Module FormalML.lib_utils.LibUtilsDigits

This modules defines conversions between numbers and strings. This relies on an intermediate representation of numbers in base 'n'. The main use for this is when defining fresh names.

Require Import Orders.
Require Import Ascii.
Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Require Import Equivalence.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Compare_dec.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Nat.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Eqdep_dec.
Require Import Peano_dec.


Section prelude.
lifted from the faq:

  Theorem K_nat :
    forall (x:nat) (P:x = x -> Prop), P (refl_equal x) -> forall p:x = x, P p.
    intros; apply K_dec_set with (p := p).
    apply eq_nat_dec.

  Theorem eq_rect_eq_nat :
    forall (p:nat) (Q:nat->Type) (x:Q p) (h:p=p), x = eq_rect p Q x p h.
    intros; apply K_nat with (p := h); reflexivity.
  Scheme le_ind' := Induction for le Sort Prop.

  Theorem le_uniqueness_proof : forall (n m : nat) (p q : n <= m), p = q.
    induction p using le_ind'; intro q.
    replace (le_n n) with
    (eq_rect _ (fun n0 => n <= n0) (le_n n) _ (refl_equal n)).
    generalize (refl_equal n).
    pattern n at 2 4 6 10, q; case q; [intro | intros m l e].
    rewrite <- eq_rect_eq_nat; trivial.
    contradiction (le_Sn_n m); rewrite <- e; assumption.
    replace (le_S n m p) with
    (eq_rect _ (fun n0 => n <= n0) (le_S n m p) _ (refl_equal (S m))).
    generalize (refl_equal (S m)).
    pattern (S m) at 1 3 4 6, q; case q; [intro Heq | intros m0 l HeqS].
    contradiction (le_Sn_n m); rewrite Heq; assumption.
    injection HeqS; intro Heq; generalize l HeqS.
    rewrite <- Heq; intros; rewrite <- eq_rect_eq_nat.
    rewrite (IHp l0); reflexivity.

End prelude.

Numbers as lists of digits

Section Digits.
  Definition maxbase := 36.

  Context (base:nat) (basenzero:1<base).
  Definition digit := {n:nat | n < base}.

  Definition digit_proj (d:digit) : nat := proj1_sig d.

Conversions between nat and lists of digits

  Section natexplosion.

    Lemma digit_pf_irrel a (pf1 pf2:a<base) : pf1 = pf2.
      apply le_uniqueness_proof.

    Lemma digit_ext (a b:digit) : proj1_sig a = proj1_sig b -> a = b.
      destruct a; destruct b.
      intros; subst.
      apply digit_pf_irrel.
    Fixpoint digits_to_nat_aux (l:list digit) (acc:nat) : nat
      := match l with
         | nil => acc
         | d::lx => digits_to_nat_aux lx (acc*base+(proj1_sig d))

    Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_app l1 l2 n :
      digits_to_nat_aux (l1 ++ l2) n = digits_to_nat_aux l2 (digits_to_nat_aux l1 n).
      revert n l2.
      induction l1; simpl; trivial.

    Definition digits_to_nat (l:list digit) : nat
      := digits_to_nat_aux l 0.
    Fixpoint trim_digits (l:list digit) : list digit
      := match l with
         | (exist _ 0 _)::lx => trim_digits lx
         | _ => l

    Program Fixpoint nat_to_digits_backwards (n:nat) {measure n lt} :
      {l:list digit | digits_to_nat (rev l) = n /\ (forall a, hd_error (rev l) = Some a -> proj1_sig a <> 0)}
      := if n == 0
         then nil
         else exist _ (cons (n mod base)
                            (nat_to_digits_backwards (n / base)%nat)
                      ) _.
    Next Obligation.
      split; trivial.
    Next Obligation.
      generalize (Nat.divmod_spec n base 0 base).
      destruct (Nat.divmod n base 0 base); intros; simpl.
      apply Nat.mod_upper_bound.
    Next Obligation.
      apply Nat.div_lt; trivial.
    Next Obligation.
      unfold digits_to_nat.
      rewrite digits_to_nat_aux_app.
      destruct (nat_to_digits_backwards (n / base)
                                        (nat_to_digits_backwards_obligation_3 n H)).
      destruct a as [e1 e2].
      - unfold digits_to_nat in e1.
        rewrite e1.
        rewrite mult_comm.
        rewrite <- Nat.div_mod; trivial.
      - intros. destruct (rev x); simpl in * .
        + inversion H0; clear H0; subst.
          unfold digits_to_nat in e1.
          simpl in *.
          rewrite <- Nat.div_exact by lia.
          rewrite <- e1.
          rewrite mult_comm.
        + auto.

    Program Definition nat_to_digits (n:nat) : list digit
      := rev (nat_to_digits_backwards n).

    Lemma trim_digits_to_nat l : digits_to_nat (trim_digits l) = digits_to_nat l.
      unfold digits_to_nat.
      induction l; simpl; trivial.
      destruct a.
      destruct x; simpl; trivial.

    Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_acc_le_preserve l acc acc':
      acc <= acc' ->
      digits_to_nat_aux l acc <= digits_to_nat_aux l acc'.
      revert acc acc'.
      induction l; simpl; trivial.
      apply IHl.
      apply plus_le_compat_r.
      apply mult_le_compat_r.

    Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_le l acc : acc <= digits_to_nat_aux l acc.
      revert acc.
      induction l; simpl.
      - auto.
      - intros.
        transitivity (digits_to_nat_aux l acc).
        + auto.
        + apply digits_to_nat_aux_acc_le_preserve.
          transitivity (acc*base).
          * transitivity (acc * 1).
            { lia. }
            apply mult_le_compat_l.
          * apply le_plus_l.

    Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_bound l c:
      c*(base^length l) <= digits_to_nat_aux l c < (c+1)*(base^(length l)).
      revert c.
      induction l; simpl.
      - split.
        + lia.
        + destruct (mult_O_le c (base*1)).
          * lia.
          * rewrite mult_comm.
      - intros.
        destruct (IHl (c * base + proj1_sig a)) as [le1 le2].
        clear IHl.
        + rewrite <- le1.
          rewrite mult_plus_distr_r.
          rewrite mult_assoc.
          apply le_plus_l.
        + eapply lt_le_trans; [apply le2 | ].
          repeat rewrite mult_plus_distr_r.
          repeat rewrite mult_assoc.
          repeat rewrite Nat.mul_1_l.
          rewrite plus_assoc_reverse.
          apply plus_le_compat_l.
            (proj1_sig a * base ^ Datatypes.length l + base ^ Datatypes.length l)
              ((proj1_sig a +1) * base ^ Datatypes.length l).
          * apply mult_le_compat_r.
            destruct a; simpl.
            rewrite plus_comm; simpl.
            apply lt_le_S.
          * rewrite mult_plus_distr_r, Nat.mul_1_l; trivial.

    Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper1 a b c n1 n2 :
      0 <> c ->
      a < base ->
      b < base ->
      (c * base + a) * base ^ n2 < (c * base + b + 1) * base ^ n1 ->
      ~ n1 < n2.
      intros ? ? ? lt1 ltn.
      assert (le12:c * base * base ^ n2 + 0 <= c * base * base ^ n2 + a * base ^ n2).
      { apply plus_le_compat_l.
        apply Peano.le_0_n.
      rewrite plus_0_r in le12.
      rewrite mult_plus_distr_r in lt1.
      eapply le_lt_trans in lt1; try eapply le12.
      assert (le13:(c * base + b + 1) * (base ^ n1)
                   (c * base + base) * (base ^ n1 )).
        apply mult_le_compat_r.
        rewrite plus_assoc_reverse.
        apply plus_le_compat_l.
      eapply lt_le_trans in le13; try eapply lt1.
      rewrite (le_plus_minus n1 n2) in le13 by lia.
      rewrite Nat.pow_add_r in le13.
      rewrite mult_assoc in le13.
      assert (le14:c*base+base <= c*base*base).
        replace (c*base+base) with ((c+1)*base).
        - apply mult_le_compat_r.
          rewrite mult_comm.
          destruct base.
          + lia.
          + simpl.
            apply plus_le_compat_l.
            destruct n. lia.
            destruct c. lia.
            apply lt_le_S.
            replace 0 with (S n *0) by auto.
            apply mult_lt_compat_l; lia.
        - rewrite mult_plus_distr_r.
          rewrite mult_1_l.
      assert (le15:(c * base + base) * base ^ n1 <= (c * base * base) * base ^ n1).
        apply mult_le_compat_r.
      eapply lt_le_trans in le15; try eapply le13.
      assert (le16:c * base * base ^ n1 * base <= c * base * base ^ n1 * base ^ (n2 - n1)).
        apply mult_le_compat_l.
        generalize (Nat.sub_gt _ _ ltn).
        destruct (n2-n1).
        - congruence.
        - simpl; intros _ .
          replace base with (base*base^0) at 1.
          + apply mult_le_compat_l.
            apply Nat.pow_le_mono_r; lia.
          + simpl.
            rewrite mult_1_r.
      eapply le_lt_trans in le16; try eapply le15.
      replace (c * base * base ^ n1 * base) with
          (c * base * base * base ^ n1) in le16.
      - intuition.
      - repeat rewrite mult_assoc_reverse.
        f_equal. f_equal.
        rewrite mult_comm.

    Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper12 a b c n1 n2 :
      a <> 0 ->
      a < base ->
      b < base ->
      (c * base + a) * base ^ n2 < (c * base + b + 1) * base ^ n1 ->
      ~ n1 < n2.
      intros ? ? ? lt1 ltn.
      destruct (c == 0)
      ; [ | eapply (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper1 a b c n1 n2); eauto].
      red in e; subst.
      simpl in *.
      rewrite (le_plus_minus n1 n2) in lt1 by lia.
      rewrite Nat.pow_add_r in lt1.
      rewrite (mult_comm (base ^ n1)) in lt1.
      rewrite mult_assoc in lt1.
      assert (le2:base*base^n1 <= a*base^(n2 - n1) * base ^ n1).
        apply mult_le_compat_r.
        replace base with (1*base) at 1 by lia.
        apply mult_le_compat.
        - replace 1 with (1*1) by lia.
          simpl. lia.
        - simpl.
          replace base with (base^1) at 1.
          + apply Nat.pow_le_mono_r; lia.
          + apply Nat.pow_1_r.
      eapply le_lt_trans in lt1; try eapply le2; clear le2.
      assert (le3:(b + 1) * base ^ n1 <= base * base^n1).
        apply mult_le_compat_r.
      eapply le_lt_trans in lt1; try eapply le3; clear le3.

    Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper2 a b c n :
      (c * base + a) * base ^ n < (c * base + b + 1) * base ^ n ->
      ~ b < a.
      intros lt1 l2.
      apply lt_not_le in lt1.
      apply lt1.
      apply mult_le_compat_r.
      rewrite plus_assoc_reverse.
      apply plus_le_compat_l.

    Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper01 a b n1 n2 :
      a <> 0 ->
      a < base ->
      b < base ->
      a * base ^ n1 < (b + 1) * base ^ n2 ->
      ~ n2 < n1.
      intros ? ? ? lt1 l2.
      apply lt_not_le in lt1.
      apply lt1.
      rewrite (le_plus_minus n2 n1) by lia.
      rewrite Nat.pow_add_r.
      rewrite (mult_comm a).
      rewrite (mult_comm (b+1)).
      rewrite <- mult_assoc.
      apply mult_le_compat_l.
      transitivity base; try lia.
      transitivity (base^1*a).
      - rewrite Nat.pow_1_r.
        transitivity (base * 1); try lia.
        apply mult_le_compat_l.
      - apply mult_le_compat_r.
        apply Nat.pow_le_mono_r; lia.
    Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj l1 l2 c (a b:digit):
      0 <> c ->
      digits_to_nat_aux l1 (c*base+proj1_sig a) = digits_to_nat_aux l2 (c*base+proj1_sig b) ->
      (length l1 = length l2) /\ a = b.
      destruct a as [a alt]; destruct b as [b blt]; simpl.
      intros cne0 eqq1.
      destruct (digits_to_nat_aux_bound l1 (c*base+a)) as [lb1 ub1].
      destruct (digits_to_nat_aux_bound l2 (c*base+b)) as [lb2 ub2].
      rewrite eqq1 in lb1,ub1.
      eapply le_lt_trans in lb1; [ | eapply ub2].
      eapply le_lt_trans in lb2; [ | eapply ub1].
      clear eqq1 ub1 ub2.
      revert lb1 lb2.
      generalize (Datatypes.length l1).
      generalize (Datatypes.length l2).
      intros n1 n2 lt1 lt2.
      assert (n1 = n2).
        generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper1 a b c n1 n2 cne0 alt blt lt1).
        generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper1 b a c n2 n1 cne0 blt alt lt2).
      split; trivial.
      apply digit_ext.
      generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper2 a b c n2 lt1).
      generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper2 b a c n2 lt2).
    Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj2 l1 l2 c (a b:digit):
      proj1_sig a <> 0 ->
      proj1_sig b <> 0 ->
      digits_to_nat_aux l1 (c*base+proj1_sig a) = digits_to_nat_aux l2 (c*base+proj1_sig b) ->
      (length l1 = length l2) /\ a = b.
      destruct a as [a alt]; destruct b as [b blt]; simpl.
      intros ane0 bne0 eqq1.
      destruct (digits_to_nat_aux_bound l1 (c*base+a)) as [lb1 ub1].
      destruct (digits_to_nat_aux_bound l2 (c*base+b)) as [lb2 ub2].
      rewrite eqq1 in lb1,ub1.
      eapply le_lt_trans in lb1; [ | eapply ub2].
      eapply le_lt_trans in lb2; [ | eapply ub1].
      clear eqq1 ub1 ub2.
      revert lb1 lb2.
      generalize (Datatypes.length l1).
      generalize (Datatypes.length l2).
      intros n1 n2 lt1 lt2.
      assert (n1 = n2).
        generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper12 a b c n1 n2 ane0 alt blt lt1).
        generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper12 b a c n2 n1 bne0 blt alt lt2).
      split; trivial.
      apply digit_ext.
      generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper2 a b c n2 lt1).
      generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper2 b a c n2 lt2).
    Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_digits_inj l1 l2 n :
      n <> 0 ->
      digits_to_nat_aux l1 n = digits_to_nat_aux l2 n ->
      l1 = l2.
      revert l2 n.
      induction l1; destruct l2; simpl; intros.
      - trivial.
      - generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_le l2 (n * base + proj1_sig d)); intros eqq.
        rewrite <- H0 in eqq.
        assert (le1:n * base <= n*1) by lia.
        assert (le2:n * base <= n*1) by lia.
        destruct n; [congruence|].
        apply mult_S_le_reg_l in le2.
      - generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_le l1 (n * base + proj1_sig a)); intros eqq.
        rewrite H0 in eqq.
        assert (le1:n * base <= n*1) by lia.
        assert (le2:n * base <= n*1) by lia.
        destruct n; [congruence|].
        apply mult_S_le_reg_l in le2.
      - assert (lt0:0<n * base).
        { assert (equ1:0<n) by lia.
          assert (eqq1:n*0<n * base).
          { apply Nat.mul_lt_mono_pos_l; trivial. lia. }
        assert (eql:a = d).
        + generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj
                        a d); intros eqq1.
          apply eqq1.
          * lia.
          * trivial.
        + subst. f_equal.
          revert H0. eapply IHl1.

    Lemma trim_digits_nz {y d l}: trim_digits y = d :: l -> proj1_sig d <> 0.
      induction y; simpl; try discriminate.
      destruct a.
      destruct x; trivial.
      destruct d; simpl in *.
      inversion H; subst.

    Lemma digits_to_nat_nzero l x :
      x <> 0 ->
      digits_to_nat_aux l x <> 0.
      revert x.
      induction l; simpl; trivial; intros.
      apply IHl.
      cut (0 < x*base + proj1_sig a); [lia | ].
      cut (0 < x * base); [lia | ].
      cut (0*base < x*base); [lia | ].
      apply mult_lt_compat_r; lia.

    Lemma trim_nat_to_digits x :
      trim_digits (nat_to_digits x) = nat_to_digits x.
      unfold nat_to_digits; simpl.
      destruct (nat_to_digits_backwards x); simpl.
      destruct a as [_ pf2].
      destruct (rev x0); simpl; trivial.
      destruct d; simpl in *.
      specialize (pf2 _ (eq_refl _)).
      simpl in pf2.
      destruct x1; simpl; trivial.

    Theorem digits_to_nat_inv x y :
      digits_to_nat x = digits_to_nat y ->
      trim_digits x = trim_digits y.
      rewrite <- (trim_digits_to_nat x).
      rewrite <- (trim_digits_to_nat y).
      unfold digits_to_nat.
      case_eq (trim_digits x);
        case_eq (trim_digits y);
        simpl; intros.
      - trivial.
      - generalize (trim_digits_nz H); intros neq1.
        generalize (digits_to_nat_nzero l _ neq1).
      - generalize (trim_digits_nz H0); intros neq1.
        generalize (digits_to_nat_nzero l _ neq1).
      - generalize (trim_digits_nz H); intros nz
        ; generalize (trim_digits_nz H0); intros nz0.
        clear H H0 x y.
        generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj2 l0 l 0 d0 d nz0 nz).
        intros HH.
        specialize (HH H1).
        destruct HH as [leq deq].
        eapply digits_to_nat_aux_digits_inj; eauto.

    Theorem nat_to_digits_inv x y :
      nat_to_digits x = nat_to_digits y ->
      x = y.
      unfold nat_to_digits.
      destruct (nat_to_digits_backwards x);
        destruct (nat_to_digits_backwards y).
      simpl; intros eqq.

    Theorem nat_to_digits_to_nat (n:nat) :
      digits_to_nat (nat_to_digits n) = n.
      unfold digits_to_nat, nat_to_digits.
      destruct (nat_to_digits_backwards n).
      unfold digits_to_nat in * .
      destruct a as [pf1 _].
      rewrite pf1; trivial.

    Theorem digits_to_nat_to_digits (ld:list digit) :
      nat_to_digits (digits_to_nat ld) = trim_digits ld.
      rewrite <- trim_nat_to_digits.
      apply digits_to_nat_inv.
      rewrite nat_to_digits_to_nat.

  End natexplosion.

Conversions between nat and strings

  Section Ntostring.

    Definition digit_to_char (n:digit) : ascii
      := match proj1_sig n with
         | 0 => "0"%char
         | 1 => "1"%char
         | 2 => "2"%char
         | 3 => "3"%char
         | 4 => "4"%char
         | 5 => "5"%char
         | 6 => "6"%char
         | 7 => "7"%char
         | 8 => "8"%char
         | 9 => "9"%char
         | 10 => "A"%char
         | 11 => "B"%char
         | 12 => "C"%char
         | 13 => "D"%char
         | 14 => "E"%char
         | 15 => "F"%char
         | 16 => "G"%char
         | 17 => "H"%char
         | 18 => "I"%char
         | 19 => "J"%char
         | 20 => "K"%char
         | 21 => "L"%char
         | 22 => "M"%char
         | 23 => "N"%char
         | 24 => "O"%char
         | 25 => "P"%char
         | 26 => "Q"%char
         | 27 => "R"%char
         | 28 => "S"%char
         | 29 => "T"%char
         | 30 => "U"%char
         | 31 => "V"%char
         | 32 => "W"%char
         | 33 => "X"%char
         | 34 => "Y"%char
         | 35 => "Z"%char
         | _ => "?"%char

    Definition char_to_digit_aux (a:ascii) : option nat
      := match a with
         | "0"%char => Some 0
         | "1"%char => Some 1
         | "2"%char => Some 2
         | "3"%char => Some 3
         | "4"%char => Some 4
         | "5"%char => Some 5
         | "6"%char => Some 6
         | "7"%char => Some 7
         | "8"%char => Some 8
         | "9"%char => Some 9
         | "A"%char => Some 10
         | "B"%char => Some 11
         | "C"%char => Some 12
         | "D"%char => Some 13
         | "E"%char => Some 14
         | "F"%char => Some 15
         | "G"%char => Some 16
         | "H"%char => Some 17
         | "I"%char => Some 18
         | "J"%char => Some 19
         | "K"%char => Some 20
         | "L"%char => Some 21
         | "M"%char => Some 22
         | "N"%char => Some 23
         | "O"%char => Some 24
         | "P"%char => Some 25
         | "Q"%char => Some 26
         | "R"%char => Some 27
         | "S"%char => Some 28
         | "T"%char => Some 29
         | "U"%char => Some 30
         | "V"%char => Some 31
         | "W"%char => Some 32
         | "X"%char => Some 33
         | "Y"%char => Some 34
         | "Z"%char => Some 35
         | _ => None

    Program Definition char_to_digit (a:ascii) : option digit
      := match char_to_digit_aux a with
         | Some n =>
           match lt_dec n base with
           | left pf => Some (exist _ n pf)
           | right _ => None
         | None => None

    Lemma char_to_digit_to_char (a:ascii) (d:digit) :
      char_to_digit a = Some d -> digit_to_char d = a.
      unfold char_to_digit, digit_to_char.
      destruct a; simpl.
      destruct b; destruct b0
      ; destruct b1; destruct b2
      ; destruct b3; destruct b4
      ; destruct b5; destruct b6
      ; simpl; try discriminate
      ; match goal with
        | [|- context[match ?x with
                      | left _ => _
                      | right _ => _
                      end]] => destruct x
        end; intros eqq; inversion eqq; clear eqq
      ; subst; simpl; trivial.

    Lemma digit_to_char_to_digit (basesmall:base<=maxbase) (d:digit) :
      char_to_digit (digit_to_char d) = Some d.
      unfold char_to_digit, digit_to_char.
      destruct d; simpl.
      unfold maxbase in *.
      do 36 (destruct x; simpl;
             [match goal with
              | [|- context[match ?x with
                            | left _ => _
                            | right _ => _
                            end]] =>
                destruct x
                ; f_equal; trivial
                ; [apply digit_ext; simpl; trivial
                   | congruence]
              end | ]).

    Fixpoint string_to_digits (s:string) : option (list digit*string)
      := match s with
         | ""%string => None
         | String a s' =>
           match char_to_digit a with
           | Some dd =>
             match string_to_digits s' with
             | Some (ld,rest) => Some (dd::ld,rest)
             | None => Some (dd::nil,s')
           | None => None

    Fixpoint list_to_string (l:list ascii) : string
      := match l with
         | nil => EmptyString
         | cons x xs => String x (list_to_string xs)

    Definition digits_to_string_aux (ld:list digit) : string
      := list_to_string (map digit_to_char ld).

    Definition digits_to_string (ld:list digit) : string
      := match digits_to_string_aux ld with
         | ""%string => "0"
         | s => s

    Lemma string_to_digits_to_string_aux (s:string) (ld:list digit) (rest:string) :
      string_to_digits s = Some (ld,rest) ->
      (digits_to_string_aux ld ++ rest)%string = s.
      revert ld rest.
      induction s; simpl; try discriminate; intros.
      case_eq (char_to_digit a); [intros ? eqq | intros eqq]
      ; rewrite eqq in H; try discriminate.
      case_eq (string_to_digits s); [intros ? eqq2 | intros eqq2]
      ; rewrite eqq2 in H.
      - destruct p.
        inversion H; clear H; subst.
        unfold digits_to_string_aux in IHs.
        rewrite (IHs _ _ eqq2).
        apply char_to_digit_to_char; auto.
      - inversion H; clear H; subst.
        apply char_to_digit_to_char; auto.

    Lemma string_to_digits_to_string (s:string) (ld:list digit) (rest:string) :
      string_to_digits s = Some (ld,rest) ->
      (digits_to_string ld ++ rest)%string = s.
      unfold digits_to_string.
      case_eq (digits_to_string_aux ld).
      - simpl; intros.
        unfold digits_to_string_aux in H.
        destruct ld; simpl in H; try discriminate.
        destruct s; simpl in H0; try discriminate.
        destruct (char_to_digit a); try discriminate.
        destruct (string_to_digits s); try discriminate.
        destruct p.
        inversion H0.
      - intros.
        rewrite <- H.
        apply string_to_digits_to_string_aux; trivial.

    Lemma string_to_digits_empty : string_to_digits ""%string = None.

    Fixpoint iszeros (s:string)
      := match s with
         | ""%string => True
         | String a s' => "a"%char = "0"%char /\ iszeros s'

    Fixpoint trim_extra_stringdigits (s:string)
      := match s with
          | String "0" s => trim_extra_stringdigits s
          | _ => s
    Definition default_to_string0 (s:string)
      := match string_to_digits s with
          | Some _ => s
          | None => String "0" s

    Definition trim_stringdigits (s:string)
      := default_to_string0 (trim_extra_stringdigits s).

    Lemma digit0pf : 0 < base.

    Definition digit0 : digit := exist _ 0 digit0pf.

    Definition default_to_digits0 l
      := match l with
          | nil => digit0::nil
          | _ => l

    Lemma char_to_digit0 : (char_to_digit "0") = Some digit0.
      unfold char_to_digit.
      destruct (lt_dec 0 base).
      - f_equal.
        apply digit_ext.
        simpl; trivial.
      - lia.

    Lemma char_to_digit0_inv a pf :
      char_to_digit a = Some (exist _ 0 pf) -> a = "0"%char.
      intros eqq.
      apply char_to_digit_to_char in eqq.
      rewrite <- eqq.

    Lemma trim_stringdigits_some s l1 rest :
      string_to_digits s = Some (l1, rest) ->
      string_to_digits (trim_stringdigits (String "0" s)) =
      string_to_digits (trim_stringdigits s).
      unfold trim_stringdigits; simpl; intros eqq.

    Lemma trim_extra_stringdigits_None rest :
      string_to_digits rest = None ->
      trim_extra_stringdigits rest = rest.
      destruct rest; simpl; trivial.
      destruct a; simpl.
      destruct b; destruct b0
      ; destruct b1; destruct b2
      ; destruct b3; destruct b4
      ; destruct b5; destruct b6; trivial.
      rewrite char_to_digit0.
      case_eq (string_to_digits rest); intros.
      - destruct p; discriminate.
      - discriminate.

    Lemma trim_extra_stringdigits_nzero a s :
      a<> "0"%char ->
      trim_extra_stringdigits (String a s) = String a s.
      intros neqq.
      destruct a; simpl.
      destruct b; destruct b0
      ; destruct b1; destruct b2
      ; destruct b3; destruct b4
      ; destruct b5; destruct b6; trivial.

    Lemma string_to_digits_trim s l rest:
      string_to_digits s = Some (l, rest) ->
      string_to_digits (trim_stringdigits s) = Some (default_to_digits0 (trim_digits l),rest).
      revert l rest.
      induction s; simpl; try discriminate; intros.
      case_eq (char_to_digit a)
      ; [intros ? eqq | intros eqq]
      ; rewrite eqq in H; try discriminate.
      destruct (ascii_dec a "0"%char).
      - subst.
        unfold char_to_digit in eqq; simpl in eqq.
        destruct (lt_dec 0 base); [ | lia].
        inversion eqq; clear eqq; subst.
        case_eq (string_to_digits s)
        ; [intros ? eqq2 | intros eqq2]
        ; rewrite eqq2 in H.
        + destruct p.
          inversion H; clear H; subst.
          apply IHs; trivial.
        + inversion H; clear H; subst.
          unfold trim_stringdigits; simpl.
          rewrite trim_extra_stringdigits_None by trivial.
          unfold default_to_string0.
          rewrite eqq2.
          rewrite char_to_digit0.
          rewrite eqq2.
      - unfold trim_stringdigits.
        rewrite trim_extra_stringdigits_nzero by trivial.
        unfold default_to_string0; simpl.
        rewrite eqq.
        case_eq (string_to_digits s)
        ; [intros ? eqq2 | intros eqq2]
        ; rewrite eqq2 in H.
        + destruct p.
          inversion H; clear H; subst.
          simpl. rewrite eqq.
          rewrite eqq2.
          destruct d; simpl.
          destruct x; trivial.
          apply char_to_digit0_inv in eqq.
        + inversion H; clear H; subst.
          rewrite eqq, eqq2.
          destruct d; simpl.
          destruct x; trivial.
          apply char_to_digit0_inv in eqq.

    Lemma digits_to_string_aux_to_digits_None
          (basesmall:base<=maxbase) (ld:list digit) (rest:string) :
      string_to_digits rest = None ->
      ld <> nil ->
      string_to_digits (digits_to_string_aux ld ++ rest) = Some (ld,rest).
      unfold maxbase in *.
      intros eqq1.
      induction ld; simpl.
      - congruence.
      - intros.
        rewrite digit_to_char_to_digit by trivial.
        destruct ld; simpl.
        + rewrite eqq1; trivial.
        + rewrite digit_to_char_to_digit by trivial.
          unfold digits_to_string_aux in IHld.
          simpl in IHld.
          assert (neq: d::ld <> nil) by congruence.
          specialize (IHld neq); clear neq.
          rewrite digit_to_char_to_digit in IHld by trivial.
          case_eq (string_to_digits (list_to_string (map digit_to_char ld) ++ rest))
          ; [intros ? eqq2 | intros eqq2]; rewrite eqq2 in IHld.
          * destruct p.
            inversion IHld; congruence.
          * inversion IHld; congruence.

    Definition nat_to_string (n:nat) : string
      := digits_to_string (nat_to_digits n).

    Definition string_to_nat (s:string) : option (nat*string)
      := match string_to_digits s with
         | Some (dl,rest) => Some (digits_to_nat dl, rest)
         | None => None

    Lemma digits_to_string_default l :
      digits_to_string (default_to_digits0 l) = digits_to_string l.
      unfold default_to_digits0, digits_to_string.
      destruct l; simpl; trivial.
    Theorem string_to_nat_to_string (s:string) (n:nat) (rest:string) :
      string_to_nat s = Some (n,rest) ->
      (nat_to_string n ++ rest)%string = trim_stringdigits s.
      unfold string_to_nat, nat_to_string.
      case_eq (string_to_digits s); try discriminate.
      destruct p; intros eqq1 eqq2.
      inversion eqq2; clear eqq2; subst.
      rewrite digits_to_nat_to_digits.
      rewrite <- digits_to_string_default.
      apply string_to_digits_to_string.
      rewrite (string_to_digits_trim _ _ _ eqq1).

    Lemma digits_to_string_aux_empty n:
      digits_to_string_aux (nat_to_digits n) = ""%string -> n = 0.
      unfold nat_to_digits.
      destruct (nat_to_digits_backwards n); simpl.
      destruct a as [pf1 pf2].
      unfold digits_to_string_aux.
      unfold digits_to_nat in *.
      intros eqq2.
      destruct (rev x).
      - simpl in pf1; congruence.
      - simpl in eqq2. discriminate.

    Lemma append_nil_r s : (s ++ "")%string = s.
      induction s; simpl; congruence.
    Theorem nat_to_string_to_nat (basesmall:base<=maxbase) n (rest:string) :
      string_to_digits rest = None ->
      string_to_nat (nat_to_string n ++ rest) = Some (n, rest).
      unfold maxbase in *.
      unfold string_to_nat, nat_to_string; intros eqq.
      unfold digits_to_string.
      case_eq (digits_to_string_aux (nat_to_digits n)); simpl; intros.
      - rewrite char_to_digit0, eqq.
        apply digits_to_string_aux_empty in H.
        unfold digits_to_nat.
      - assert (nn:nat_to_digits n <> nil).
           destruct (nat_to_digits n); trivial; [ | congruence ].
           unfold digits_to_string_aux in H.
           simpl in H.
         generalize (digits_to_string_aux_to_digits_None basesmall (nat_to_digits n) rest); intros eqq2.
         specialize (eqq2 eqq nn).
         rewrite H in eqq2.
         simpl in eqq2.
         case_eq (char_to_digit a )
         ; [intros ? eqq3 | intros eqq3]; rewrite eqq3 in eqq2
         ; try discriminate.
         case_eq (string_to_digits (s ++ rest) )
         ; [intros ? eqq4 | intros eqq4]; rewrite eqq4 in eqq2.
         + destruct p.
           inversion eqq2; clear eqq2; subst.
           rewrite H1.
           rewrite nat_to_digits_to_nat.
         + inversion eqq2; clear eqq2.
           repeat rewrite H2.
           rewrite H1.
           rewrite nat_to_digits_to_nat.

    Theorem nat_to_string_inj_full (basesmall:base<=maxbase) n1 n2 rest1 rest2 :
      string_to_digits rest1 = None ->
      string_to_digits rest2 = None ->
      (nat_to_string n1 ++ rest1 = nat_to_string n2 ++ rest2)%string ->
      n1 = n2 /\ rest1 = rest2.
      intros neq1 neq2 eqq1.
      generalize (nat_to_string_to_nat basesmall n1 rest1 neq1); intros eqq11.
      generalize (nat_to_string_to_nat basesmall n2 rest2 neq2); intros eqq12.
      rewrite eqq1 in eqq11.
      rewrite eqq11 in eqq12.
      inversion eqq12.
    Theorem nat_to_string_inj (basesmall:base<=maxbase) n1 n2 :
      nat_to_string n1 = nat_to_string n2 -> n1 = n2.
      intros eqq.
      generalize ((nat_to_string_inj_full basesmall n1 n2 "" "")%string).
      repeat rewrite append_nil_r.

  End Ntostring.

Conversions between Z and strings

  Section Ztostring.

    Local Open Scope Z.

    Definition Z_to_string (z:Z) :=
      match z with
      | Z0 => "0"%string
      | Zpos n => nat_to_string (Pos.to_nat n)
      | Zneg n => String ("-"%char) (nat_to_string (Pos.to_nat n))

    Definition string_to_Z (s:string) : option (Z* string)
      := match s with
         | ""%string => None
         | String ("+"%char) l' =>
           match string_to_nat l' with
           | Some (n,rest) => Some (Z.of_nat n, rest)
           | None => None
         | String ("-"%char) l' =>
           match string_to_nat l' with
           | Some (n,rest) =>
             match n with
             | 0%nat => None
             | _ => Some (Zneg (Pos.of_nat n), rest)
           | None => None
         | l' =>
           match string_to_nat l' with
           | Some (n,rest) => Some (Z.of_nat n, rest)
           | None => None

    Definition trim_stringZdigits (s:string)
      := match s with
         | String "+" l => trim_stringdigits l
         | String "-" l => String "-" (trim_stringdigits l)
         | l => trim_stringdigits l

    Lemma nat_to_string_nempty n : nat_to_string n <> ""%string.
      unfold nat_to_string, digits_to_string.
      destruct (digits_to_string_aux (nat_to_digits n)); simpl; congruence.

    Lemma append_empty_both l1 l2
      : (l1 ++ l2)%string = ""%string ->
        l1 = ""%string /\ l2 = ""%string.
      destruct l1; simpl.
      - tauto.
      - inversion 1.
    Theorem string_to_Z_to_string (s:string) (n:Z) (rest:string) :
      string_to_Z s = Some (n,rest) ->
      (Z_to_string n ++ rest)%string = trim_stringZdigits s.
      unfold string_to_Z, Z_to_string.
      destruct s; simpl; try discriminate.
      destruct a.
      intros eqq.
      destruct b; destruct b0
      ; destruct b1; destruct b2
      ; destruct b3; destruct b4
      ; destruct b5; destruct b6
      ; simpl in *; try solve[inversion eqq]
      ; (match type of eqq with
         | context[match ?x with
                   | Some _ => _
                   | None => _
                   end] => case_eq x; [intros ? eqq2 | intros eqq2];rewrite eqq2 in eqq
         end; [|discriminate]
         ; destruct p; inversion eqq; clear eqq; subst)
      ; try solve [rewrite <- (string_to_nat_to_string _ _ _ eqq2)
                   ; destruct n0; simpl; trivial
                   ; rewrite SuccNat2Pos.id_succ; trivial].
      destruct n0; try discriminate.
      inversion H0; clear H0; subst.
      rewrite <- (string_to_nat_to_string _ _ _ eqq2).
      simpl; f_equal.
      destruct n0; try reflexivity.
      rewrite Pos.succ_of_nat by congruence.
      rewrite SuccNat2Pos.id_succ.
    Theorem Z_to_string_to_Z (basesmall:(base<=maxbase)%nat) n (rest:string) :
      string_to_digits rest = None ->
      string_to_Z (Z_to_string n ++ rest) = Some (n, rest).
      unfold string_to_Z, Z_to_string.
      intros neq.
      destruct n; simpl.
      - unfold string_to_nat.
        rewrite char_to_digit0, neq.
        simpl; trivial.
      - rewrite nat_to_string_to_nat by trivial.
        case_eq ((nat_to_string (Pos.to_nat p) ++ rest))%string.
        + intros eqq1; apply append_empty_both in eqq1.
          destruct eqq1; subst.
          apply nat_to_string_nempty in H.
        + intros.
          rewrite positive_nat_Z.
          destruct a; trivial.
          destruct b; destruct b0
          ; destruct b1; destruct b2
          ; destruct b3; destruct b4
          ; destruct b5; destruct b6; trivial.
          * generalize (nat_to_string_to_nat basesmall (Pos.to_nat p) _ neq).
            rewrite H; inversion 1.
          * generalize (nat_to_string_to_nat basesmall (Pos.to_nat p) _ neq).
            rewrite H; inversion 1.
      - rewrite nat_to_string_to_nat by trivial.
        case_eq (Pos.to_nat p); trivial.
        generalize (Pos2Nat.is_pos p).

    Theorem Z_to_string_inj_full
            (basesmall:(base<=maxbase)%nat) n1 n2 rest1 rest2 :
      string_to_digits rest1 = None ->
      string_to_digits rest2 = None ->
      (Z_to_string n1 ++ rest1 = Z_to_string n2 ++ rest2)%string ->
      n1 = n2 /\ rest1 = rest2.
      intros neq1 neq2 eqq1.
      generalize (Z_to_string_to_Z basesmall n1 rest1 neq1); intros eqq11.
      generalize (Z_to_string_to_Z basesmall n2 rest2 neq2); intros eqq12.
      rewrite eqq1 in eqq11.
      rewrite eqq11 in eqq12.
      inversion eqq12.

    Theorem Z_to_string_inj (basesmall:(base<=maxbase)%nat) n1 n2 :
      Z_to_string n1 = Z_to_string n2 -> n1 = n2.
      intros eqq.
      generalize ((Z_to_string_inj_full basesmall n1 n2 "" "")%string).
      repeat rewrite append_nil_r.

  End Ztostring.

End Digits.

Integers in base 'n'

Section Bases.
  Definition lt_decider (a b:nat) :
    match lt_dec a b with
    | left pf => lt a b
    | right _ => True
    destruct (lt_dec); trivial.

  Definition le_decider (a b:nat) :
    match le_dec a b with
    | left pf => le a b
    | right _ => True
    destruct (le_dec); trivial.

Base 2

  Section base2.
    Definition base2valid : 1 < 2 := lt_decider 1 2.
    Definition base2small : 2 <= maxbase := le_decider 2 maxbase.

    Section nat.
      Definition nat_to_string2 := nat_to_string 2 base2valid.
      Definition string2_to_nat := string_to_nat 2.

      Definition nat_to_string2_to_nat
        := nat_to_string_to_nat 2 base2valid base2small.
      Definition string2_to_nat_to_string2
        := string_to_nat_to_string 2 base2valid.
      Definition nat_to_string2_inj
        : forall x y : nat, nat_to_string2 x = nat_to_string2 y -> x = y
        := nat_to_string_inj 2 base2valid base2small.
    End nat.
    Section Z.
      Definition Z_to_string2 := Z_to_string 2 base2valid.
      Definition string2_to_Z := string_to_Z 2.

      Definition Z_to_string2_to_Z
        := Z_to_string_to_Z 2 base2valid base2small.
      Definition string2_to_Z_to_string2
        := string_to_Z_to_string 2 base2valid.
      Definition Z_to_string2_inj
        : forall x y : Z, Z_to_string2 x = Z_to_string2 y -> x = y
        := Z_to_string_inj 2 base2valid base2small.
    End Z.
  End base2.

Base 8

  Section base8.
    Definition base8valid : 1 < 8 := lt_decider 1 8.
    Definition base8small : 8 <= maxbase := le_decider 8 maxbase.

    Section nat.
      Definition nat_to_string8 := nat_to_string 8 base8valid.
      Definition string8_to_nat := string_to_nat 8.

      Definition nat_to_string8_to_nat
        := nat_to_string_to_nat 8 base8valid base8small.
      Definition string8_to_nat_to_string8
        := string_to_nat_to_string 8 base8valid.
      Definition nat_to_string8_inj
        : forall x y : nat, nat_to_string8 x = nat_to_string8 y -> x = y
        := nat_to_string_inj 8 base8valid base8small.

    End nat.
    Section Z.
      Definition Z_to_string8 := Z_to_string 8 base8valid.
      Definition string8_to_Z := string_to_Z 8.

      Definition Z_to_string8_to_Z
        := Z_to_string_to_Z 8 base8valid base8small.
      Definition string8_to_Z_to_string8
        := string_to_Z_to_string 8 base8valid.
      Definition Z_to_string8_inj
        : forall x y : Z, Z_to_string8 x = Z_to_string8 y -> x = y
        := Z_to_string_inj 8 base8valid base8small.
    End Z.
  End base8.

Base 10

  Section base10.
    Definition base10valid : 1 < 10 := lt_decider 1 10.
    Definition base10small : 10 <= maxbase := le_decider 10 maxbase.

    Section nat.
      Definition nat_to_string10 := nat_to_string 10 base10valid.
      Definition string10_to_nat := string_to_nat 10.
      Definition nat_to_string10_to_nat
        := nat_to_string_to_nat 10 base10valid base10small.
      Definition string10_to_nat_to_string10
        := string_to_nat_to_string 10 base10valid.
      Definition nat_to_string10_inj
        : forall x y : nat, nat_to_string10 x = nat_to_string10 y -> x = y
        := nat_to_string_inj 10 base10valid base10small.

    End nat.
    Section Z.
      Definition Z_to_string10 := Z_to_string 10 base10valid.
      Definition string10_to_Z := string_to_Z 10.
      Definition Z_to_string10_to_Z
        := Z_to_string_to_Z 10 base10valid base10small.
      Definition string10_to_Z_to_string10
        := string_to_Z_to_string 10 base10valid.
      Definition Z_to_string10_inj
        : forall x y : Z, Z_to_string10 x = Z_to_string10 y -> x = y
        := Z_to_string_inj 10 base10valid base10small.
    End Z.
  End base10.

Base 16

  Section base16.
    Definition base16valid : 1 < 16 := lt_decider 1 16.
    Definition base16small : 16 <= maxbase := le_decider 16 maxbase.

    Section nat.
      Definition nat_to_string16 := nat_to_string 16 base16valid.
      Definition string16_to_nat := string_to_nat 16.

      Definition nat_to_string16_to_nat
        := nat_to_string_to_nat 16 base16valid base16small.
      Definition string16_to_nat_to_string16
        := string_to_nat_to_string 16 base16valid.
      Definition nat_to_string16_inj
        : forall x y : nat, nat_to_string16 x = nat_to_string16 y -> x = y
        := nat_to_string_inj 16 base16valid base16small.

    End nat.
    Section Z.
      Definition Z_to_string16 := Z_to_string 16 base16valid.
      Definition string16_to_Z := string_to_Z 16.

      Definition Z_to_string16_to_Z
        := Z_to_string_to_Z 16 base16valid base16small.
      Definition string16_to_Z_to_string16
        := string_to_Z_to_string 16 base16valid.
      Definition Z_to_string16_inj
        : forall x y : Z, Z_to_string16 x = Z_to_string16 y -> x = y
        := Z_to_string_inj 16 base16valid base16small.
    End Z.
  End base16.

End Bases.