Module FormalML.ProbTheory.RandomVariable

Require Export Program.Basics Program.
Require Import List Morphisms Lia.

Require Export LibUtils BasicUtils ProbSpace SigmaAlgebras.
Require Classical.
Require Import ClassicalDescription.

Import ListNotations.

Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".

Class RandomVariable {Ts:Type} {Td:Type}
      (dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts)
      (cod: SigmaAlgebra Td)
      (rv_X: Ts -> Td)
    rv_preimage_sa: forall (B: event cod), sa_sigma (event_preimage rv_X B).

Definition rv_preimage
           {dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts}
           {cod: SigmaAlgebra Td}
           (rv_X: Ts -> Td)
           {rv:RandomVariable dom cod rv_X} :
  event cod -> event dom
  := fun b => exist _ _ (rv_preimage_sa b).

Global Instance RandomVariable_proper {Ts:Type} {Td:Type}
  : Proper (sa_equiv ==> sa_equiv ==> rv_eq ==> iff) (@RandomVariable Ts Td).
  unfold RandomVariable.
  split; intros.
  - rewrite <- H1.
    apply H.
    destruct B.
    destruct (H0 x2) as [_ HH].
    apply (H2 (exist _ x2 (HH s))).
  - rewrite H1.
    apply H.
    destruct B.
    destruct (H0 x2) as [HH _].
    apply (H2 (exist _ x2 (HH s))).

Instance RandomVariable_proper_le {Ts Td : Type} :
  Proper (sa_sub ==> sa_sub --> rv_eq ==> impl) (@RandomVariable Ts Td).
  unfold RandomVariable.
  intros ???????????.
  rewrite <- H1.
  apply H.
  destruct B.
  apply (H2 (exist _ x2 (H0 _ s))).

Global Instance rv_preimage_proper
       {dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts}
       {cod: SigmaAlgebra Td}
       (rv_X: Ts -> Td)
       {rv:RandomVariable dom cod rv_X} :
  Proper (event_equiv ==> event_equiv) (@rv_preimage Ts Td dom cod rv_X rv).
  intros x y eqq.
  now apply event_preimage_proper.

Class HasPreimageSingleton {Td} (σ:SigmaAlgebra Td)
  := sa_preimage_singleton :
       forall {Ts} {σs:SigmaAlgebra Ts} (rv_X:Ts->Td) {rv : RandomVariable σs σ rv_X} c,
         sa_sigma (pre_event_preimage rv_X (pre_event_singleton c)).

Definition preimage_singleton {Ts Td} {σs:SigmaAlgebra Ts} {σd:SigmaAlgebra Td} {has_pre:HasPreimageSingleton σd}
           {rv : RandomVariable σs σd rv_X}
           (c:Td) : event σs
  := exist _ _ (sa_preimage_singleton rv_X c).

Section Const.
  Context {Ts Td:Type}.

  Class ConstantRangeFunction
        (rv_X:Ts -> Td)
    := {
    frf_val : Td;
    frf_val_complete : forall x, rv_X x = frf_val
  Global Program Instance crvconst c : ConstantRangeFunction (const c)
    := { frf_val := c }.

  Global Instance discrete_sa_rv
         {cod:SigmaAlgebra Td} (rv_X: Ts -> Td)
    : RandomVariable (discrete_sa Ts) cod rv_X.
    exact (fun _ => I).

  Context (dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts)
          (cod: SigmaAlgebra Td).
  Global Instance rvconst c : RandomVariable dom cod (const c).
      red; intros.
      destruct (sa_dec B c).
      - assert (pre_event_equiv (fun _ : Ts => B c)
                            (fun _ : Ts => True))
          by (red; intuition).
        rewrite H0.
        apply sa_all.
      - assert (pre_event_equiv (fun _ : Ts => B c)
        by (red; intuition).
        rewrite H0.
        apply sa_none.

End Const.

Instance id_rv {Ts} {dom:SigmaAlgebra Ts} : RandomVariable dom dom (fun x => x).
  intros ?.
  unfold event_preimage.
  destruct B; simpl.
  apply s.

Instance compose_rv {Ts1 Ts2 Ts3} {dom1 dom2 dom3}
         (f : Ts1 -> Ts2)
         (g : Ts2 -> Ts3)
         {rvf : RandomVariable dom1 dom2 f}
         {rvg : RandomVariable dom2 dom3 g} :
         RandomVariable dom1 dom3 (compose g f).
  intros ?.
  apply (rvf (exist _ _ (rvg B))).

Section Simple.
  Context {Ts:Type} {Td:Type}.

  Class FiniteRangeFunction
    := {
    frf_vals : list Td ;
    frf_vals_complete : forall x, In (rv_X x) frf_vals;

  Lemma FiniteRangeFunction_ext (x y:Ts->Td) :
    rv_eq x y ->
    FiniteRangeFunction x ->
    FiniteRangeFunction y.
    repeat red; intros.
    invcs X.
    exists frf_vals0.
    now rewrite <- H.

  Global Program Instance frf_crv (rv_X:Ts->Td) {crv:ConstantRangeFunction rv_X} :
    FiniteRangeFunction rv_X
    := {
    frf_vals := [frf_val]
  Next Obligation.
    rewrite (@frf_val_complete _ _ _ crv).

  Global Program Instance frf_fun (rv_X : Ts -> Td) (f : Td -> Td)
          (frf:FiniteRangeFunction rv_X) :
    FiniteRangeFunction (fun v => f (rv_X v)) :=
    {frf_vals := map f frf_vals}.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct frf.
    now apply in_map.

  Definition frfconst c : FiniteRangeFunction (const c)
    := frf_crv (const c).

  Program Instance nodup_simple_random_variable (dec:forall (x y:Td), {x = y} + {x <> y})
          (frf:FiniteRangeFunction rv_X) : FiniteRangeFunction rv_X
    := { frf_vals := nodup dec frf_vals }.
  Next Obligation.
    apply nodup_In.
    apply frf_vals_complete.

  Lemma nodup_simple_random_variable_NoDup
        (dec:forall (x y:Td), {x = y} + {x <> y})
        (frf:FiniteRangeFunction rv_X) :
    NoDup (frf_vals (FiniteRangeFunction:=nodup_simple_random_variable dec frf)).
    apply NoDup_nodup.

Lemma frf_singleton_rv (rv_X : Ts -> Td)
        (frf:FiniteRangeFunction rv_X)
        (dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts)
        (cod: SigmaAlgebra Td) :
    (forall (c : Td), In c frf_vals -> sa_sigma (pre_event_preimage rv_X (pre_event_singleton c))) ->
    RandomVariable dom cod rv_X.
  intros Fs.
  intros x.
  unfold event_preimage, pre_event_preimage in *.
  unfold pre_event_singleton in *.

  destruct frf.
  assert (exists ld, incl ld frf_vals0 /\
                (forall d: Td, In d ld -> x d) /\
                (forall d: Td, In d frf_vals0 -> x d -> In d ld)).
    clear frf_vals_complete0 Fs.
    induction frf_vals0.
    - exists nil.
      + intros ?; trivial.
      + split.
        * simpl; tauto.
        * intros ??.
    - destruct IHfrf_vals0 as [ld [ldincl [In1 In2]]].
      destruct (Classical_Prop.classic (x a)).
      + exists (a::ld).
        split; [| split].
        * red; simpl; intros ? [?|?]; eauto.
        * simpl; intros ? [?|?].
          -- congruence.
          -- eauto.
        * intros ? [?|?]; simpl; eauto.
      + exists ld.
        split; [| split].
        * red; simpl; eauto.
        * eauto.
        * simpl; intros ? [?|?] ?.
          -- congruence.
          -- eauto.
  destruct H as [ld [ld_incl ld_iff]].
  apply sa_proper with (x0:=pre_list_union (map (fun d omega => rv_X omega = d) ld)).
  - intros e.
    split; intros HH.
    + destruct HH as [? [??]].
      apply in_map_iff in H.
      destruct H as [? [??]]; subst.
      now apply ld_iff.
    + red; simpl.
      apply ld_iff in HH.
      eexists; split.
      * apply in_map_iff; simpl.
        eexists; split; [reflexivity |]; eauto.
      * reflexivity.
      * eauto.
  - apply sa_pre_list_union; intros.
    apply in_map_iff in H.
    destruct H as [? [??]]; subst.
    apply Fs.
    now apply ld_incl.

Instance rv_fun_simple {dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts}
         {cod: SigmaAlgebra Td}
         (x : Ts -> Td) (f : Td -> Td)
         {rvx : RandomVariable dom cod x}
         {frfx : FiniteRangeFunction x} :
      (forall (c : Td), In c frf_vals -> sa_sigma (pre_event_preimage x (pre_event_singleton c))) ->
     RandomVariable dom cod (fun u => f (x u)).
  intros Hsingleton.
    generalize (frf_fun x f frfx); intros.
    apply frf_singleton_rv with (frf:=X); trivial.
    destruct X.
    destruct frfx.
    intros c cinn.
    simpl in cinn.
    unfold pre_event_preimage, pre_event_singleton.
    assert (pre_event_equiv (fun omega : Ts => f (x omega) = c)
                           (map (fun sval =>
                                   (fun omega =>
                                      (x omega = sval) /\ (f sval = c)))
      intro v.
      unfold pre_list_union.
      split; intros.
      - specialize (frf_vals_complete0 v).
        rewrite in_map_iff.
        + exists (x v).
          * reflexivity.
          * easy.
        + simpl.
      - destruct H.
        rewrite in_map_iff in H.
        destruct H as [[c0 [? ?]] ?].
        rewrite <- H in H1.
        destruct H1.
        now rewrite <- H1 in H2.
    rewrite H.
    apply sa_pre_list_union.
    rewrite in_map_iff in H0.
    destruct H0.
    destruct H0.
    rewrite <- H0.
    assert (pre_event_equiv (fun omega : Ts => x omega = x1 /\ f x1 = c)
                        (pre_event_inter (fun omega => x omega = x1)
                                     (fun _ => f x1 = c))).
      intro u.
      now unfold event_inter.
    rewrite H2.
    apply sa_inter.
    - now apply Hsingleton.
    - apply sa_sigma_const.
      apply Classical_Prop.classic.

End Simple.

Require Import Finite ListAdd SigmaAlgebras EquivDec Eqdep_dec.

Section Finite.
  Context {Ts:Type}{Td:Type}.

  Program Instance Finite_FiniteRangeFunction {fin:Finite Ts} (rv_X:Ts->Td)
    : FiniteRangeFunction rv_X
    := {|
    frf_vals := map rv_X elms
  Next Obligation.
    generalize (finite x); intros.
    apply in_map_iff; eauto.

  Lemma Finite_finitsubset1 {A:Type} {decA:EqDec A eq} (x:A) (l:list A) :
    { pfs : list (In x l) | forall pf, In pf pfs} .
    induction l; simpl.
    - exists nil.
    - destruct IHl as [ll pfs].
      destruct (a == x).
      + exists ((or_introl e) :: (map (@or_intror _ _) ll)).
        intros [?|?].
        * left.
          apply eq_proofs_unicity; intros.
          destruct (decA x0 y); tauto.
        * right.
          apply in_map.
          apply pfs.
      + exists (map (@or_intror _ _) ll).
         intros [?|?].
         * congruence.
         * apply in_map.
           apply pfs.

  Definition Finite_finitsubset2 {A:Type} {decA:EqDec A eq} (x:A) (l:list A) :
    list {x : A | In x l}.
    destruct (Finite_finitsubset1 x l).
    exact (map (fun y => exist _ x y) x0).
  Program Instance Finite_finitesubset_dec {A:Type} {decA:EqDec A eq} (l:list A)
    : Finite {x : A | In x l}.
  Next Obligation.
    exact (flat_map (fun x => Finite_finitsubset2 x l) l).
  Next Obligation.
    unfold Finite_finitesubset_dec_obligation_1.
    apply in_flat_map.
    exists x.
    split; trivial.
    unfold Finite_finitsubset2.
    destruct (Finite_finitsubset1 x l).
    apply in_map.
    apply i.

  Definition finitesubset_sa {A} (l:list A) : SigmaAlgebra {x : A | In x l}
    := discrete_sa {x : A | In x l}.
End Finite.

Section Event_restricted.
  Context {Ts:Type} {Td:Type} {σ:SigmaAlgebra Ts} {cod : SigmaAlgebra Td}.

  Global Program Instance Restricted_FiniteRangeFunction (e:event σ) (f : Ts -> Td)
    (frf: FiniteRangeFunction f) :
    FiniteRangeFunction (event_restricted_function e f) :=
    { frf_vals := frf_vals }.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct frf.
    apply frf_vals_complete0.

  Global Program Instance Restricted_RandomVariable (e:event σ) (f : Ts -> Td)
          (rv : RandomVariable σ cod f) :
    RandomVariable (event_restricted_sigma e) cod (event_restricted_function e f).
  Next Obligation.
    red in rv.
    unfold event_preimage in *.
    unfold event_restricted_function.
    assert (HH:sa_sigma
                (fun a : Ts =>
                   e a /\ proj1_sig B (f a))).
    - apply sa_inter.
      + destruct e; auto.
      + apply rv.
    - eapply sa_proper; try eapply HH.
      intros x.
      + intros [?[??]]; subst.
        destruct x0; simpl in *.
      + intros [HH2 ?].
        exists (exist _ _ HH2).

  Definition lift_event_restricted_domain_fun (default:Td) {P:event σ} (f:event_restricted_domain P -> Td) : Ts -> Td
    := fun x =>
         match excluded_middle_informative (P x) with
         | left pf => f (exist _ _ pf)
         | right _ => default

  Global Instance lift_event_restricted_domain_fun_rv (default:Td) {P:event σ} (f:event_restricted_domain P -> Td) :
    RandomVariable (event_restricted_sigma P) cod f ->
    RandomVariable σ cod (lift_event_restricted_domain_fun default f).
    intros rv.
    unfold lift_event_restricted_domain_fun.
    unfold RandomVariable in *.
    destruct (excluded_middle_informative (B default)).
    - eapply sa_proper with
             (event_union (event_complement P)
                          (event_restricted_event_lift P (exist _ (event_preimage f B) (rv B))))).
      + intros x.
        unfold event_preimage, event_complement, event_restricted_event_lift, event_union, pre_event_union; simpl.
        split; intros HH.
        * match_destr_in HH; simpl in HH.
          -- right.
             unfold event_restricted_domain.
             eexists; split; [ | eapply HH].
          -- left; trivial.
        * destruct HH.
          -- match_destr.
             unfold pre_event_complement in H.
          -- destruct H as [? [? ?]].
             destruct x0.
             replace e1 with e0 in H0.
             apply H0.
             apply proof_irrelevance.
      + apply sa_union.
        * apply sa_complement.
          now destruct P; simpl.
        * unfold proj1_sig; match_destr.
    - eapply sa_proper with
          (y := event_restricted_event_lift P (exist _ (event_preimage f B) (rv B))).
      + intros x.
        unfold event_preimage, event_restricted_event_lift, event_union, pre_event_union; simpl.
        split; intros HH.
        * match_destr_in HH; simpl in HH.
          -- exists (exist P x e).
          -- tauto.
        * destruct HH as [? [? ?]].
          -- destruct x0.
             replace e with e0.
             apply H0.
             apply proof_irrelevance.
          -- destruct x0.
      + unfold event_restricted_event_lift; simpl.
        generalize (sa_pre_event_restricted_event_lift P (exist _ (event_preimage f B) (rv B))); intros.
        apply H.

  Global Instance lift_event_restricted_domain_fun_frf (default:Td) {P:event σ} (f:event_restricted_domain P -> Td) :
    FiniteRangeFunction f ->
    FiniteRangeFunction (lift_event_restricted_domain_fun default f).
    intros frf.
    exists (default::frf_vals).
    unfold lift_event_restricted_domain_fun.
    - right.
      apply frf_vals_complete.
    - now left.

 End Event_restricted.

Section pullback.

  Instance pullback_rv {Ts:Type} {Td:Type}
      (cod: SigmaAlgebra Td)
      (f: Ts -> Td) : RandomVariable (pullback_sa cod f) cod f.
    red; intros.
    apply pullback_sa_pullback.
    now destruct B.

  Lemma pullback_rv_sub
        {Ts:Type} {Td:Type}
        (dom : SigmaAlgebra Ts)
        (cod: SigmaAlgebra Td)
        (f: Ts -> Td) :
    RandomVariable dom cod f ->
    sa_sub (pullback_sa cod f) dom.
    intros frv x [y[say yeqq]]; simpl in *.
    apply (sa_proper _ (fun a => y (f a))).
    - intros ?.
      now rewrite yeqq.
    - specialize (frv (exist _ _ say)).
      apply frv.

  Lemma pullback_sa_compose_sub
        {Ts:Type} {Td:Type}
        (cod: SigmaAlgebra Td)
        (f: Ts -> Td) (g:Td -> Td):
    sa_sub (pullback_sa cod g) cod ->
    sa_sub (pullback_sa cod (compose g f)) (pullback_sa cod f).
    rewrite pullback_sa_compose_equiv.
    apply pullback_rv_sub.
    generalize (pullback_rv cod f).
    apply RandomVariable_proper_le; try reflexivity.
    now unfold flip.

  Lemma pullback_sa_compose_sub_rv
        {Ts:Type} {Td:Type}
        (cod: SigmaAlgebra Td)
        (f: Ts -> Td) (g:Td -> Td)
        {rvg : RandomVariable cod cod g} :
    sa_sub (pullback_sa cod (compose g f)) (pullback_sa cod f).
    apply pullback_sa_compose_sub; trivial.
    now apply pullback_rv_sub.

  Lemma pullback_sa_compose_isos
        {Ts:Type} {Td:Type}
        (rv1 : Ts -> Td) (f g : Td -> Td)
        (cod: SigmaAlgebra Td)
        (rvf : RandomVariable cod cod f)
        (rvg : RandomVariable cod cod g)
        (inv:forall (rv : Ts -> Td) , rv_eq (compose g (compose f rv)) rv) :
    sa_equiv (pullback_sa cod rv1) (pullback_sa cod (compose f rv1)).
    apply sa_equiv_subs.
    - rewrite <- (inv rv1) at 1.
      now apply pullback_sa_compose_sub_rv.
    - now apply pullback_sa_compose_sub_rv.
End pullback.

Section sa_sub.
  Context {Ts:Type}
          {dom: SigmaAlgebra Ts}
          (prts:ProbSpace dom)
          {dom2 : SigmaAlgebra Ts}
          (sub : sa_sub dom2 dom).

  Instance RandomVariable_sa_sub {Td} {cod : SigmaAlgebra Td}
           {rv_x:RandomVariable dom2 cod x}
  : RandomVariable dom cod x.
    intros e.
    specialize (rv_x e).
    now apply sub.

End sa_sub.

Section filtration.
    Context {Ts:Type}.

    Global Instance filtrate_sa_rv {Td} {doms: nat -> SigmaAlgebra Ts} {cod: SigmaAlgebra Td} (rv:Ts->Td) n :
      RandomVariable (doms n) cod rv ->
      RandomVariable (filtrate_sa doms n) cod rv.
      eapply RandomVariable_proper_le; try reflexivity.
      apply filtrate_sa_sub.
End filtration.

Section filtration_history.
  Context {Ts:Type} {Td:Type} {cod: SigmaAlgebra Td}.

  Context (X : nat -> Ts -> Td).
  Definition filtration_history_sa : nat -> SigmaAlgebra Ts :=
    filtrate_sa (fun n => pullback_sa cod (X n)).

  Global Instance filtration_history_sa_is_filtration : IsFiltration (filtration_history_sa).
    typeclasses eauto.
  Global Instance filtration_history_sa_rv n :
    RandomVariable (filtration_history_sa n) cod (X n).
    apply filtrate_sa_rv.
    apply pullback_rv.

  Instance filtration_history_sa_le_rv
        (n : nat) (j:nat) (jlt: (j <= n)%nat) :
    RandomVariable (filtration_history_sa n) cod (X j).
    eapply (RandomVariable_proper_le (filtration_history_sa j))
    ; try reflexivity.
    - unfold filtration_history_sa.
      apply is_filtration_le; trivial.
      typeclasses eauto.
    - apply filtration_history_sa_rv.

  Lemma filtration_history_sa_sub_le {dom:SigmaAlgebra Ts} n
        (rv:forall k, k <= n -> RandomVariable dom cod (X k)) :
    sa_sub (filtration_history_sa n) dom.
    unfold filtration_history_sa.
    apply filtrate_sa_sub_all; intros.
    apply pullback_rv_sub; eauto.

  Lemma filtration_history_sa_sub {dom:SigmaAlgebra Ts}
    {rv:forall n, RandomVariable dom cod (X n)} :
    forall n, sa_sub (filtration_history_sa n) dom.
    apply filtration_history_sa_sub_le; auto.

  Definition filtration_history_limit_sa : SigmaAlgebra Ts
    := countable_union_sa (fun k => pullback_sa _ (X k)).

  Lemma filtration_history_limit_sa_le_sub n :
    sa_sub (filtration_history_sa n) filtration_history_limit_sa.
    apply filtrate_sa_countable_union_sub.

  Global Instance filtration_history_limit_sa_rv n :
    RandomVariable (filtration_history_limit_sa) cod (X n).
    intros ?.
    eapply countable_union_sa_sub.
    apply pullback_rv.
  Lemma filtration_history_limit_sa_sub (dom:SigmaAlgebra Ts)
    {rv:forall n, RandomVariable dom cod (X n)} :
    sa_sub filtration_history_limit_sa dom.
    apply countable_union_sa_sub_all; intros.
    now apply pullback_rv_sub.

  Global Instance filtration_history_is_sub_algebra
         (dom:SigmaAlgebra Ts)
         {rv:forall n, RandomVariable dom cod (X n)} :
    IsSubAlgebras dom (filtration_history_sa).
    apply filtrate_sa_is_sub_algebra.
    intros ?.
    now apply pullback_rv_sub.

End filtration_history.

Section filtration_history_props.

  Context {Ts:Type} {Td:Type} {cod: SigmaAlgebra Td}.

  Lemma filtration_history_sa_iso_l_sub
        (rv1 : nat -> Ts -> Td) (f g : nat -> Td -> Td)
        (inv:forall n x, g n (f n x) = x)
        (g_sigma:forall k s, sa_sigma s -> sa_sigma (fun x => s (g k x))) :
    forall n, sa_sub (filtration_history_sa rv1 n) ((filtration_history_sa (fun n x => f n (rv1 n x)) n)).
    unfold filtration_history_sa.
    apply filtrate_sa_sub_proper; intros k.
    eapply pullback_sa_iso_l_sub; eauto.

  Lemma filtration_history_sa_f_sub
        (rv1 : nat -> Ts -> Td) (f : nat -> Td -> Td)
        (f_sigma:forall k s, sa_sigma s -> sa_sigma (fun x => s (f k x))) :
    forall n, sa_sub ((filtration_history_sa (fun n x => f n (rv1 n x)) n)) (filtration_history_sa rv1 n).
    unfold filtration_history_sa.
    apply filtrate_sa_sub_proper; intros k.
    eapply pullback_sa_f_sub; eauto.

  Lemma filtration_history_sa_isos
        (rv1 : nat -> Ts -> Td) (f g : nat -> Td -> Td)
        (inv:forall n x, g n (f n x) = x)
        (f_sigma:forall k s, sa_sigma s -> sa_sigma (fun x => s (f k x)))
        (g_sigma:forall k s, sa_sigma s -> sa_sigma (fun x => s (g k x))) :
    forall n, sa_equiv (filtration_history_sa rv1 n) ((filtration_history_sa (fun n x => f n (rv1 n x)) n)).
    unfold filtration_history_sa; intros.
    apply filtrate_sa_proper; intros k.
    apply (pullback_sa_isos (rv1 k) (f k) (g k)); auto.

End filtration_history_props.

Section adapted.
  Context {Ts:Type} {Td:Type} (cod: SigmaAlgebra Td).

  Class IsAdapted (X : nat -> Ts -> Td) (sas : nat -> SigmaAlgebra Ts)
    := is_adapted : forall (n:nat), RandomVariable (sas n) cod (X n).

  Global Instance filtration_history_sa_is_adapted (X : nat -> Ts -> Td) :
    IsAdapted X (filtration_history_sa X).
    intros n.
    apply filtration_history_sa_rv.

  Global Instance is_adapted_proper : Proper (pointwise_relation _ rv_eq ==> pointwise_relation _ sa_sub ==> impl) IsAdapted.
    intros ????????.
    generalize (H1 n).
    apply RandomVariable_proper_le; trivial.

  Global Instance is_adapted_eq_proper : Proper (pointwise_relation _ rv_eq ==> pointwise_relation _ sa_equiv ==> iff) IsAdapted.
    intros ??????.
    split; apply is_adapted_proper; trivial.
    - intros ?; apply sa_equiv_sub; trivial.
    - now symmetry.
    - intros ?; apply sa_equiv_sub; now symmetry.

  Lemma filtration_history_sa_is_least
        (X : nat -> Ts -> Td) sas
        {filt:IsFiltration sas}
        {adapt:IsAdapted X sas}:
    forall n, sa_sub (filtration_history_sa X n) (sas n).
    unfold filtration_history_sa.
    apply filtrate_sa_sub_all; intros.
    transitivity (sas k).
    - apply pullback_rv_sub.
      apply adapt.
    - now apply is_filtration_le.

End adapted.

Section prod_space.

  Context {Ts Td1 Td2}
          {dom:SigmaAlgebra Ts} {cod1:SigmaAlgebra Td1}
          {cod2:SigmaAlgebra Td2}.

  Global Instance product_sa_rv
         (X1:Ts->Td1) (X2:Ts->Td2)
         {rv1:RandomVariable dom cod1 X1}
         {rv2:RandomVariable dom cod2 X2} :
    RandomVariable dom (product_sa cod1 cod2) (fun a => (X1 a, X2 a)).
    intros ?.
    red in rv1, rv2.
    unfold event_preimage in *.
    destruct B; simpl.
    apply generated_sa_closure in s.
    simpl in *.
    dependent induction s.
    - apply sa_all.
    - destruct H as [?[?[?[??]]]].
      eapply sa_proper.
      + intros ?.
        apply H1.
      + simpl.
        apply sa_inter.
        * apply (rv1 (exist _ _ H)).
        * apply (rv2 (exist _ _ H0)).
    - apply sa_countable_union.
    - apply sa_complement; eauto.

End prod_space.