Module FormalML.utils.CoquelicotAdd

Set Warnings "-parsing".
Require Import mathcomp.ssreflect.ssreflect mathcomp.ssreflect.ssrbool mathcomp.ssreflect.eqtype mathcomp.ssreflect.seq.
Set Warnings "+parsing".
Require Import Coquelicot.Coquelicot.
Require Import Reals.Rbase.
Require Import Reals.Rfunctions.
Require Import Reals.R_sqrt.
Require Import Rtrigo_def.
Require Import Rtrigo1.
Require Import Reals.Rtrigo_calc.
Require Import Lra.

Require Import fixed_point.
Require Import LibUtils.

Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".

Lemma sqrt2_neq0 :
  sqrt 2 <> 0.
  apply Rgt_not_eq.
  apply Rlt_gt.
  apply Rlt_sqrt2_0.

Lemma sqrt_2PI_nzero : sqrt(2*PI) <> 0.
  assert (PI > 0) by apply PI_RGT_0.
  apply Rgt_not_eq.
  apply sqrt_lt_R0.

Lemma sqrt_PI_neq0 : sqrt(PI) <> 0.
  assert (PI > 0) by apply PI_RGT_0.
  apply Rgt_not_eq.
  apply sqrt_lt_R0.

Lemma ex_Rbar_plus_Finite_l x y : ex_Rbar_plus (Finite x) y.
  destruct y; simpl; trivial.

Lemma ex_Rbar_plus_Finite_r x y : ex_Rbar_plus x (Finite y).
  destruct x; simpl; trivial.
Lemma ex_Rbar_minus_Finite_l x y : ex_Rbar_minus (Finite x) y.
  destruct y; simpl; trivial.
Lemma ex_Rbar_minus_Finite_r x y : ex_Rbar_minus x (Finite y).
  destruct x; simpl; trivial.
Lemma Rbar_mult_p_infty_pos (z:R) :
  0 < z -> Rbar_mult p_infty z = p_infty.
  apply is_Rbar_mult_unique.
  apply is_Rbar_mult_p_infty_pos.
  simpl; auto.

Lemma Rbar_mult_m_infty_pos (z:R) :
  0 < z -> Rbar_mult m_infty z = m_infty.
  apply is_Rbar_mult_unique.
  apply is_Rbar_mult_m_infty_pos.
  simpl; auto.

Lemma Rbar_mult_p_infty_neg (z:R) :
  0 > z -> Rbar_mult p_infty z = m_infty.
  apply is_Rbar_mult_unique.
  apply is_Rbar_mult_p_infty_neg.
  simpl; auto.

Lemma Rbar_mult_m_infty_neg (z:R) :
  0 > z -> Rbar_mult m_infty z = p_infty.
  apply is_Rbar_mult_unique.
  apply is_Rbar_mult_m_infty_neg.
  simpl; auto.

Lemma Rint_lim_gen_m_infty_p_infty f (l:R) :
  (forall x y, ex_RInt f x y) ->
  filterlim (fun x => RInt f (fst x) (snd x))
            (filter_prod (Rbar_locally' m_infty) (Rbar_locally' p_infty))
            (Rbar_locally l) ->
  is_RInt_gen (V:=R_CompleteNormedModule) f (Rbar_locally m_infty) (Rbar_locally p_infty) l.
  intros fex.
  unfold is_RInt_gen.
  unfold filterlimi, filterlim.
  unfold filtermap, filtermapi.
  unfold filter_le; intros.
  simpl in *.
  specialize (H P H0).
  replace (Rbar_locally' m_infty) with (Rbar_locally m_infty) in * by reflexivity.
  replace (Rbar_locally' p_infty) with (Rbar_locally p_infty) in * by reflexivity.
  revert H.
  apply filter_prod_ind; intros.
  eapply Filter_prod; eauto.
  eexists; split; try eapply H2; eauto.
  apply RInt_correct.

Lemma lim_rint_gen_Rbar (f : R->R) (a:R) (b:Rbar) (l:R):
  (forall y, ex_RInt f a y) ->
  is_lim (fun x => RInt f a x) b l -> is_RInt_gen f (at_point a) (Rbar_locally' b) l.
  intros fex.
  unfold is_lim.
  unfold filterlim in H.
  unfold filter_le in H.
  unfold filtermap in H.
  simpl in *.
  intros P Plocal.
  specialize (H P Plocal).
  destruct b.
  - destruct H as [M PltM].
    eexists (fun x => x=a) (fun y => P (RInt f a y)); try easy.
    + simpl.
      unfold locally', within, locally in *.
    + simpl.
      simpl in *.
      exists (RInt f a y).
      split; trivial.
      now apply (@RInt_correct).
  - destruct H as [M PltM].
    eexists (fun x => x=a) (fun y => _); try easy.
    + simpl.
    + simpl.
      simpl in *.
      exists (RInt f a y).
      split; trivial.
      now apply (@RInt_correct).
  - destruct H as [M PltM].
    eexists (fun x => x=a) (fun y => _); try easy.
    + simpl.
    + simpl.
      simpl in *.
      exists (RInt f a y).
      split; trivial.
      now apply (@RInt_correct).
Lemma rint_gen_lim_Rbar {f : R->R} {a:R} {b:Rbar} {l:R} :
  is_RInt_gen f (at_point a) (Rbar_locally' b) l -> is_lim (fun x => RInt f a x) b l.
  intros H P HP.
  specialize (H _ HP).
  destruct H as [Q R Qa Rb H].
  simpl in H.
  destruct b.
  - destruct Rb as [M Rb].
    exists M.
    intros x xlt xne.
    destruct (H a x Qa (Rb _ xlt xne))
      as [y [yis iP]].
    now rewrite (is_RInt_unique _ _ _ _ yis).
  - destruct Rb as [M Rb].
    exists M.
    intros x xlt.
    destruct (H a x Qa (Rb _ xlt))
      as [y [yis iP]].
    now rewrite (is_RInt_unique _ _ _ _ yis).
  - destruct Rb as [M Rb].
    exists M.
    intros x xlt.
    destruct (H a x Qa (Rb _ xlt))
      as [y [yis iP]].
    now rewrite (is_RInt_unique _ _ _ _ yis).

Lemma is_RInt_gen_comp_lin0
  (f : R -> R) (u v : R) (a:R) (b : Rbar) (l : R) :
  u<>0 -> (forall x y, ex_RInt f x y) ->
  is_RInt_gen f (at_point (u * a + v)) (Rbar_locally' (Rbar_plus (Rbar_mult u b) v)) l
    -> is_RInt_gen (fun y => scal u (f (u * y + v))) (at_point a) (Rbar_locally' b) l.
  apply lim_rint_gen_Rbar.
  now apply (@ex_RInt_comp_lin).
  apply (is_lim_ext (fun x : R => RInt f (u*a+v) (u*x+v))).
  now rewrite RInt_comp_lin.
  apply is_lim_comp_lin.
  now apply rint_gen_lim_Rbar.

Lemma is_RInt_gen_comp_lin_point_0
  (f : R -> R) (u : R) (a:R) (b : Rbar) (l : R) :
  u<>0 -> (forall x y, ex_RInt f x y) ->
  is_RInt_gen f (at_point (u * a)) (Rbar_locally' (Rbar_mult u b)) l
    -> is_RInt_gen (fun y => scal u (f (u * y))) (at_point a) (Rbar_locally' b) l.
  apply (is_RInt_gen_ext (fun y => scal u (f (u*y + 0)))).
  apply filter_forall.
  now replace (u * x0 + 0) with (u * x0) by lra.
  apply is_RInt_gen_comp_lin0.
  replace (u*a+0) with (u*a) by lra.
  replace (Rbar_plus (Rbar_mult u b) 0) with (Rbar_mult u b).
  now rewrite Rbar_plus_0_r.

Lemma RInt_gen_Chasles {Fa Fc : (R -> Prop) -> Prop}
  {FFa : ProperFilter' Fa} {FFc : ProperFilter' Fc}
  (f : R -> R) (b : R):
  ex_RInt_gen f Fa (at_point b) -> ex_RInt_gen f (at_point b) Fc ->
  plus (RInt_gen f Fa (at_point b)) (RInt_gen f (at_point b) Fc) = RInt_gen f Fa Fc.
  apply sym_eq.
  apply (@is_RInt_gen_unique).
  apply (@is_RInt_gen_Chasles) with (b:=b).
  apply filter_filter'.
  apply filter_filter'.
  now apply RInt_gen_correct.
  now apply RInt_gen_correct.

Lemma is_RInt_gen_comp_lin
  (f : R -> R) (u v : R) (a b : Rbar) (ll : R) :
  u<>0 -> ex_RInt_gen f (Rbar_locally' (Rbar_plus (Rbar_mult u a) v)) (at_point (u*0+v)) ->
  ex_RInt_gen f (at_point (u*0+v)) (Rbar_locally' (Rbar_plus (Rbar_mult u b) v)) ->
  (forall (x y :R), ex_RInt f x y) ->
  is_RInt_gen f (Rbar_locally' (Rbar_plus (Rbar_mult u a) v)) (Rbar_locally' (Rbar_plus (Rbar_mult u b) v)) ll
  -> is_RInt_gen (fun y => scal u (f (u * y + v))) (Rbar_locally' a) (Rbar_locally' b) ll.
  replace (ll) with (plus (RInt_gen f (Rbar_locally' (Rbar_plus (Rbar_mult u a) v)) (at_point (u*0+v)))
                         (RInt_gen f (at_point (u*0+v)) (Rbar_locally' (Rbar_plus (Rbar_mult u b) v)))).
  apply (@is_RInt_gen_Chasles R_CompleteNormedModule) with (b := 0)
        (l1 := (RInt_gen f (Rbar_locally' (Rbar_plus (Rbar_mult u a) v)) (at_point (u*0+v))))
        (l2 := (RInt_gen f (at_point (u*0+v)) (Rbar_locally' (Rbar_plus (Rbar_mult u b) v)))).
  apply Rbar_locally'_filter.
  apply Rbar_locally'_filter.
  replace (RInt_gen f (Rbar_locally' (Rbar_plus (Rbar_mult u a) v)) (at_point (u * 0 + v))) with
      (opp (opp (RInt_gen f (Rbar_locally' (Rbar_plus (Rbar_mult u a) v)) (at_point (u * 0 + v))))).
  apply (@is_RInt_gen_swap R_CompleteNormedModule) with
      (l := (opp (RInt_gen f (Rbar_locally' (Rbar_plus (Rbar_mult u a) v)) (at_point (u * 0 + v))))).
  apply Rbar_locally'_filter.
  apply at_point_filter.
  apply is_RInt_gen_comp_lin0; trivial.
  apply (@is_RInt_gen_swap R_CompleteNormedModule) with
      (l := (RInt_gen f (Rbar_locally' (Rbar_plus (Rbar_mult u a) v)) (at_point (u * 0 + v)))).
  apply at_point_filter.
  apply Rbar_locally'_filter.
  apply RInt_gen_correct.
  now rewrite opp_opp.
  apply is_RInt_gen_comp_lin0; trivial.
  apply (@RInt_gen_correct).
  apply Proper_StrongProper.
  apply at_point_filter.
  apply Proper_StrongProper.
  apply Rbar_locally'_filter.
  rewrite RInt_gen_Chasles.
  now apply is_RInt_gen_unique.

Require Import Sets.Ensembles.

Lemma lub_not_contains (S1 S2 : Ensemble R) (L1 L2:R) :
  (is_lub S1 L1) /\ (is_upper_bound S2 L2) -> L1 > L2 -> ~ Included R S1 S2.
  unfold is_lub, is_upper_bound, Included, In.
  assert (~ (L1 <= L2)) by lra.
Lemma not_included (S1 S2 : Ensemble R) :
  ~ Included R S1 S2 -> exists x:R, In R S1 x /\ ~ In R S2 x.
  unfold Included.
  apply Classical_Pred_Type.not_all_ex_not in H.
  destruct H.
  exists x.
  now apply Classical_Prop.imply_to_and in H.

Lemma lub_witness (S1 : Ensemble R) (L1 L2:R) :
  let S2 :Ensemble R := (fun x:R => In R S1 x /\ x <= L2) in
  (is_lub S1 L1) -> L1 > L2 -> exists x:R, In R S1 x /\ x > L2.
  assert (exists x:R, In R S1 x /\ ~In R S2 x).
  - apply not_included.
    apply lub_not_contains with (L1 := L1) (L2 := L2).
    + split; trivial.
      unfold is_upper_bound, S2.
      now destruct H1.
    + trivial.
  - destruct H1.
    exists x.
    destruct H1.
    split; trivial.
    unfold S2, In in H2.

Lemma increasing_bounded_limit (M:R) (f: R->R):
  Ranalysis1.increasing f ->
  (forall x:R, f x <= M) -> ex_finite_lim f p_infty.
  unfold Ranalysis1.increasing.
  unfold ex_finite_lim.
  assert { m:R | is_lub (fun y : R => (exists x:R, y = f x)) m }.
  - apply completeness.
    + unfold bound.
      exists M.
      unfold is_upper_bound.
      destruct H1.
      now subst.
    + exists (f 0); now exists (0).
  - destruct H1 as [L HH].
    exists L.
    rewrite <- is_lim_spec.
    unfold is_lim'.
    unfold Rbar_locally'.
    unfold is_lub in HH.
    destruct HH.
    (* since L-eps is not an upper bound, there exists (f x0) > L-eps *)
    assert (exists y0, (exists x0, y0 = f x0) /\ y0 > L-eps).
    + apply lub_witness with (L1 := L) (L2 := L-eps).
      * unfold is_lub.
        split; trivial.
      * apply Rminus_gt.
        replace (L - (L - (pos eps))) with (pos eps) by lra.
        apply eps.
    + destruct H3.
      destruct H3.
      destruct H3.
      exists x0.
      replace (f x1 - L) with (- (L - f x1)) by lra.
      rewrite (Rabs_Ropp).
      rewrite Rabs_pos_eq.
      * assert (f x0 <= f x1).
        -- apply H.
           now left.
        -- lra.
      * unfold is_upper_bound in H1.
        apply Rge_le.
        apply Rge_minus.
        apply Rle_ge.
        apply H1.
        now exists x1.

Lemma ex_lim_rint_gen_Rbar (f : R->R) (a:R) (b:Rbar):
  (forall y, ex_RInt f a y) ->
  ex_finite_lim (fun x => RInt f a x) b -> ex_RInt_gen f (at_point a) (Rbar_locally' b).
  unfold ex_RInt_gen.
  unfold ex_finite_lim in H0.
  destruct H0.
  exists (x).
  apply lim_rint_gen_Rbar; trivial.

Lemma ex_RInt_gen_bounded (M:R) (f : R -> R) (a:R) :
  (forall (b:R), f b >= 0) ->
  (forall (b:R), ex_RInt f a b) ->
  (forall (b:R), RInt f a b <= M) -> ex_RInt_gen f (at_point a) (Rbar_locally' p_infty).
  assert ( Ranalysis1.increasing (fun z => RInt f a z)).
  - intros.
    unfold Ranalysis1.increasing.
    replace (RInt f a x) with (plus (RInt f a x) 0).
    + rewrite <- RInt_Chasles with (b:=x) (c:=y).
      * apply Rplus_le_compat_l.
        apply RInt_ge_0; trivial.
        -- apply ex_RInt_Chasles with (b := a).
           ++ apply ex_RInt_swap.
           ++ trivial.
        -- intros.
           apply Rge_le.
           apply H.
      * trivial.
      * apply ex_RInt_Chasles with (b := a).
        -- apply ex_RInt_swap.
        -- trivial.
    + apply Rplus_0_r.
  - apply ex_lim_rint_gen_Rbar.
    apply increasing_bounded_limit with (M:=M).
Hint Resolve sqrt2_neq0 sqrt_PI_neq0 sqrt_2PI_nzero : Rarith.

Lemma ball_zero_eq {K : AbsRing} (X : NormedModule K) :
  forall x y : X, ball x 0 y -> x=y.
  intros x y Hxy.
  apply eq_close.
  intros eps.
  apply ball_le with (e1 := 0).
  + left. apply cond_pos.
  + assumption.

Lemma minus_zero_iff_eq {G : AbelianGroup} : forall x y : G, (minus x y = zero) <-> x = y.
  intros x y.
  split; intros; subst.
  + unfold minus in H.
    eapply plus_reg_r with (opp y).
    rewrite H.
    symmetry. apply plus_opp_r.
  + apply minus_eq_zero.

Lemma is_Lipschitz_le_zero_const {K1 K2 : AbsRing} {X : NormedModule K1} {Y : NormedModule K2}
      (F : X -> Y):
  (forall x y : X, norm (minus (F y) (F x)) <= 0) -> (forall x y, F x = F y).
  intros Hnorm x y.
  specialize (Hnorm x y).
  destruct Hnorm.
  + apply ball_zero_eq.
    now apply norm_compat1.
  + apply (norm_eq_zero) in H.
    now rewrite <-minus_zero_iff_eq.

Lemma Rlt_forall_le (a b : R) : (forall eps:posreal, a < b + eps) -> a <= b.
  intros H.
  destruct (Rle_dec a b); intros; trivial.
  generalize (Rnot_le_lt _ _ n); intros Hab.
  clear n.
  assert (Hpos : 0 < (a - b)/2) by lra.
  pose (abs := mkposreal ((a - b)/2) Hpos).
  specialize (H abs).
  simpl in H ; clear abs.

Lemma Rlt_forall_le' (a b : R) : (forall eps:posreal, a + eps < b) -> a <= b.
  intros H.
  destruct (Rle_dec a b); intros; trivial.
  generalize (Rnot_le_lt _ _ n); intros Hab.
  clear n.
  assert (Hpos : 0 < (a - b)/2) by lra.
  pose (abs := mkposreal ((a - b)/2) Hpos).
  specialize (H abs).
  simpl in H ; clear abs.

Lemma Rle_forall_le: forall a b : R, (forall eps : posreal, a <= b + eps) -> a <= b.
  apply Rlt_forall_le; intros.
  specialize (H (pos_div_2 eps)).
  simpl in H.
  eapply Rle_lt_trans; try eapply H.
  destruct eps; simpl.

Lemma Rbar_le_forall_Rbar_le: forall a b : Rbar, (forall eps : posreal, Rbar_le a (Rbar_plus b eps)) -> Rbar_le a b.
  intros [] []; simpl; intros HH; trivial
  ; try (apply HH; exact (mkposreal 1 Rlt_0_1)).
  now apply Rle_forall_le.

Lemma is_Lipschitz_cond {K : AbsRing} {X : NormedModule K}{Y : NormedModule R_AbsRing}
      {F : X -> Y} (γ : R):
  (0 <= γ <= 1) ->
  (forall (x y : X) (r : R), norm(minus y x) < r -> norm(minus (F y) (F x)) < γ*r) ->
  (forall (x y : X), norm (minus (F y) (F x)) <= γ*norm( minus y x)).
  intros Hγ H x y.
  apply Rlt_forall_le; intros eps.
  destruct eps as [eps Heps].
  destruct Hγ as [H1 H2].
  generalize Rle_mult_Rlt; intros.
  assert (Hxy : norm (minus y x) < norm (minus y x) + eps) by lra.
  specialize (H x y (norm (minus y x) + eps) Hxy).
  destruct H2; subst ; try lra.
  replace (eps) with (1*eps) by lra.
  eapply Rlt_trans; eauto.
  rewrite Rmult_plus_distr_l.
  apply Rplus_lt_compat_l.
  apply Rmult_lt_compat_r; trivial.