Module FormalML.utils.quotient_space

Require Import Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Import Coq.Logic.PropExtensionality.
Require Import Coq.Logic.Description.
Require Import Coq.Relations.Relation_Definitions.
Require Import Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.
Require Import Coq.Unicode.Utf8.
Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Quotients are crucial in mathematical practice, and it is a shame that they are not available in Coq's standard library. There was a recent discussion on the Coq GitHub page on this issue and the consequences of implementing quotients like #<a href=>Lean</a># does, where the eliminator for function types has a reduction rule that breaks pleasant metatheoretic properties such as subject reduction. In this post, we are going to define quotients in Coq with three standard axioms:

As far as axioms go, these three are relatively harmless. In particular, they are valid in any #<a href=>elementary topos</a>#, which are generally regarded as a good universe for doing constructive, higher-order reasoning. (Naturally, adding axioms in type theory does not come for free: since they have no useful reduction behavior, our quotients won't compute.)

Section Quotient.

We define the quotient of T by an equivalence relation R as usual: it is the type of equivalence classes of R.

  Context {T : Type} (R : relation T) {RP : Equivalence R}.

  Unset Elimination Schemes.
  Record quot := Quot_ {
                     quot_class : TProp;
                     quot_classP : ∃ x, quot_class = R x;
  Set Elimination Schemes.

The projection into the quotient is given by the Quot constructor below, which maps x to its equivalence class R x. This definition satisfies the usual properties: Quot x = Quot y if and only if R x y. The "if" direction requires the principle of proof irrelevance, which is a consequence of propositional extensionality.

  Definition Quot (x : T) : quot :=
    @Quot_ (R x) (ex_intro _ x (eq_refl _)).

  Lemma Quot_inj x y : Quot x = Quot yR x y.
    intros e.
    inversion e.
    rewrite H0.

  Lemma eq_Quot x y : R x yQuot x = Quot y.
    intros e.
    assert (eqq:R x = R y).
      apply functional_extensionality; intros z.
      apply propositional_extensionality; rewrite e; tauto.
    unfold Quot.
    generalize (ex_introx0 : T, R y = R x0) y eq_refl); intros HH.
    generalize HH.
    rewrite <- eqq; intros HH2.
    apply proof_irrelevance.

We can also show that Quot is surjective by extracting the witness in the existential.
  Lemma Quot_inv q : ∃ x, q = Quot x.
    destruct q.
    unfold Quot.
    destruct quot_classP0; simpl.
    rewrite e.

Unique choice comes into play when defining the elimination principles for the quotient. In its usual non-dependent form, the principle says that we can lift a function f : TS to another function quotS provided that f is constant on equivalence classes. We define a more general dependently typed version, which allows in particular to prove a property S q by proving that S (Quot x) holds for any x. The statement of the compatibility condition for f is a bit complicated because it needs to equate terms of different types S (Quot x) and S (Quot y), which requires us to transport the left-hand side along the equivalence R x y.

  Section Elim.

    Definition cast A B (e : A = B) : AB :=
      match e with (eq_refl _) => id end.

    Context (S : quotType) (f : ∀ x, S (Quot x)).
    Context (fP : ∀ x y (exy : R x y), cast (f_equal S (eq_Quot exy)) (f x) = f y).

We begin with an auxiliary result that uniquely characterizes the result of applying the eliminator to an element q : quot. Thanks to unique choice, this allows us to define the eliminator as a function quot_rect.

    Lemma quot_rect_subproof (q : quot) :
      exists! a : S q, ∃ x (exq : Quot x = q), a = cast (f_equal S exq) (f x).
      destruct q; simpl.
      destruct quot_classP0 as [x q].
      rewrite q.
      exists (f x).
      - eauto.
      - intros x' [?[??]].
        inversion x1.
        assert (eqq:R x0 x).
          apply Quot_inj; apply eq_Quot.
          rewrite H0; reflexivity.
        rewrite <- (@fP x0 x eqq).
        do 2 f_equal.
        apply proof_irrelevance.
        exact x.

    Definition quot_rect q : S q :=
      proj1_sig (constructive_definite_description _ (quot_rect_subproof q)).

    Lemma quot_rectE x : quot_rect (Quot x) = f x.
      unfold quot_rect.
      destruct ( (constructive_definite_description
                    (λ a : S (Quot x),
                           ∃ (x0 : T) (exq : Quot x0 = Quot x), a = cast (f_equal S exq) (f x0))
                    (quot_rect_subproof (Quot x)))) as [?[?[??]]]; simpl.
      erewrite <- (@fP _ x).
      do 2 f_equal.
      apply proof_irrelevance.
      now apply Quot_inj.

  End Elim.

In the non-dependent case, the compatibility condition acquires its usual form.

  Section Rec.

    Context S (f : TS) (fP : ∀ x y, R x yf x = f y).

    Definition congr1CE (A B : Type) (b : B) x y (e : x = y) :
      f_equal_ : A, b) e = (eq_refl _) :=
      match e with (eq_refl _) => (eq_refl _) end.

    Definition quot_rec : quot -> S :=
      @quot_rect_, S) f
                 (λ x y exy, trans_eq
                               (f_equalp, cast p (f x)) (congr1CE S (eq_Quot exy)))
                               (fP exy)).

    Lemma quot_recE x : quot_rec (Quot x) = f x.
      unfold quot_rec.
      now rewrite quot_rectE.

  End Rec.

End Quotient.

Section Lift.
  Definition quot_lift {T1 T2 : Type} (R1 : T1->T1->Prop) (R2 : T2->T2->Prop)
             {equivR1:Equivalence R1} {equivR2:Equivalence R2}
             (f : T1 -> T2) {propR:Proper (R1 ==> R2) f} :
    quot R1 -> quot R2.
    assert (Hpf:forall x0 y : T1, R1 x0 y -> Quot R2 (f x0) = Quot R2 (f y)).
      apply eq_Quot; trivial.
      rewrite H.
    apply (@quot_rec _ _ equivR1 (quot R2) (fun y => Quot R2 (f y)) Hpf).

  Global Arguments quot_lift {T1 T2} {R1 R2} {equivR1} {equivR2} f {propR}.

  Lemma quot_liftE
        {T1 T2 : Type} (R1 : T1->T1->Prop) (R2 : T2->T2->Prop)
             {equivR1:Equivalence R1} {equivR2:Equivalence R2}
             (f : T1 -> T2) {propR:Proper (R1 ==> R2) f} :
    forall x, quot_lift f (Quot R1 x) = @Quot _ R2 (f x).
    unfold quot_lift.
    now rewrite quot_recE.
  Definition quot_lift2 {T1 T2 T3 : Type} (R1 : T1->T1->Prop) (R2 : T2->T2->Prop) (R3 : T3->T3->Prop)
             {equivR1:Equivalence R1} {equivR2:Equivalence R2} {equivR3:Equivalence R3}
             (f : T1 -> T2 -> T3) {propR:Proper (R1 ==> R2 ==> R3) f} :
    quot R1 -> quot R2 -> quot R3.
    assert (Hpf:forall x, forall x0 y : T2, R2 x0 y -> Quot R3 (f x x0) = Quot R3 (f x y)).
      apply eq_Quot; trivial.
      rewrite H.
    generalize (@quot_rec _ _ equivR1)
    ; intros HH.
    specialize (HH (quot R2 -> quot R3)).

    refine (HH (fun x:T1 => (@quot_rec _ _ equivR2 (quot R3) (fun y:T2 => Quot R3 (f x y)) (Hpf x) )) _).
    (* we might be able to avoid this, but since quotients use it anyway, it does not really matter *)
    apply FunctionalExtensionality.functional_extensionality; intros.
    destruct (Quot_inv x0); subst.
    repeat rewrite quot_recE.
    apply eq_Quot; trivial.
    rewrite H.

  Global Arguments quot_lift2 {T1 T2 T3} {R1 R2 R3} {equivR1} {equivR2} {equivR3} f {propR}.
  Lemma quot_lift2E
        {T1 T2 T3 : Type} (R1 : T1->T1->Prop) (R2 : T2->T2->Prop) (R3 : T3->T3->Prop)
        {equivR1:Equivalence R1} {equivR2:Equivalence R2} {equivR3:Equivalence R3}
        (f : T1 -> T2 -> T3) {propR:Proper (R1 ==> R2 ==> R3) f} :
        forall x y, quot_lift2 f (Quot R1 x) (Quot R2 y) = @Quot _ R3 (f x y).
    unfold quot_lift2.
    now repeat rewrite quot_recE.
  Definition quot_lift2_to {T S : Type} (R : T->T->Prop)
             {equivR:Equivalence R}
             (f : T -> T -> S) {propR:Proper (R ==> R ==> eq) f} :
    quot R -> quot R -> S.
    generalize (@quot_rec _ _ equivR)
    ; intros HH.
    specialize (HH (quot R -> S)).
    assert (Hpf:forall x, forall x0 y : T, R x0 y -> (f x x0) = (f x y)).
      rewrite H.
    refine (HH (fun x => (@quot_rec _ _ equivR S (fun y => (f x y)) (Hpf x) )) _).
    (* we might be able to avoid this, but since quotients use it anyway, it does not really matter *)
    apply FunctionalExtensionality.functional_extensionality; intros.
    destruct (Quot_inv x0); subst.
    repeat rewrite quot_recE.
    rewrite H.

  Global Arguments quot_lift2_to {T} {S} R {equivR} f {propR}.
  Lemma quot_lift2_toE
        {T S : Type} (R : T->T->Prop)
        {equivR:Equivalence R}
        (f : T -> T -> S) {propR:Proper (R ==> R ==> eq) f} :
    forall x y, quot_lift2_to R f (Quot R x) (Quot R y) = f x y.
    unfold quot_lift2_to.
    now repeat rewrite quot_recE.

  Definition quot_lift_ball {T S : Type} (R : T->T->Prop)
             {equivR:Equivalence R}
             (f : T -> S -> T -> Prop) {propR:Proper (R ==> eq ==> R ==> iff) f} :
    quot R -> S -> quot R -> Prop.
    generalize (@quot_rec _ _ equivR)
    ; intros HH.
    specialize (HH (S -> quot R -> Prop)).
    assert (Hpf:forall x s, forall x0 y : T, R x0 y -> (f x s x0) = (f x s y)).
      apply propositional_extensionality.
      now apply propR.
    refine (HH (fun x s => (@quot_rec _ _ equivR Prop (fun y => (f x s y)) (Hpf x s) )) _).
    apply FunctionalExtensionality.functional_extensionality; intros.
    apply FunctionalExtensionality.functional_extensionality; intros.
    destruct (Quot_inv x1); subst.
    repeat rewrite quot_recE.
    apply propositional_extensionality.
    now apply propR.

  Global Arguments quot_lift_ball {T} {S} R {equivR} f {propR}.
  Lemma quot_lift_ballE
        {T S : Type} (R : T->T->Prop)
        {equivR:Equivalence R}
        (f : T -> S -> T -> Prop) {propR:Proper (R ==> eq ==> R ==> iff) f} :

    forall x e y, quot_lift_ball R f (Quot R x) e (Quot R y) = f x e y.
    unfold quot_lift_ball.
    now repeat rewrite quot_recE.

End Lift.