Module FormalML.lib_utils.LibUtilsAssoc

This module contains definitions and properties of association lists.

Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Require Import Sumbool.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import Permutation.
Require Import Morphisms.
Require Import Setoid.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Equivalence.
Require Import Peano_dec.
Require Import Ascii.
Require Import LibUtilsCoqLibAdd.
Require Import LibUtilsListAdd.
Require Import LibUtilsStringAdd.
Require Import LibUtilsLift.

Section Assoc.

Association lists

  Section Defn.
    Context {A B:Type}.
    Context (dec:forall a a':A, {a=a'} + {a<>a'}).

    Fixpoint lookup l a : option B
      := match l with
         | nil => None
         | (f',v')::os => if dec a f' then Some v' else lookup os a

    Fixpoint update_first l a n : list (A*B)
      := match l with
         | nil => nil
         | (f',v')::os => if dec a f' then (a,n)::os else (f',v')::(update_first os a n)

    Definition domain (l:list (A*B)) := map (@fst A B) l.
    Definition codomain (l:list (A*B)) := map (@snd A B) l.

    Definition map_codomain {A B C} (f:B->C) (l:list (A*B)) : list (A*C)
      := map (fun b => (fst b, f (snd b))) l.
    Lemma domain_eq (l:list (A*B)) : domain l = map fst l.
    Lemma domain_nil (l:list (A*B)) :
      domain l = nil <-> l = nil.
      destruct l; simpl in *; intuition discriminate.

    Lemma codomain_nil (l:list (A*B)) :
      codomain l = nil <-> l = nil.
      destruct l; simpl in *; intuition discriminate.

    Lemma domain_rev (l:list (A*B)) : domain (rev l) = rev (domain l).
      unfold domain. apply map_rev.

    Lemma codomain_rev (l:list (A*B)) : codomain (rev l) = rev (codomain l).
      unfold codomain. apply map_rev.

    Lemma domain_update_first l a v: domain (update_first l a v) = domain l.
      induction l; simpl; trivial.
      destruct a0; simpl.
      destruct (dec a a0); subst; auto.
      simpl. congruence.

    Lemma map_eta_fst_domain l :
      (map (fun x : A * B => fst x) l) = domain l.
      unfold domain.
      apply map_eq.
      apply Forall_forall; auto.

    Lemma in_dom : forall {l} {a b}, In (a,b) l -> In a (domain l).
      unfold domain; induction l; simpl; trivial.
      intros. destruct a; simpl in *; intuition.
      inversion H0; intuition.

    Lemma in_codom {l : list (A * B)} {a : A} {b : B} :
      In (a, b) l -> In b (codomain l).
      apply in_map_iff.
      exists (a,b); tauto.

    Lemma in_domain_in : forall {l} {a}, In a (domain l) -> exists b, In (a,b) l.
      induction l; simpl. intuition.
      simpl in *. subst; econstructor. intuition.
      destruct (IHl _ H0); eauto.

    Lemma lookup_none_nin : forall {l} {a:A}, lookup l a = None -> ~ In a (domain l).
      induction l; simpl; intros; auto.
      destruct a. destruct (dec a0 a); subst; try discriminate.

    Lemma lookup_nin_none {l x} : ~ In x (domain l) -> lookup l x = None.
      induction l; simpl; intros; auto.
      destruct a; simpl in *. intuition.
      destruct (dec x a); subst; intuition.

    Hint Constructors NoDup : fml.
    Lemma NoDup_domain_NoDup {l} : NoDup (domain l) -> NoDup l.
      induction l; simpl; intros; trivial with fml.
      inversion H; subst.
      constructor; auto.
      intro ina; apply H2.
      destruct a.
      eapply in_dom; eauto.

    Lemma lookup_in : forall l {a:A} {b:B}, lookup l a = Some b -> In (a,b) l.
      induction l; simpl; intuition.
      - discriminate.
      - destruct (dec a a0).
        + inversion H; intuition congruence.
        + intuition.

    Lemma lookup_in_domain : forall l {a:A} {b:B}, lookup l a = Some b -> In a (domain l).
      induction l; simpl; intuition.
      - discriminate.
      - destruct (dec a a0); simpl.
        + inversion H; intuition congruence.
        + right; apply (IHl a b0); assumption.

    Lemma lookup_to_front {l a x} : lookup l a = Some x -> exists l', Permutation l ((a,x)::l').
      apply lookup_in in H.
      apply in_split in H.
      destruct H as [l1 [l2 leq]].
      exists (l1++l2).
      rewrite leq.
      apply Permutation_middle.

    Lemma lookup_split {l:list (A*B)} {a b} :
      lookup l a = Some b ->
      exists l1 l2 : list (A*B), l = l1 ++ (a,b) :: l2 /\ ~ In a (domain l1).
      induction l; simpl; try discriminate; intros lo.
      destruct a0.
      match_destr_in lo; unfold equiv, complement in *.
      - invcs lo.
        exists nil, l; simpl; tauto.
      - destruct (IHl lo) as [l1 [l2 [? nin]]]; subst.
        exists ((a0,b0)::l1), l2; simpl.

    Global Instance dom_perm : Proper (@Permutation (A*B) ==> @Permutation A) domain.
      repeat red; intros.
      apply Permutation_map; auto.

    Global Instance perm_nodup :Proper (@Permutation (A) ==> iff) (@NoDup A).
      cut (forall l1 l2, @Permutation A l1 l2 -> (NoDup l1 -> NoDup l2)).
      - repeat red; intros; intuition eauto. symmetry in H0; eauto.
      - apply (@Permutation_ind_bis _ (fun x y => NoDup x -> NoDup y)); intuition.
        + inversion H1; subst. constructor; auto. intro; apply H4.
          symmetry in H; apply (Permutation_in _ H); trivial.
        + inversion H1; subst. inversion H5; subst. constructor; auto.
          * simpl in *. intro; apply H6. symmetry in H; apply (Permutation_in _ H); trivial.
            intuition congruence.
          * constructor; auto.
            simpl in *. intuition. apply H8. symmetry in H. apply (Permutation_in _ H).

    Lemma nodup_in_eq : forall {l} {a b c}, NoDup (domain l) -> In (a,b) l -> In (a,c) l -> b = c.
      induction l; simpl; intros; inversion H.
      intuition; subst.
      try inversion H0; try inversion H2; subst; trivial.
      - elim H4. eapply in_dom; eauto.
      - elim H4. eapply in_dom; eauto.
      - eauto.

    Lemma in_dom_lookup_strong : forall {l} {a:A}, In a (domain l) -> {v | lookup l a = Some v}.
      induction l; simpl; [tauto|]; intros.
      destruct a; simpl in *.
      destruct (dec a0 a); [eauto|].
      apply IHl.

    Lemma in_dom_lookup : forall {l} {a:A}, In a (domain l) -> exists v, lookup l a = Some v.
      intros ? ? ind.
      destruct (in_dom_lookup_strong ind).

    Hint Resolve in_dom_lookup_strong in_dom : fml.
    Lemma in_lookup_strong : forall {l} {a:A} {b0:B}, In (a,b0) l -> {v | lookup l a = Some v}.
      intros. eauto with fml.

    Hint Resolve in_dom_lookup in_dom : fml.

    Lemma in_lookup : forall {l} {a:A} {b0:B}, In (a,b0) l -> exists v, lookup l a = Some v.
      intros. eauto with fml.

    Lemma in_lookup_nodup : forall {l} {a:A} {b:B}, NoDup (domain l) -> In (a,b) l -> lookup l a = Some b.
      destruct (in_lookup H0).
      generalize (lookup_in _ H1); intros.
      generalize (nodup_in_eq H H0 H2); congruence.

    Lemma nin_update {l a} : lookup l a = None -> forall v, update_first l a v = l.
      induction l; simpl; trivial.
      destruct a0. destruct (dec a a0); intuition congruence.

    Lemma in_update_break {l a v} :
      lookup l a = Some v -> forall vv,
        exists l1 l2, l = l1++(a,v)::l2 /\
                      update_first l a vv = l1++(a,vv)::l2.
      induction l; simpl; intuition (try discriminate).
      destruct a0. destruct (dec a a0); intuition; subst.
      - inversion H; subst.
        exists nil; exists l; simpl; intuition.
      - destruct (H0 vv) as [l1 [l2 [leq1 leq2]]].
        subst. exists ((a0,b)::l1); exists l2; simpl; intuition.

    Lemma in_in_split_domain_or (l:list (list (A*B))) a :
      (exists l1 la l2, l = l1++la::l2 /\ In a (domain la) /\ ~ In a (domain (concat l1)))
      \/ Forall (fun x => ~ In a (domain x)) l.
      destruct (in_in_split_or (map domain l) a (dec:=dec)).
      - left.
        destruct H as [l1 [la [l2 [eqq [inn nin]]]]].
        destruct (map_app_break _ eqq)
          as [m1 [m2 [eqq1 [eqq2 eqq3]]]]; subst.
        destruct m2; simpl in *; try discriminate.
        unfold domain in *.
        rewrite <- concat_map in nin.
        invcs eqq3.
        exists m1, l, m2; eauto.
      - right.
        rewrite Forall_map in H; trivial.

    Lemma in_in_split_domain_first {l:list (list (A*B))} {a} :
      In a (domain (concat l)) ->
      exists l1 la l2, l = l1++la::l2 /\ In a (domain la) /\ ~ In a (domain (concat l1)).
      intros inn.
      destruct (in_in_split_domain_or l a)
        as [[l1 [la [l3 [eqq1 [inn1 nin1]]]]]|nin].
      - exists l1, la, l3; eauto.
      - unfold domain in inn.
        rewrite concat_map in inn.
        apply concat_In in inn.
        destruct inn as [ll [inn1 inn2]].
        rewrite Forall_forall in nin.
        apply in_map_iff in inn1.
        destruct inn1 as [ll' [eqq1 inn3]]; subst.
        elim (nin ll'); eauto.

    Lemma update_app_in (l1 l2:list (A*B)) v d :
      In v (domain l1) ->
      update_first (l1++l2) v d = update_first l1 v d ++ l2.
      revert l2;
        induction l1; simpl; intros l2.
      - tauto.
      - destruct a; simpl.
        intros [eqq | inn].
        + subst.
          match_destr; try congruence.
        + rewrite (IHl1 _ inn).

    Lemma update_app_nin (l1 l2:list (A*B)) v d :
      ~ In v (domain l1) ->
      update_first (l1++l2) v d = l1 ++ update_first l2 v d.
      revert l2;
        induction l1; simpl; intros l2.
      - tauto.
      - destruct a; simpl.
        intros H; apply Decidable.not_or in H.
        destruct H as [neq nin].
        destruct (dec v a); [congruence | ].
        rewrite (IHl1 _ nin); trivial.

    Lemma update_app_nin2 (l1 l2:list (A*B)) v d :
      ~ In v (domain l2) ->
      update_first (l1++l2) v d = update_first l1 v d ++ l2.
      intros nin2.
      destruct (in_dec dec v (domain l1)).
      - rewrite update_app_in; trivial.
      - rewrite update_app_nin; trivial.
        repeat rewrite nin_update; trivial
        ; apply lookup_nin_none; trivial.

    Lemma update_first_concat_disjoint_push (ls:list (list (A*B))) v d:
      all_disjoint (map domain ls) ->
      (update_first (concat ls) v d) =
      (concat (map (fun x => update_first x v d) ls)).
      induction ls; simpl; trivial.
      intros disj.
      invcs disj.
      rewrite <- (IHls H2).
      destruct (in_dec dec v (domain a)) as [inn|nin].
      - rewrite update_app_in by trivial.
        rewrite nin_update; trivial.
        apply lookup_nin_none.
        unfold domain; rewrite concat_map.
        intros inn2.
        apply concat_In in inn2.
        destruct inn2 as [? [inn2 inn3]].
        rewrite Forall_forall in H1.
        specialize (H1 _ inn2).
        eapply H1; eauto.
      - rewrite update_app_nin by trivial.
        rewrite nin_update; trivial.
        apply lookup_nin_none; trivial.

    Lemma Forall_update_first P (l:list (A*B)) x v :
      Forall P l ->
      P (x,v) ->
      Forall P (update_first l x v).
      induction l; simpl; trivial; intros.
      invcs H.
      destruct a.
      match_destr; subst; eauto.

    Lemma update_first_in_or {l : list (A * B)} {z} {x} {v} :
      In z (update_first l x v) ->
      In z l \/ z = (x,v).
      induction l; simpl; intuition.
      destruct a.
      match_destr_in H; subst; simpl in *; intuition.

    Lemma update_first_update_first_eq (l:list (A*B)) v d1 d2 :
      update_first (update_first l v d1) v d2 = update_first l v d2.
      induction l; simpl; trivial.
      destruct a.
      match_destr; simpl; subst; trivial
      ; match_destr; congruence.
    Lemma update_first_update_first_neq_swap (l:list (A*B)) v1 d1 v2 d2 :
      v1 <> v2 ->
      update_first (update_first l v1 d1) v2 d2 =
      update_first (update_first l v2 d2) v1 d1.
      intros neq.
      induction l; simpl; trivial.
      destruct a.
      repeat (match_destr; simpl; subst; try congruence).

    Lemma lookup_some_nodup_perm {l l'} a v:
      NoDup (domain l) ->
      Permutation l l' ->
      lookup l a = Some v ->
      lookup l' a = Some v.
      intros. apply lookup_in in H1.
      apply (Permutation_in _ H0) in H1.
      apply in_lookup_nodup; auto.
      rewrite H0 in H; trivial.

    Lemma lookup_none_perm {l l'} a :
      Permutation l l' ->
      lookup l a = None ->
      lookup l' a = None.
      case_eq (lookup l' a); trivial.
      intros b bleq.
      apply lookup_in in bleq.
      symmetry in H.
      apply (Permutation_in _ H) in bleq.
      apply lookup_none_nin in H0.
      elim H0. eapply in_dom; eauto.

    Lemma update_first_NoDup_perm_proper {l l'} a v :
      NoDup (domain l) ->
      Permutation l l' ->
      Permutation (update_first l a v) (update_first l' a v).
      case_eq (lookup l a); [intros vv eqv|intros neq].
      - generalize (lookup_some_nodup_perm _ _ H H0 eqv); intro eqv'.
        destruct (in_update_break eqv v) as [l1 [l2 [leq1 leq2]]].
        destruct (in_update_break eqv' v) as [l1' [l2' [leq1' leq2']]].
        subst; rewrite leq2, leq2'.
        rewrite (Permutation_app_comm l1), (Permutation_app_comm l1').
        simpl. apply perm_skip.
        rewrite (Permutation_app_comm l1), (Permutation_app_comm l1') in H0.
        simpl in H0.
        apply Permutation_cons_inv in H0.
      - repeat rewrite nin_update; auto. eapply lookup_none_perm; eauto.

    Lemma lookup_update_eq_in {l:list (A*B)} {a} {n:B} :
      In a (domain l) ->
      lookup (update_first l a n) a = Some n.
      revert a n.
      induction l; simpl; intuition; simpl in *; subst.
      - destruct (dec a a); simpl; intuition.
        destruct (dec a a); simpl; intuition.
      - case_eq (dec a a0); simpl; intros; try rewrite e in *; subst; rewrite H; auto.
    Lemma lookup_update_neq {l a a'} {n:B} : a<>a' -> lookup (update_first l a n) a' = lookup l a'.
      revert a a' n. induction l; simpl; intuition.
      destruct (dec a a0); subst; simpl.
      - destruct (dec a' a0); try congruence.
      - destruct (dec a' a0); simpl; auto.

    Lemma in_update_break_first {l:list (A*B)} {a v} :
      lookup l a = Some v -> forall vv,
        exists l1 l2,
          l = l1++(a,v)::l2 /\
          update_first l a vv = l1++(a,vv)::l2
          /\ ~ In a (domain l1).
      induction l; simpl; intuition (try discriminate).
      destruct a0. destruct (dec a a0); intuition; subst.
      - inversion H; subst.
        exists nil; exists l; simpl; intuition.
      - destruct (H0 vv) as [l1 [l2 [leq1 leq2]]].
        subst. exists ((a0,b)::l1); exists l2; simpl; intuition.

    Lemma in_domain_split_or (l:list (A*B)) a :
      (exists l1 b l2, l = l1++(a,b)::l2 /\ ~ In a (domain l1))
      \/ ~ In a (domain l).
      induction l; simpl; [ right; tauto | ].
      destruct a0.
      destruct (dec a a0) as [inn1|neq1]; unfold equiv, complement in *.
      - left; subst.
        exists nil, b, l; simpl; tauto.
      - destruct IHl as [[l1 [b' [l2 [eqq inn2]]]]|nin2]; simpl.
        + left; subst.
          exists ((a0,b)::l1), b', l2.
          repeat split; trivial.
          simpl; intuition.
        + right.

    Lemma lookup_app {l1 l2} x:
      lookup (l1++l2) x =
      match lookup l1 x with
      | Some y => Some y
      | None => lookup l2 x
      revert l2 x. induction l1; simpl; intros.
      - trivial.
      - destruct a; simpl. rewrite IHl1.
        destruct (dec x a); reflexivity.

    Lemma lookup_app_in {l1 l2} a b :
      lookup (l1++l2) a = Some b -> In (a,b) l1 \/ In (a,b) l2.
      rewrite lookup_app in H.
      case_eq (lookup l1 a); intros.
      - rewrite H0 in H; inversion H.
        rewrite H2 in *; clear H2 H b0.
        left; apply lookup_in; assumption.
      - rewrite H0 in H; clear H0.
        right; apply lookup_in; assumption.
    Lemma domain_cons a (l:list (A*B)) :
      domain (a::l) = (fst a)::domain l.
  End Defn.

  Lemma map_codomain_update_first {A B C} (f:B->C) dec (l:list (A*B)) v d :
    map_codomain f (update_first dec l v d) =
    update_first dec (map_codomain f l) v (f d).
    induction l; simpl; trivial.
    destruct a; simpl.
    destruct (dec v a); simpl; trivial.
    rewrite IHl; trivial.

  Lemma Forall2_lookup_none {K A B} {P:A->B->Prop}
        {l : list (K * A)} {l' : list (K * B)} :
       (fun (d : K * A) (r : K * B) =>
          fst d = fst r /\ P (snd d) (snd r)) l l') ->
    forall {dec s},
      lookup dec l' s = None ->
      lookup dec l s = None.
    induction H; simpl in *.
    destruct x; destruct y; simpl in *.
    elim H; intros; clear H.
    rewrite H2 in *; clear H2 H3.
    revert H0 IHForall2.
    elim (dec s k0); intros; try congruence.

  Lemma Forall2_lookup_some {K A B} {P:A->B->Prop}
        {l : list (K * A)} {l' : list (K * B)} :
       (fun (d : K * A) (r : K * B) =>
          fst d = fst r /\ P (snd d) (snd r)) l l') ->
    forall {dec} {s:K} {d':B},
      lookup dec l' s = Some d' ->
      (exists d'', lookup dec l s = Some d'' /\ P d'' d').
    intros H.
    induction H; intros; simpl in *.
    - discriminate.
    - destruct x; destruct y; simpl in *.
      destruct H; subst.
      destruct (dec s k0).
      + invcs H1; eauto.
      + destruct (IHForall2 _ _ _ H1) as [?[??]].

  Lemma Forall2_lookup_some_with_key {K A B} {P:K->A->B->Prop}
        {l : list (K * A)} {l' : list (K * B)} :
       (fun (d : K * A) (r : K * B) =>
          fst d = fst r /\ P (fst d) (snd d) (snd r)) l l') ->
    forall {dec} {s:K} {d':B},
      lookup dec l' s = Some d' ->
      (exists d'', lookup dec l s = Some d'' /\ P s d'' d').
    intros H.
    induction H; intros; simpl in *.
    - discriminate.
    - destruct x; destruct y; simpl in *.
      destruct H; subst.
      destruct (dec s k0).
      + invcs H1; eauto.
      + destruct (IHForall2 _ _ _ H1) as [?[??]].
  Lemma lookup_map_same_domain {A B C:Type} dec
        (f:(A*B)->(A*C)) l v :
    domain l = domain (map f l) ->
    lookup dec (map f l) v = lift (fun x => snd (f (v,x))) (lookup dec l v).
    induction l; simpl; trivial.
    destruct a; intros eqq; invcs eqq.
    rewrite <- H0.
    rewrite IHl; trivial.
    case_eq (f (a,b)); intros.
    rewrite H in H0; simpl in H0; subst.
    destruct (dec v a0); simpl; trivial.
    - subst. rewrite H; simpl; trivial.

  Lemma lookup_map_codomain {A B C:Type} dec (f:B->C) (l:list (A*B)) v :
    lookup dec (map_codomain f l) v = lift f (lookup dec l v).
    apply lookup_map_same_domain; simpl.
    unfold domain; rewrite map_map.
    apply map_ext; trivial.

  Lemma lookup_map_codomain_unfolded {A B C:Type} dec (f:B->C) (l:list (A*B)) v :
    lookup dec (map (fun b => (fst b, f (snd b))) l) v = lift f (lookup dec l v).
    generalize (lookup_map_codomain dec f l).
    unfold map_codomain in H.

  Lemma domain_map_codomain {A B C} (f:B->C) (l:list (A*B)) :
    domain (map_codomain f l) = domain l.
    unfold domain, map_codomain.
    rewrite map_map; simpl.
    rewrite map_eta_fst_domain; trivial.

  Lemma cut_down_to_incl_to
        {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq}
        (l:list (A*B)) l2 :
    incl (domain (cut_down_to l l2)) l2.
    red; intros.
    apply in_domain_in in H.
    destruct H as [? inn].
    apply cut_down_to_in in inn.
    simpl in inn; intuition.

  Lemma incl_domain_cut_down_incl
        {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq}
        (l:list (A*B)) l2 :
    incl l2 (domain l) ->
    incl l2 (domain (cut_down_to l l2)).
    unfold incl; intros.
    specialize (H _ H0).
    apply in_domain_in in H. destruct H as [? inn].
    eapply in_dom.
    apply cut_down_to_in; simpl.

  Lemma cut_down_to_lookup_some
        {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq}
        (l:list (A*B)) l2 a y :
    lookup dec (cut_down_to l l2) a = Some y ->
    lookup dec l a = Some y /\ In a l2 .
    unfold cut_down_to.
    induction l; simpl; try discriminate.
    destruct a0; intros.
    case_eq (existsb (fun z : A => fst (a0, b) ==b z) l2); intros eqq1
    ; rewrite eqq1 in H.
    - apply existsb_exists in eqq1.
      destruct eqq1 as [? [??]].
      simpl in *.
      unfold equiv_decb in H1.
      match_destr_in H1.
      red in e; subst.
      + invcs H.
        red in e; subst; tauto.
      + auto.
    - destruct (IHl H).
      rewrite H0.
      match_destr; try tauto.
      rewrite existsb_not_forallb, negb_false_iff, forallb_forall in eqq1.
      red in e; subst.
      specialize (eqq1 _ H1).
      simpl in eqq1.
      unfold equiv_decb in eqq1.
      match_destr_in eqq1.
      red in c; congruence.

  Lemma cut_down_to_lookup_in
        {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq}
        (l:list (A*B)) l2 a :
    In a l2 ->
    lookup dec (cut_down_to l l2) a = lookup dec l a.
    intros inn.
    induction l; simpl; trivial.
    destruct a0; simpl.
    case_eq (existsb (fun z : A =>a0 ==b z) l2); intros eqq1; simpl; rewrite IHl; trivial.
    rewrite existsb_not_forallb, negb_false_iff, forallb_forall in eqq1.
    specialize (eqq1 _ inn).
    unfold equiv_decb in eqq1.
    match_destr_in eqq1.
    destruct (dec a a0); congruence.

  Global Instance domain_incl_proper A B : Proper (@incl (A*B) ==> @incl A) (@domain A B).
    unfold Proper, respectful, incl; intros.
    apply in_domain_in in H0.
    destruct H0.
    specialize (H _ H0).
    eapply in_dom; eauto.

  Lemma cut_down_to_incl
        {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq}
        (l:list (A*B)) (l2:list A) :
    incl (cut_down_to l l2) l.
    unfold incl; intros ? inn.
    apply cut_down_to_in in inn; tauto.
  Fixpoint assoc_lookupr {A B:Type} {P Q:A->A->Prop} (eqd:forall a a':A, {P a a'} + {Q a a'}) (l:list (A*B)) (a:A) : option B
    := match l with
       | nil => None
       | cons (a',d) r2 =>
         match assoc_lookupr eqd r2 a with
         | Some d' => Some d'
         | None =>
           if eqd a a'
           then Some d
           else None
  Fixpoint projectr {A B:Type} {P Q:A->A->Prop} (eqd:forall a a':A, {P a a'} + {Q a a'}) (l:list (A*B)) (ats:list A) : list (option (A*B)) :=
    match ats with
    | nil => nil
    | cons a ats' =>
      match assoc_lookupr eqd l a with
      | Some d => (Some (a,d)) :: (projectr eqd l ats')
      | None => None :: (projectr eqd l ats')

  Lemma assoc_lookupr_app {A B:Type} (l1 l2:list (A*B)) x (dec:forall x y, {x=y} + {x <> y}) :
    assoc_lookupr dec (l1++l2) x =
    match assoc_lookupr dec l2 x with
    | Some y => Some y
    | None => assoc_lookupr dec l1 x
    revert l2 x. induction l1; simpl; intros.
    - destruct (assoc_lookupr dec l2 x); trivial.
    - destruct a. rewrite IHl1.
      destruct (assoc_lookupr dec l2 x); trivial.

  Lemma assoc_lookupr_lookup
        {A B} dec x (ls:list (A*B)):
    assoc_lookupr dec ls x = lookup dec (rev ls) x.
    induction ls; simpl; trivial.
    destruct a.
    rewrite IHls.
    rewrite lookup_app; simpl.
  Lemma lookup_assoc_lookupr
        {A B} dec x (ls:list (A*B)):
    lookup dec ls x = assoc_lookupr dec (rev ls) x.
    rewrite assoc_lookupr_lookup.
    rewrite rev_involutive.

  Lemma in_dom_lookupr_strong {A B:Type} (l:list (A*B)) a (dec:forall x y, {x=y} + {x <> y}) :
    In a (domain l) -> {v|assoc_lookupr dec l a = Some v}.
    intros. induction l; simpl in *; [tauto|].
    destruct a0.
    simpl in *.
    case_eq (assoc_lookupr dec l a); simpl; [eauto|].
    destruct (dec a a0); simpl; [eauto|].
    intros ln; elim n.
    destruct X; congruence.

  Lemma in_dom_lookupr {A B:Type} (l:list (A*B)) a (dec:forall x y, {x=y} + {x <> y}) :
    In a (domain l) -> exists v, assoc_lookupr dec l a = Some v.
    intros ind.
    destruct (in_dom_lookupr_strong _ _ dec ind); eauto.

  Lemma assoc_lookupr_in {A B:Type} (l :list (A*B)) a b (dec:forall x y, {x=y} + {x <> y}) :
    assoc_lookupr dec l a = Some b -> In (a,b) l.
    induction l; simpl; intros; try discriminate.
    destruct a0. destruct (assoc_lookupr dec l a); auto.
    destruct (dec a a0); auto.
    inversion H; subst. auto.

  Lemma assoc_lookupr_none_nin {A B}
         (dec : forall x0 y : A, {x0 = y} + {x0 <> y}) {l x} :
    assoc_lookupr dec l x = (@None B) -> ~ In x (domain l).
    intros ind.
    destruct (in_dom_lookupr _ _ dec ind).

  Lemma assoc_lookupr_nodup_perm {A B:Type} (l l':list (A*B)) x (dec:forall x y, {x=y} + {x <> y}) :
    NoDup (domain l) -> Permutation l l' -> assoc_lookupr dec l x = assoc_lookupr dec l' x.
    revert l' x.
    induction l; simpl; intros.
    - apply Permutation_nil in H0; subst; simpl; trivial.
    - destruct a; simpl.
      assert (inl:In (a,b) l')
        by (apply (Permutation_in _ H0); simpl; intuition).
      destruct (in_split _ _ inl) as [l1 [l2 ?]]; subst.
      rewrite <- Permutation_middle in H0.
      apply Permutation_cons_inv in H0.
      inversion H; subst.
      rewrite (IHl _ _ H4 H0).
      repeat rewrite assoc_lookupr_app. simpl.
      destruct (assoc_lookupr dec l2 x); trivial.
      case_eq (assoc_lookupr dec l1 x);
        destruct (dec x a); trivial.
      intros. elim H3.
      apply assoc_lookupr_in in H1.
      apply in_dom in H1.
      eapply Permutation_in; [symmetry; apply Permutation_map; eassumption|].
      rewrite map_app.
      eapply in_or_app. auto.

  Lemma in_split_strong {A:Type} `{EqDec A eq} {x} {l:list A} : In x l -> {l1:list A & {l2:list A | l = l1 ++ x::l2}}.
    induction l; simpl; intuition.
    destruct (equiv_dec a x); unfold equiv, complement in *.
    - rewrite e. exists nil; exists l; reflexivity.
    - destruct (In_dec equiv_dec x l).
      + destruct (IHl i) as [l1 [l2 eql]].
        exists (a::l1); exists l2. rewrite eql.
      + assert False; intuition.

  Lemma assoc_lookupr_nin_none {A B:Type} (l:list (A*B)) x (dec:forall x y, {x=y} + {x <> y}) : ~ In x (domain l) -> assoc_lookupr dec l x = None.
    induction l; simpl; intros; auto.
    destruct a; simpl in *. intuition.
    destruct (assoc_lookupr dec l x); try congruence.
    destruct (dec x a); subst; intuition.

  Lemma in_assoc_lookupr_nodup {A B:Type} (l:list (A*B)) a b (dec:forall x y, {x=y} + {x <> y}):
    NoDup (domain l) -> In (a,b) l -> assoc_lookupr dec l a = Some b.
    induction l.
    simpl in *.
    inversion H; subst.
    specialize (IHl H4).
    destruct a0; simpl in *.
    elim H0; clear H0; intros.
    inversion H0; subst.
    clear H0 H.
    assert (assoc_lookupr dec l a = None).
    apply assoc_lookupr_nin_none; assumption.
    rewrite H.
    destruct (dec a a); congruence.
    rewrite (IHl H0).

  Lemma Forall2_lookupr_none {K A B} {P:A->B->Prop} {l : list (K * A)} {l' : list (K * B)} :
       (fun (d : K * A) (r : K * B) =>
          fst d = fst r /\ P (snd d) (snd r)) l l') ->
    forall {Q1 Q2} {dec s},
      @assoc_lookupr K B Q1 Q2 dec l' s = None ->
      assoc_lookupr dec l s = None.
    induction H; simpl in *.
    destruct x; destruct y; simpl in *.
    elim H; intros; clear H.
    rewrite H2 in *; clear H2 H3.
    revert H0 IHForall2.
    elim (assoc_lookupr dec l' s); try congruence.
    elim (dec s k0); intros; try congruence.
    specialize (IHForall2 H0); rewrite IHForall2.

  Lemma Forall2_lookupr_some {K A B} {P:A->B->Prop} {l : list (K * A)} {l' : list (K * B)} :
       (fun (d : K * A) (r : K * B) =>
          fst d = fst r /\ P (snd d) (snd r)) l l') ->
    forall {Q1 Q2} {dec} {s:K} {d':B},
      @assoc_lookupr K B Q1 Q2 dec l' s = Some d' ->
      (exists d'', assoc_lookupr dec l s = Some d'' /\ P d'' d').
    induction H; simpl in *.
    - elim H0; intros; congruence.
    - destruct x; destruct y; simpl in *.
      assert ((exists d, assoc_lookupr dec l' s = Some d) \/
              assoc_lookupr dec l' s = None)
        by (destruct (assoc_lookupr dec l' s);
            [left; exists b0; reflexivity|right; reflexivity]).
      elim H2; intros; clear H2.
      elim H3; intros; clear H3.
      revert H0 IHForall2.
      rewrite H2; intros.
      elim (IHForall2 H0); intros; clear IHForall2.
      elim H3; intros; clear H3.
      rewrite H4. exists x0. split;[reflexivity|assumption].
      clear IHForall2; assert (assoc_lookupr dec l s = None)
        by apply (Forall2_lookupr_none H1 H3).
      rewrite H3 in *; rewrite H2 in *; clear H2 H3.
      elim H; intros; clear H.
      rewrite H2 in *; clear H2.
      revert H0; elim (dec s k0); intros.
      + exists a; split; try reflexivity.
        inversion H0; rewrite H2 in *; assumption.
      + congruence.

  Definition permutation_dec {A:Type} `{EqDec A eq} (l l':list A)
    : {Permutation l l'} + {~Permutation l l'}.
    revert l'. induction l.
    - destruct l'.
      + left; trivial.
      + right. apply Permutation_nil_cons.
    - intros. destruct (In_dec equiv_dec a l').
      + destruct (in_split_strong i) as [l1 [l2 eql]].
        destruct (IHl (l1++l2)).
        * left. subst. apply Permutation_cons_app; trivial.
        * right. intro P. elim n. subst. rewrite <- Permutation_middle in P.
          apply (Permutation_cons_inv P).
      + right. intro P. apply n. eapply (Permutation_in _ P). simpl; intuition.

  Lemma permutation_prover {A:Set} {dec:EqDec A eq}
        (l1 l2:list A)
        (pf:holds (permutation_dec l1 l2)) :
    Permutation l1 l2.
    generalize (permutation_dec l1 l2).
    unfold holds, is_true in *.
    match_destr_in pf.

  Lemma NoDup_app_inv {A:Type} {a b:list A} : NoDup (a++b) -> NoDup a.
    induction b; intuition.
    - rewrite app_nil_r in H; trivial.
    - rewrite <- Permutation_middle in H.
      inversion H; subst; auto.

  Hint Resolve NoDup_app_inv : fml.

  Lemma NoDup_app_inv2 {A:Type} {a b:list A} : NoDup (a++b) -> NoDup b.
    rewrite Permutation_app_comm.
    eauto with fml.

  Lemma domain_length {A B:Type} (l:list (A*B)) :
    List.length (domain l) = List.length l.
    apply map_length.
  Lemma domain_app {A B:Type} (ll₂:list (A*B)) :
    domain (l₁ ++ l₂) = domain l₁ ++ domain l₂.
    unfold domain. rewrite map_app; trivial.

  Lemma codomain_length {A B:Type} (l:list (A*B)) :
    List.length (codomain l) = List.length l.
    apply map_length.
  Lemma codomain_app {A B:Type} (ll₂:list (A*B)) :
    codomain (l₁ ++ l₂) = codomain l₁ ++ codomain l₂.
    unfold codomain. rewrite map_app; trivial.

  Lemma app_inv_head_domain {A B:Type} {l1 l2 l1' l2' : list (A*B)} :
    l1 ++ l2 = l1' ++ l2' ->
    domain l1' = domain l1 ->
    l1 = l1' /\ l2 = l2'.
    intros eqq domeq.
    apply app_inv_head_length in eqq; trivial.
    rewrite <- domain_length.
    unfold domain in *.
    rewrite <- domeq.
    rewrite map_length; trivial.
  Section distinctdom.
    Fixpoint bdistinct_domain {A B} {R} `{dec:EqDec A R} (l:list (A*B)) :=
      match l with
      | nil => nil
      | x :: l' =>
        let dl' := bdistinct_domain l' in
        if (existsb (fun z => (fst x) ==b (fst z)) dl') then
          dl' else x::dl'

    Hint Constructors NoDup : fml.

    Lemma bdistinct_domain_NoDup {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq} (l:list (A*B)) :
      NoDup (domain (bdistinct_domain l)).
      induction l; simpl.
      - eauto with fml.
      - case_eq (existsb (fun z : A * B => fst a ==b fst z) (bdistinct_domain l)).
        + trivial.
        + intros; constructor; trivial.
          rewrite existsb_not_forallb, negb_false_iff, forallb_forall in H.
          intros inn.
          destruct (in_domain_in inn).
          specialize (H _ H0).
          simpl in H.
          unfold equiv_decb in *.
          match_destr_in H. intuition.

    Lemma bdistinct_domain_domain_equiv {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq} (l:list (A*B)) :
      equivlist (domain (bdistinct_domain l)) (domain l).
      induction l; simpl.
      - reflexivity.
      - match_case; intros.
        + rewrite IHl.
          rewrite existsb_exists in H.
          destruct H as [? [??]].
          split; simpl; intuition; subst.
          unfold equiv_decb in H0.
          match_destr_in H0. rewrite e.
          eapply equivlist_in; eauto.
          destruct x.
          eapply in_dom; eauto.
        + rewrite existsb_not_forallb, negb_false_iff, forallb_forall in H.
          rewrite domain_cons. split; simpl; intuition; subst.
          * right; apply (equivlist_in IHl _ H1).
          * generalize (equivlist_in (symmetry IHl) _ H1); eauto.

    Lemma bdistinct_rev_domain_equivlist {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq} (l:list (A*B)) :
      equivlist ((domain l)) (domain (bdistinct_domain (rev l))).
      rewrite bdistinct_domain_domain_equiv.
      rewrite domain_rev.
      rewrite <- (Permutation_rev (domain l)).

    Lemma bdistinct_domain_assoc_lookupr {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq} (l:list (A*B)) :
      forall x,
        assoc_lookupr dec (bdistinct_domain l) x
        = assoc_lookupr dec l x.
      induction l; simpl; trivial.
      destruct a; simpl; intros.
      match_case; match_case; simpl; intros; rewrite IHl, H; trivial.
      rewrite existsb_exists in H0.
      destruct H0 as [[??] [?inn eqq]].
      unfold equiv_decb in *; simpl in * .
      match_destr_in eqq.
      unfold equiv in *.
      rewrite <- IHl in H.
      apply assoc_lookupr_none_nin in H.
      apply in_dom in inn.

  End distinctdom.
  Section lookup_eq.
    Context {A B:Type}.
    Context {dec:EqDec A eq}.

    Definition lookup_incl (l1 l2:list (A*B)) : Prop
      := forall (x:A) (y:B), lookup dec l1 x = Some y ->
                             lookup dec l2 x = Some y.

    Global Instance lookup_incl_pre : PreOrder lookup_incl.
      unfold lookup_incl.
      constructor; red; intros; intuition.
    Definition lookup_equiv (l1 l2:list (A*B)) : Prop
      := forall (x:A), lookup dec l1 x = lookup dec l2 x.

    Global Instance lookup_equiv_equiv : Equivalence lookup_equiv.
      unfold lookup_equiv.
      constructor; red; simpl.
      - reflexivity.
      - eauto.
      - intros.
        etransitivity; eauto.

    Global Instance lookup_incl_equiv : subrelation lookup_equiv lookup_incl.
      repeat red; intros.

    Global Instance lookup_incl_part : PartialOrder lookup_equiv lookup_incl.
      unfold lookup_equiv, lookup_incl.
      intros l1 l2.
      unfold relation_conjunction, predicate_intersection,
      pointwise_extension, Basics.flip.
      split; [split|].
      - congruence.
      - congruence.
      - intros [eqq1 eqq2] x.
        specialize (eqq1 x).
        specialize (eqq2 x).
        destruct (lookup dec l1 x).
        + rewrite (eqq1 _ eq_refl); trivial.
        + destruct (lookup dec l2 x); trivial.
          rewrite (eqq2 _ eq_refl); trivial.

    Lemma lookup_incl_dec_nodup {decb:EqDec B eq} :
      forall x y, NoDup (domain x) -> {lookup_incl x y} + {~ lookup_incl x y}.
      intros x y nd.
      revert nd.
      unfold lookup_incl.
      induction x; simpl; intros.
      - left. intros; try discriminate.
      - destruct a; simpl in *.
        case_eq (lookup dec y a); intros.
        + destruct (decb b b0); unfold equiv in * .
          * { destruct IHx.
              - inversion nd; trivial.
              - left.
                intros ? ? eqq; subst.
                match_destr_in eqq; unfold equiv in * .
                + inversion eqq; clear eqq; subst.
                + auto.
              - right.
                intro inn; apply n.
                apply (inn x0 y0).
                red in e; subst.
                apply lookup_in in H0.
                apply in_dom in H0.
                inversion nd; subst.
          * right; intros inn.
            { rewrite (inn a b) in H.
              - inversion H; congruence.
              - match_destr; congruence.
        + right. intro inn.
          rewrite (inn a b) in H.
          * discriminate.
          * match_destr.

    Lemma lookup_incl_dec {decb:EqDec B eq} :
      forall x y, {lookup_incl x y} + {~ lookup_incl x y}.
      destruct (lookup_incl_dec_nodup (rev (bdistinct_domain (rev x))) y).
      - rewrite domain_rev.
        rewrite NoDup_rev.
        apply bdistinct_domain_NoDup.
      - left.
        unfold lookup_incl in *; intros.
        apply l.
        rewrite <- assoc_lookupr_lookup.
        rewrite (bdistinct_domain_assoc_lookupr (rev x) x0).
        rewrite lookup_assoc_lookupr in H.
      - right.
        unfold lookup_incl in *.
        intros inn; apply n; clear n; intros.
        apply inn.
        rewrite <- assoc_lookupr_lookup in H.
        rewrite (bdistinct_domain_assoc_lookupr (rev x) x0) in H.
        rewrite lookup_assoc_lookupr.

    Instance lookup_equiv_eqdec {decb:EqDec B eq} :
      EqDec (list (A*B)) lookup_equiv.
      unfold equiv, complement.
      intros x y.
      destruct (lookup_incl_dec x y).
      - destruct (lookup_incl_dec y x).
        + left.
          apply lookup_incl_part; split; trivial.
        + right.
          intros eqq.
          apply lookup_incl_part in eqq.
          destruct eqq; intuition.
      - right.
        intros eqq.
        apply lookup_incl_part in eqq.
        destruct eqq; intuition.

    Global Instance lookup_equiv_lookup
      : Proper (lookup_equiv ==> eq ==> eq) (@lookup A B dec).
      intros ??????; subst.
      apply H.

    Lemma lookup_equiv_cons_same {l1 l2:list (A*B)} :
      lookup_equiv l1 l2 ->
      forall a,
        lookup_equiv (a::l1) (a::l2).
      unfold lookup_equiv; simpl; destruct a; intros.

    Lemma lookup_equiv_app {l1 l2 l1' l2':list (A*B)} :
      lookup_equiv l1 l1' ->
      lookup_equiv l2 l2' ->
      lookup_equiv (l1++l2) (l1'++l2').
      unfold lookup_equiv; simpl; intros.
      repeat rewrite lookup_app.
      rewrite H, H0; trivial.

    Lemma lookup_equiv_appl_same {l1 l2:list (A*B)} :
      lookup_equiv l1 l2 ->
      forall l,
        lookup_equiv (l++l1) (l++l2).
      eapply lookup_equiv_app; trivial.

    Lemma lookup_equiv_appr_same {l1 l2:list (A*B)} :
      lookup_equiv l1 l2 ->
      forall l,
        lookup_equiv (l1++l) (l2++l).
      eapply lookup_equiv_app; trivial.

    Lemma lookup_incl_cons_l_nin (l1 l2:list (A*B)) x y :
      lookup_incl l1 l2 ->
      ~ In x (domain l1) ->
      lookup_incl l1 ((x,y)::l2).
      unfold lookup_incl; simpl; intros.
      match_destr; unfold equiv in *; subst.
      - apply lookup_in in H1.
        apply in_dom in H1.
      - auto.

    Lemma cut_down_to_lookup_incl
          (l:list (A*B)) (l2:list A) :
      lookup_incl (cut_down_to l l2) l.
      unfold cut_down_to, lookup_incl.
      induction l; simpl; trivial; intros x y inn.
      destruct a; simpl in *.
      match_case_in inn
      ; intros eqq1; rewrite eqq1 in inn.
      - simpl in inn.
      - rewrite (IHl _ _ inn).
        match_destr; unfold Equivalence.equiv, complement in *.
        apply lookup_in in inn.
        apply filter_In in inn.
        simpl in inn.
        intuition congruence.

    Lemma lookup_remove_duplicate l v x l' x' l'' :
        (l ++ (v,x)::l' ++ (v,x')::l'')
        (l ++ (v,x)::l' ++ l'').
      red; intros.
      repeat rewrite lookup_app.
      repeat rewrite lookup_app.

    Lemma lookup_remove_nin l v0 (x:B) l' v :
      v <> v0 ->
      lookup dec (l ++ (v0,x) :: l') v = lookup dec (l ++ l') v.
      repeat rewrite lookup_app.

    Lemma lookup_swap_neq l1 v1 x1 v2 x2 l2 :
      v1 <> v2 ->
      red; intros.
      repeat rewrite lookup_app.

    Lemma lookup_equiv_perm_nodup {l1 l2} :
      NoDup (domain l1) ->
      Permutation l1 l2 ->
      lookup_equiv l1 l2.
      unfold lookup_equiv; intros.
      case_eq (lookup dec l1 x); intros.
      - apply lookup_in in H1.
        rewrite H0 in H1.
        apply in_lookup_nodup; trivial.
        rewrite <- H0.
      - symmetry.
        eapply lookup_none_perm in H1; eauto.

    Lemma update_first_NoDup_perm_invs (f g:B->B) {l1 l2} {a:A} {v1 v2:B} :
      NoDup (domain l1) ->
      Permutation (update_first dec l1 a (f v1)) (update_first dec l2 a (g v2)) ->
      lookup dec l1 a = Some v1 ->
      lookup dec l2 a = Some v2 ->
      (forall x y, f x = g y -> x = y) ->
      Permutation l1 l2 /\ v1 = v2 /\ f v1 = g v2.
      intros nodup perm lo1 lo2 inj.
      assert (perm2: Permutation (domain l1) (domain l2)).
      { erewrite <- (domain_update_first dec l1)
        ; erewrite <- (domain_update_first dec l2).
        apply Permutation_map; eauto.
      destruct (in_update_break dec lo1 (f v1))
        as [m1 [m2 [meqq mueqq]]].
      rewrite mueqq in perm.
      destruct (in_update_break dec lo2 (g v2))
        as [n1 [n2 [neqq nueqq]]].
      rewrite nueqq in perm.
      repeat rewrite <- Permutation_middle in perm.
      rewrite meqq in nodup.
      rewrite <- Permutation_middle in nodup.
      assert (lequiv:lookup_equiv ((a, f v1) :: m1 ++ m2) ((a, g v2) :: n1 ++ n2)).
      { apply lookup_equiv_perm_nodup; trivial. }
      assert (lo:lookup dec ((a, f v1) :: m1 ++ m2) a = Some (f v1)).
      { simpl; match_destr; congruence. }
      rewrite lequiv in lo.
      simpl in lo.
      match_destr_in lo; [| congruence].
      invcs lo.
      symmetry in H0.
      specialize (inj _ _ H0).
      split; [ | tauto].
      rewrite H0 in perm.
      apply Permutation_cons_inv in perm.
      repeat rewrite <- Permutation_middle.

    Lemma assoc_lookupr_lookup_nodup x (ls:list (A*B)):
      NoDup (domain ls) ->
      assoc_lookupr dec ls x = lookup dec ls x.
      intros nd.
      rewrite @assoc_lookupr_lookup.
      apply lookup_equiv_perm_nodup; trivial.
      - rewrite domain_rev.
        rewrite <- Permutation_rev; trivial.
      - rewrite <- Permutation_rev. reflexivity.

    Lemma NoDup_lookup_equiv_equivlist (l1 l2:list (A*B)) :
      NoDup (domain l1) ->
      NoDup (domain l2) ->
      lookup_equiv l1 l2 ->
      equivlist l1 l2.
      unfold equivlist, lookup_equiv.
      intros nd1 nd2 loeq.
      intros [a b]; split; intros inn
      ; apply lookup_in with (dec0:=dec)
      ; apply (in_lookup_nodup) with (dec0:=dec) in inn; trivial
      ; congruence.

    Lemma NoDup_lookup_equiv_Permutation (l1 l2:list (A*B)) :
      NoDup (domain l1) ->
      NoDup (domain l2) ->
      lookup_equiv l1 l2 ->
      Permutation l1 l2.
      intros nd1 nd2 le.
      apply NoDup_Permutation';
        try (apply NoDup_domain_NoDup; trivial).
      apply NoDup_lookup_equiv_equivlist; trivial.
    Definition assoc_lookupr_equiv
               (l1 l2:list (A*B))
      := forall x : A, assoc_lookupr dec l1 x = assoc_lookupr dec l2 x.

    Global Instance assoc_lookupr_equiv_equiv : Equivalence (assoc_lookupr_equiv).
      constructor; red; unfold assoc_lookupr_equiv; congruence.

    Global Instance assoc_lookupr_equiv_app:
      Proper (assoc_lookupr_equiv ==> assoc_lookupr_equiv ==> assoc_lookupr_equiv) (@app (A*B)).
      unfold Proper, respectful, assoc_lookupr_equiv; intros.
      rewrite (assoc_lookupr_app x x0).
      rewrite (assoc_lookupr_app y y0).
      rewrite H, H0.

    Lemma assoc_lookupr_equiv_cons_in (s:A) (d:B) l :
      In s (domain l) ->
      assoc_lookupr_equiv l ((s, d) :: l).
      unfold assoc_lookupr_equiv; intros.
      match_case; intros.
      match_case; intros.
      unfold equiv in *; subst.
      apply assoc_lookupr_none_nin in H0.

  End lookup_eq.

  Lemma remove_domain_filter {A B} `{dec:EqDec A eq} s l:
    remove equiv_dec s (domain l) =
    domain (filter (fun x : A * B => s <>b fst x) l).
    induction l; simpl; trivial.
    unfold nequiv_decb, equiv_decb.
    rewrite IHl.
    destruct (equiv_dec s (fst a)); simpl; trivial.
  Lemma fold_left_remove_all_nil_in_not_inv {B} {x ps l}:
    In x (fold_left
            (fun (h : list nat) (xy : nat * B) =>
               remove_all (fst xy) h)
            ps l) ->
    ~ In x (domain ps).
    revert l.
    induction ps; simpl; intuition; subst.
    - simpl in *.
      apply fold_left_remove_all_nil_in_inv in H.
      rewrite remove_all_filter in H.
      apply filter_In in H. unfold nequiv_decb, equiv_decb in *.
      intuition. match_destr_in H1.
    - eauto.

  Lemma fold_left_remove_all_nil_in {B} {x ps l}:
    In x l ->
    ~ In x (domain ps) ->
    In x (fold_left
            (fun (h : list nat) (xy : nat * B) =>
               remove_all (fst xy) h)
            ps l).
    revert l.
    induction ps using rev_ind; simpl; intuition; subst.
    rewrite fold_left_app; simpl.
    rewrite remove_all_filter.
    rewrite domain_app, in_app_iff in H0.
    simpl in H0.
    apply filter_In. split.
    - apply IHps; intuition.
    - unfold nequiv_decb, equiv_decb.
      red in e; subst. intuition.

  Definition swap {A B} (xy:A*B) := (snd xy, fst xy).

  Section Swap.
    Lemma swap_idempotent {A B} (a:A*B) : swap (swap a) = a.
      destruct a; unfold swap; simpl; trivial.
    Lemma in_swap {A B} x (l:list (A*B)):
      In x (map swap l) <-> In (swap x) l.
      rewrite in_map_iff. split.
      - destruct 1 as [? [??]]; subst.
        rewrite swap_idempotent; trivial.
      - intros. econstructor; split; try eassumption.
        rewrite swap_idempotent; trivial.

    Lemma in_swap_in {A B} x (l:list (A*B)):
      In (swap x) (map swap l) <-> In x l.
      rewrite in_swap, swap_idempotent; intuition.
  End Swap.

  Section Lookup_diff.

    Fixpoint lookup_diff {A B C:Type} (dec:forall a a':A, {a=a'} + {a<>a'}) (l₁:list (A*B)) (l₂:list (A*C)) :=
      match lwith
      | nil => nil
      | x::xs => match lookup dec l₂ (fst x) with
                 | None => x::lookup_diff dec xs l
                 | Some _ => lookup_diff dec xs l

    Lemma lookup_diff_none1 {A B C:Type} (dec:forall a a':A, {a=a'} + {a<>a'}) {l₁:list(A*B)} (l₂:list (A*C)) {x} :
      lookup dec lx = None ->
      lookup dec (lookup_diff dec ll₂) x = None.
      revert x.
      induction l₁; simpl; trivial.
      destruct a; simpl; intros.
      case_eq (dec x a); intuition; subst; rewrite H0 in H; try discriminate.
      case_eq (lookup dec la); simpl; intuition.
      rewrite H0. auto.

    Lemma lookup_diff_none2 {A B C:Type} (dec:forall a a':A, {a=a'} + {a<>a'}) (l₁:list (A*B)) {l₂:list (A*C)} {x} :
      lookup dec lx = None ->
      lookup dec (lookup_diff dec ll₂) x = lookup dec lx.
      revert x.
      induction l₁; simpl; trivial.
      destruct a; simpl; intuition.
      destruct (dec x a); subst.
      - rewrite H; simpl.
        destruct (dec a a); intuition.
      - generalize (IHla). destruct (lookup dec la); intuition.
        simpl. destruct (dec x a); intuition.

    Lemma lookup_diff_some2 {A B C:Type} (dec:forall a a':A, {a=a'} + {a<>a'}) (l₁:list(A*B)) {l₂:list (A*C)} {x t} :
      lookup dec lx = Some t ->
      lookup dec (lookup_diff dec ll₂) x = None.
      induction l₁; simpl; intuition.
      case_eq (lookup dec la0); intuition.
      destruct (dec x a0); subst; intuition.
      rewrite H in H1. discriminate.

    Lemma lookup_diff_inv {A B C} (dec:forall a a':A, {a=a'} + {a<>a'})
          x (l1:list (A*B)) (l2:list (A*C)):
      In x (lookup_diff dec l1 l2) ->
      In x l1 /\ ~ In (fst x) (domain l2).
      revert l2.
      induction l1; simpl; intros.
      - intuition.
      - match_case_in H; intros; rewrite H0 in H.
        + specialize (IHl1 _ H). intuition.
        + simpl in H. destruct H; subst.
          * intuition.
            apply lookup_none_nin in H0.
            destruct x.
            simpl in *. intuition.
          * specialize (IHl1 _ H). intuition.

    Lemma lookup_diff_nilr {A B C:Type}
          (dec:forall a a':A, {a=a'} + {a<>a'})
          (l₁:list (A*B)) :
      (lookup_diff dec l₁ (@nil (A*C))) = l₁.
      induction l₁; simpl; congruence.

    Lemma NoDup_lookup_diff {A B:Type} (dec:forall a a':A, {a=a'} + {a<>a'})
          {rr₂:list (A*B)} :
      NoDup (domain r₁) -> NoDup (domain (lookup_diff dec rr₂)).
      induction r₁; simpl; trivial.
      inversion 1; subst.
      destruct a; simpl in *.
      apply (lookup_nin_none dec) in H2.
      destruct (lookup dec ra); intuition.
      simpl; constructor; auto.
      generalize (lookup_diff_none1 dec rH2); intros nin.
      apply lookup_none_nin in nin; auto.

    Lemma lookup_diff_domain_bounded {A B C} dec ll₂ :
      incl (domain l₁) (domain l₂) ->
      @lookup_diff A B C dec ll₂ = nil.
      unfold incl.
      induction l₁; simpl; trivial.
      - rewrite IHl₁; trivial.
        simpl in *; intuition.
      - intros lo.
         apply lookup_none_nin in lo.
         specialize (H (fst a)); simpl in H.
         cut_to H; [ | intuition ].

    Lemma lookup_diff_bounded {A B} dec ll₂ :
      incl ll₂ ->
      @lookup_diff A B B dec ll₂ = nil.
      apply lookup_diff_domain_bounded.
      apply domain_incl_proper; trivial.

    Lemma lookup_diff_same_domain2 {A B C D} dec (l1:list (A*B)) (l2:list (A*C)) (l3:list (A*D)) :
      equivlist (domain l2) (domain l3) ->
      lookup_diff dec l1 l2 = lookup_diff dec l1 l3.
      intros eqq.
      induction l1; simpl; trivial.
      rewrite IHl1.
      specialize (eqq (fst a)).
      match_case; intros.
      - apply lookup_in in H.
        apply in_dom in H.
        destruct eqq as [eqq _].
        specialize (eqq H).
        apply (in_dom_lookup dec) in eqq.
        destruct eqq as [? eqq1].
        rewrite eqq1.
      - apply lookup_none_nin in H.
        match_case; intros.
        apply lookup_in in H0.
        apply in_dom in H0.
        destruct eqq as [_ eqq].
        specialize (eqq H0).

    Lemma map_lookup_diff {A B C} dec (f:A*B->A*C) (l1:list (A*B)) (l2:list (A*C)):
      (forall a, fst a = fst (f a)) ->
      map f (lookup_diff dec l1 l2) = lookup_diff dec (map f l1) l2.
      intros preserves.
      induction l1; simpl; trivial.
      rewrite <- preserves.
      simpl; rewrite IHl1; trivial.

    Lemma lookup_diff_disjoint
          {A B:Type}
          (dec:forall a a':A, {a=a'} + {a<>a'})
          (ll₂:list (A*B)) :
      disjoint (domain (lookup_diff dec ll₂)) (domain l₂).
      red; intros.
      apply (in_dom_lookup dec) in H; destruct H.
      apply (in_dom_lookup dec) in H0; destruct H0.
      rewrite (lookup_diff_some2 dec lH0) in H.
  End Lookup_diff.

  Section Lookup_equiv_on.

    Definition lookup_equiv_on {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq}
               (dom:list A) (l1 l2:list (A*B))
      := forall x, In x dom -> lookup dec l1 x = lookup dec l2 x.
    Lemma cut_down_to_lookup_equiv_on {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq}
          (l:list (A*B)) l2 :
      lookup_equiv_on l2 (cut_down_to l l2) l.
      apply cut_down_to_lookup_in.
    Lemma lookup_equiv_on_is_cut_down_equiv {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq}
          (dom:list A) (l1 l2:list (A*B))
      : lookup_equiv_on dom l1 l2
        lookup_equiv (cut_down_to l1 dom) (cut_down_to l2 dom).
      unfold lookup_equiv, lookup_equiv_on; split; intros.
      - case_eq (lookup dec (cut_down_to l2 dom) x).
         + intros ? xlo.
           apply cut_down_to_lookup_some in xlo.
           destruct xlo as [xloeq inx].
           rewrite <- H in xloeq by trivial.
           rewrite cut_down_to_lookup_in; trivial.
         + case_eq (lookup dec (cut_down_to l1 dom) x); trivial.
           intros ? xlo1 xlo2.
           apply cut_down_to_lookup_some in xlo1.
           destruct xlo1 as [xloeq inx].
           rewrite H in xloeq by trivial.
           rewrite cut_down_to_lookup_in in xlo2 by trivial.
      - specialize (H x).
        repeat rewrite cut_down_to_lookup_in in H by trivial.

    Global Instance lookup_equiv_on_equiv {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq} l
      : Equivalence (@lookup_equiv_on A B dec l).
      apply (Equivalence_by_iff _ _ (lookup_equiv_on_is_cut_down_equiv l)).
      apply Equivalence_pullback.
      apply lookup_equiv_equiv.

    Lemma lookup_equiv_on_lookup_equiv {A B : Type} (dec : EqDec A eq)
          (l1 l2 : list (A * B)) :
      lookup_equiv l1 l2 <-> (forall dom, lookup_equiv_on dom l1 l2).
      unfold lookup_equiv, lookup_equiv_on.
      split; intros.
      - intuition.
      - apply (H (x::nil)); simpl; eauto.

    Lemma lookup_equiv_on_dom_incl {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq}
          (dom1 dom2:list A) (l1 l2:list (A*B))
      : incl dom2 dom1 ->
        lookup_equiv_on dom1 l1 l2 ->
        lookup_equiv_on dom2 l1 l2.
      unfold lookup_equiv_on; intuition.

    Lemma lookup_equiv_on_dom_app_f {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq}
          {dom1 dom2:list A} {l1 l2:list (A*B)}
      : lookup_equiv_on dom1 l1 l2 ->
        lookup_equiv_on dom2 l1 l2 ->
        lookup_equiv_on (dom1++dom2) l1 l2.
      unfold lookup_equiv_on; intros.
      rewrite in_app_iff in *; intuition.
    Lemma lookup_equiv_on_dom_app {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq}
          (dom1 dom2:list A) (l1 l2:list (A*B))
      : lookup_equiv_on (dom1++dom2) l1 l2 ->
        lookup_equiv_on dom1 l1 l2
        /\ lookup_equiv_on dom2 l1 l2.
      unfold lookup_equiv_on; intuition.

    Lemma lookup_equiv_on_cons_same {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq} {l} {l1 l2:list (A*B)} :
      lookup_equiv_on l l1 l2 ->
      forall a,
        lookup_equiv_on l (a::l1) (a::l2).
      unfold lookup_equiv_on; simpl; destruct a; intros.
      match_destr; eauto.

    Global Instance lookup_equiv_on_incl_prop {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq} :
      Proper ((@incl A) --> eq ==> eq ==> Basics.impl) (@lookup_equiv_on A B dec).
      intros ??????????; subst.
      eapply lookup_equiv_on_dom_incl; eauto.

    Lemma lookup_equiv_on_update_first {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq} fvs (ll₂:list (A*B)) v d :
      lookup_equiv_on fvs ll₂ ->
      lookup_equiv_on fvs (update_first equiv_dec lv d)
                      (update_first equiv_dec lv d).
      unfold lookup_equiv_on; intros.
      specialize (H _ H0).
      destruct (x == v); unfold equiv, complement in *.
      - subst.
        case_eq ( lookup dec lv); intros.
        + repeat rewrite lookup_update_eq_in; trivial.
          * rewrite H in H1; eapply lookup_in_domain; eauto.
          * eapply lookup_in_domain; eauto.
        + unfold equiv_dec in *
          ; repeat rewrite nin_update; congruence.
      - repeat rewrite lookup_update_neq by congruence.

  End Lookup_equiv_on.

  Section alldisjoint.
    Lemma all_disjoint_domain_has_same_eq {A B} {ls:list (list (A*B))} :
      all_disjoint (map domain ls) ->
      forall l1 l2,
        In l1 ls ->
        In l2 ls ->
        forall x,
          In x (domain l1) -> In x (domain l2) -> l1 = l2.
      induction ls; simpl; try contradiction.
      intros ad l1 l2 inn1 inn2 x innx1 innx2.
      invcs ad.
      specialize (IHls H2).
      rewrite Forall_forall in H1.
      destruct inn1 as [? | inn1]; destruct inn2 as [? | inn2]; subst.
      - trivial.
      - eelim (H1 (domain l2)); try eassumption.
        apply in_map; trivial.
      - eelim (H1 (domain l1)); try eassumption.
        apply in_map; trivial.
      - eauto.

  End alldisjoint.

  Section concat.

    Lemma concat_lookup_some_break {A B:Type} {dec:EqDec A eq} {ls:list (list (A*B))} {x:A} {v:B} :
      lookup dec (List.concat ls) x = Some v ->
      exists ll1 ll ll2, ls = ll1++ll::ll2
                         /\ lookup dec ll x = Some v
                         /\ ~ In x (domain (concat ll1)).
      intros lo.
      induction ls; simpl in *; try discriminate.
      rewrite lookup_app in lo.
      match_option_in lo.
      - invcs lo.
        exists nil, a, ls; simpl; eauto.
      - destruct (IHls lo) as [ll1[ll [ll2 [? [inn nin]]]]]; subst.
        exists (a::ll1), ll, ll2; simpl.
        repeat split; trivial.
        rewrite domain_app, in_app_iff.
        intros [inn2|inn2].
        + apply lookup_none_nin in eqq.
        + contradiction.

  End concat.

  Section Substlist.
    Definition substlist_subst {A} {dec:EqDec A eq}
               (substlist:list (A*A)) (inp:A)
      := match lookup equiv_dec substlist inp with
         | Some x => x
         | None => inp
  End Substlist.

  Section Conv.
    Import ListNotations.
    Definition ascii_mk_lower_substtable
      := [("A", "a");("B", "b");("C", "c");("D", "d");("E", "e")
          ;("F", "f");("G", "g");("H", "h");("I", "i");("J", "j")
          ;("K", "k");("L", "l");("M", "m");("N", "n");("O", "o")
          ;("P", "p");("Q", "q");("R", "r");("S", "s");("T", "t")
          ;("U", "u");("V", "v");("W", "w");("X", "x");("Y", "y")
          ;("Z", "z")]%char.

    Definition ascii_mk_lower (c:ascii) : ascii
      := substlist_subst ascii_mk_lower_substtable c.

    Definition mk_lower (s:string) : string
      := map_string ascii_mk_lower s.

  End Conv.
End Assoc.