c [HH1 HH2]].
    rewrite exp_0 in HH1.
    assert (H1 : 0 < x * exp c - x); [| lra].
    assert (H2 : x * exp 0 < x * exp c); [| rewrite exp_0 in H2; lra].
    apply Rmult_lt_compat_l; auto.
    now apply exp_increasing.

Lemma exp_ineq1_le (x : R) : 1 + x <= exp x.
  destruct (Req_EM_T x 0) as [xeq|?].
  - rewrite xeq, exp_0; lra.
  - left.
    now apply exp_ineq1.

End expprops.

Section ln.

Lemma ln_lt_0 (a : R) :
  0 < a < 1 ->
  ln a < 0.
  rewrite <- ln_1.
  apply ln_increasing; lra.

Lemma ln_le_0 (a : R) :
  0 < a <= 1 ->
  ln a <= 0.
  destruct (Rlt_dec a 1).
  - left.
    apply ln_lt_0; lra.
  - assert (a = 1) by lra.
    rewrite H0.
    rewrite ln_1; lra.

End ln.

Section convex.

  Definition convex (f : R -> R) (a x y : R) :=
    0<=a<=1 -> f (a * x + (1-a) * y) <= a * f x + (1-a)*f y.

  Lemma compose_convex (f g : R -> R) (a x y : R) :
    (forall (x y : R), convex f a x y) ->
    convex g a x y ->
    increasing f ->
    convex (fun z => f (g z)) a x y.
    unfold convex, increasing.
    apply Rle_trans with (r2 := f (a * g x + (1 - a) * g y)).
    apply H1.
    now apply H0.
    now apply H.

  Lemma compose_convex_pos (f g : R -> R) (a x y : R) :
    (forall x, 0 <= g x) ->
    (forall (x y : R), 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> convex f a x y) ->
    convex g a x y ->
    increasing f ->
    convex (fun z => f (g z)) a x y.
    unfold convex, increasing.
    apply Rle_trans with (r2 := f (a * g x + (1 - a) * g y)).
    apply H2.
    now apply H1.
    now apply H0.

  Lemma abs_convex : forall (a x y : R), convex Rabs a x y.
    unfold convex; intros.
    generalize (Rabs_triang (a*x) ((1-a)*y)); intros.
    do 2 rewrite Rabs_mult in H0.
    replace (Rabs a) with a in H0.
    replace (Rabs (1-a)) with (1-a) in H0.
    apply H0.
    now rewrite Rabs_right; lra.
    now rewrite Rabs_right; lra.
  Lemma convex_deriv (f f' : R -> R) :
    (forall c : R, derivable_pt_lim f c (f' c)) ->
    (forall x y : R, f y >= f x + f' x * (y - x)) ->
    forall x y c : R, convex f c x y.
    unfold convex.
    generalize (H0 (c * x + (1-c)*y) x); intros.
    generalize (H0 (c * x + (1-c)*y) y); intros.
    apply Rge_le in H2.
    apply Rge_le in H3.
    apply Rmult_le_compat_l with (r := c) in H2; try lra.
    apply Rmult_le_compat_l with (r := 1-c) in H3; try lra.

  Lemma pos_convex_deriv (f f' : R -> R) :
    (forall c : R, 0 <= c -> derivable_pt_lim f c (f' c)) ->
    (forall x y : R, 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> f y >= f x + f' x * (y - x)) ->
    forall x y c : R, 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> convex f c x y.
    unfold convex.
    assert (0 <= c * x + (1-c)*y).
    apply Rmult_le_compat_l with (r := c) in H1; try lra.
    apply Rmult_le_compat_l with (r := 1-c) in H2; try lra.
    generalize (H0 (c * x + (1-c)*y) x H4 H1); intros.
    generalize (H0 (c * x + (1-c)*y) y H4 H2); intros.
    apply Rge_le in H5.
    apply Rge_le in H6.
    apply Rmult_le_compat_l with (r := c) in H5; try lra.
    apply Rmult_le_compat_l with (r := 1-c) in H6; try lra.

  Lemma ppos_convex_deriv (f f' : R -> R) :
    (forall c : R, 0 < c -> derivable_pt_lim f c (f' c)) ->
    (forall x y : R, 0 < x -> 0 < y -> f y >= f x + f' x * (y - x)) ->
    forall x y c : R, 0 < x -> 0 < y -> convex f c x y.
    unfold convex.
    assert (ineq:0 < c * x + (1-c)*y).
      destruct (Req_EM_T c 0).
      - subst.
      - apply Rplus_lt_le_0_compat.
        + apply Rmult_lt_0_compat; lra.
        + apply Rmult_le_pos; lra.
    generalize (H0 (c * x + (1-c)*y) x ineq H1); intros HH1.
    generalize (H0 (c * x + (1-c)*y) y ineq H2); intros HH2.
    apply Rge_le in HH1.
    apply Rge_le in HH2.
    apply Rmult_le_compat_l with (r := c) in HH1; try lra.
    apply Rmult_le_compat_l with (r := 1-c) in HH2; try lra.

  Lemma deriv_incr_convex (f f' : R -> R) :
    (forall c : R, derivable_pt_lim f c (f' c)) ->
    (forall (x y : R), x <= y -> f' x <= f' y) ->
    forall (x y : R), f y >= f x + f' x * (y-x).
    generalize (MVT_cor3 f f'); intros.
    destruct (Rtotal_order x y).
    - specialize (H1 x y H2).
      cut_to H1.
      + destruct H1 as [x0 [? [? ?]]].
        assert (f' x <= f' x0) by (apply H0; lra).
        apply Rmult_le_compat_r with (r := (y-x)) in H5; lra.
      + intros; apply H; lra.
    - destruct H2; [subst; lra| ].
      specialize (H1 y x H2).
      cut_to H1.
      + destruct H1 as [x0 [? [? ?]]].
        assert (f' x0 <= f' x) by (apply H0; lra).
        apply Rmult_le_compat_r with (r := (x-y)) in H5; lra.
      + intros; apply H; lra.

  Lemma pos_deriv_incr_convex (f f' : R -> R) :
    (forall c : R, 0 <= c -> derivable_pt_lim f c (f' c)) ->
    (forall (x y : R), 0<=x -> 0 <= y -> x <= y -> f' x <= f' y) ->
    forall (x y : R), 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> f y >= f x + f' x * (y-x).
    generalize (MVT_cor3 f f'); intros.
    destruct (Rtotal_order x y).
    - specialize (H3 x y H4).
      cut_to H3.
      + destruct H3 as [x0 [? [? ?]]].
        assert (f' x <= f' x0) by (apply H0; lra).
        apply Rmult_le_compat_r with (r := (y-x)) in H7; lra.
      + intros; apply H; lra.
    - destruct H4; [subst; lra| ].
      specialize (H3 y x H4).
      cut_to H3.
      + destruct H3 as [x0 [? [? ?]]].
        assert (f' x0 <= f' x) by (apply H0; lra).
        apply Rmult_le_compat_r with (r := (x-y)) in H7; lra.
      + intros; apply H; lra.

  Lemma ppos_deriv_incr_convex (f f' : R -> R) :
    (forall c : R, 0 < c -> derivable_pt_lim f c (f' c)) ->
    (forall (x y : R), 0<x -> 0 < y -> x <= y -> f' x <= f' y) ->
    forall (x y : R), 0 < x -> 0 < y -> f y >= f x + f' x * (y-x).
    generalize (MVT_cor3 f f'); intros.
    destruct (Rtotal_order x y).
    - specialize (H3 x y H4).
      cut_to H3.
      + destruct H3 as [x0 [? [? ?]]].
        assert (f' x <= f' x0) by (apply H0; lra).
        apply Rmult_le_compat_r with (r := (y-x)) in H7; lra.
      + intros; apply H; lra.
    - destruct H4; [subst; lra| ].
      specialize (H3 y x H4).
      cut_to H3.
      + destruct H3 as [x0 [? [? ?]]].
        assert (f' x0 <= f' x) by (apply H0; lra).
        apply Rmult_le_compat_r with (r := (x-y)) in H7; lra.
      + intros; apply H; lra.

  Lemma pow_convex (n : nat) :
    forall (a x y : R), 0<=x -> 0<=y -> convex (fun z => pow z n) a x y.
    apply pos_convex_deriv with (f' := fun z => INR n * pow z (pred n)); trivial.
    - intros; apply derivable_pt_lim_pow.
    - intros.
      apply (pos_deriv_incr_convex (fun z => pow z n) (fun z => INR n * pow z (pred n))); trivial.
      + intros; apply derivable_pt_lim_pow.
      + intros.
        apply Rmult_le_compat_l; [apply pos_INR |].
        apply pow_maj_Rabs; trivial.
        rewrite Rabs_right; lra.

  Lemma exp_convex (r : R):
    forall (x y : R), convex exp r x y.
    eapply convex_deriv with (f' := exp) ; trivial.
    - intros; apply derivable_pt_lim_exp.
    - intros.
      apply deriv_incr_convex; trivial.
      + intros; apply derivable_pt_lim_exp.
      + intros.
        destruct H ; trivial.
        -- left. apply exp_increasing ; trivial.
        -- subst ; trivial.
           right ; trivial.

End convex.

Section Rpower.

  Lemma Rpower_pos b e : 0 < Rpower b e.
    unfold Rpower.
    apply exp_pos.

  Lemma Rpower_nzero b e : ~ (Rpower b e = 0).
    generalize (Rpower_pos b e).

  Lemma Rpower_inv_cancel x n :
    0 < x ->
    n <> 0 ->
    Rpower (Rpower x n) (Rinv n) = x.
    rewrite Rpower_mult.
    rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym; trivial.
    now rewrite Rpower_1.

  Lemma pow0_Sbase n : pow 0 (S n) = 0.
    simpl; field.

  Lemma pow_integral n y :
    y ^ S n = 0 -> y = 0.
    induction n; simpl in *.
    - lra.
    - apply Rmult_integral in H.
      destruct H; lra.
  Lemma Rabs_pow_eq_inv x y n :
    Rabs x ^ S n = Rabs y ^ S n ->
    Rabs x = Rabs y.
    destruct (Req_EM_T x 0).
    - subst.
      rewrite Rabs_pos_eq in H by lra.
      rewrite pow0_Sbase in H.
      symmetry in H.
      apply pow_integral in H.
      apply Rcomplements.Rabs_eq_0 in H.
    - destruct (Req_EM_T y 0).
      + subst.
        symmetry in H.
        rewrite Rabs_pos_eq in H by lra.
        rewrite pow0_Sbase in H.
        symmetry in H.
        apply pow_integral in H.
        apply Rcomplements.Rabs_eq_0 in H.
      + assert (0 < Rabs x) by now apply Rabs_pos_lt.
        assert (0 < Rabs y) by now apply Rabs_pos_lt.
        rewrite <- (Rpower_inv_cancel (Rabs x) (INR (S n))); trivial
        ; try (apply not_0_INR; congruence).
        rewrite <- (Rpower_inv_cancel (Rabs y) (INR (S n))); trivial
        ; try (apply not_0_INR; congruence).
        repeat rewrite Rpower_pow by trivial.

  Lemma Rpower_ln : forall x y : R, ln (Rpower x y) = y*ln x.
    unfold Rpower ; intros.
    now rewrite ln_exp.

  Lemma Rpower_base_1 : forall x : R, Rpower 1 x = 1.
    unfold Rpower.
    rewrite ln_1.
    replace (x*0) with 0 by lra.
    apply exp_0.

    Lemma log_power_base (e b : R ) :
      0 < e -> 0 < b ->
      b <> 1 -> Rpower b (ln e / ln b) = e.
      assert (exp (ln (Rpower b (ln e / ln b))) = exp (ln e)).
        rewrite Rpower_ln.
        destruct (Rlt_dec b 1).
        - apply Rlt_not_eq.
          rewrite <- ln_1.
          apply ln_increasing; lra.
        - apply Rgt_not_eq.
          rewrite <- ln_1.
          apply ln_increasing; lra.
      rewrite exp_ln in H2; [|apply Rpower_pos].
      now rewrite exp_ln in H2.

    Lemma Rpower_lt1 (b y z : R ) :
      0 < b < 1 -> y < z -> Rpower b y > Rpower b z.
      unfold Rpower.
      apply exp_increasing.
      assert (ln b < 0).
      - destruct H.
        rewrite <- ln_1.
        apply ln_increasing; lra.
      - rewrite Rmult_comm with (r1 := z).
        rewrite Rmult_comm with (r1 := y).
        now apply Rmult_lt_gt_compat_neg_l.

    Lemma Rpower_neg1 b e : b < 0 -> Rpower b e = 1.
  unfold Rpower.
  unfold ln.
  match_destr; try lra.
  - elimtype False; try tauto; lra.
  - rewrite Rmult_0_r.
    now rewrite exp_0.

Lemma Rpower_convex_pos (e:R) :
  1 <= e ->
  forall (x y a : R), 0<x -> 0<y -> convex (fun z => Rpower z e) a x y.
  eapply ppos_convex_deriv; trivial.
  - intros.
    now apply derivable_pt_lim_power.
  - intros.
    apply (ppos_deriv_incr_convex (fun z => Rpower z e)); trivial.
    + intros; now apply derivable_pt_lim_power.
    + intros.
      apply Rmult_le_compat_l; [lra |].
      apply Rle_Rpower_l; lra.

Lemma Rpower_base_0 e : Rpower 0 e = 1.
  unfold Rpower, ln.
  - elimtype False; try tauto; lra.
  - rewrite Rmult_0_r.
    now rewrite exp_0.

End Rpower.

Section power.

  Definition power (b e : R)
    := if Rle_dec b 0
       then 0
       else Rpower b e.

  Lemma power_Rpower (b e : R) :
    0 < b ->
    power b e = Rpower b e.
    unfold power.
    match_destr; lra.

  Lemma power_nonneg (b e : R) :
    0 <= power b e .
    unfold power.
    match_destr; [lra |].
    left; apply Rpower_pos.

   Lemma power_base_1 e : power 1 e = 1.
    unfold power.
    match_destr; try lra.
    apply Rpower_base_1.

  Lemma power_pos (b e : R) :
    0 < b ->
    0 < power b e .
    unfold power.
    match_destr; [lra |].
    intros; apply Rpower_pos.

  Lemma power_Ropp (x y : R) :
    0 < x ->
    power x (- y) = / power x y.
    repeat rewrite power_Rpower by trivial.
    apply Rpower_Ropp.
  Lemma power_integral b e :
    power b e = 0 ->
    b <= 0.
    unfold power.
    intros; eelim Rpower_nzero; eauto.

  Lemma power_le_0 b e :
    power b e <= 0 ->
    b <= 0.
    unfold power.
    generalize (Rpower_pos b e); intros.

  Lemma power_mult (x y z : R) :
    power (power x y) z = power x (y * z).
    unfold power.
    generalize (Rpower_pos x y); intros.
    repeat match_destr.
    - lra.
    - lra.
    - apply Rpower_mult.

  Lemma power_plus (x y z : R) :
    power z (x + y) = power z x * power z y.
    unfold power.
    repeat match_destr.
    - lra.
    - apply Rpower_plus.

  Lemma power_1 (x : R) :
    0 <= x ->
    power x 1 = x.
    unfold power; intros.
    match_destr; [lra |].
    apply Rpower_1; lra.
  Lemma power_O (x : R) :
    0 < x ->
    power x 0 = 1.
    unfold power; intros.
    match_destr; [lra |].
    now apply Rpower_O.

  Lemma powerRZ_power (x : R) (z : Z) :
    0 < x ->
    powerRZ x z = power x (IZR z).
    unfold power.
    match_destr; [lra |].
    now apply powerRZ_Rpower.

  Lemma power_minus1 b e :
    0 <= b ->
    power b e = b * power b (e-1).
    replace e with ((e-1)+1) at 1 by lra.
    rewrite power_plus.
    rewrite power_1; trivial.

  Lemma Rle_power (e n m : R) :
    1 <= e ->
    n <= m ->
    power e n <= power e m.
    unfold power; intros.
    match_destr; [lra |].
    now apply Rle_Rpower.

   Lemma power_big_big a e :
    0 <= e ->
    1 <= a ->
    1 <= power a e.
    intros nne pbig.
    generalize (Rle_power a 0 e pbig nne).
    rewrite power_O; lra.

  Lemma power_lt (x y z : R) :
    1 < x ->
    y < z ->
    power x y < power x z.
    unfold power; intros.
    match_destr; [lra |].
    now apply Rpower_lt.

  Lemma power0_Sbase e :
    power 0 e = 0.
    unfold power.

  Lemma power_inv_cancel b e :
    0 <= b ->
    e <> 0 ->
    power (power b (/ e)) e = b.
    rewrite power_mult.
    rewrite Rinv_l; trivial.
    now rewrite power_1.

  Lemma inv_power_cancel b e :
    0 <= b ->
    e <> 0 ->
    power (power b e) (/ e) = b.
    rewrite power_mult.
    rewrite Rinv_r; trivial.
    now rewrite power_1.

  Lemma power_eq_inv x y n :
    0 <> n ->
    0 <= x ->
    0 <= y ->
    power x n = power y n ->
    x = y.
    apply (f_equal (fun x => power x (/n))) in H2.
    now repeat rewrite inv_power_cancel in H2 by lra.

  Lemma power_pow (n : nat) (x : R) :
    0 < x ->
    power x (INR n) = x ^ n.
    unfold power; intros.
    match_destr; [lra |].
    now apply Rpower_pow.

  Lemma power_Spow (n : nat) (x : R) :
    0 <= x ->
    power x (INR (S n)) = x ^ (S n).
    unfold power; intros.
    - assert (x= 0) by lra.
      now rewrite pow0_Sbase.
    - apply Rpower_pow; lra.

  Lemma power2_sqr (x : R) :
    0 <= x ->
    power x 2 = Rsqr x.
    replace 2 with (INR 2%nat) by reflexivity.
    rewrite power_Spow by trivial.
    now rewrite Rsqr_pow2.

  Lemma power_abs2_sqr (x : R) :
    power (Rabs x) 2 = Rsqr x.
    rewrite power2_sqr.
    - now rewrite <- Rsqr_abs.
    - apply Rabs_pos.

  Lemma power_2_sqrt (x : nonnegreal) :
    power x (/2) = Rsqrt x.
    generalize (Rsqr_eq_abs_0 (power x (/ 2)) (Rsqrt x))
    ; intros HH.
    cut_to HH.
    - rewrite Rabs_right in HH.
      + rewrite Rabs_right in HH; trivial.
        apply Rle_ge.
        apply Rsqrt_positivity.
      + apply Rle_ge.
        apply power_nonneg.
    - unfold Rsqr at 2.
      rewrite Rsqrt_Rsqrt.
      rewrite <- power2_sqr.
      + rewrite power_inv_cancel; trivial.
        apply cond_nonneg.
      + apply power_nonneg.

  Lemma Rlt_power_l (a b c : R) :
    0 < c ->
    0 <= a < b ->
    power a c < power b c.
    unfold power; intros.
    repeat (match_destr; [try lra |]).
    - apply Rpower_pos.
    - apply Rlt_Rpower_l; lra.
  Lemma Rle_power_l (a b c : R) :
    0 <= c ->
    0 <= a <= b ->
    power a c <= power b c.
    unfold power; intros.
    repeat (match_destr; [try lra |]).
    - left; apply Rpower_pos.
    - apply Rle_Rpower_l; lra.

  Lemma power_sqrt (x : R) :
    0 <= x ->
    power x (/ 2) = sqrt x.
    unfold power; intros.
    - assert (x = 0) by now apply Rle_antisym.
      now rewrite sqrt_0.
    - apply Rpower_sqrt; lra.

  Lemma power_mult_distr (x y z : R) :
    0 <= x ->
    0 <= y ->
    power x z * power y z = power (x * y) z.
    unfold power; intros.
    repeat match_destr; subst; try lra.
    - assert (x = 0) by lra; subst; lra.
    - assert (x = 0) by lra; subst; lra.
    - assert (y = 0) by lra; subst; lra.
    - assert (0 < x) by lra.
      assert (0 < y) by lra.
      generalize (Rmult_lt_0_compat _ _ H1 H2); intros.
    - apply Rpower_mult_distr; lra.
  Lemma power_incr_inv (x y:R) (n : R) :
    0 < n ->
    0 <= x ->
    0 <= y ->
    power x n <= power y n ->
    x <= y.
    generalize (Rle_power_l (power x n) (power y n) (/n))
    ; intros HH.
    repeat rewrite inv_power_cancel in HH by lra.
    apply HH.
    - now left; apply Rinv_pos.
    - split; trivial.
      apply power_nonneg.

  Lemma derivable_pt_lim_power' (x y : R) :
    0 < x ->
    derivable_pt_lim (fun x0 : R => power x0 y) x (y * power x (y - 1)).
    unfold power.
    - lra.
    - generalize (derivable_pt_lim_power x y H); intros HH.
      apply derivable_pt_lim_locally_ext with (f := fun x => Rpower x y) (a := x/2) (b := x + x/2); trivial.
      + lra.
      + intros.
  Lemma Dpower' (y z : R) :
    0 < y ->
    D_in (fun x : R => power x z) (fun x : R => z * power x (z - 1))
         (fun x : R => 0 < x) y.
    generalize (derivable_pt_lim_D_in (fun x : R => power x z)
                                      (fun x : R => z * power x (z - 1)) y); intros.
    apply D_in_imp with (D := no_cond).
    now unfold no_cond.
    apply H0.
    now apply derivable_pt_lim_power'.

  Lemma derivable_pt_lim_abs_power2' (x y : R) :
  0 <= x ->
  1 < y ->
  derivable_pt_lim (fun x0 : R => power (Rabs x0) y) x (y * power x (y - 1)).
  unfold power.
  - red; intros.
    assert (x = 0) by lra.

    assert (dpos:0 < (power eps (Rinv (y-1)))).
      apply power_pos; lra.
    exists (mkposreal _ dpos); intros.
    rewrite Rplus_0_l.
    -- rewrite Rabs_R0.
       match_destr; try lra.
       unfold Rabs.
       match_destr; lra.
    -- simpl in *.
       rewrite Rmult_0_r.
       repeat rewrite Rminus_0_r.
       generalize (Rlt_power_l (Rabs h) (power eps (Rinv (y - 1))) (y-1))
       ; intros HH.
       cut_to HH.
    + rewrite power_mult in HH.
      rewrite Rinv_l in HH by lra.
      rewrite power_1 in HH by lra.
      unfold power in HH.
      match_destr_in HH; try lra.
      unfold Rminus in HH.
      rewrite Rpower_plus in HH.
      rewrite Rpower_Ropp in HH.
      rewrite Rpower_1 in HH
        by now apply Rabs_pos_lt.
      unfold Rdiv.
      rewrite Rabs_mult.
      rewrite Rabs_Rinv by trivial.
      rewrite Rabs_R0.
      match_destr; try lra.
      rewrite Rminus_0_r.
      rewrite (Rabs_pos_eq (Rpower (Rabs h) y)); trivial.
      apply Rpower_pos.
    + lra.
    + split; trivial.
      apply Rabs_pos.
  - assert ( 0 < x) by lra.
    generalize (derivable_pt_lim_comp
                  (fun x0 : R => if Rle_dec x0 0 then 0 else Rpower x0 y)
                  (y * Rpower x (y - 1)))
    ; intros HH2.
    rewrite Rmult_1_r in HH2.
    apply HH2.
    + apply Rabs_derive_1; lra.
    + rewrite Rabs_pos_eq by lra.
      generalize (derivable_pt_lim_power' x y); intros HH.
      cut_to HH; [| lra].
      unfold power in HH.
      match_destr_in HH; try lra.

Lemma power_convex_pos (e:R) :
  1 <= e ->
  forall (x y a : R), 0<x -> 0<y -> convex (fun z => power z e) a x y.
  eapply ppos_convex_deriv; trivial.
  - intros.
    now apply derivable_pt_lim_power'.
  - intros.
    apply (ppos_deriv_incr_convex (fun z => power z e)); trivial.
    + intros; now apply derivable_pt_lim_power'.
    + intros.
      apply Rmult_le_compat_l; [lra |].
      apply Rle_power_l; lra.

Lemma power_scale_le (e a x:R) :
  1 <= e ->
  0 < x ->
  0 <= a <= 1 ->
  power (a * x) e <= a * power x e.
  rewrite <- power_mult_distr; try lra.
  apply Rmult_le_compat_r.
  - left.
    now apply power_pos.
  - unfold power, Rpower.
    match_destr; try lra.
    assert (0 < a) by lra.
    rewrite <- (exp_ln a) at 2; trivial.
    apply exp_increasing_le.
    apply Rplus_le_reg_r with (r := - ln a).
    rewrite Rplus_opp_r.
    replace (e * ln a + - ln a) with ((e - 1) * ln a) by lra.
    destruct (Rlt_dec 0 (e - 1)).
    + apply Rmult_le_reg_l with (r := / (e - 1)).
      * now apply Rinv_pos.
      * rewrite <- Rmult_assoc.
        rewrite Rinv_l.
        -- rewrite Rmult_1_l.
           rewrite Rmult_0_r.
           apply ln_le_0; lra.
        -- apply Rgt_not_eq; lra.
    + assert (e - 1 = 0) by lra.
      rewrite H3.
      rewrite Rmult_0_l.

Lemma power_increasing (e : R) :
  0 <= e -> increasing (fun z => power z e).
  unfold increasing.
  destruct (Rle_dec 0 x); destruct (Rle_dec 0 y).
  - apply Rle_power_l; lra.
  - unfold power.
    match_destr; try lra.
  - unfold power.
    match_destr; try lra.
    match_destr; try lra.
    left; apply Rpower_pos.
  - unfold power.
    match_destr; try lra.
    match_destr; try lra.

Lemma power_convex (e:R) :
  1 <= e ->
  forall (x y a : R), convex (fun z => power z e) a x y.
  unfold convex.
  destruct (Rlt_dec 0 x); destruct (Rlt_dec 0 y).
  - now apply power_convex_pos.
  - assert (y <= 0) by lra.
    assert (power y e = 0) by (unfold power; match_destr; lra).
    rewrite H2.
    rewrite Rmult_0_r.
    rewrite Rplus_0_r.
    apply Rle_trans with (r2 := power (a*x) e).
    + apply power_increasing; try lra.
      apply Rplus_le_reg_l with (r := - a*x).
      replace (-a * y + y) with ((1-a)*y) by lra.
      apply Rmult_le_0_l; lra.
    + apply power_scale_le; lra.
  - assert ( x <= 0) by lra.
    assert (power x e = 0) by (unfold power; match_destr; lra).
    rewrite H2.
    rewrite Rmult_0_r.
    rewrite Rplus_0_l.
    apply Rle_trans with (r2 := power ((1-a)*y) e).
    + apply power_increasing; try lra.
      apply Rplus_le_reg_l with (r := - (1-a)*y).
      apply Rmult_le_0_l; lra.
    + apply power_scale_le; lra.
  - assert (x <= 0) by lra.
    assert (y <= 0) by lra.
    assert (power x e = 0) by (unfold power; match_destr; lra).
    assert (power y e = 0) by (unfold power; match_destr; lra).
    rewrite H3, H4.
    repeat rewrite Rmult_0_r.
    rewrite Rplus_0_r.
    unfold power.
    match_destr; try lra.
    assert (a * x + (1-a)* y > 0) by lra.
    apply Rmult_le_compat_r with (r := a) in H1; try lra.
    rewrite Rmult_0_l in H1.
    apply Rmult_le_compat_r with (r := 1-a) in H2; lra.

Lemma convex_power_abs (e:R): 1 <= e -> forall c x y : R, convex (fun a : R => power (Rabs a) e) c x y.
    generalize (compose_convex (fun z => power z e) Rabs); intros.
    apply H0.
    - intros; now apply power_convex.
    - apply abs_convex.
    - apply power_increasing; lra.

    Lemma power_ineq_convex p :
    1 <= p ->
    forall (x y : R), 0 < x -> 0 < y ->
                      power (x + y) p <= (power 2 (p-1))*(power x p + power y p).
    intros pbig; intros.
    assert (0 <= (/2) <= 1) by lra.
    generalize (power_convex_pos p pbig x y _ H H0 H1); intros HH.
    replace (1 - /2) with (/2) in HH by lra.
    repeat rewrite <- Rmult_plus_distr_l in HH.
    rewrite <- power_mult_distr in HH by lra.
    apply Rmult_le_compat_l with (r := power 2 p) in HH
    ; [| apply power_nonneg].
    repeat rewrite <- Rmult_assoc in HH.
    replace (power 2 p * power (/2) p) with (1) in HH.
    + replace (power 2 p * (/2)) with (power 2 (p - 1)) in HH.
      * now repeat rewrite Rmult_1_l in HH.
      * replace (/2) with (power 2 ((Ropp 1))).
        -- now rewrite <- power_plus.
        -- rewrite power_Ropp by lra.
           rewrite power_1; lra.
    + rewrite power_mult_distr by lra.
      replace (2 * /2) with (1) by lra.
      now rewrite power_base_1.

    Lemma power_abs_ineq (p : R) (x y : R) :
    0 <= p ->
    power (Rabs (x + y)) p <= (power 2 p)*(power (Rabs x) p + power (Rabs y) p).
    intros pnneg.
    pose (m:=Rmax (Rabs x) (Rabs y)).

    assert (eqq:Rabs (x + y) <= 2*m).
      unfold m.
      eapply Rle_trans; try eapply Rcomplements.Rplus_le_Rmax.
      apply Rabs_triang.
    eapply Rle_trans
    ; try apply (Rle_power_l (Rabs (x + y)) (2 * m) p); trivial.
    - split; trivial.
      apply Rabs_pos.
    - rewrite <- power_mult_distr.
      + apply Rmult_le_compat_l.
        * apply power_nonneg.
        * unfold m, Rmax.
          generalize (power_nonneg (Rabs x) p); intros.
          generalize (power_nonneg (Rabs y) p); intros.
          match_destr; lra.
      + lra.
      + unfold m; eapply Rle_trans; [| eapply Rmax_l].
        apply Rabs_pos.

Lemma Rinv_power (x : R) (n : R) : 0 < x -> / power x n = power (/ x) n.
  assert (x <> 0) by lra.
  assert (power x n <> 0) by (generalize (power_pos x n); lra).
  apply (Rmult_eq_reg_l (power x n)); trivial.
  rewrite Rinv_r by trivial.
  rewrite power_mult_distr.
  + rewrite Rinv_r; trivial.
    rewrite power_base_1; trivial.
  + lra.
  + left.
    now apply Rinv_pos.

End power.

Section ineqs.

  Lemma frac_max_frac_le (x y:R) :
  1 <= x ->
  x <= y ->
  x / (x + 1) <= y / (y + 1).
    assert (1 <= x) by lra.
    cut (x * (y + 1) <= y * (x + 1)).
    - intros HH.
      apply (Rmult_le_compat_r (/ (x+1))) in HH.
      + rewrite Rinv_r_simpl_l in HH by lra.
        apply (Rmult_le_compat_r (/ (y+1))) in HH.
        * eapply Rle_trans; try eassumption.
          unfold Rdiv.
          repeat rewrite Rmult_assoc.
          apply Rmult_le_compat_l; [lra | ].
          rewrite <- Rmult_assoc.
          rewrite Rinv_r_simpl_m by lra.
          right; trivial.
        * left; apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; lra.
      + left; apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; lra.
    - lra.

  Lemma sum_one_le : forall x y : R, 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> x + y = 1 -> x <= 1.
    rewrite <-H1.
    replace (x) with (x+0) by lra.
    replace (x+0+y) with (x+y) by lra.
    apply Rplus_le_compat_l ; trivial.

  Theorem Rpower_youngs_ineq {p q : posreal} {a b : R} (Hpq : 1/p + 1/q = 1) :
    0 < a -> 0 < b -> a*b <= (Rpower a p)/p + (Rpower b q)/q.
    intros apos bpos.
    replace (a*b) with (exp (ln (a*b)))
      by (rewrite exp_ln ; trivial ; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat ; trivial).
    rewrite ln_mult ; trivial.
    destruct p as [p ppos] ; destruct q as [q qpos] ; simpl in *.
    assert (Hp : p <> 0) by lra.
    assert (Hq : q <> 0) by lra.
    replace (ln a) with (/p*p*(ln a)) by (rewrite Rinv_l ; lra).
    replace (ln b) with (/q*q*(ln b)) by (rewrite Rinv_l ; lra).
    rewrite Rmult_assoc; rewrite Rmult_assoc.
    replace (p*ln a) with (ln(Rpower a p)) by (apply Rpower_ln).
    replace (q*ln b) with (ln(Rpower b q)) by (apply Rpower_ln).
    generalize (exp_convex (/p) (ln (Rpower a p)) (ln(Rpower b q))); intros.
    unfold convex in H. unfold Rdiv.
    replace (/q) with (1 - /p) by lra.
    eapply Rle_trans.
    - apply H.
      + left ; apply Rinv_pos ; trivial.
      + apply sum_one_le with (y := /q) ; try (left ; apply Rinv_pos ; trivial) ; try lra.
    - right.
      repeat (rewrite exp_ln; try (unfold Rpower ; apply exp_pos)).

  Theorem youngs_ineq {p q : posreal} {a b : R} (Hpq : 1/p + 1/q = 1) :
    0 <= a -> 0 <= b -> a*b <= (power a p)/p + (power b q)/q.
    unfold power; intros apos bpos.
    repeat match_destr; subst.
    - assert (a = 0) by lra; subst.
    - destruct p; destruct q; simpl in *.
      assert ( a = 0 ) by lra; subst.
      field_simplify; [| lra].
      apply Rmult_le_pos.
      + apply Rmult_le_pos; try lra.
        generalize (Rpower_pos b pos0); lra.
      + left.
        apply Rinv_pos.
        now apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
    - destruct p; destruct q; simpl in *.
      assert (b = 0) by lra; subst.
      field_simplify; [| lra].
      apply Rmult_le_pos.
      + apply Rmult_le_pos; try lra.
        generalize (Rpower_pos a pos); lra.
      + left.
        apply Rinv_pos.
        now apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
    - apply Rpower_youngs_ineq; lra.

  Theorem youngs_ineq_2 {p q : posreal} (Hpq : 1/p + 1/q = 1):
    forall (t a b : R), 0 <= a -> 0 <= b -> 0 < t ->
                        (power a (1/p))*(power b (1/q)) <= (power t (-1/q))*a/p + (power t (1/p))*b/q.
    intros t a b apos bpos tpos.
    assert (Hq : pos q <> 0)
      by (generalize (cond_pos q) ; intros H notq ; rewrite notq in H ; lra).
    assert (Hp : pos p <> 0)
      by (generalize (cond_pos p) ; intros H notp ; rewrite notp in H ; lra).
    assert (Hap : 0 <= ((power a (1/p))*power t (-1/(q*p))))
      by (apply Rmult_le_pos; apply power_nonneg).
    assert (Hbq : 0 <= (power t (1/(q*p))*(power b (1/q))))
      by (apply Rmult_le_pos; apply power_nonneg).
    generalize (youngs_ineq Hpq Hap Hbq) ; intros.
    rewrite Rmult_four_assoc in H.
    replace (power t (-1/(q*p)) * power t (1/(q*p))) with 1 in H.
    -- ring_simplify in H.
       eapply Rle_trans.
       apply H. clear H.
       repeat (rewrite <-power_mult_distr ; try apply power_nonneg).
       unfold Rdiv.
       repeat (rewrite power_mult).
       replace (1 */p *p) with 1 by (field ; trivial).
       replace (1 */q *q) with 1 by (field ; trivial).
    + repeat (rewrite power_1 ; trivial).
      ++ rewrite Rmult_assoc. rewrite Rmult_comm.
          replace (-1 * /(q*p) * p) with (-1 * /q).
          ring. field ; split ; trivial.
      ++ rewrite Rmult_assoc.
          replace (1 * /(q*p) * q) with (1 * /p).
          ring. field ; split ; trivial.
      -- unfold Rdiv.
         rewrite <-power_plus.
         rewrite <-power_O with (x := t) ; trivial.
         f_equal. rewrite power_O;trivial.

  Theorem Rpower_youngs_ineq_2 {p q : posreal} (Hpq : 1/p + 1/q = 1):
    forall (t a b : R), 0 < a -> 0 < b -> 0 < t ->
                        (Rpower a (1/p))*(Rpower b (1/q)) <= (Rpower t (-1/q))*a/p + (Rpower t (1/p))*b/q.
    generalize (youngs_ineq_2 Hpq t a b) ; intros HH.
    cut_to HH; try lra.
    now repeat rewrite power_Rpower in HH by lra.

  Corollary ag_ineq (a b : R):
    0 <= a -> 0 <= b -> sqrt (a*b) <= (a+b)/2.
    intros Ha Hb.
    destruct Ha as [Hapos | Haz].
    destruct Hb as [Hbpos | Hbz].
    ++ rewrite <-Rpower_sqrt ; try (apply Rmult_lt_0_compat ; trivial).
       rewrite <-Rpower_mult_distr ; trivial.
       rewrite Rdiv_plus_distr.
       assert (Hpq : 1/pos(mkposreal 2 Rlt_0_2) + 1/pos(mkposreal 2 Rlt_0_2) = 1)
         by (simpl;field).
       generalize (Rpower_youngs_ineq_2 Hpq 1 a b Hapos Hbpos Rlt_0_1) ; simpl ; intros.
       replace (/2) with (1/2) by lra.
       eapply Rle_trans. apply H.
       repeat rewrite Rpower_base_1.
       right ; field.
    ++ subst. left.
       rewrite Rmult_0_r.
       rewrite sqrt_0 ; lra.
    ++ subst.
       rewrite Rmult_0_l.
       rewrite sqrt_0; lra.

  Lemma pow_minkowski_helper_aux (p:nat) (a t : R) : 0 < t ->
                                                     t*(pow(a/t) (S p)) = (pow a (S p))*(pow (/t) p).
    unfold Rdiv.
    rewrite Rpow_mult_distr.
    rewrite Rmult_comm, Rmult_assoc.
    rewrite Rmult_comm.
    rewrite <- Rmult_assoc.
    rewrite Rinv_r.
    now rewrite Rmult_1_l.
    now apply Rgt_not_eq.

  Lemma pow_minkowski_helper (p : nat) {a b t : R}:
    (0 <= a) -> (0 <= b) -> 0<t<1 ->
    (pow (a+b) (S p)) <= (pow (/t) p)*(pow a (S p)) + (pow (/(1-t)) p)*(pow b (S p)).
    intros Ha Hb Ht.
    assert (Ht1 : t <> 0) by (intro not; destruct Ht as [h1 h2] ; subst ; lra).
    assert (Ht2 : 1-t <> 0) by (intro not; destruct Ht as [h1 h2] ; subst ; lra).
    assert (Hat : 0 <= a/t) by (apply Rcomplements.Rdiv_le_0_compat ; lra).
    assert (Hbt : 0 <= b/(1-t)) by (apply Rcomplements.Rdiv_le_0_compat ; lra).
    assert (Ht' : 0 <= t <= 1) by lra.
    replace (a+b) with (t*(a/t) + (1-t)*(b/(1-t))) by (field ; split ; trivial).
    generalize (pow_convex (S p) t (a/t) (b/(1-t)) Hat Hbt Ht'); intros.
    eapply Rle_trans. apply H.
    repeat (rewrite pow_minkowski_helper_aux ; try lra).

  Lemma pow_minkowski_subst (p : nat) {a b : R} :
    (0 < a) -> (0 < b) ->
    (pow (/(a / (a + b))) p)*(pow a (S p)) +
    (pow (/(1-(a / (a + b)))) p)*(pow b (S p)) = (pow (a + b) (S p)).
    intros; simpl.
    assert (a <> 0) by now apply Rgt_not_eq.
    assert (a + b <> 0) by (apply Rgt_not_eq; now apply Rplus_lt_0_compat).
    replace (/ (a / (a + b))) with ((a+b)* (/a)).
    - rewrite Rpow_mult_distr, Rmult_assoc.
      replace ((/ a) ^ p * (a * a ^ p)) with (a).
      + replace (/ (1 - a / (a + b))) with ((a+b)/b).
        * unfold Rdiv; rewrite Rpow_mult_distr, Rmult_assoc.
          replace ((/ b) ^ p * (b * b ^ p)) with (b).
          rewrite <- Rmult_assoc, Rmult_comm.
          rewrite <- Rmult_assoc, <- Rpow_mult_distr.
          rewrite Rinv_r, pow1; lra.
        * field; split; trivial.
          replace (a + b - a) with b by lra.
          now apply Rgt_not_eq.
      + rewrite <- Rmult_assoc, Rmult_comm.
        rewrite <- Rmult_assoc, <- Rpow_mult_distr.
        rewrite Rinv_r, pow1; lra.
    - field; now split.

  Lemma minkowski_range (a b : R) :
    (0 < a) -> (0 < b) ->
    0 < a / (a + b) < 1.
    - apply Rdiv_lt_0_compat; trivial.
      now apply Rplus_lt_0_compat.
    - apply Rmult_lt_reg_r with (r := a+b).
      now apply Rplus_lt_0_compat.
      unfold Rdiv.
      rewrite Rmult_assoc, Rinv_l.
      + rewrite Rmult_1_r, Rmult_1_l.
        replace (a) with (a + 0) at 1 by lra.
        now apply Rplus_lt_compat_l.
      + apply Rgt_not_eq.
        now apply Rplus_lt_0_compat.

End ineqs.

Section sign.

 Lemma sign_sum {a b : R} :
   Rabs a < Rabs b -> sign (b + a) = sign b.
   destruct (Rle_dec b 0).
   + destruct r.
     -- rewrite (sign_eq_m1 b H0).
        apply sign_eq_m1.
        rewrite (Rabs_left _ H0) in H.
        apply Rle_lt_trans with (r2 := b + Rabs a);
          [apply Rplus_le_compat_l; apply Rle_abs|].
     -- subst. rewrite sign_0.
        rewrite Rabs_R0 in H.
        rewrite Rplus_0_l.
        assert (Rabs a < 0) by lra.
        generalize (Rabs_pos a); intros.
        exfalso. apply (Rlt_irrefl 0); lra.
   + push_neg_in n.
     rewrite (sign_eq_1 b); trivial.
     apply sign_eq_1.
     rewrite (Rabs_pos_eq b) in H; try lra.
     destruct (Rle_dec a 0); try lra.
     rewrite (Rabs_left1 _ r) in H.

 Lemma sign_sum_alt {a b c : R} :
   Rabs a <= c -> Rabs b > c -> sign (b + a) = sign b.
   intros; apply sign_sum; lra.

 Lemma Rabs_sign (a : R) : Rabs a = (sign a)*a.
   + rewrite sign_eq_m1; trivial; lra.
   + destruct Hge.
     -- rewrite sign_eq_1; trivial; lra.
     -- subst; lra.

End sign.

Section power_minkowski.

  Lemma power_minkowski_helper_aux (p:R) (a t : R) :
    0 <= a ->
    0 < t ->
    1 <= p ->
    t*(power (a/t) p) = (power a p)*(power (/t) (p-1)).
    unfold Rdiv.
    rewrite <- power_mult_distr; trivial.
    - rewrite Rmult_comm, Rmult_assoc.
      unfold Rminus.
      rewrite power_plus.
      rewrite power_Ropp.
      + rewrite power_1.
        * rewrite Rinv_involutive; lra.
        * left.
          now apply Rinv_pos.
      + now apply Rinv_0_lt_compat.
    - left.
      now apply Rinv_pos.

  Lemma power_minkowski_helper_lt (p : R) {a b t : R}:
    (0 < a) ->
    (0 < b) ->
    0<t<1 ->
    1 <= p ->
    (power (a+b) p) <= (power (/t) (p-1))*(power a p) + (power (/(1-t)) (p-1))*(power b p).
    intros Ha Hb Ht pbig.
    assert (Ht1 : t <> 0) by (intro not; destruct Ht as [h1 h2] ; subst ; lra).
    assert (Ht2 : 1-t <> 0) by (intro not; destruct Ht as [h1 h2] ; subst ; lra).
    assert (Hat : 0 < a/t) by (apply Rcomplements.Rdiv_lt_0_compat ; lra).
    assert (Hbt : 0 < b/(1-t)) by (apply Rcomplements.Rdiv_lt_0_compat ; lra).
    assert (Ht' : 0 <= t <= 1) by lra.
    replace (a+b) with (t*(a/t) + (1-t)*(b/(1-t))) by (field ; split ; trivial).
    generalize (power_convex_pos p pbig (a/t) (b/(1-t)) t Hat Hbt Ht'); intros.
    eapply Rle_trans. apply H.
    repeat (rewrite power_minkowski_helper_aux ; try lra).

  Lemma power_minkowski_helper (p : R) {a b t : R}:
    (0 <= a) ->
    (0 <= b) ->
    0<t<1 ->
    1 <= p ->
    (power (a+b) p) <= (power (/t) (p-1))*(power a p) + (power (/(1-t)) (p-1))*(power b p).
    intros Ha Hb Ht pbig.
    destruct (Req_EM_T a 0).
    - subst.
      rewrite power0_Sbase by lra.
      rewrite Rmult_0_r.
      repeat rewrite Rplus_0_l.
      apply Rmult_bigpos_le_l.
      + apply power_nonneg.
      + assert (1 <= / (1 - t)).
        * rewrite <- Rinv_1 at 1.
          apply Rinv_le_contravar; lra.
        * apply power_big_big; lra.
    - destruct (Req_EM_T b 0).
      + subst.
        rewrite power0_Sbase by lra.
        rewrite Rmult_0_r.
        repeat rewrite Rplus_0_r.
        apply Rmult_bigpos_le_l.
        * apply power_nonneg.
        * assert (1 <= / t).
          -- rewrite <- Rinv_1 at 1.
             apply Rinv_le_contravar; lra.
          -- apply power_big_big; lra.
      + apply power_minkowski_helper_lt; trivial; lra.

  Lemma power_minkowski_subst (p : R) {a b : R} :
    (0 < a) ->
    (0 < b) ->
    1 <= p ->
    (power (/(a / (a + b))) (p-1))*(power a p) +
    (power (/(1-(a / (a + b)))) (p-1))*(power b p) = (power (a + b) p).
    intros; simpl.
    assert (a <> 0) by auto with real.
    assert (a + b <> 0) by lra.
    replace (/ (a / (a + b))) with ((a+b)* (/a))
      by (field; now split).
    rewrite <- power_mult_distr, Rmult_assoc by (try lra; auto with real).
    replace (power (/ a) (p-1) * (power a p)) with (a).
    - replace (/ (1 - a / (a + b))) with ((a+b)/b).
      + unfold Rdiv; rewrite <- power_mult_distr, Rmult_assoc by (try lra; auto with real).
        replace (power (/ b) (p-1) * ( power b p)) with (b).
        * rewrite <- Rmult_plus_distr_l.
          rewrite Rmult_comm.
          rewrite <- power_minus1; trivial.
        * rewrite (power_minus1 b) by lra.
          rewrite <- Rmult_assoc, Rmult_comm, <- Rmult_assoc.
          rewrite power_mult_distr by (try lra; auto with real).
          rewrite Rinv_r by lra.
          rewrite power_base_1.
      + rewrite <- (Rinv_r (a+b)) by lra.
        fold (Rdiv (a+b) (a+b)).
        field_simplify; try lra.
    - rewrite (power_minus1 a p) by auto with real.
      rewrite <- Rmult_assoc, Rmult_comm, <- Rmult_assoc.
      rewrite power_mult_distr by auto with real.
      rewrite Rinv_r, power_base_1 by lra.

End power_minkowski.

Lemma Rbar_pos_finite (r : Rbar):
  0 < r -> is_finite r.
  destruct r.
  now unfold is_finite.
  simpl in H; lra.
  simpl in H; lra.

Global Instance prod_f_R0_proper :
  Proper (pointwise_relation _ eq ==> eq ==> eq) prod_f_R0.
  intros f1 f2 feqq N N' xeqq; subst N'.
  induction N; simpl; congruence.

Lemma bounded_is_finite (a b : R) (x : Rbar) :
  Rbar_le a x -> Rbar_le x b -> is_finite x.
  unfold is_finite.
  destruct x.
  - now simpl.
  - simpl in H0.
  - simpl in H.

Section lim_seq_sup_seq.
  Lemma le_incr0 (f : nat -> R) :
    (forall n, f n <= f (S n)) ->
    (forall n k, f n <= f (n + k)%nat).
    induction k.
    - replace (n + 0)%nat with n by lia.
    - eapply Rle_trans.
      apply IHk.
      replace (n + S k)%nat with (S (n + k)%nat) by lia.
      apply H.

  Lemma le_incr (f : nat -> R) :
    (forall n, f n <= f (S n)) ->
    (forall n m, (n<=m)%nat -> f n <= f m).
    replace (m) with (n + (m-n))%nat by lia.
    now apply le_incr0.

  Lemma lim_seq_sup_seq_incr (f : nat -> R) (l : Rbar) :
    (forall n, f n <= f (S n)) ->
    is_lim_seq f l <-> is_sup_seq f l.
    split; intros.
    apply is_lim_LimSup_seq in H0.
    destruct l.
    - unfold is_LimSup_seq in H0.
      unfold is_sup_seq.
      specialize (H0 eps).
      destruct H0.
      split; intros.
      + destruct H1.
        destruct (le_dec x n).
        * now apply H1.
        * assert (n <= x)%nat by lia.
          apply Rle_lt_trans with (r2 := f x).
          now apply le_incr.
          apply H1; lia.
      + specialize (H0 0%nat).
        destruct H0 as [n [? ?]].
        exists n.
        apply H2.
    - unfold is_LimSup_seq in H0.
      unfold is_sup_seq; simpl; intros.
      specialize (H0 M 0%nat).
      destruct H0 as [n [? ?]].
      exists n.
      apply H1.
    - unfold is_LimSup_seq in H0.
      unfold is_sup_seq; simpl; intros.
      specialize (H0 M).
      destruct H0 as [N H0].
      destruct (le_dec N n).
      + now apply H0.
      + assert (n <= N)%nat by lia.
        apply Rle_lt_trans with (r2 := f N).
        * now apply le_incr.
        * apply H0; lia.
    - rewrite <- is_lim_seq_spec.
      destruct l.
      + unfold is_sup_seq in H0.
        unfold is_lim_seq'; intros.
        specialize (H0 eps).
        destruct H0 as [? [n ?]].
        simpl in H1; simpl in H0.
        exists n; intros.
        destruct (Rge_dec (f n0) r).
        * specialize (H0 n0).
          rewrite Rabs_right; lra.
        * assert (f n0 < r) by lra.
          rewrite Rabs_left; [|lra].
          generalize (le_incr f H n n0 H2); intros.
      + unfold is_sup_seq in H0.
        unfold is_lim_seq'; intros.
        specialize (H0 M); simpl in H0.
        destruct H0 as [n ?].
        exists n; intros.
        apply Rlt_le_trans with (r2 := f n); trivial.
        now apply le_incr.
      + unfold is_sup_seq in H0.
        unfold is_lim_seq'; intros.
        specialize (H0 M); simpl in H0.
        exists (0%nat); intros.
        apply H0.

  Lemma is_lub_sup_seq (u : nat -> R) (l : Rbar) :
    is_lub_Rbar (fun x => exists n, x = u n) l ->
    is_sup_seq u l.
    apply Rbar_is_lub_sup_seq.
    unfold is_lub_Rbar in H.
    unfold Rbar_is_lub.
    destruct H.
    - unfold Rbar_is_upper_bound.
      unfold is_ub_Rbar in H.
      destruct x.
      + apply H.
        destruct H1.
        exists x.
        now rewrite Rbar_finite_eq in H1.
      + destruct H1.
      + destruct H1.
    - intros.
      apply H0.
      unfold is_ub_Rbar.
      apply H1.
      destruct H2.
      exists x0.
      rewrite H2.

  Lemma is_sub_seq_lub_R (u : nat -> R) (l : Rbar) :
    is_sup_seq u l -> is_lub_Rbar (fun x => exists n, x = u n) l.
    apply is_sup_seq_lub in H.
    unfold Rbar_is_lub in H.
    unfold is_lub_Rbar.
    destruct H.
    - unfold Rbar_is_upper_bound in H.
      unfold is_ub_Rbar.
      apply H.
      destruct H1.
      exists x0.
      rewrite H1.
    - intros.
      apply H0.
      unfold Rbar_is_upper_bound.
      unfold is_ub_Rbar in H1.
      destruct x.
      + apply H1.
        destruct H2.
        exists x.
        now rewrite Rbar_finite_eq in H2.
      + destruct H2.
      + destruct H2.

  Lemma lim_seq_is_lub_incr (f : nat -> R) (l : Rbar) :
    (forall n, f n <= f (S n)) ->
    (is_lim_seq f l) <-> (is_lub_Rbar (fun x => exists n, x = f n) l).
    rewrite lim_seq_sup_seq_incr; trivial.
    split; intros.
    now apply is_sub_seq_lub_R.
    now apply is_lub_sup_seq.

End lim_seq_sup_seq.

Section Rmax_list.

  Open Scope list_scope.
  Open Scope R_scope.

  Import ListNotations.

  Fixpoint Rmax_list (l : list R) : R :=
    match l with
    | nil => 0
    | a :: nil => a
    | a :: l1 => Rmax a (Rmax_list l1)

  Lemma Rmax_spec_map {A} (l : list A) (f : A -> R) : forall a:A, In a l -> f a <= Rmax_list ( f l).
    intros a Ha.
    induction l.
    - simpl ; firstorder.
    - simpl in *. intuition.
      + rewrite H. destruct l. simpl. right; reflexivity.
        simpl. apply Rmax_l.
      + destruct l. simpl in *; firstorder.
        simpl in *. eapply Rle_trans ; eauto. apply Rmax_r.

  Lemma Rmax_spec {l : list R} : forall a:R, In a l -> a <= Rmax_list l.
    intros a Ha.
    induction l.
    - simpl ; firstorder.
    - simpl in *. intuition.
      + rewrite H. destruct l. simpl. right; reflexivity.
        simpl. apply Rmax_l.
      + destruct l. simpl in *; firstorder.
        simpl in *. eapply Rle_trans ; eauto. apply Rmax_r.

  Lemma Rmax_list_map_const_mul {A} (l : list A) (f : A -> R) {r : R} (hr : 0 <= r) :
    Rmax_list ( (fun a => r*f(a)) l) = r*(Rmax_list ( f l)).
    induction l.
    - simpl ; lra.
    - simpl. rewrite IHl.
      rewrite RmaxRmult ; trivial.
      destruct l.
      + simpl ; reflexivity.
      + simpl in *. f_equal ; trivial.

  Lemma Rmax_list_const_add (l : list R) (d : R) :
    Rmax_list ( (fun x => x + d) l) =
    if (l <> []) then ((Rmax_list l) + d) else 0.
    induction l.
    - simpl ; reflexivity.
    - simpl in *.
      destruct l.
      + simpl ; reflexivity.
      + simpl in * ; rewrite IHl.
        now rewrite Rcomplements.Rplus_max_distr_r.

  Lemma Rmax_list_zero {A} (l : list A) :
    Rmax_list ( (fun x => 0) l) = 0.
    induction l.
    -- simpl ; reflexivity.
    -- simpl in *. rewrite IHl.
       replace (Rmax 0 0) with 0.
       destruct l ; [simpl ; reflexivity | simpl ; reflexivity] .
       symmetry. apply Rmax_left ; lra.

  Lemma Rmax_list_ge (l : list R) (r : R) :
    forall x, In x l -> r <= x -> r <= Rmax_list l.
    intros x Hx Hrx.
    eapply Rle_trans ; eauto.
    now apply Rmax_spec.

  Lemma Rmax_list_le (l : list R) (r : R) :
    Rmax_list l <= r -> forall x, In x l -> x <= r.
    intros H x Hx.
    set (Rmax_spec x Hx).
    eapply Rle_trans; eauto.

  Lemma Rmax_list_In (l : list R):
    ([] <> l) -> In (Rmax_list l) l.
    induction l.
    - simpl ; firstorder.
    - intros H. simpl in *.
      destruct l.
      -- now left.
      -- assert ([] <> r :: l) by apply nil_cons.
         specialize (IHl H0) ; clear H0.
         destruct (Rle_dec a (Rmax_list (r :: l))).
         ++ rewrite Rmax_right. now right ; assumption. assumption.
         ++ rewrite Rmax_left. now left.
            left ; apply ROrder.not_ge_lt ; assumption.

  Lemma Rmax_list_lub (l : list R) (r : R):
    ([] <> l) -> (forall x, In x l -> x <= r) -> Rmax_list l <= r.
    intros Hl H.
    apply H. eapply Rmax_list_In ; auto.

  Lemma Rmax_list_le_iff {l : list R} (hl : [] <> l) (r : R):
    Rmax_list l <= r <-> (forall x, In x l -> x <= r) .
    apply Rmax_list_le.
    apply Rmax_list_lub ; auto.

  Lemma Rmax_list_lt_iff {l : list R} (hl : [] <> l) (r : R):
    Rmax_list l < r <-> (forall x, In x l -> x < r) .
    -- intros Hr x Hx.
       eapply Rle_lt_trans. eapply Rmax_spec ; eauto. assumption.
    -- intro H. apply H ; auto. now apply Rmax_list_In.

  Lemma Rmax_list_incl l1 l2 : nil <> l1 -> incl l1 l2 -> Rmax_list l1 <= Rmax_list l2.
    unfold Proper, respectful, incl
    ; intros.
    apply Rmax_list_le_iff; trivial.
    apply Rmax_spec; auto.

  Global Instance Rmax_list_equivlist : Proper (equivlist ==> eq) Rmax_list.
    unfold Proper, respectful; intros x y equivs.
    destruct x.
    - symmetry in equivs.
      apply equivlist_nil in equivs.
      subst; simpl; trivial.
    - destruct y.
      + apply equivlist_nil in equivs.
      + apply equivlist_incls in equivs.
        destruct equivs.
        generalize (Rmax_list_incl (r::x) (r0::y)); intros HH1.
        generalize (Rmax_list_incl (r0::y) (r::x)); intros HH2.
        cut_to HH1; trivial; try discriminate.
        cut_to HH2; trivial; try discriminate.

  Lemma Rmax_list_sum {A B} {la : list A} (lb : list B) (f : A -> B -> R) (Hla : [] <> la):
    Rmax_list ( (fun a => list_sum ( (f a) lb)) la) <=
    list_sum ( (fun b => Rmax_list ( (fun a => f a b) la)) lb).
    rewrite Rmax_list_le_iff.
    * intro x. rewrite in_map_iff.
      intros [x0 [Hlsx Hin]].
      rewrite <-Hlsx. apply list_sum_le.
      intro b. apply (Rmax_spec_map la (fun a => f a b) x0 Hin).
    * now rewrite map_not_nil.

  Lemma Rmax_list_cons_cons (l : list R) (a b : R) :
    Rmax_list (a :: b :: l) = Rmax a (Rmax_list (b :: l)).

  Lemma Rmax_list_Rmax_swap (l : list R) (a b : R) :
    Rmax a (Rmax_list (b :: l)) = Rmax b (Rmax_list (a :: l)).
    induction l.
    - simpl ; apply Rmax_comm.
    - do 2 rewrite Rmax_list_cons_cons.
      do 2 rewrite Rmax_assoc.
      now rewrite (Rmax_comm _ b).

  Lemma Rmax_list_cons (x0 : R) (l1 l2 : list R) :
    Permutation l1 l2 -> (Rmax_list l1 = Rmax_list l2) -> Rmax_list (x0 :: l1) = Rmax_list(x0 :: l2).
    intros Hpl Hrl.
    case_eq l1.
    * intro Hl. rewrite Hl in Hpl. set (Permutation_nil Hpl).
      now rewrite e.
    * case_eq l2.
      ++ intro Hl2. rewrite Hl2 in Hpl. symmetry in Hpl. set (Permutation_nil Hpl).
         now rewrite e.
      ++ intros r l H r0 l0 H0.
         rewrite <-H0, <-H. simpl ; rewrite Hrl.
         now rewrite H0, H.

  Lemma Rmax_list_cons_swap (x0 y0 : R) (l1 l2 : list R) :
    Permutation l1 l2 -> (Rmax_list l1 = Rmax_list l2) ->
    Rmax_list (x0 :: y0 :: l1) = Rmax_list(y0 :: x0 :: l2).
    intros Hpl Hrl.
    rewrite Rmax_list_cons_cons. rewrite Rmax_list_Rmax_swap.
    rewrite <-Rmax_list_cons_cons.
    case_eq l1.
    * intro Hl. rewrite Hl in Hpl. set (Permutation_nil Hpl).
      now rewrite e.
    * case_eq l2.
      ++ intro Hl2. rewrite Hl2 in Hpl. symmetry in Hpl. set (Permutation_nil Hpl).
         now rewrite e.
      ++ intros r l H r0 l0 H0. rewrite <-H0, <-H. simpl ; rewrite Hrl.
         now rewrite H0, H.

  Global Instance Rmax_list_Proper : Proper (@Permutation R ++> eq) Rmax_list.
    unfold Proper. intros x y H.
    apply (@Permutation_ind_bis R (fun a b => Rmax_list a = Rmax_list b)).
    - simpl ; lra.
    - intros x0. apply Rmax_list_cons.
    - intros x0 y0 l l' H0 H1. apply Rmax_list_cons_swap ; trivial.
    - intros l l' l'' H0 H1 H2 H3. rewrite H1. rewrite <-H3. reflexivity.
    - assumption.

  Definition Rmax_list_map {A} (l : list A) (f : A -> R) := Rmax_list ( f l).

  Declare Scope rmax_scope.
  Notation "Max_{ l } ( f )" := (Rmax_list ( f l)) (at level 50) : rmax_scope.

  Open Scope rmax_scope.
  Delimit Scope rmax_scope with rmax.

  Lemma Rmax_list_map_exist {A} (f : A -> R) (l : list A) :
    [] <> l -> exists a:A, In a l /\ f a = Max_{l}(f).
    intro Hne.
    set (Hmap := Rmax_list_In ( f l)).
    rewrite <-(map_not_nil l f) in Hne.
    specialize (Hmap Hne).
    rewrite in_map_iff in Hmap.
    destruct Hmap as [a [Hfa Hin]].
    now exists a.

  Lemma exists_in_strengthen_dec {A} (P:A->Prop) l (dec:forall x, {P x} + {~ P x})
        (ex:exists x, In x l /\ P x) : {x | In x l /\ P x}.
    induction l; simpl.
    - elimtype False.
      destruct ex ; intuition.
    - destruct (dec a).
      + exists a ; eauto.
      + destruct IHl as [x [inx px]].
        * destruct ex as [x [inx px]].
          destruct inx.
          -- congruence.
          -- eauto.
        * eauto.

  Lemma Rmax_list_map_exist_sig {A} (f : A -> R) {l : list A} :
    [] <> l -> { a:A | In a l /\ f a = Max_{l}(f)}.
    intro Hne.
    apply exists_in_strengthen_dec.
    - intro x. apply Req_EM_T.
    - now apply Rmax_list_map_exist.

  Definition argmax {A} {l : list A} (hl : [] <> l)(f : A -> R) : A :=
    proj1_sig (Rmax_list_map_exist_sig f hl).

  Lemma argmax_is_max {A} {l : list A} (hl : [] <> l) (f : A->R) :
    f (argmax hl f) = Max_{l}(f).
    unfold argmax.
    destruct (Rmax_list_map_exist_sig f hl).
    simpl. now destruct a.

  Lemma argmax_in_list {A} {l : list A} (hl : [] <> l) (f : A -> R):
    In (argmax hl f) l.
    unfold argmax.
    destruct (Rmax_list_map_exist_sig f hl).
    simpl. now destruct a.

  Global Instance Rmax_eq_Proper {A} {l : list A} (hl : [] <> l) :
    Proper (pointwise_relation _ eq ++> eq) (@Rmax_list_map A l).
    unfold Proper, respectful, pointwise_relation.
    intros f g H.
    unfold Rmax_list_map.
    induction l.
    -- simpl. reflexivity.
    -- simpl. destruct l.
       ++ simpl. apply H.
       ++ simpl. rewrite H. simpl in IHl. rewrite IHl. reflexivity.
          apply nil_cons.

  Lemma Rmax_list_prod_le {A B} (f : A -> B -> R) {la : list A} {lb : list B}
        (Hla : [] <> la) (Hlb : [] <> lb) :
    Max_{la}(fun a => Max_{lb} (fun b => f a b)) =
    Max_{list_prod la lb} (fun ab => f (fst ab) (snd ab)).
    apply Rle_antisym.
    ++ rewrite Rmax_list_le_iff.
    -- intros x Hx. eapply (@Rmax_list_ge _ _ x).
       ** rewrite in_map_iff in *.
          destruct Hx as [a [Hx' HInx']].
          set (Hmax := Rmax_list_map_exist (fun b => f a b) lb).
          specialize (Hmax Hlb).
          destruct Hmax as [b Hb].
          exists (a,b). simpl. split; [now rewrite <-Hx' |].
          apply in_prod ; trivial; intuition.
       ** now right.
    -- now rewrite map_not_nil.
       ++ rewrite Rmax_list_le_iff.
    * intros x Hx.
      rewrite in_map_iff in Hx.
      destruct Hx as [ab [Hab HInab]].
      eapply (@Rmax_list_ge _ _ (Rmax_list ( (fun b : B => f (fst ab) b) lb))).
      --- rewrite in_map_iff.
          exists (fst ab). split ; trivial.
          setoid_rewrite surjective_pairing in HInab.
          rewrite in_prod_iff in HInab. destruct HInab ; trivial.
      --- eapply (Rmax_list_ge _ _ (f (fst ab) (snd ab))).
          +++ rewrite in_map_iff. exists (snd ab). split ; trivial.
              setoid_rewrite surjective_pairing in HInab.
              rewrite in_prod_iff in HInab. destruct HInab ; trivial.
          +++ rewrite <-Hab. right ; trivial.
    * rewrite map_not_nil. now apply list_prod_not_nil.

  Lemma Rmax_list_prod_le' {A B} (f : A -> B -> R) {la : list A} {lb : list B}
        (Hla : [] <> la) (Hlb : [] <> lb) :
    Max_{lb}(fun b => Max_{la} (fun a => f a b)) =
    Max_{list_prod la lb} (fun ab => f (fst ab) (snd ab)).
    apply Rle_antisym.
    ++ rewrite Rmax_list_le_iff.
    -- intros x Hx. eapply (@Rmax_list_ge _ _ x).
       ** rewrite in_map_iff in *.
          destruct Hx as [b [Hx' HInx']].
          set (Hmax := Rmax_list_map_exist (fun a => f a b) la).
          specialize (Hmax Hla).
          destruct Hmax as [a Ha].
          exists (a,b). simpl. split; [now rewrite <-Hx' |].
          apply in_prod ; trivial; intuition.
       ** now right.
    -- now rewrite map_not_nil.
       ++ rewrite Rmax_list_le_iff.
    * intros x Hx.
      rewrite in_map_iff in Hx.
      destruct Hx as [ab [Hab HInab]].
      eapply (@Rmax_list_ge _ _ (Rmax_list ( (fun a : A => f a (snd ab)) la))).
      --- rewrite in_map_iff.
          exists (snd ab). split ; trivial.
          setoid_rewrite surjective_pairing in HInab.
          rewrite in_prod_iff in HInab. destruct HInab ; trivial.
      --- eapply (Rmax_list_ge _ _ (f (fst ab) (snd ab))).
          +++ rewrite in_map_iff. exists (fst ab). split ; trivial.
              setoid_rewrite surjective_pairing in HInab.
              rewrite in_prod_iff in HInab. destruct HInab ; trivial.
          +++ rewrite <-Hab. right ; trivial.
    * rewrite map_not_nil. now apply list_prod_not_nil.

  Lemma Rmax_list_map_comm {A B} (f : A -> B -> R) {la : list A} {lb : list B}
        (Hla : [] <> la) (Hlb : [] <> lb) :
    Max_{la}(fun a => Max_{lb} (fun b => f a b)) = Max_{lb}(fun b => Max_{la} (fun a => f a b)) .
    etransitivity; [|symmetry].
    - apply Rmax_list_prod_le ; trivial.
    - apply Rmax_list_prod_le'; trivial.

  Lemma Rmax_list_prod_combine {A B} (f : A -> B -> R) {la : list A} {lb : list B}
        (Hla : [] <> la) (Hlb : [] <> lb) :
    equivlist (list_prod la lb) (combine la lb) ->
    Max_{la}(fun a => Max_{lb} (fun b => f a b)) =
    Max_{combine la lb} (fun ab => f (fst ab) (snd ab)).
    intros. rewrite <- H.
    now apply Rmax_list_prod_le.

  Lemma Rmax_list_minus_le {A} {B : A -> Type} (f g : forall a, B a -> R) (la : forall a, list (B a)):
    forall a:A, (Max_{la a}(f a) - Max_{la a}(g a)) <= Max_{la a}(fun x => f a x - g a x).
    intro a0.
    destruct (is_nil_dec (la a0)).
    - setoid_rewrite e. simpl. lra.
    - rewrite Rcomplements.Rle_minus_l.
      rewrite Rmax_list_le_iff. intros x Hin.
      rewrite in_map_iff in Hin.
      destruct Hin as [a [Ha Hina]]. rewrite <-Ha.
      replace (f a0 a) with ((f a0 a - g a0 a) + g a0 a) by ring.
      apply Rplus_le_compat.
      -- apply Rmax_spec. rewrite in_map_iff.
         exists a ; split ; trivial.
      -- apply Rmax_spec. rewrite in_map_iff.
         exists a ; split ; trivial.
      -- rewrite map_not_nil. congruence.

  Lemma Rmax_list_map_plus {A} (f g : A -> R) (l : list A) :
    Max_{ l} (fun a => f a + g a) <=
    Max_{ l} (f) + Max_{ l} (g).
    destruct (is_nil_dec l).
    - subst; simpl. lra.
    - rewrite Rmax_list_le_iff.
      + intros x Hx. rewrite in_map_iff in Hx.
        destruct Hx as [a [Ha Hina]].
        rewrite <-Ha.
        apply Rplus_le_compat; try (apply Rmax_spec; rewrite in_map_iff; exists a; split ; trivial).
      + rewrite map_not_nil.

  Lemma Rmax_list_map_triangle {A} (f g : A -> R) (l : list A):
    Max_{ l}(fun a : A => Rabs (f a + g a)) <=
    Max_{ l}(fun a : A => Rabs (f a)) + (Max_{ l}(fun a : A => Rabs (g a))).
    destruct (is_nil_dec l).
    - subst; simpl. lra.
    - rewrite Rmax_list_le_iff.
      intros x Hx. rewrite in_map_iff in Hx.
      destruct Hx as [a [Ha Hina]].
      rewrite <-Ha.
      eapply Rle_trans; try apply Rabs_triang.
      apply Rplus_le_compat; try (apply Rmax_spec; rewrite in_map_iff; exists a; split ; trivial).
      rewrite map_not_nil.

  Lemma Rmax_list_minus_le_abs {A} (f g : A -> R) (la : list A):
    Rabs (Max_{la}(f) - Max_{la}(g)) <= Max_{la}(fun a => Rabs(f a - g a)).
    destruct (is_nil_dec la).
    - subst; simpl. replace (0-0) with 0 by ring. right. now apply Rabs_R0.
    - rewrite Rcomplements.Rabs_le_between'.
      -- rewrite Rcomplements.Rle_minus_l.
         rewrite Rmax_list_le_iff ; [| apply map_not_nil ; congruence].
         intros x Hin.
         rewrite in_map_iff in Hin.
         destruct Hin as [a [Ha Hina]]. rewrite <-Ha.
         replace (g a) with (f a + (g a - f a)) by ring.
         apply Rplus_le_compat.
         --- apply Rmax_spec. rewrite in_map_iff.
             exists a ; split ; trivial.
         --- eapply Rle_trans ; first apply Rle_abs.
             rewrite Rabs_minus_sym. apply Rmax_spec. rewrite in_map_iff.
             exists a ; split ; trivial.
      -- rewrite Rmax_list_le_iff ; [| apply map_not_nil ; congruence].
         intros x Hin.
         rewrite in_map_iff in Hin.
         destruct Hin as [a [Ha Hina]]. rewrite <-Ha.
         replace (f a) with (g a + (f a - g a)) by ring.
         apply Rplus_le_compat.
         --- apply Rmax_spec. rewrite in_map_iff.
             exists a ; split ; trivial.
         --- eapply Rle_trans ; first apply Rle_abs.
             rewrite Rabs_minus_sym. apply Rmax_spec. rewrite in_map_iff.
             exists a ; split ; trivial. apply Rabs_minus_sym.

  Lemma Rmax_list_minus_le_abs' {A} {B : A -> Type} (f g : forall a, B a -> R) (la : forall a, list (B a)):
    forall a:A, Rabs (Max_{la a}(f a) - Max_{la a}(g a)) <= Max_{la a}(fun x => Rabs(f a x - g a x)).
    intro a0.
    destruct (is_nil_dec (la a0)).
    - setoid_rewrite e. simpl. replace (0-0) with 0 by ring. right. now apply Rabs_R0.
    - rewrite Rcomplements.Rabs_le_between'.
      -- rewrite Rcomplements.Rle_minus_l.
         rewrite Rmax_list_le_iff ; [| apply map_not_nil ; congruence].
         intros x Hin.
         rewrite in_map_iff in Hin.
         destruct Hin as [a [Ha Hina]]. rewrite <-Ha.
         replace (g a0 a) with (f a0 a + (g a0 a - f a0 a)) by ring.
         apply Rplus_le_compat.
         --- apply Rmax_spec. rewrite in_map_iff.
             exists a ; split ; trivial.
         --- eapply Rle_trans ; first apply Rle_abs.
             rewrite Rabs_minus_sym. apply Rmax_spec. rewrite in_map_iff.
             exists a ; split ; trivial.
      -- rewrite Rmax_list_le_iff ; [| apply map_not_nil ; congruence].
         intros x Hin.
         rewrite in_map_iff in Hin.
         destruct Hin as [a [Ha Hina]]. rewrite <-Ha.
         replace (f a0 a) with (g a0 a + (f a0 a - g a0 a)) by ring.
         apply Rplus_le_compat.
         --- apply Rmax_spec. rewrite in_map_iff.
             exists a ; split ; trivial.
         --- eapply Rle_trans ; first apply Rle_abs.
             rewrite Rabs_minus_sym. apply Rmax_spec. rewrite in_map_iff.
             exists a ; split ; trivial. apply Rabs_minus_sym.

  Lemma Rmax_list_fun_swap {A B} {lf : list(A -> B)}{la : list A}
        (g :B -> (A -> B) -> R)
        (hl : [] <> lf) (hla : [] <> la) :
    Max_{la} (fun s => Max_{lf} (fun f => g (f s) f)) =
    Max_{lf} (fun f => Max_{ f la} (fun b => g b f)).
    rewrite Rmax_list_map_comm; trivial.
    f_equal. apply map_ext.
    intros a.
    now rewrite map_map.

  Lemma Rmax_list_le_range {A B} (f : A -> B) (g : B -> R) {la : list A} {lb : list B}
        (hla : [] <> la)
        (hf : forall {a}, In a la -> In (f a) lb) :
    Max_{la} (fun a => g(f a)) <= Max_{lb} (fun b => g b).
    rewrite Rmax_list_le_iff.
    intros x Hx.
    rewrite in_map_iff in Hx.
    -- destruct Hx as [a [Ha Hina]].
       eapply Rmax_list_ge.
       rewrite in_map_iff. exists (f a). split;eauto.
       now right.
    -- now rewrite map_not_nil.

  Lemma Rmax_list_le_range' {A B} (g : B -> R) lf {lb : list B}
        (hlf : [] <> lf){a : A}
        (hfa : forall f, In (f a) lb) :
    Max_{lf} (fun f => g(f a)) <= Max_{lb} (fun b => g b).
    destruct (Rmax_list_map_exist (fun f => g (f a)) lf hlf) as [f [Hf Hinf]].
    rewrite <-Hinf.
    eapply Rmax_spec_map. apply hfa.

  Lemma Rmax_list_fun_le {A} {la : list A}
        (f : A -> R) (g : A -> R) :
    (forall a, f a <= g a) ->
    Max_{la} (fun a => f a) <= Max_{la} (fun a => g a).
    intros Hfg.
    destruct (is_nil_dec la) ; [subst ; simpl ; lra|].
    assert (n' : [] <> la) by congruence.
    destruct (Rmax_list_map_exist (fun a => g a) la n') as [a1 [Ha1 Hina1]].
    destruct (Rmax_list_map_exist (fun a => f a) la n') as [a2 [Ha2 Hina2]].
    rewrite <-Hina1.
    rewrite Rmax_list_le_iff.
    intros x Hx. rewrite in_map_iff in Hx.
    destruct Hx as [a0 [ha0 hina0]]. rewrite <-ha0.
    enough (f a0 <= f a2).
    assert (f a2 <= g a2) by (apply Hfg).
    enough (g a2 <= g a1).
    rewrite Hina1. apply Rmax_spec. rewrite in_map_iff. exists a2 ; split ; trivial.
    rewrite Hina2. apply Rmax_spec. rewrite in_map_iff. exists a0 ; split ; trivial.
    now rewrite map_not_nil.

  Lemma Rmax_list_map_nonneg {A} {la : list A}
        (f : A -> R):
    (forall a, 0 <= f a) ->
    0 <= Max_{la}(fun a => f a).
    intros Hf.
    rewrite <-(Rmax_list_zero la).
    now apply Rmax_list_fun_le.

  Lemma Rmax_list_map_transf {A B} (l : list A) (f : A -> R) (f' : B -> R) (g : A -> B) :
    (List.Forall (fun x => f x = f'(g x)) l) -> Max_{l}(f) = Max_{ g l}(f').
    intros H.
    rewrite Forall_forall in H.
    rewrite map_map. f_equal.
    apply List.map_ext_in.

  Lemma fin_fun_bounded {A} (finA : Finite.Finite A) (f : A -> R) : {D | forall a, f a <= D}.
    exists (Max_{@elms _ finA}(f)).
    intro a.
    apply Rmax_spec.
    rewrite in_map_iff.
    exists a ; split ; trivial.
    destruct finA ; eauto.

  Lemma fin_fun_bounded_Rabs {A} (finA : Finite.Finite A) (f : A -> R) : { D | forall a, Rabs(f a) <= D }.
    exists (Max_{@elms _ finA}(fun x => Rabs (f x))).
    intros a.
    apply Rmax_spec.
    rewrite in_map_iff.
    exists a.
    split; trivial.
    apply finite.

  Lemma Rmax_list_app {A} {l : list A} (a : A) (f : A -> R) (hl : [] <> l) :
    Rmax_list (map f (l ++ [a])) = Rmax (Rmax_list (map f l)) (f a).
    rewrite map_app.
    assert (Rmax (Rmax_list (map f l)) (f a) = Rmax_list ((f a) :: (map f l))).
      simpl. rewrite <-map_not_nil with (f0 := f) in hl.
      match_destr; intuition.
      apply Rmax_comm.
    rewrite H.
    now rewrite <-Permutation.Permutation_cons_append.

  Lemma Rmax_list_sublist_le {A : Type}(f : A -> R):
    forall l1 l2 : list A, ([] <> l1) -> sublist l1 l2 -> Rmax_list_map l1 f <= Rmax_list_map l2 f.
    intros l1 l2 Hl1 Hl2.
    generalize (sublist_In Hl2); intros.
    unfold Rmax_list_map.
    apply Rmax_spec.
    rewrite in_map_iff.
    rewrite <-(map_not_nil) with (f0 := f) (l := l1) in Hl1.
    generalize (Rmax_list_In _ Hl1); intros .
    rewrite in_map_iff in H0.
    destruct H0 as [x [Hx1 Hx2]].
    exists x; split; trivial; auto.

  Lemma Rmax_seq_map_monotone (X : nat -> R):
    forall n k, (0 < n <= k)%nat -> Rmax_list_map (seq 0 n) X <= Rmax_list_map (seq 0 k) X.
    intros n k Hnk.
    apply Rmax_list_sublist_le.
    + apply seq_not_nil; now destruct Hnk.
    + apply sublist_seq_le. destruct Hnk; lia.

  Lemma Rmax_list_map_seq_ge (eps : R) {n : nat} (X : nat -> R):
    (0<n)%nat -> eps <= Rmax_list_map (seq 0 n) X <-> (exists k, (k < n)%nat /\ eps <= X k).
    intros Hn.
    split; intros Heps.
    + unfold Rmax_list_map in Heps.
      generalize (Rmax_list_map_exist X (seq 0%nat n)); intros.
      generalize (seq_not_nil 0 n Hn); intros.
      specialize (H H0).
      destruct H as [k [Hin Heq]].
      exists k; intros.
      rewrite <-Heq in Heps.
      split; trivial.
      rewrite in_seq in Hin; now destruct Hin.
    + destruct Heps as [k1 [Hk1 Heps1]].
      eapply Rle_trans; eauto.
      unfold Rmax_list_map.
      apply Rmax_spec. rewrite in_map_iff.
      exists k1; split; trivial.
      rewrite in_seq; split; lia.

  Lemma Rmax_list_map_seq_lt (eps : R) {n : nat} (X : nat -> R):
    (0 < n)%nat -> Rmax_list (map X (seq 0 n)) < eps <-> (forall k, (k < n)%nat -> X k < eps).
    intros Hn. split.
    + intros Heps k Hk.
      rewrite Rmax_list_lt_iff in Heps; try (apply map_not_nil; now apply seq_not_nil).
      apply Heps.
      rewrite in_map_iff.
      exists k; split; trivial.
      rewrite in_seq; lia.
    + intros Heps.
      rewrite Rmax_list_lt_iff; try (apply map_not_nil; now apply seq_not_nil).
      intros x Hx. rewrite in_map_iff in Hx.
      destruct Hx as [k [Hk1 Hk2]].
      rewrite <-Hk1. apply Heps.
      rewrite in_seq in Hk2. now destruct Hk2.

  Lemma Rmax_list_map_succ eps (Y : nat -> R):
    forall n, (0 < n)%nat -> (Rmax_list_map (seq 0 (S n)) Y< eps)
              -> (Rmax_list_map (seq 0 n) Y < eps).
    intros n Hz Hn.
    rewrite seq_S in Hn.
    unfold Rmax_list_map in Hn. rewrite Rmax_list_app in Hn; try (apply seq_not_nil; lia).
    eapply Rle_lt_trans; try (apply Hn).
    apply Rmax_l.

  Lemma Rmax_list_map_seq_ext_loc (f g : nat -> R) (j : nat) :
    (forall (n:nat), (n <= j)%nat -> f n = g n) ->
    Rmax_list_map (seq 0 (S j)) f = Rmax_list_map (seq 0 (S j)) g.
    unfold Rmax_list_map.
    induction j.
    - simpl.
      apply H.
    - rewrite seq_Sn.
      replace (0 + S j)%nat with (S j) by lia.
      rewrite Rmax_list_app.
      + rewrite Rmax_list_app.
        * cut_to IHj.
          -- rewrite IHj.
             now rewrite H.
          -- intros.
             apply H.
        * now simpl.
      + now simpl.

  Lemma Rmax_list_seq_bounded_nat (n : nat) (g : nat -> R) :
    Rmax_list_map (seq 0 n) g =
    Rmax_list_map (bounded_nat_finite_list n) (fun x => g (proj1_sig x)).
    unfold Rmax_list_map. symmetry.
    rewrite <-map_map.
    rewrite bounded_nat_finite_list_proj.
    rewrite map_rev.
    now rewrite <-Permutation_rev.

  Lemma Rmax_list_map_ext {A} (l : list A) (f g : A -> R) :
    (forall x, f x = g x) -> Rmax_list_map l f = Rmax_list_map l g.
    intros Hfg.
    unfold Rmax_list_map.
    rewrite map_ext with (f:= f)(g := g); trivial.

  Lemma Rmax_list_map_ext_in {A} (l : list A) (f g : A -> R) :
    (forall x, In x l -> f x = g x) -> Rmax_list_map l f = Rmax_list_map l g.
    intros Hfg.
    unfold Rmax_list_map.
    rewrite map_ext_in with (f:= f)(g := g); trivial.

  Lemma Rmax_list_plus_r (f g : nat -> R) (r : R) (n h : nat) :
    (forall (c:nat),
        (c <= h)%nat ->
        f (n + c)%nat + r = g (n + c)%nat) ->
    Rmax_list (map f (seq n (S h))) + r = Rmax_list (map g (seq n (S h))).
    generalize (Rmax_list_const_add (map f (seq n (S h))) r); intros HH.
    assert (nnil:map f (seq n (S h)) <> []) by (simpl; congruence).
    match_destr_in HH.
    rewrite <- HH.
    rewrite map_map.
    apply map_ext_in; intros ? inn.
    specialize (H (a-n)%nat).
    apply in_seq in inn.
    replace (n + (a - n))%nat with a in H by lia.
    apply H; lia.

  Lemma Rmax_list_map_seq_lt_gen (eps : R) {n0 n : nat} (X : nat -> R):
    (0 < n)%nat -> Rmax_list (map X (seq n0 n)) < eps <->
                   (forall k, (k < n)%nat -> X (n0 + k)%nat < eps).
    intros Hn. split.
    + intros Heps k Hk.
      rewrite Rmax_list_lt_iff in Heps; try (apply map_not_nil; now apply seq_not_nil).
      apply Heps.
      rewrite in_map_iff.
      exists (n0 + k)%nat; split; trivial.
      rewrite in_seq; lia.
    + intros Heps.
      rewrite Rmax_list_lt_iff; try (apply map_not_nil; now apply seq_not_nil).
      intros x Hx. rewrite in_map_iff in Hx.
      destruct Hx as [k [Hk1 Hk2]].
      rewrite <-Hk1.
      specialize (Heps (k-n0)%nat).
      apply in_seq in Hk2.
      replace (n0 + (k - n0))%nat with (k) in Heps; try lia.
      apply Heps; trivial; lia.

  Lemma Rmax_list_Sn (f : nat -> R) (n : nat) {m : nat} (hm : (0<m)%nat) :
     Rmax_list (map f (seq n (S m))) = Rmax (Rmax_list (map f (seq n m))) (f (n + m)%nat).
     rewrite seq_S.
     rewrite Rmax_list_app.
     rewrite seq_shiftn_map.
     rewrite map_not_nil.
     now apply seq_not_nil.

   Lemma Rmax_list_map_seq_mn (X : nat -> R) (n m : nat) :
     Rmax_list_map (seq n m) X = Rmax_list_map (seq 0 m) (fun k => X (n + k)%nat).
     unfold Rmax_list_map.
     now rewrite map_shiftn_seq.

    Lemma Rmax_list_map_seq_incr1 (X : nat -> R) (n m : nat) :
     Rmax_list (map X (seq (S n) m)) = Rmax_list (map (fun k => X (S k)) (seq n m)).
     now rewrite map_shift1_seq.

End Rmax_list.

Lemma seq_iota_seq m n : seq.iota m n = seq m n.
  revert m.
  induction n; intros m; simpl; trivial.

Lemma fold_left_Rmax_init_le l d :
  d <= fold_left Rmax l d.
  revert d.
  induction l; simpl; intros.
  - lra.
  - specialize (IHl (Rmax d a)).
    eapply Rle_trans; try eapply IHl.
    apply Rmax_l.

Lemma fold_left_Rmax_le l d x :
  In x l ->
  x <= fold_left Rmax l d.
  revert d.
  induction l; simpl.
  - tauto.
  - intros.
    destruct H.
    + subst.
      eapply Rle_trans
      ; try eapply (fold_left_Rmax_init_le l (Rmax d x)).
      apply Rmax_r.
    + now eapply IHl.

Lemma fold_left_lub l d r:
  (forall x, In x l -> x <= r) ->
  d <= r ->
  fold_left Rmax l d <= r.
  revert d.
  induction l; simpl.
  - tauto.
  - intros.
    apply IHl.
    + eauto.
    + apply Rmax_lub; eauto.

Section Rbar.

Lemma Rbar_mult_1_r (x:Rbar) : Rbar_mult x 1 = x.
  destruct x; simpl.
  + rewrite Rbar_finite_eq; lra.
  + destruct (Rle_dec 0 1); [|lra].
    destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 1 r); intuition.
  + destruct (Rle_dec 0 1); [|lra].
    destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 1 r); intuition.
Lemma Rbar_minus_eq_zero_iff ( x y : Rbar ): Rbar_minus x y = 0 <-> x = y.
  split; intros; try (subst; now apply Rbar_minus_eq_0).
  destruct x; destruct y; (simpl in H; try congruence).
  rewrite Rbar_finite_eq.
  rewrite Rbar_finite_eq in H.

Lemma Rbar_mult_1_l (x:Rbar) : Rbar_mult 1 x = x.
  rewrite Rbar_mult_comm.
  apply Rbar_mult_1_r.

Lemma Rbar_mult_mult_pos (c : posreal) (l : Rbar) :
  Rbar_mult_pos l c = Rbar_mult l c.
  assert (0 < c) as cpos by apply cond_pos.
  unfold Rbar_mult_pos.
  unfold Rbar_mult, Rbar_mult'.
  destruct l.
  - trivial.
  - match_case; intros; match_case_in H; intros; try lra; rewrite H0 in H;
      match_case_in H; intros; try lra; rewrite H1 in H; [now invcs H| congruence].
  - match_case; intros; match_case_in H; intros; try lra; rewrite H0 in H;
      match_case_in H; intros; try lra; rewrite H1 in H; [now invcs H| congruence].

Lemma Rbar_div_div_pos (a:posreal) (x: Rbar) :
  Rbar_div x a = Rbar_div_pos x a.
  unfold Rbar_div, Rbar_div_pos.
  assert (0 < / a).
  apply Rinv_0_lt_compat.
  apply cond_pos.
  destruct x.
  - simpl.
    now unfold Rdiv.
  - unfold Rbar_div, Rbar_div_pos.
    destruct (Rle_dec 0 (/ a)); [| lra].
    destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 (/ a) r); [|lra].
  - unfold Rbar_div, Rbar_div_pos.
    destruct (Rle_dec 0 (/ a)); [| lra].
    destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 (/ a) r); [|lra].

Lemma Rbar_mult_div_pos (x : Rbar) (c : posreal) :
  Rbar_mult x (/ c) = Rbar_div_pos x c.
  rewrite <- Rbar_div_div_pos.
  destruct x; now simpl.

Lemma Rbar_div_mult_pos (c : posreal) (l : Rbar) :
  Rbar_mult_pos (Rbar_div l c) c = l.
  assert (c > 0) as cpos by apply cond_pos.
  assert ((pos c) <> 0) as cneq0 by lra.
  assert (/c > 0) by apply Rinv_0_lt_compat, cpos.
  unfold Rbar_div; simpl.
  unfold Rbar_mult, Rbar_mult', Rbar_mult_pos.
  destruct l.
  - f_equal; field; trivial.
  - case (Rle_dec 0 (/ c)) ; intros; try lra.
    match_case; intros; match_case_in H0; intros; match_case_in H1; intros;
      try lra; rewrite H2 in H0; invcs H0.
  - case (Rle_dec 0 (/ c)) ; intros; try lra.
    match_case; intros; match_case_in H0; intros; match_case_in H1; intros;
      try lra; rewrite H2 in H0; invcs H0.

Lemma Rbar_lt_div_r (a b: Rbar) (c : R) :
  c > 0 -> Rbar_lt (Rbar_mult a c) b <-> Rbar_lt a (Rbar_div b c).
  assert (0 < (/ c)) by now apply Rinv_pos.
  destruct a; destruct b; simpl; destruct (Rle_dec 0 c); try lra
  ; destruct (Rle_dec 0 (/ c)); try lra
  ; destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 (/ c)); simpl; try lra
  ; destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 (c)); simpl; try lra.
  now apply Rcomplements.Rlt_div_r.

Lemma Rbar_le_div_r (a b : Rbar) (c : R) :
  c > 0 -> Rbar_le (Rbar_mult a c) b <-> Rbar_le a (Rbar_div b c).
  assert (0 < (/ c)) by now apply Rinv_pos.
  destruct a; destruct b; simpl; destruct (Rle_dec 0 c); try lra
  ; destruct (Rle_dec 0 (/ c)); try lra
  ; destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 (/ c)); simpl; try lra
  ; destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 (c)); simpl; try lra.
  now apply Rcomplements.Rle_div_r.

Lemma Rbar_lt_div_l (a b : Rbar) (c : R) :
  c > 0 -> Rbar_lt (Rbar_div a c) b <-> Rbar_lt a (Rbar_mult b c).
  assert (0 < (/ c)) by now apply Rinv_pos.
  destruct a; destruct b; simpl; destruct (Rle_dec 0 c); try lra
  ; destruct (Rle_dec 0 (/ c)); try lra
  ; destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 (/ c)); simpl; try lra
  ; destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 (c)); simpl; try lra.
  now apply Rcomplements.Rlt_div_l.

Lemma Rbar_le_div_l (a b : Rbar) (c : R) :
  c > 0 -> Rbar_le (Rbar_div a c) b <-> Rbar_le a (Rbar_mult b c).
  assert (0 < (/ c)) by now apply Rinv_pos.
  destruct a; destruct b; simpl; destruct (Rle_dec 0 c); try lra
  ; destruct (Rle_dec 0 (/ c)); try lra
  ; destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 (/ c)); simpl; try lra
  ; destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 (c)); simpl; try lra.
  now apply Rcomplements.Rle_div_l.

Lemma Rbar_div_Rdiv (x y : R) :
  Rbar_div (Rbar.Finite x) (Rbar.Finite y) = Rdiv x y.

Lemma Rbar_lt_Rlt (x y : R) :
  Rbar_lt (Rbar.Finite x) (Rbar.Finite y) <-> Rlt x y.

Lemma Rbar_le_Rle (x y : R) :
  Rbar_le (Rbar.Finite x) (Rbar.Finite y) <-> Rle x y.

Lemma ex_Rbar_plus_pos (x y : Rbar) :
  Rbar_le 0 x -> Rbar_le 0 y -> ex_Rbar_plus x y.
  destruct x; destruct y; simpl; trivial.

Definition Rbar_power (x : Rbar) (p : R) : Rbar :=
  match x with
  | p_infty => p_infty
  | m_infty => 0
  | Rbar.Finite x => power x p

Lemma Rbar_power_nonneg (x : Rbar) (p : R) :
  Rbar_le 0 (Rbar_power x p).
  destruct x.
  - apply power_nonneg.
  - simpl; lra.
  - simpl; lra.

Lemma Rbar_power_le (x y p : Rbar) :
  0 <= p ->
  Rbar_le 0 x ->
  Rbar_le x y ->
  Rbar_le (Rbar_power x p) (Rbar_power y p).
  destruct x; destruct y; simpl in *; trivial; try tauto.
  apply Rle_power_l; trivial; lra.

Lemma Rbar_abs_nneg (x : Rbar) :
  Rbar_le 0 (Rbar_abs x).
  unfold Rbar_abs; destruct x; simpl; try tauto.
  apply Rabs_pos.
Definition Rbar_max (x y : Rbar) : Rbar :=
  if Rbar_le_dec x y then y else x.

Lemma Rbar_mult_r_plus_distr (c:R) x y:
  Rbar_mult c (Rbar_plus x y) =
  Rbar_plus (Rbar_mult c x) (Rbar_mult c y).
  destruct x; destruct y; simpl;
      solve [
        f_equal; lra
      destruct (Rle_dec 0 c); trivial
      ; destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 c r0); simpl; trivial
      ; subst
      ; f_equal; lra
      destruct (Rle_dec 0 c); trivial
      ; simpl; try (f_equal; lra)
      ; destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 c r); simpl; trivial
      ; f_equal; lra

Lemma Rbar_abs_mult_distr (x y : Rbar) :
  Rbar_abs (Rbar_mult x y) = Rbar_mult (Rbar_abs x) (Rbar_abs y).
  destruct x; destruct y; simpl; trivial
  ; try solve[(unfold Rabs
               ; destruct (Rcase_abs r)
               ; destruct (Rle_dec 0 r)
               ; try lra
               ; destruct (Rle_dec 0 (- r))
               ; try lra
               ; destruct (Rle_dec 0 (Rabs r))
               ; simpl; try lra
               ; (try destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 r r1)
                  ; simpl
                  ; (try destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 (- r) r2)
                     ; simpl)
                  ; try lra
                  ; (try destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 (- r) r1)
                     ; simpl)
                  ; try lra; trivial
               ; try rewrite Rabs_R0
               ; trivial)].
  now rewrite Rabs_mult.

Lemma Rbar_mult_plus_distr_fin_r (a b:Rbar) (c:R) :
  Rbar_mult (Rbar_plus a b) c = Rbar_plus (Rbar_mult a c) (Rbar_mult b c).
  destruct a; destruct b; simpl
  ; try (simpl; f_equal; lra)
  ; (try destruct (Rle_dec 0 c)
     ; try (simpl; f_equal; lra)
     ; (try destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 c r0)
        ; try (simpl; trivial; f_equal; lra)))
  ; simpl; subst
  ; try (f_equal; lra)
  ; (try destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 c r)
     ; try (simpl; trivial; f_equal; lra)).

Lemma Rbar_minus_plus_fin (x:Rbar) (y:R) :
  Rbar_minus (Rbar_plus x y) y = x.
  destruct x; simpl; trivial.
  f_equal; lra.

Lemma scale_Rbar_max0 (c:posreal) x : (Rbar_max (Rbar_mult c x) 0 = Rbar_mult c (Rbar_max x 0)).
  unfold Rbar_max, Rbar_mult.
  destruct x; simpl
  ; destruct c as [c cpos]; simpl
  ; destruct (Rle_dec 0 c); try lra.
  - destruct (Rle_dec 0 r)
    ; destruct (Rbar_le_dec (c * r) 0)
    ; simpl in *
    ; try f_equal; try lra
    ; destruct (Rbar_le_dec r 0)
    ; simpl in *; try f_equal; try lra.
    + assert (0 <= c * r)
        by now apply Rmult_le_pos.
    + assert (r = 0) by lra.
    + assert (c * r <= 0)
        by now apply Rmult_le_0_l.
  - destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 c r); simpl.
    destruct (Rbar_le_dec p_infty 0); try f_equal; trivial; try lra.
  - destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 c r); simpl.
    destruct (Rbar_le_dec m_infty 0); try f_equal; trivial; try lra.

End Rbar.

Section Rsqrt_abs.

Definition Rsqrt_abs (r : R) : R := Rsqrt (mknonnegreal (Rabs r) (Rabs_pos r)).

Lemma Rsqrt_abs_0 :
  Rsqrt_abs 0 = 0.
  unfold Rsqrt_abs, Rsqrt; simpl.
  match_destr; destruct a.
  rewrite Rabs_R0 in H0.
  now apply Rsqr_eq_0.

Lemma continuity_pt_Rsqrt_abs_0 :
  continuity_pt Rsqrt_abs 0.
  unfold continuity_pt, continue_in.
  unfold limit1_in, limit_in.
  unfold dist; simpl.
  unfold R_dist, D_x, no_cond.
  exists (Rsqr eps).
  - unfold Rsqr.
    now apply Rmult_gt_0_compat.
  - intros.
    destruct H0 as [[? ?] ?].
    rewrite Rminus_0_r in H2.
    rewrite Rsqrt_abs_0, Rminus_0_r.
    unfold Rsqrt_abs.
    rewrite Rabs_right by (apply Rle_ge, Rsqrt_positivity).
    generalize Rsqr_lt_to_Rsqrt; intros.
    assert (0 <= eps) by lra.
    specialize (H3 (mknonnegreal _ H4) (mknonnegreal _ (Rabs_pos x))).
    rewrite <- H3.
    now simpl.

End Rsqrt_abs.

Lemma nonneg_pf_irrel r1 (cond1 cond2:0 <= r1) :
  mknonnegreal r1 cond1 = mknonnegreal r1 cond2.
  apply proof_irrelevance.

Lemma nonneg_ext r1 cond1 r2 cond2:
  r1 = r2 ->
  mknonnegreal r1 cond1 = mknonnegreal r2 cond2.
  intros; subst.
  apply nonneg_pf_irrel.

Lemma ex_series_is_lim_seq (f : nat -> R) :
  ex_series f -> is_lim_seq (sum_n f) (Series f).
  now apply Series_correct in H.

Lemma series_is_lim_seq (f:nat -> R) (l:R) :
  is_lim_seq (sum_n f) l <-> is_series f l.

Lemma ex_series_Lim_seq (f : nat -> R) :
  ex_series f -> Lim_seq (sum_n f) = Series f.
  apply ex_series_is_lim_seq in H.
  now apply is_lim_seq_unique in H.

Lemma ex_finite_lim_series (f : nat -> R) :
  ex_finite_lim_seq (sum_n f) <-> ex_series f.

Lemma ex_finite_lim_seq_abs (f : nat -> R) :
  ex_finite_lim_seq (fun n => sum_n (fun m => Rabs (f m)) n) ->
  ex_finite_lim_seq (sum_n f).
  do 2 rewrite ex_finite_lim_series.
  apply ex_series_Rabs.

Lemma series_abs_bounded (f : nat -> R) :
  is_finite (Lim_seq (sum_n (fun n=> Rabs (f n)))) ->
  ex_series (fun n => Rabs (f n)).
  rewrite <- ex_finite_lim_series.
  rewrite ex_finite_lim_seq_correct.
  split; trivial.
  apply ex_lim_seq_incr.
  rewrite sum_Sn.
  apply Rplus_le_compat1_l.
  apply Rabs_pos.

Lemma lim_sum_abs_bounded (f : nat -> R) :
  is_finite (Lim_seq (sum_n (fun n=> Rabs (f n)))) ->
  ex_finite_lim_seq (sum_n f).
  apply series_abs_bounded in H.
  apply ex_series_Rabs in H.
  now apply ex_finite_lim_series.

Lemma ex_series_const0 : ex_series (const 0).
    rewrite <- ex_finite_lim_series.
    apply lim_sum_abs_bounded.
    rewrite Lim_seq_ext with (v := fun _ => 0).
    now rewrite Lim_seq_const.
    rewrite sum_n_ext with (b := fun _ => 0).
    now rewrite sum_n_zero.
    intros; unfold const.
    now rewrite Rabs_R0.

Definition bounded (x : nat -> R) := exists c : R, forall n, Rabs (x n) <= c.

Definition restrict (x : nat -> R) (N : nat) : {a : nat | (a < N)%nat} -> R :=
  fun H => let (H0,_) := H in x H0.

Lemma fin_seq_bounded (x : nat -> R) (N : nat) :
  exists (c : R),
    forall (n:nat), (n<N)%nat -> Rabs(x n) <= c.
  generalize (bounded_nat_finite N); intros Hn.
  generalize (fin_fun_bounded_Rabs Hn (restrict x N)); intros.
  destruct H as [c Hc]. exists c; intros.
  now specialize (Hc (exist _ n H)).

Lemma is_lim_seq_bounded (x : nat -> R) (c:R) : is_lim_seq x c -> bounded x.
  intros Hx.
  rewrite <- is_lim_seq_spec in Hx.
  unfold is_lim_seq' in Hx.
  destruct (Hx posreal_one).
  destruct (fin_seq_bounded x x0).
  exists (Rmax x1 ((Rabs c)+1)); intros.
  destruct (lt_dec n x0).
  - eapply Rle_trans.
    + apply H0; lia.
    + apply Rmax_l.
  - left.
    assert (x0 <= n)%nat by lia.
    specialize (H n H1).
    generalize (Rabs_triang_inv (x n) c); intros.
    apply Rlt_le_trans with (r2 := (Rabs c)+1); [|apply Rmax_r].
    simpl in H.

Lemma sum_f_R0_Rabs_pos (x : nat -> R) : forall N, 0 <= sum_f_R0 (fun j => Rabs (x j)) N.
  intros N.
  replace 0 with (sum_f_R0 (fun _ => 0) N).
  + apply PartSum.sum_Rle; intros.
    apply Rabs_pos.
  + induction N; simpl; lra.

Lemma is_lim_seq_sum_f_R0 { a : nat -> nat -> R } (ha : forall j, is_lim_seq (fun n => a n j) 0):
  forall N, is_lim_seq (fun n => sum_f_R0 (fun j => a n j) N) 0.
  intros N.
  induction N; simpl; eauto.
  apply is_lim_seq_plus with (l1 := 0) (l2 := 0); eauto.
  unfold is_Rbar_plus. simpl.
  f_equal. rewrite Rbar_finite_eq; lra.

Lemma Series_shift_le {a : nat -> R} (ha : forall n, 0 <= a n) (he : ex_series a)
  : forall N, Series (fun j => a (N + j)%nat) <= Series a.
  intros N.
  destruct (Nat.eq_decidable N 0); subst.
  + right. apply Series_ext; intros. f_equal.
  + rewrite Series_incr_n with (a := a) (n := N); try (now apply ex_series_incr_n); intuition.
    rewrite Rplus_comm. apply Rplus_le_pos_l.
    apply PartSum.cond_pos_sum; auto.

Lemma is_lim_seq_sub_zero (x : nat -> R) (x0 : R) :
  is_lim_seq x x0 <-> is_lim_seq (fun j => x j - x0) 0.
  split; intros.
  + rewrite is_lim_seq_Reals in *.
    unfold Rseries.Un_cv,R_dist. now setoid_rewrite Rminus_0_r.
  + rewrite is_lim_seq_Reals in *.
    unfold Rseries.Un_cv, R_dist in H. now setoid_rewrite Rminus_0_r in H.

Lemma is_lim_seq_seq_minus_1 {a b : nat -> R} (a0 : R)
      (ha : is_lim_seq a a0) (hb : is_lim_seq b 1) : is_lim_seq (fun j => a j - b j * a0) 0.
  unfold Rminus.
  replace 0 with (a0 - 1*a0) by lra.
  apply is_lim_seq_minus'; trivial.
  apply (is_lim_seq_scal_r b a0 1 hb).

Lemma is_finite_Lim_bounded (f : nat -> R) (m M : R) :
  (forall (n:nat), m <= f n <= M) ->
  is_finite (Lim_seq f).
  generalize (Lim_seq_le_loc f (fun _ => M)); intros.
  generalize (Lim_seq_le_loc (fun _ => m) f); intros.
  cut_to H.
  cut_to H1.
  rewrite Lim_seq_const in H.
  rewrite Lim_seq_const in H1.
  unfold is_finite.
  destruct (Lim_seq f).
  now simpl in H.
  now simpl in H1.
  exists (0%nat); intros; apply H0.
  exists (0%nat); intros; apply H0.

Lemma Lim_seq_partial_sums_bounded (a : nat -> nat -> R) :
  (exists (c:R), forall n n0, sum_n (fun j => Rabs (a n j)) n0 <= c) ->
  exists (c:R), forall n,
      ex_series (fun j => Rabs (a n j)) /\
      Rbar_le (Lim_seq (sum_n (fun j => Rabs (a n j)))) c.
  destruct H as [c ?].
  exists c; intros.
  unfold Series.
  - rewrite <- ex_finite_lim_series.
    rewrite ex_finite_lim_seq_correct.
    + apply ex_lim_seq_incr.
      rewrite sum_Sn.
      unfold plus; simpl.
      apply Rplus_le_pos_l.
      apply Rabs_pos.
    + apply is_finite_Lim_bounded with (m := 0) (M := c).
      * apply sum_n_nneg.
        apply Rabs_pos.
      * apply H.
  - replace (Rbar.Finite c) with (Lim_seq (fun _ => c)) by apply Lim_seq_const.
    apply Lim_seq_le_loc.
    exists (0%nat).
    now intros.

Lemma Lim_seq_pos (f : nat -> R) :
  (forall n, 0 <= f n) ->
  Rbar_le 0 (Lim_seq f).
  generalize (Lim_seq_le_loc (fun _ => 0) f); intros.
  rewrite Lim_seq_const in H0.
  apply H0.
  exists (0%nat).
  apply H.

Lemma Series_partial_sums_bounded (a : nat -> nat -> R) :
  (exists (c:R), forall n n0, sum_n (fun j => Rabs (a n j)) n0 <= c) ->
  exists (c:R), forall n,
      ex_series (fun j => Rabs (a n j)) /\
      Series (fun j => Rabs (a n j)) < c.
  destruct (Lim_seq_partial_sums_bounded _ H) as [c ?].
  exists (c+1); intros.
  destruct (H0 n).
  split; trivial.
  unfold Series.
  destruct (Lim_seq (sum_n (fun j : nat => Rabs (a n j)))).
  - simpl in H2.
    eapply Rle_lt_trans.
    + apply H2.
    + lra.
  - now simpl in H2.
  - simpl.
    destruct (H0 n).
    generalize (Lim_seq_pos (sum_n (fun j : nat => Rabs (a n j)))); intros.
    cut_to H5.
    + generalize (Rbar_le_trans _ _ _ H5 H4); intros.
      simpl in H6.
      eapply Rle_lt_trans.
      * apply H6.
      * lra.
    + intros.
      apply sum_n_nneg; intros.
      apply Rabs_pos.

Lemma sum_n_sum_f_clipped (f : nat -> R) (N : nat) :
  forall (n:nat),
    (n >= N)%nat ->
    sum_n f N = sum_n (fun j => if (le_dec j N) then (f j) else 0) n.
  replace (n) with (N + (n - N))%nat by lia.
  induction (n-N)%nat.
  - replace (N + 0)%nat with N by lia.
    apply sum_n_ext_loc.
    match_destr; tauto.
  - replace (N + S n0)%nat with (S (N + n0))%nat by lia.
    rewrite sum_Sn.
    + assert ( S N <= S (N + n0))%nat by lia.
    + unfold plus; simpl.
      now rewrite Rplus_0_r.

Lemma zerotails (a : nat -> R) :
  ex_series a -> is_lim_seq (fun (n:nat) => Series (fun k => a (S (n+k)%nat))) 0.
  assert (H' := H).
  unfold ex_series in H.
  destruct H.
  apply (is_lim_seq_ext (fun (n:nat) => x - sum_n a n)).
  - intros.
    apply is_series_unique in H.
    rewrite <- H.
    rewrite Series_incr_n with (n := (S n)); [| lia | trivial]; simpl.
    replace (sum_f_R0 a n) with (sum_n a n); [lra | ].
    induction n; simpl.
    + compute; lra.
    + rewrite sum_Sn.
      now rewrite <- IHn.
  - replace (0) with (x - x) by lra.
    apply is_lim_seq_minus with (l1 := x) (l2 := x); trivial.
    apply is_lim_seq_const.
    now compute.

Lemma LimSup_seq_series {a : nat -> R} (ha : ex_series a) :
  forall m, LimSup_seq (sum_n (fun n => a (n+m)%nat)) = Series (fun n => a(n+m)%nat).
  intros m.
  rewrite ex_series_incr_n with (n:=m) in ha.
  assert (ha' : ex_series (fun k => a (k + m)%nat))
    by (apply ex_series_ext with (a0 := (fun k => a (m+k)%nat)); [intros; f_equal; lia|trivial]).
  generalize (ex_series_is_lim_seq (fun n => a (n+m)%nat) ha'); intros.
  apply is_LimSup_seq_unique. now apply is_lim_LimSup_seq.

Lemma Lim_seq_sup_le (f : nat -> R) :
  Rbar_le (Lim_seq f) (LimSup_seq f).
  unfold Lim_seq.
  generalize (LimSup_LimInf_seq_le f); intros.
  replace (LimSup_seq f) with (Rbar_div_pos (Rbar_plus (LimSup_seq f) (LimSup_seq f))
                                            {| pos := 2; cond_pos := Rlt_R0_R2 |}) at 2.
  - apply Rbar_div_pos_le.
    apply Rbar_plus_le_compat.
    + apply Rbar_le_refl.
    + apply LimSup_LimInf_seq_le.
  - destruct (LimSup_seq f).
    + simpl; rewrite Rbar_finite_eq; field_simplify.
      rewrite Rmult_comm.
      unfold Rdiv; rewrite Rmult_assoc.
      rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym.
      * now rewrite Rmult_1_r.
      * lra.
    + now simpl.
    + now simpl.

Lemma list_sum0_is0 l :
  Forall (fun x => x = 0) l ->
  list_sum l = 0%R.
  induction l; simpl; trivial.
  inversion 1; subst.
  rewrite IHl; trivial.

Lemma nneg_lt_eps_zero (x : R) :
  0 <= x ->
  (forall (eps:posreal), x < eps) -> x = 0.
  destruct (Rgt_dec x 0).
  - specialize (H0 (mkposreal _ r)).
    simpl in H0; lra.
  - lra.

Lemma is_lim_seq_min (x : R) :
  is_lim_seq (fun n : nat => Rmin x (INR n)) x.
  apply is_lim_seq_spec.
  unfold is_lim_seq'.
  exists (Z.to_nat (up x)).
  rewrite Rmin_left.
  - rewrite Rminus_eq_0.
    rewrite Rabs_R0.
    apply cond_pos.
  - destruct (archimed x).
    destruct (Rge_dec x 0).
    + rewrite <- INR_up_pos in H0; trivial.
      apply Rge_le.
      apply Rge_gt_trans with (r2 := INR (Z.to_nat (up x))); trivial.
      apply Rle_ge.
      now apply le_INR.
    + generalize (pos_INR n); intros.

Lemma Lim_seq_min (x : R) :
  Lim_seq (fun n => Rmin x (INR n)) = x.
  generalize (is_lim_seq_min x); intros.
  now apply is_lim_seq_unique in H.

Ltac rbar_prover :=
  repeat progress (try match goal with
          | [|- context [Rle_dec ?x ?y]] => destruct (Rle_dec x y)
          | [|- context [Rle_lt_or_eq_dec ?x ?y ?z]] => destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec x y z)
          | [H: 0 = ?x * ?y |- _] => symmetry in H; apply Rmult_integral in H
          | [H: ?x * ?y = 0 |- _] => apply Rmult_integral in H
          | [H: ~ 0 <= ?x * ?xy |- _] =>
            solve [apply Rmult_nnneg_neg in H; rbar_prover]
          | [H: 0 < ?x * ?xy |- _] =>
            solve [apply Rmult_pos_parts in H; rbar_prover]
          | [H: ~ 0 <= ?x * ?y |- _ ] =>
            solve [elim H; solve [ apply Rmult_le_pos; lra
                                 | apply Rmult_le_pos_from_neg; lra]]
          ; trivial
          ; try subst
          ; try f_equal
          ; try lra).

Lemma Rbar_mult_assoc (a b c:Rbar) :
  Rbar_mult a (Rbar_mult b c) = Rbar_mult (Rbar_mult a b) c.
  unfold Rbar_mult, Rbar_mult'.

  destruct a; destruct b; destruct c; simpl
  ; rbar_prover.

Lemma Rbar_mult_plus_distr_l {x y z:Rbar} :
    Rbar_le 0 y -> Rbar_le 0 z ->
    Rbar_mult x (Rbar_plus y z) = Rbar_plus (Rbar_mult x y) (Rbar_mult x z).
  unfold Rbar_mult, Rbar_mult', Rbar_plus, Rbar_plus'.

  destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; simpl
  ; simpl in *; rbar_prover.

Lemma Rbar_plus_assoc_nneg {x y z:Rbar} :
    (Rbar_le 0 x) -> (Rbar_le 0 y) -> (Rbar_le 0 z) ->
    Rbar_plus (Rbar_plus x y) z = Rbar_plus x (Rbar_plus y z).
  unfold Rbar_plus, Rbar_plus'.

  destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; simpl
  ; simpl in *; rbar_prover.

Lemma Rbar_plus_assoc {x y z:Rbar} :
    ex_Rbar_plus x y -> ex_Rbar_plus y z ->
    Rbar_plus (Rbar_plus x y) z = Rbar_plus x (Rbar_plus y z).
  unfold Rbar_plus, Rbar_plus'.

  destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; simpl
  ; simpl in *; rbar_prover.

Lemma Rbar_mult_div_fin_cancel_l (a:R) (b:Rbar) : a <> 0 ->
                                                  Rbar_mult (/ a) (Rbar_mult a b) = b.
  intros .
  destruct b; simpl.
  - f_equal; now field_simplify.
  - destruct (Rle_dec 0 a); simpl.
    + destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 a _); simpl; try lra.
      destruct (Rle_dec 0 (/ a)); simpl.
      * destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 (/ a) _); trivial; simpl; try lra.
        apply Rinv_neq_0_compat in H.
      * apply Rinv_0_lt_compat in r0.
    + destruct (Rle_dec 0 (/ a)); simpl; trivial.
      destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 (/ a) _); simpl; try lra.
      * apply Rinv_0_lt_compat in r0.
        rewrite Rinv_involutive in r0 by trivial.
      * apply Rinv_neq_0_compat in H.
  - destruct (Rle_dec 0 a); simpl.
    + destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 a _); simpl; try lra.
      destruct (Rle_dec 0 (/ a)); simpl.
      * destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 (/ a) _); trivial; simpl; try lra.
        apply Rinv_neq_0_compat in H.
      * apply Rinv_0_lt_compat in r0.
    + destruct (Rle_dec 0 (/ a)); simpl; trivial.
      destruct (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 (/ a) _); simpl; try lra.
      * apply Rinv_0_lt_compat in r0.
        rewrite Rinv_involutive in r0 by trivial.
      * apply Rinv_neq_0_compat in H.

Lemma is_LimInf_seq_const_plus (f : nat -> R) (g : R) (l:Rbar) :
  is_LimInf_seq (fun n => g + f n) l ->
  is_LimInf_seq f (Rbar_minus l g).
  destruct l; simpl.
  - intros HH eps.
    specialize (HH eps).
    destruct HH as [HH1 [N HH2]].
    + intros NN.
      destruct (HH1 NN) as [n [??]].
      exists n.
      split; trivial.
    + exists N.
      intros n Nle.
      specialize (HH2 n Nle).
  - intros HH M.
    destruct (HH (M + g)) as [N HH1].
    exists N.
    intros n Nle.
    specialize (HH1 n Nle).
  - intros HH M N.
    destruct (HH (M + g) N) as [n [Nle leM]].
    exists n.
    split; trivial.

Lemma LimInf_seq_const_plus (f : nat -> R) (g : R) :
  LimInf_seq (fun n => g + f n) = Rbar_plus g (LimInf_seq f).
  unfold LimInf_seq at 1, proj1_sig.
  apply is_LimInf_seq_const_plus in i.
  apply is_LimInf_seq_unique in i.
  rewrite i.
  destruct x; simpl; try (reflexivity; lra).

  Lemma LimInf_seq_const_minus (f : nat -> R) (g : R) :
    LimInf_seq (fun n => g - f n) = Rbar_minus g (LimSup_seq f).
    unfold Rminus.
    generalize (LimInf_seq_const_plus (fun n => - f n) g); intros.
    rewrite H.
    now rewrite LimInf_seq_opp.

    Lemma rbar_le_scaled (c : posreal) (x y :Rbar) :
    Rbar_le x (Rbar_mult c y) <-> Rbar_le (Rbar_div x c) y.
    rewrite Rbar_mult_pos_le with (z := c).
    rewrite Rbar_mult_comm.
    rewrite Rbar_div_mult_pos.
    now rewrite Rbar_mult_mult_pos.
  Lemma rbar_le_scaled2 (c : posreal) (x y :Rbar) :
    Rbar_le (Rbar_mult c x) y <-> Rbar_le x (Rbar_div y c).
    rewrite Rbar_mult_pos_le with (z := c).
    rewrite Rbar_div_mult_pos.
    rewrite Rbar_mult_comm.
    now rewrite Rbar_mult_mult_pos.

Lemma Sup_seq_plus (a b : nat -> R) :
  Rbar_le (Sup_seq (fun x => (a x) + (b x))) (Rbar_plus (Sup_seq a) (Sup_seq b)).
  repeat rewrite Rbar_sup_eq_lub.
  unfold Rbar_lub, proj1_sig.
  repeat match_destr.
  unfold Rbar_is_lub, Rbar_is_upper_bound in *.
  destruct r as [ubp lubp].
  destruct r0 as [ub1 lub1].
  destruct r1 as [ub2 lub2].
  apply lubp; intros ? [??]; subst.
  replace (Finite (a x3 + b x3)) with (Rbar_plus (a x3) (b x3)) by reflexivity.
  apply Rbar_plus_le_compat; eauto.

Lemma Inf_seq_plus (a b : nat -> R) :
  Rbar_le (Rbar_plus (Inf_seq a) (Inf_seq b)) (Inf_seq (fun x => (a x) + (b x))).
  repeat rewrite Inf_eq_glb.
  unfold Rbar_glb, proj1_sig.
  repeat match_destr.
  unfold Rbar_is_glb, Rbar_is_lower_bound in *.
  destruct r as [lbp1 glbp1].
  destruct r0 as [lb2 glb2].
  destruct r1 as [lbp glbp].
  apply glbp; intros ? [??]; subst.
  replace (Finite (a x3 + b x3)) with (Rbar_plus (a x3) (b x3)) by reflexivity.
  apply Rbar_plus_le_compat; eauto.

Lemma Sup_seq_const c : Sup_seq (fun _ => c) = c.
  repeat rewrite Rbar_sup_eq_lub.
  unfold Rbar_lub, proj1_sig.
  repeat match_destr.
  destruct r as [ub lub].
  apply Rbar_le_antisym.
  - apply lub; intros ? [??]; subst.
    apply Rbar_le_refl.
  - apply ub.
    now exists 0%nat.

Lemma Inf_seq_const c : Inf_seq (fun _ => c) = c.
  repeat rewrite Inf_eq_glb.
  unfold Rbar_glb, proj1_sig.
  repeat match_destr.
  destruct r as [lb glb].
  apply Rbar_le_antisym.
  - apply lb.
    now exists 0%nat.
  - apply glb; intros ? [??]; subst.
    apply Rbar_le_refl.

Lemma Sup_seq_scale c (a : nat -> R) : 0 <= c ->
  Sup_seq (fun x => c * a x) = Rbar_mult c (Sup_seq a).
  intros [cpos|?].
  - repeat rewrite Rbar_sup_eq_lub.
    unfold Rbar_lub, proj1_sig.
    repeat match_destr.
    unfold Rbar_is_lub, Rbar_is_upper_bound in *.
    destruct r as [ubp lubp].
    destruct r0 as [ub1 lub1].
    apply Rbar_le_antisym.
    + apply lubp; intros ? [??]; subst.
      specialize (ub1 (a x2)).
      cut_to ub1; try eauto.
      unfold Rbar_mult.
      destruct x0; simpl in *; rbar_prover.
      apply Rmult_le_compat_l; lra.
    + cut (Rbar_le x0 (Rbar_div x c)).
      * apply (rbar_le_scaled2 (mkposreal c cpos)).
      * apply lub1; intros ? [??]; subst.
        specialize (ubp (c * (a x2))).
        cut_to ubp; try eauto.
        unfold Rbar_mult.
        generalize (rbar_le_scaled2 (mkposreal c cpos))
        ; intros HH; simpl in HH.
        apply HH.
        destruct x; simpl in *; rbar_prover.
  - subst.
    rewrite Rbar_mult_0_l.
    erewrite Sup_seq_ext; try eapply Sup_seq_const; simpl; intros.
    now rewrite Rmult_0_l.
Lemma Inf_seq_scale c (a : nat -> R) : 0 <= c ->
  Inf_seq (fun x => c * a x) = Rbar_mult c (Inf_seq a).
  intros [cpos|?].
  - repeat rewrite Inf_eq_glb.
    unfold Rbar_glb, proj1_sig.
    repeat match_destr.
    unfold Rbar_is_glb, Rbar_is_lower_bound in *.
    destruct r as [ubp lubp].
    destruct r0 as [ub1 lub1].
    apply Rbar_le_antisym.
    + cut (Rbar_le (Rbar_div x c) x0).
      * apply (rbar_le_scaled (mkposreal c cpos)).
      * apply lub1; intros ? [??]; subst.
        specialize (ubp (c * (a x2))).
        cut_to ubp; try eauto.
        unfold Rbar_mult.
        generalize (rbar_le_scaled (mkposreal c cpos))
        ; intros HH; simpl in HH.
        apply HH.
        destruct x; simpl in *; rbar_prover.
    + apply lubp; intros ? [??]; subst.
      specialize (ub1 (a x2)).
      cut_to ub1; try eauto.
      unfold Rbar_mult.
      destruct x0; simpl in *; rbar_prover.
      apply Rmult_le_compat_l; lra.
  - subst.
    rewrite Rbar_mult_0_l.
    erewrite Inf_seq_ext; try eapply Inf_seq_const; simpl; intros.
    now rewrite Rmult_0_l.

Lemma Rbar_abs_triang (a b : Rbar) :
  Rbar_le (Rbar_abs (Rbar_plus a b)) (Rbar_plus (Rbar_abs a) (Rbar_abs b)).
  destruct a; destruct b; simpl; rbar_prover.
  apply Rabs_triang.

Lemma Rbar_abs_minus_sym (x y : Rbar) :
  Rbar_abs (Rbar_minus x y) = Rbar_abs (Rbar_minus y x).
  destruct x; destruct y; simpl; try solve [rbar_prover; trivial].
  apply Rabs_minus_sym.

Lemma scale_Rmax0 (c:posreal) :
  forall (x:R),
    Rmax (c * x) 0 = c * Rmax x 0.
  replace (0) with (c * 0) at 1 by lra.
  rewrite RmaxRmult; trivial.
    apply cond_pos.
Section Qinr.
  Lemma zsep1 (x y : R) :
    y - x > 1 ->
    x < IZR (up x) < y.
    destruct (archimed x); intros.
    - apply H.
    - lra.

  Lemma zsep2 (x y : R) :
    y - x > 0 ->
    {n | (n > 0)%Z /\ IZR(n)*(y-x) > 1}.
    destruct (archimed (/ (y - x))); intros.
    exists (up (/ (y - x))).
    - apply up_pos.
      now apply Rinv_0_lt_compat.
    - apply Rmult_gt_compat_r with (r := y-x) in H; trivial.
      rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym in H; trivial.
      now apply Rgt_not_eq.

  Lemma Qmult_den (num den : Z) :
    (0 < den)%Z ->
    IZR num = IZR den * Q2R (Qmake num (Z.to_pos den)).
    unfold Q2R.
    replace (Z.pos (Z.to_pos den)) with den.
    - field.
      apply Rgt_not_eq.
      now apply IZR_lt.
    - unfold Z.to_pos.

  Lemma Q_dense :
    forall (l r : R),
    (l < r)%R ->
    { m:Q | l < Q2R m < r}.
    assert (r - l > 0) by lra.
    destruct (zsep2 l r H0) as [? [? ?]].
    generalize (zsep1 (IZR x * l) (IZR x * r)); intros.
    cut_to H3; try lra.
    exists (Qmake (up (IZR x * l)) (Z.to_pos x)).
    apply Z.gt_lt in H1.
    assert (0 < IZR x) by (now apply IZR_lt in H1).
    split; apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with (r := IZR x); trivial.
    - rewrite <- Qmult_den; trivial.
      apply archimed.
    - rewrite <- Qmult_den; trivial.
      apply H3.

  Lemma Q_dense' :
    forall (l r : R), l <> r ->
    { m:Q | Rmin l r < Q2R m < Rmax l r}.
    destruct (Rlt_dec l r).
    - destruct (Q_dense l r r0).
      exists x.
      rewrite Rmin_left by lra.
      now rewrite Rmax_right by lra.
    - destruct (Q_dense r l).
      + lra.
      + exists x.
        rewrite Rmin_right by lra.
        now rewrite Rmax_left by lra.

  Lemma Qrnext_prop (x : R) (prev : Q) :
    (Q2R prev <> x) ->
    (x + Q2R prev) / 2 <> x.
  Definition Qrnext (x : R) (prev : Q) :Q
    := match (Req_EM_T (Q2R prev) x) with
       | left _ => prev
       | right pf =>
         proj1_sig (Q_dense' ((x + Q2R prev) /2) x (Qrnext_prop x prev pf))

  Fixpoint Qr (x : R) (n : nat) : Q
    := match n with
       | 0%nat => 0%Q
       | S m => Qrnext x (Qr x m)

  Lemma Qr_dist (x : R) (n : nat) :
    Rabs (Q2R (Qr x n) - x) <= (Rabs x) / (2^n).
    induction n.
    - simpl.
      rewrite RMicromega.Q2R_0.
      unfold Rminus.
      rewrite Rplus_0_l.
      rewrite Rabs_Ropp.
    - simpl.
      unfold Qrnext.
      assert (pos1:0 <= Rabs x / (2 * 2 ^ n)).
        apply Rdiv_le_0_compat.
        - apply Rabs_pos.
        - apply Rmult_lt_0_compat; try lra.
          apply pow_lt; lra.
      assert (nz:2 ^ n <> 0).
        apply pow_nonzero; lra.
      + rewrite e.
        rewrite Rminus_eq_0.
        now rewrite Rabs_R0.
      + unfold proj1_sig; match_destr.
        destruct a as [lt1 lt2].
        unfold Rabs at 1.
        * {
            cut (- (Q2R x0 - x) * 2 <= Rabs x / (2 ^ n)).
              apply (Rmult_le_compat_r (/ 2)) in H; try lra.
              rewrite Rmult_assoc in H.
              rewrite Rinv_r in H; try lra.
              rewrite Rmult_1_r in H.
              eapply Rle_trans; try eapply H.
              rewrite (Rmult_comm 2).
              unfold Rdiv.
              rewrite Rinv_mult_distr; trivial.
            eapply Rle_trans; try eapply IHn.
            rewrite Ropp_minus_distr.
            rewrite Rabs_minus_sym.
            eapply Rle_trans; [| eapply Rle_abs].
            unfold Rminus.
            replace (2*x) with (x+x) by lra.
            rewrite Rplus_assoc.
            apply Rplus_le_compat_l.
            cut (x + Q2R (Qr x n) <= (2 * Q2R x0)); [lra |].
            unfold Rmin in lt1.
            match_destr_in lt1; lra.
        * { eapply Rle_trans.
            - eapply Rplus_le_compat; [| reflexivity].
              apply Rlt_le; apply lt2.
            - unfold Rmax.
              + now rewrite Rplus_opp_r.
              + field_simplify; trivial.
                unfold Rdiv.
                rewrite (Rmult_comm 2).
                rewrite Rinv_mult_distr; trivial.
                rewrite <- Rmult_assoc.
                apply Rmult_le_compat_r; try lra.
                eapply Rle_trans; try eapply IHn.
                rewrite Rplus_comm.
                apply Rle_abs.

  Lemma Qs_between_Rbars (x y:Rbar) :
      Rbar_lt x y ->
      exists (a b:Q),
        Rbar_lt x (Qreals.Q2R a) /\
          (a < b)%Q /\
          Rbar_lt (Qreals.Q2R b) y.
      destruct x; destruct y; simpl in *; intros ltxy; try tauto.
      - destruct (Q_dense r r0 ltxy) as [a [??]].
        destruct (Q_dense _ _ H0) as [b [??]].
        exists a, b.
        repeat split; trivial.
        now apply Qreals.Rlt_Qlt.
      - destruct (Q_dense r (r+1) ltac:(lra)) as [a [??]].
        exists a, (a + 1)%Q.
        repeat split; trivial.
        rewrite <- (Qplus_0_r a) at 1.
        apply Qplus_lt_r.
      - destruct (Q_dense (r-1) r ltac:(lra)) as [a [??]].
        exists (a - 1)%Q, a.
        repeat split; trivial.
        rewrite <- (Qplus_0_r a) at 2.
        apply Qplus_lt_r.
      - exists 0%Q; exists 1%Q.
        repeat split; trivial.

  Lemma ln_nneg x :
    1 <= x -> 0 <= ln x.
    destruct (Rlt_dec 1 x).
    - left.
      apply ln_increasing in r; try lra.
      now rewrite ln_1 in r.
    - assert (x = 1) by lra.
      rewrite H0.
      rewrite ln_1; lra.

  Lemma Qr_lim x :
    is_lim_seq (fun n => Q2R (Qr x n)) x.
    intro xpos.
    apply is_lim_seq_spec.
    intros eps.
    destruct (Rle_dec 1 ((Rabs x) / eps)).
    - exists (Z.to_nat(up((ln ((Rabs x)/eps))/(ln 2)))).
      generalize (Qr_dist x n); intros.
      eapply Rle_lt_trans.
      apply H0.
      apply Rmult_lt_reg_r with (r := 2^n).
      apply pow_lt; lra.
      unfold Rdiv.
      rewrite Rmult_assoc.
      rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym.
      + rewrite Rmult_1_r.
        apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with (r := /eps).
        * apply Rinv_pos.
          apply cond_pos.
        * rewrite <- Rmult_assoc.
          rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym.
          rewrite Rmult_1_l.
          replace (/eps * (Rabs x)) with ((Rabs x) / eps) by lra.
          -- destruct (archimed (ln ((Rabs x) / eps)/(ln 2))).
             assert (0 < ln 2).
               generalize ln_lt_2; intros.
             apply le_INR in H.
             rewrite INR_up_pos in H.
             ++ apply Rgt_lt in H1.
                generalize (Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ H1 H); intros.
                apply Rmult_lt_compat_r with (r := ln 2) in H4; trivial.
                unfold Rdiv in H4.
                rewrite Rmult_assoc in H4.
                rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym in H4.
                ** rewrite Rmult_1_r in H4.
                   unfold Rdiv.
                   rewrite <- ln_pow in H4; try lra.
                   apply ln_lt_inv; trivial.
                   --- apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
                       +++ assert (0 < Rabs x / eps) by lra.
                           unfold Rdiv in H5.
                           apply Rmult_lt_compat_r with (r := eps) in H5.
                           *** rewrite Rmult_assoc in H5.
                               rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym in H5; try lra.
                               apply Rgt_not_eq, cond_pos.
                           *** apply cond_pos.
                       +++ apply Rinv_pos, cond_pos.
                   --- apply pow_lt; lra.
                ** now apply Rgt_not_eq.
             ++ unfold Rdiv.
                apply Rle_ge.
                apply Rmult_le_pos.
                ** now apply ln_nneg.
                ** left.
                   now apply Rinv_pos.
          -- apply Rgt_not_eq, cond_pos.
      + apply Rgt_not_eq.
        apply pow_lt;lra.
    - exists (1%nat).
      assert ((Rabs x) / eps < 1) by lra.
      generalize (Qr_dist x n0); intros.
      eapply Rle_lt_trans.
      apply H1.
      unfold Rdiv.
      apply Rmult_lt_reg_r with (r := 2^n0).
      apply pow_lt; lra.
      rewrite Rmult_assoc.
      rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym.
      + rewrite Rmult_1_r.
        apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with (r := /eps).
        * apply Rinv_pos.
          apply cond_pos.
        * rewrite <- Rmult_assoc.
          rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym.
          -- rewrite Rmult_1_l.
             rewrite Rmult_comm.
             unfold Rdiv in H0.
             eapply Rlt_trans.
             apply H0.
             apply Rlt_pow_R1; try lra; lia.
          -- apply Rgt_not_eq, cond_pos.
      + apply Rgt_not_eq.
        apply pow_lt; lra.

End Qinr.

Section convex2.
  Lemma convex_prop1 (g : R -> R) :
        (forall c x y, convex g c x y) ->
        forall (x h1 h2: R),
          0 < h1 < h2 ->
          (g (x+h1) - g x)/h1 <= (g (x+h2) - g x)/h2.
    assert (g (x + h1) <= ((h2-h1)/h2) * (g x) + (h1/h2) * (g (x + h2))).
      unfold convex in H.
      specialize (H ((h2-h1)/h2) x (x+h2)).
      cut_to H.
      - replace (1 - (h2 - h1)/ h2) with (h1/h2) in H.
        eapply Rle_trans.
        apply H.
        field; lra.
        apply f_equal.
        field; lra.
      - split.
        + apply Rmult_le_reg_r with (r := h2); try lra.
          field_simplify; lra.
        + apply Rmult_le_reg_r with (r := h2); try lra.
          field_simplify; lra.
    apply Rmult_le_reg_r with (r := h1); try lra.
    field_simplify; try lra.
    apply Rplus_le_reg_r with (r := g x); try lra.
    eapply Rle_trans.
    apply H1.
    field_simplify; lra.

  Lemma convex_prop2 (g : R -> R) :
        (forall c x y, convex g c x y) ->
        forall (x h1 h2: R),
          0 < h1 -> 0 < h2 ->
          (g x - g (x - h1))/h1 <= (g (x + h2) - g x)/h2.
    specialize (H (h2 /(h1+h2)) (x-h1) (x+h2)).
    unfold convex in H.
    cut_to H.
    - replace (1 - h2 /(h1 + h2)) with (h1 /(h1 + h2)) in H by (field;lra).
      apply Rmult_le_reg_r with (r := h1); try lra.
      field_simplify; try lra.
      apply Rmult_le_reg_r with (r := h2); try lra.
      field_simplify; try lra.
      apply Rplus_le_reg_r with (r := g (x - h1)*h2); try lra.
      apply Rplus_le_reg_r with (r := g (x)*h1); try lra.
      apply Rmult_le_compat_r with (r := (h1 + h2)) in H; try lra.
      field_simplify in H; try lra.
      apply Rge_le; rewrite Rplus_comm; apply Rle_ge.
      eapply Rle_trans.
      apply H.
      rewrite Rplus_comm.
      apply Rplus_le_compat; apply Rmult_le_compat_r; try lra; right; apply f_equal; field; lra.
   - split; apply Rmult_le_reg_r with (r := (h1 + h2)); try lra;
       field_simplify; try lra.
  Lemma convex_support_line0 (phi : R -> R) :
    (forall c x y, convex phi c x y) ->
    let del := fun (x:R) => real (Glb_Rbar (fun z => exists (eps:R),
                                                eps > 0 /\
                                                (phi (x + eps) - phi(x))/eps = z)) in
    forall x y,
      (phi y) >= (phi x + (y-x)*(del x)).
    unfold del.
    unfold Glb_Rbar, proj1_sig; match_destr.
    unfold is_glb_Rbar in i.
    unfold is_lb_Rbar in i.
    destruct i.
    destruct (Rlt_dec x y).
    - assert (Rbar_le x0 ((phi y - phi x)/(y-x))).
        apply H0.
        exists (y-x).
        split; try lra.
        now replace (x + (y - x)) with (y) by lra.
      destruct x0.
      + simpl in H2.
        apply Rmult_le_compat_r with (r := y-x) in H2; try lra.
        unfold Rdiv in H2.
        rewrite Rmult_assoc in H2.
        rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym in H2; try lra.
        rewrite Rmult_1_r in H2.
        simpl; lra.
      + now simpl in H2.
      + generalize (convex_prop2 phi H x); intros.
        specialize (H1 ((phi x - phi(x-1))/1)).
        cut_to H1.
        now simpl in H1.
        destruct H4 as [? [? ?]].
        rewrite <- H5.
        apply H3; lra.
  - assert (y <= x) by lra.
    destruct (Rlt_dec y x).
    + destruct x0.
      * generalize (convex_prop2 phi H x); intros.
        specialize (H3 (x-y)).
        apply Rle_ge.
        apply Rplus_le_reg_l with (r := - phi x).
        rewrite <- Rplus_assoc.
        rewrite Rplus_opp_l.
        rewrite Rplus_0_l.
        apply Ropp_le_cancel.
        replace (- ((y - x) * r0)) with ((x - y)*r0) by lra.
        replace (- (- phi x + phi y)) with (phi x - phi y) by lra.
        apply Rmult_le_reg_l with (r := /(x-y)).
        apply Rinv_pos; lra.
        rewrite <- Rmult_assoc.
        rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym.
        rewrite Rmult_1_l.
        rewrite Rmult_comm.
        specialize (H1 ((phi x - phi y) * / (x - y))).
        cut_to H1.
        now simpl in H1.
        destruct H4 as [? [? ?]].
        specialize (H3 x1).
        cut_to H3; try lra.
        replace (x - (x - y)) with (y) in H3 by lra.
        unfold Rdiv in H3.
        eapply Rle_trans.
        apply H3.
        rewrite <- H5.
        now unfold Rdiv.
        apply Rgt_not_eq; lra.
      * specialize (H0 ((phi (x + 1) - phi x)/1)).
        cut_to H0.
        now simpl in H0.
        exists 1.
        split; try lra.
      * generalize (convex_prop2 phi H x); intros.
        specialize (H1 ((phi x - phi(x-1))/1)).
        cut_to H1.
        now simpl in H1.
        destruct H4 as [? [? ?]].
        rewrite <- H5.
        apply H3; lra.
    + assert (y = x) by lra.
      rewrite H3.
  Lemma convex_support_line (phi : R -> R) :
        (forall c x y, convex phi c x y) ->
        forall (x0 :R),
         {a : R |
              forall x, a * (x - x0) <= phi x - phi x0}.
    generalize (convex_support_line0 phi H); intros.
    simpl in H0.
    exists (Glb_Rbar (fun z : R => exists eps : R, eps > 0 /\ (phi (x0 + eps) - phi x0) / eps = z)).
    specialize (H0 x0 x).

  Lemma convex_le1 (phi : R -> R) :
    (forall c x y, convex phi c x y) ->
    forall (x1 x2 x3 : R),
      x1 < x2 < x3 ->
      ((phi x2) - (phi x1))/(x2 - x1) <= ((phi x3) - (phi x2))/(x3 - x2).
    unfold convex in H.
    pose (c := (x3 - x2)/(x3-x1)).
    specialize (H c x1 x3).
    assert (c * x1 + (1-c)* x3 = x2).
      unfold c.
      apply Rmult_eq_reg_r with (r := (x3 - x1)); trivial; try lra.
      field; try lra.
    rewrite H1 in H.
    cut_to H.
    apply Rmult_le_reg_r with (r := (x2 - x1)); try lra.
    field_simplify; trivial; try lra.
    apply Rmult_le_reg_r with (r := (-x2 + x3)); try lra.
    field_simplify; trivial; try lra.
    unfold Rminus.
    repeat rewrite Rplus_assoc.
    apply Rplus_le_compat_l.
    unfold c in H.
    apply Rmult_le_compat_r with (r := (x3 - x1)) in H.
    field_simplify in H; lra.
    unfold c.
    apply Rmult_le_reg_r with (r := (x3 - x1)); try lra.
    - field_simplify; lra.
    - apply Rmult_le_reg_r with (r := (x3 - x1)); try lra.
      field_simplify; lra.

  Lemma convex_le2 (phi : R -> R) :
    (forall c x y, convex phi c x y) ->
    forall (x eps1 eps2 : R),
      eps1 > 0 -> eps2 > 0 ->
      (phi x - phi (x - eps1)) / eps1 <= (phi (x + eps2) - phi x) / eps2.
    generalize (convex_le1 phi H); intros.
    specialize (H2 (x - eps1) x (x + eps2)).
    replace (x - (x - eps1)) with (eps1) in H2 by lra.
    replace (x + eps2 - x) with (eps2) in H2 by lra.
    apply H2.

  Definition Rbar_convex (f : R -> Rbar) (a x y : R) :=
    0<=a<=1 -> Rbar_le (f (a * x + (1-a) * y)) (Rbar_plus (Rbar_mult a (f x)) (Rbar_mult (1-a) (f y))).

  Lemma Rbar_convex_sup_lines_affine (a b : nat -> R) :
    forall c x y, Rbar_convex (fun x => Sup_seq (fun n => (a n)*x + (b n))) c x y.
    unfold Rbar_convex; intros.
    rewrite Sup_seq_ext with (v := fun n => c * (a n * x + b n) + (1 - c) * (a n * y + b n)).
    - generalize (Sup_seq_plus (fun n => c * (a n * x + b n)) (fun n => (1 - c) * (a n * y + b n))); intros.
      rewrite Sup_seq_scale in H0; try lra.
      rewrite Sup_seq_scale in H0; try lra.
      apply H0.
    - intros.
      apply Rbar_finite_eq.
      now ring_simplify.

  Lemma convex_sup_lines_affine (a b : nat -> R) :
    (forall x, is_finite (Sup_seq (fun n => a n * x + b n))) ->
    forall c x y, convex (fun x => real (Sup_seq (fun n => (a n)*x + (b n)))) c x y.
    unfold convex; intros.
    assert (forall n,
               Finite (a n * (c * x + (1 - c) * y) + b n) =
               Finite (c * (a n * x + b n) + (1 - c) * (a n * y + b n))).
      apply Rbar_finite_eq.
    rewrite (